
FE:AR Niamh [Swordstar]

Nov 6th, 2015
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  1. Name: Niamh (True Name: Sadbh Brennan)
  2. Affinity: Hammer
  3. Class: Mercenary > Commander
  4. Character Specific Skill: Potential
  5. Class Skill: Inspiration, Get Your Weight On
  7. Personal Fault: Not sure how this works...: Does not gain the advantages of Physical Weapon Triangle
  8. Personal Skill: Just a Puzzle: When attacking an enemy that was in combat with an ally in the last turn, +15 hit
  9. Personal Skill: Ebb and Flow of the Battle: On even numbered turns, +2 DMG
  10. \ Personal Skill: Chess Pieces: When at least one ally is under the effect of a rally, +2 SPD
  12. Preferred Stats: SKL, STR, SPD
  13. Proficiency: Crush (C), Sword (D)
  14. Progression Spent: 400%/400%
  15. Total Level: 1/0
  16. Level: 1
  18. HP: 21 (60%)
  19. STR: 5 (60%)
  20. MAG: 1 (60%)
  21. SKL: 6 (30%) (+20%)
  22. LUK: 2 (30%) (+10%)
  23. DEF: 2 (40%)
  24. RES: 0 (40%) +2
  25. SPD: 5 (50%)
  27. CON: 8 +2
  28. AID: 7 +2
  29. MOV: 5
  31. Levels:
  33. Current Stats:
  35. HP: 21 (60%)
  36. STR: 5 (60%)
  37. MAG: 1 (60%)
  38. SKL: 6 (50%)
  39. LUK: 2 (40%)
  40. DEF: 2 (40%)
  41. RES: 2 (40%)
  42. SPD: 5 (50%)
  44. CON: 10
  45. AID: 9
  46. MOV: 5
  48. Supports:
  50. Inventory:
  51. Name Type (-) RNG WT MT HIT CR QL
  52. Iron Blade Crsh (E) 1 8 9 70 0 45
  53. Wooden Sword Crsh (E) 1 4 6 100 0 50
  54. Vulnerary (3/3) Heals 10 HP for 3 Rounds, 1/2 Healed each Round
  55. Chest Key Ring: 5 QL; Can Unlock Chests
  56. -
  57. -
  59. Battle Stats (Iron Blade)
  60. AT: 13
  61. Hit: 83
  62. AS: 5
  63. Eva: 14
  64. Crt: 3
  65. DG: 2
  67. Battle Stats (Wooden Sword)
  68. AT: 9
  69. Hit: 113
  70. AS: 5
  71. Eva: 14
  72. Crt: 3
  73. DG: 2
  75. Background (3):
  76. -Born in Calsif, Niamh grew up showing a great potential for magic and tactics, but dreaming of exploring the world.
  77. -On her 16th birthday, badly injured a close friend in a training bout. Ended up swearing to only use magic again if her life depended on it and fled Calsif. As she did, she ended up meeting up with Van and they left the country together, traveling together for safety in numbers.
  78. -Ended up in Uxanin and learned the way of the sword from a follower of An before continuing on her way as a wanderer. (Potential hook if whole group ends up being mercs: From there, they went on to form a mercenary band to help develop both of their skills.)
  80. Beliefs (3):
  81. -Every good thing has a dark side. But at the same time, every bad thing has potential for some good to come out of it. Lately has been more focused on the first part though.
  82. -All battles are essentially one big game or puzzle, won by the side who solves it quicker
  83. -Protecting those you care about is important enough that sometimes sacrifices are necessary. But never trust someone who isn't willing to take that risk on themselves.
  85. Goals (3):
  86. -To hone her skills as a sword user and a tactician to rival the great generals of the land.
  87. -To learn more about magic and how to control it. (As shown in her beliefs, magic is a good thing that has a dark side. But it is a tool and that means she should be able to use it if needed.)
  88. -To, some day, return home and show her family what she has become
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