

Feb 8th, 2015
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  3. Note, these ignore the elven lands. Some of these may very well have originated in elven lands rather than the lands of men. This is just at the very least the first places these crops were found/where they are found natively in the 4 provinces of men. Many cyrodiilic crops are found throughout tamriel after repeated periods of empire and trade.
  5. Many of the crops of High Rock also grow in northern coastal hammerfell, and many of the crops of Cyrod grow in southern coastal hammerfell.
  7. Food crop origins
  8. Rice- Across the rivers of the Nibenay- Morrowind has saltrice
  9. Wheat- ? Pretty much everywhere now
  10. Soybeans- Nibenay and the Heartland
  11. Tomato- Colovia
  12. Sugarcane- Nibenay, Black Marsh, Southern Elsweyr- Topal Bay in general
  13. Corn- Colovia
  14. Potatoes- Northern Cyrod and Central Skyrim
  15. Grapes- unknown, found all over the place, possibly elven
  16. Apples- Nibenay, Skyrim, and the Heartland
  17. Bananas- Nibenay
  18. Cassava- Nibenay
  19. Mangos- Nibenay
  20. Coffee- Cyrod, possibly elven
  21. Onions- Cyrod, possibly elven
  22. Peanut- Colovia and the Heartlands
  23. Olives- Cyrod, possibly elven
  24. Chilis and Peppers- Cyrod
  25. Tea- Cyrod, possibly elven
  26. Citrus Fruits, Oranges/lemons/limes/grapefruits, they're all one species really- Nibenay and the Heartland, possibly elven
  27. Cucumber- The Heartland, possibly elven
  28. Yams- Heartland and Nibenay, possibly elven
  29. Peaches- Heartland and Nibenay, possibly elven
  30. Lettuce- Skyrim, The Heartland, and Colovia
  31. Cocoa- Definitely Nibenay
  32. Beets- High Rock and Skyrim
  33. Watermelons- The Heartland
  34. Asparagus- Skyrim and High Rock
  35. Carrots- The Heartland, possibly elven, found just about everywhere now
  36. Coconuts- The Abecean's many islands
  37. Almonds- Cyrod, possibly elven
  38. Strawberry- Cyrod, Skyrim, and High Rock, possibly elven, its fucking everywhere
  39. Walnuts- The Heartlands
  40. Breadfruit- The Abecean
  41. Amaranth- Colovia, possibly elven
  42. Eruca- Cyrod
  43. Nibenese Cabbage (Bok Choy)-Nibenay
  44. Borage- Cyrod
  45. Cabbage (including brussel sprouts)- Northern Cyrod, High Rock, and Skyrim
  46. Celery- Colovia
  47. Chaya- The Heartland
  48. Mallow- Nibenay
  49. Purslane- Cyrod
  50. Corn Salad- High Rock and Skyrim
  51. Garden Cress- High Rock and Skyrim
  52. Dandelion- High Rock, Skyrim, and Colovia
  53. Dill- High Rock, Skyrim, and Colovia
  54. Ferns/Fiddleheads- literally all across Tamriel
  55. Fluted Gourd (seeds)- Coastal Hammerfell
  56. Kale- Colovia, High Rock, and Skyrim
  57. Komatsuna (Nibenese Mustard Spinach)- Nibenay
  58. Kuka- Hammerfell
  59. Lizard Tail- Nibenay
  60. Melokhia- Hammerfell
  61. Mizuna- Nibenay
  62. Mustard- Cyrod
  63. Nappa (Nibenese Cabbage)- Nibenay
  64. Peas- The Heartland
  65. Radicchio- Cyrod
  66. Samphire- High Rock
  67. Sculpit- Colovia
  68. Soko- Nibenay
  69. Sorrel- Skyrim, Colovia, and High Rock
  70. Chard- Colovia
  71. Turnips- Skyrim, High Rock, Colovia, and Hammerfell
  72. Yarrow- Skyrim, High Rock, Colovia
  73. Avocado- Cyrod
  74. Bitter Melon- Nibenay
  75. Chayote- Colovia
  76. Ivy Gourd- Nibenay
  77. Eggplants- Cyrod
  78. Luffa- Nibenay
  79. Squash- Skyrim and Colovia
  80. Tinda- Nibenay
  81. Vanilla- The Heartlands and Nibenay
  82. Winter Melon- Nibenay
  83. Artichoke- Colovia and the Heartlands, possibly elven
  84. Broccoli- Colovian
  85. Caper- literally everywhere semi-dry
  86. Cauliflower- Colovia, Coastal Hammerfell, and High Rock
  87. Adzuki Beans- Nibenay, though modified versions are found in Skyrim
  88. Black Eyed Peas- Hammerfell and Cyrod
  89. Chickpeas- Hammerfell, Colovia, and the Heartland
  90. Fava Beans- Hammerfell
  91. Green Beans- Cyrod and Skyrim
  92. Grass Pea- Colovia, Hammerfell
  93. Lentils- Just about everywhere
  94. Lima beans- Cyrod and Skyrim
  95. Mung Bean- Hammerfell
  96. Okra- Hammerfell and Cyrod
  97. Pigeon Pea- Nibenay
  98. Ricebean- Nibenay
  99. Runner Bean- Colovia and Skyrim
  100. Velvet Bean- Cyrod and Hammerfell
  101. Winged Bean- Nibenay
  102. Yardlong Bean- Nibenay
  103. Cardoon- Colovia, Hammerfell, and High Rock
  104. Celeriac- Colovia, Hammerfell, and High Rock
  105. Chives- All over the place
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