

Feb 26th, 2013
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  1. Game Name: ___________
  2. Main Character: Parthos - A wandering swordsman running from Asgorath, who can teleport. He is the only person to have this ability.
  3. Alcinder: Is tired of seeing people and countries be torn apart by war. Instead of picking a side, his plan is to destroy all the current governments and unite them under his rule. He has eagle vision.
  4. Anance - She was orphaned after the meteor brought famine to her village. She obtained the sixth sense from contaminated water and wants to try and bring peace back to her world. She ironically is very skilled with a bow and arrow.
  5. Theoritus - A man who believes that every action as an equal reaction. In his mind, there must be balance in the world, no matter the cost. No deed goes unnoticed, not matter how good or bad and believes it is his job to bring balance to this chaotic world. He processes no special abilities.
  6. Vincent - His family, living in Asgorath, was killed during the fighting with Black Fang Militias and blames them for his families death. The only thing he wants to do is avenge his lost and knows he must go through a river of blood to do so. He will stop at nothing until he has gotten his revenge. He has the Jackal ability.
  7. Rachel- Raised by a well endowed family, she has lived the privileged life. However, poor farmers brutally murdered her family when see was sixteen. She escaped via the towns, contaminated, river. She now has the Titan ability and hopes to punish those who wish to over throw the government.
  8. Galveck- A poor boy who lived his entire life on the streets, he has spent the last 15 years on his own. Malnourished, his growth was stunted and he appears weak. However, his mother got sick due to the meteor strike and Galveck was born with the Torcher ability.
  9. Zeluth- Leader of the Eden Clan, his goal is to wipe out humanity to allow those with special powers to rule the world and prosper. While not much of a fighter, he knows what he needs to do to secede. He also has the negator ability.
  12. Areas of the planet start to die off because a meteor is slowly destroying the planet from the inside
  13. This meteor hit 20 years ago, and disrupted most of the worlds governments.
  14. Asgorath is attempting to take control of the county of Rempo slowly, which has no government.
  15. Black Fang - A group's whose goal is to destroy the Asgorath Government, does what ever it takes.
  16. Our "Hero" is just a wanderer
  17. He obtains the power of Teleportation from the meteor strike
  18. The power can't be upgraded in any way.
  19. He can teleport any place he can currently see
  20. He can gain allies throughout the story
  21. The ways of travel include on foot, horseback, boat, or the rare train.
  22. No firearms
  23. Weapons:
  24. swords
  25. - Blood Sword (collects blood of dead enemies and the blood turns into energy. The energy can either be shot out of the blade itself or increase the power of a melee attack.)
  26. - Light Sword (A single curved blade 20 inches long. The blade is not good against armor but can cut through flesh with ease.)
  27. - Mite Blade (Looks like a Japanese Sai. You can wield two of them at once. Great for disarming enemies or quick attacks.)
  28. - Pull Blade (A retractable blade about 12 inches long. It is carried on the wrist and includes a handle to hold on to while using the blade.)
  29. - Hidden Saber (A blade that appears small but actually folds out to become a 24 inch sword. It also has a raised tip on it so it deals more damage as it penetrates the victim.)
  30. - Quake Blade (A heavy two handed blade that it known to deal the same damage as a Titan's punch. It cuts through most armors in a single swing.)
  31. - Curved Lance (A 34 inch pole with a 15 inch curved blade attached to it. It is the perfect weapon for calvary assaults.)
  32. - Star Cutlass (A sword with a 28 inch blade. The blade is made of a reflective material the actually causes glares to appear in the enemies eyes.)
  33. - Toothed Sword (This 30 inch sword comes equipped with 15 razor sharp "teeth", pointed inwards, that rip through flesh and bone.)
  34. - "C" Sword (This sword has a pointed handle and and had a curved blade, allowing you to disarm and knock down enemies, and can use it to grab onto ledges. The sword is roughly 20 inches long.)
  35. - Drakon Sword (An extremely sharp sword, can cut through most materials and is a great at killing opponents in quick secession.)
  36. - Double Blade (On the primary side is a 25in blade and on the other side is a 10 in blade. The 10in blade also acts as a handle cover.)
  37. - Flame Cutlass (This weapon is able to launch fire attacks and have the blade be literally engulfed in flames. The cutlass feeds off the users rage, getting more powerful as their rage grows.)
  38. - Diamond Clymore (This 50in sword is made materials that mirror diamond, giving the sword unparalleled strength. It can also break other swords if the user hits them hard enough. One down side is this sword is very heavy.)
  39. axes
  40. - War Axe (A two handed axe with a spear on the tip.)
  41. - Calvary Axe (A small axe perfect for attacking people while on horse back.)
  42. - Pick Axe (Has two sharp points that can crush bones and cause excessive bleeding.)
  43. - Long Axe (A 30 inch pole with a pointed tip also has a 7 inch axe head attached near the top.)
  44. - Light Axe (A medium sized axe that can feed off sunlight to create more powerful strikes.)
  45. hammers
  46. - Pointed Hammer (A hammer with a pointed end that is ideal for puncturing holes in armor or skulls.)
