
Pokémon Clover Party Relative Experience Scaling (v1.2)

May 6th, 2020
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  1. As well as the soft level caps, experience gain is also multipled by a factor based on the difference between the level of the Pokémon gaining experience and the rounded average party level. For example, if your party levels were 69, 65, 66, 67, 67, and 66, the average party level would be ~66.67, and the **rounded** average party level would be 67. This would mean for the lead Pokémon, the difference between its level and the rounded average party level is 69 - 67 = 2, and by using the table below, we see that it would get an exp multipler of 0.80. Left number is the level difference, and right number is the experience multiplier. These numbers are exact, so for example, a multipler of 0.33 literally means 33/100.
  3. +12 - 0.05
  4. +11 - 0.10
  5. +10 - 0.15
  6. +9 - 0.20
  7. +8 - 0.25
  8. +7 - 0.33
  9. +6 - 0.40
  10. +5 - 0.50
  11. +4 - 0.66
  12. +3 - 0.75
  13. +2 - 0.80
  14. +1 - 0.90
  15. 0 - 1.00
  16. -1 - 1.10
  17. -2 - 1.20
  18. -3 - 1.30
  19. -4 - 1.40
  20. -5 - 1.50
  21. -6 - 1.60
  22. -7 - 1.70
  23. -8 - 1.80
  24. -9 - 2.00
  25. -10 - 2.25
  26. -11 - 2.33
  27. -12 - 2.50
  28. -13 - 2.75
  29. -14 - 3.00
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