
"I know"

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. >Day irrelevant since comming to Equestria
  2. >You have lived in that magical world for many years now
  3. >A crack of sunlight, that damnable waking ray, rouses you from rest
  4. "Celestia, can't you let an old man rest?"
  5. >You ask aloud only to be met with silence
  6. >Your room is adorned with many a trophy from your years on Equestria
  7. >A feather of a Phoenix, a horn of a Minotar, and pictures all over your walls
  8. >And extra layers of dust to show how long they've sat
  9. >You have seen much that this world had to offer
  10. >"You are old, Anon"
  11. >Your bones speak to you reminding you of your age daily
  12. "I know."
  13. >Your life cannot hold to this form much longer, and you too shall pass, as all your friends have before you.
  14. >"You are old, Anon"
  15. >Your joints this time, cracking and creaking with each little movement, your daily routine of pain just to get out of bed
  16. "I know."
  17. >You whisper between a seethe as you pull yourself to sitting
  18. >Your gnarled hand grabs your cane and you rise to your feet
  19. >your hips crack loudest, a pain all to familiar
  21. >Your eyes reach your mirror, hung from the door so many many years ago
  22. >Oh how long you would preen yourself, make yourself presentable for the female of your species that you held out for
  23. >But never arrived
  24. >"You are very old, Anon."
  25. >Your reflection tells you from the mirror on the door
  26. >Your face lined with wrinkles, your cheeks sagging, and your eyes drooping
  27. >No hair on your head to speak of
  28. "I know."
  29. >You garb yourself in silence, very few ponies could prepare you clothing as well as when you first arrived,
  30. >The memories would have already faded were it not for the pictures to remind you
  31. >It doesn't much matter, you are ready to meet the day and you head downstairs
  32. >You make it to the bottom of the stairs much faster than normal, you don't like it
  33. >You also don't like the sudden stabbing pain in your left side and your chest
  34. >"You are very very old, Anon."
  35. >Your heart tells you
  36. "I-I know."
  37. >You suddenly feel that you are not alone
  38. >A dark cloaked figure is in your living room, softly sipping on a cup of coffee
  39. >You do not need to ask to know who this is as you writhe in pain on the ground
  40. >The figure sets down the intricate cup softly on the counter and drops to it's feet
  41. >You clearly see it's legs moving but it makes no sound, it merely glides towards you
  42. >From your broken form you almost feel a sense of pity and sadness from this creature as it kneels to you.
  43. >From mouth unseen comes an unnerving, yet calming voice whispers into your ear
  44. >"It's time"
  45. >You can hear the pity in it's voice, the sound of a voice pained by what it does, seeing this time and time again yet knowing it has to do what it has to do
  46. "I...I know."
  47. >Your voice cracks, part from fear and part from pain
  48. >It rises back up to it's feet and softly nudges your hand with it's hoof
  49. >...
  50. >Black is all you see
  51. >your vision is invaded by
  52. >A bright flash of light
  53. >A dark stary sky
  54. >A color that can only describe love
  55. >A flurry of colors barrage your mind
  56. >A voice, so bubbly, yet concerned, starts to work it's way into the fore of your mind
  57. >"Anon? Anooooon? Hey Anonymous! Wake up silly face!
  58. >A rapid jabbing at your side brings you crashing back down with a jolt
  59. >Your eyes crack and you take what feels like the first breath of your life as your vision is flooded by pink
  60. >You know this creature
  61. "P-Pinkie? What gives, why were you hitting me?"
  62. >A look, it's subtle, but you've seen that look. To the untrained eye this bubbly pony was as happy as can be, but a discerning eye could see both relief and grief etched upon her pink, happy facade
  63. >However, that expression leads to one of pure joy, the joy you remember from what feels like ages ago...and just yesterday
  64. >"You fell asleep party buddy, and on today of all days, come on the others are waiting!"
  65. >She's already bouncing away
  66. "I know"
  67. >Today will be a good day
  69. >The pink equine keeps coming back and racing ahead, guiding you through this odd field when you see a hill form up
  70. >You see them, seated around a blanket
  71. >Your old friends, 5 mares seated at the blanket, talking so jovially
  72. >And others already seated at the blanket
  73. >"D-do you know them, Anon?"
  74. >You see them, and you know them, just by sight.
  75. >A Father
  76. >A Soldier
  77. >A Religious
  78. >A Raver
  79. >And so many more, still appearing
  80. "I know."
  81. >You know them, you don't know how, but you know them.
  82. >You know where you are
  83. >It brings a single silent tear to your eye
  84. >You take your place at the blanket as one of the many
  85. >A Watcher
  86. "I know."
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