
Slaveboy Quest

Oct 19th, 2015
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  1. *Click*
  3. “There.” You could feel the collar click in place as your eyes tried to focus, the last vestiges of your freedom now gone from you as the Black Collar finally slid in place. You could feel it already, the magics of it seeping into your body and mind, connecting to your nerves with and electric fervor. You wanted to tremble, to shake, to scream in pain and pleasure as the dark spells wrapped themselves about in an interconnected network, flooding your body with magics beyond all belief. You would have shuddered, broken down and screamed if not for the said same magics keeping you standing straight at attention, stock still as if nothing was happening otherwise.
  5. They’d warned you about this, but it was worse than you’d expected. Still for all that, you knew that it would be worth it, that the magics torturing your body, enslaving all but your will would make you stronger, faster, and tougher than anyone without them. Hell, even among most collared slaves you were still way ahead.
  7. Power for the price of freedom.
  9. This was it. You’d just completed the contract for which you’d given yourself.
  11. “Well there you go. You’re now a certified Slave.” Your handler smiled, his hand reaching out for your face in a light caress. He was handsome in his own right you guessed... hmm was that an effect of the collar? You didn’t remember being particularly attracted to him before now. He was an average man of average build, not muscular, but not fat, the only thing which really stood out to you was his reddish hair and light smattering of freckles. “How does the collar feel?”
  13. “Worse than I expected. It’s got me all tingly.” You admitted, you hadn’t even thought about not talking about it until after your lips had started moving.
  15. “Don’t worry. That’ll pass. The strengthening effects should be kicking in pretty soon though. A pretty face like yours with the power of an Adventurer grade collar, man the bidders for this round are going to go crazy over you cutie.” You couldn’t help but blush a bit at the compliment, his fingers caressing your lips gently, your tongue darted out quickly to follow his finger’s motions.
  17. You’d already spent weeks preparing for this. Diet, exercise, all manner of beauty care which you’d never even heard about. Apparently becoming a slave was a big deal, not everyone would accept the life which came with it, and even then the Procurers Guild was extremely selective of those whom they would collar with the expensive magical artefacts.
  19. You’d sold the rights to your body, mind, and maybe even your very soul in hopes of a better life, placing yourself at the absolute whims whoever it was that would become your new master. Even now, standing here with the collar on, you couldn’t help but feel fear and trepidation.
  21. At the very least, you were relieved that you weren’t likely just be a glorified sextoy like you’d have been if you had been sorted into the brothel slaves, you’d become pretty accustomed to a fairly mobile lifestyle even before the exercises which they’d put you though. Adventurer Classed Collars were the most expensive, the slaves of whom were often purchased either by the extremely rich as bodyguards and ‘errand boys’, or even more often by higher end Adventurers looking for trustworthy combat supporters whom they didn’t have to compete with for loot.
  23. “Are you ready?”
  25. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready... but I don’t think I really have a say in that either.” You sigh wistfully, you’d sold yourself into this life, you knew everything involved from the moment you walked into the recruitment centre and gave yourself and picked up that pen. Living out on the streets of a big city like Arlumin wasn’t easy, and for a little boy who looked like he should have been a little girl, things were rough in their own special ways. You weren’t virgin territory by any measure, and your prospects for the future had been grim.
  27. After all without significant skills in any particular direction, no real protective affiliations, and a distinct lack of ‘Manly attributes’, you’d found the prospects of your future narrowed down narrowly to either renting out your ass as a free brothel whore... a life which was generally short, disease ridden, brutal, and only barely profitable… or becoming a slave.
  29. At the very least as a slave you still had basic human rights, and your own bank account now filled with money which you wouldn’t often need to touch. Add that to the good food and training regimen which had been given to you after your application, and the fact that you’d found yourself eligible to compete for an Adventurer collar...
  31. Well, it may not actually be the best decision you’d ever made in your life, but it sure as hell beat most of them.
  33. “Well, really this is the last thing you definitely will have a say over before you enter your new life. The buyers will be waiting for you soon. Man... Aether waves are already buzzing about you. Some real big names have already started signing in for the Auction.” The attendant smiled at you, the continued his preparations of your still naked body.
  35. The funny thing was that an Adventurer Grade Collar Slave was actually a really big deal, funny how something out of the gutter like you could now find itself a crown jewel craved by many. Still the auction itself wasn’t actually a direct sale of your person. Instead it was, an auction for a chance at being chosen by you as your new master. Bids would go out and only four spots would be taken.
  37. You could barely identify the warm fuzzy feeling which knowing this gave you. To be competed over as such a prize, it made you giddy and nervous all at once.
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