  47. - War Hammer (A two wielded hammer with two blunt sides. Causes serve damage and internal bleeding.
  48. - Crusher Club (A club that looks like a baseball bat, with bumps on it to crush bones, and it's about 28 inches long. A great weapon while on foot or horse back.)
  49. - Baton (A 14 inch club with a handle made more for disarming opponents and landing quick hits, not for all out fights.
  50. - Demon Bat (This 25in bat is covered in dark energy and can be used to summon monsters by smashing it into the ground.)
  51. bows
  52. - Petite Bow (A light bow that is very useful when facing multiple targets. Its quick draw time does decrease its damage.)
  53. - Battle Bow (A medium bow with two sharpened edges and two spikes on the handle makes it perfect for attacking close ranged enemies.)
  54. - Heavy Bow (A long pull back time is traded in for fantastic range and damage.)
  55. - Energy Bow (A bow that creates arrows by drawing energy from its surroundings when the bow is pulled back. The longer the bow is held, the more energy it is able to draw but at the cost of accuracy.
  56. throwing projectiles
  57. - Three pointed star (A heavy throwing star with three duel tipped edges.)
  58. - Mini star (A small 8 pointed throwing star that is less then 6 inches diameter.)
  59. - Throwing axe (A tomahawk type weapon that can either be thrown or used as a regular axe.)
  60. - Air Knife (A small 6 inch blade with a weighted tip and hollowed out handle)
  61. - Force star (A 5 pointed star with energy daggers deployed when the user throws it.)
  62. Abilities:
  63. Absorber- Can touch materials and their skin will copy it on to themselves. Example, if they touch metal, their skin will copy it and it will be covered in metal. Can absorber different materials at the same time.
  64. Jackal- Their bones are lighter so they can run faster and jump higher but their bones also have the twice the strength of a normal bone.
  65. Eagle vision- Allows people to have a sort of x-ray vision and lets them see pressure points on bodies. This allows them to land critical hits on opponents much easier.
  66. Sixth sense- Their sight has been heavily damaged due to the meteor strike but this has given them the ability to sense vibrations to detect objects/people. Also, their other senses have been heightened and they possess very good agility.
  67. Torcher- Can ignite the air around them to create fire to launch at enemies. This ability requires time to master or can result in serious burns for the wielder.
  68. Foresight- Can see the things that MAY happen in the near future. They cannot control when or what they see.
  69. Titan- Have superior strength and stamina. Can punch the ground which causes pressure waves to shoot out, knocking back opponents. They also can easily punch through objects and barriers.
  70. Negator- These people can temporarily negate someones' abilities. To do this, all they need to do is touch and focus on the person.
  71. Immortal- As long as they are conscious, their bodies will automatically, however slowly, will repair cuts and broken bones.
  72. Wizard- Able to create energy blades and shields out of thin air. They can also launch ranged energy attacks.
  73. Zelot- Are able to use their emotions to create offense and defense attacks to unleash on their opponents. However, this means their emotions can easily get the best of them.
  74. Not everyone who becomes contaminated gets an ability. Instead, most people become mutated creatures that go mad and lose their sense of reason. They turn into blood thirsty monsters that show no mercy.
  75. Mutants:
  76. Black Wolves- Walk on all fours but can reach up to 7 feet tall when on their hind legs. They are covered in black fur, have sharp teeth and claws, and travel in packs of up to 20 wolves.
  77. Hunters - Standing on two legs and about 6 feet tall, they creatures process extreme agility and combat skill. Their right hands have been shaped into a sword and are experts with it.
  78. Gassers- Little creatures about five feet in height and walk on all fours. They have gas coming out of the pours of their bodies. If startled, they release the gas which blinds enemies and attracts any nearby gasser.
  79. Banshees- Flying creatures with razor sharp teeth and claws, can also shoot sound waves out of their mouths to knock down enemies.
  80. Reapers- Vicious monsters that relentlessly pursue and attack anyone who gets to close to them. With reds eyes, think skin, and great agility, these behemoths cannot be taken lightly.
  81. Deserters- All white, except for black eyes, with a halo surrounding them. Use energy attacks to kill anything they see. Their halo makes it next to impossible to sneak up on them, acting like a sixth sense.
  83. Parthos was captured by Asgorath for research, but he was able to get out thanks to his teleportation. This Government didn't want anyone to find out about this research, and so they are searching for Parthos.
  84. Migrath wants to use what resources are left to build spacecraft to leave the planet and search for a new home. They will do whatever it takes to ensure their goals are met, even abuse of their people. They go on Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest.
  85. Eden believes the meteor and the planet dying off as a work of a "Higher power" to cleanse humanity. To make humanity better, they must purge it of all the "weak and undesirables". Parthos is not one of these people since he as his gift.
  87. Intro:
  88. "20 years ago, the meteor hit. Millions were killed, but humanity survived. Now, people moved back to their homes, they've rebuilt, and they're thriving. Some Governments have recovered from the damage, but others haven't. My home was destroyed, and now I wander the lands, living off them, and avoiding the now warring factions"
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