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Dec 19th, 2017
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  1. Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-XXXX are to be kept in a 4' X 5' containment unit with walls composed of 3 meters of reinforced concrete at Site-██. No personnel are to be near the containment site at any time, except for D-Class Personnel transporting instances of SCP-XXXX for testing. Any extraneous instances of SCP-XXXX are to be removed from the containment area for disposal. A team of C-Class personal armed with shock batons are to insure compliance during transport.
  3. Object Class: Euclid
  5. Description: SCP-XXXX are a collection of a hundred and ten (110) antique dolls in a large range of appearance. Possessing clothes depicting different eras and styles. Each doll ranges from being 33 cm to 50 cm in size and weighs in at 5 kg to 9 kg. Each doll appears to be made of either porcelain or plastic.
  7. Instances of SCP-XXXX are in actuality humanoid, hermaphroditic creatures that researchers have described as resembling goblins or gremlins of folklore. Their red skin covered in tumor-like growths, with mouths containing irregular forming teeth, and large pore-like structures functioning as ear-analogues.
  9. All instances of SCP-XXXX were discovered in two separate houses residing in ██████, Michigan on ██/██/1975. Foundation agents investigated the scene when the murders of two separate families were accompanied by reports of living dolls in the area. Around fifty (50) instances of SCP-XXXX were apprehended from the ██████ family household while the remaining sixty (60) were found in the ██████ residence. Four Foundation personnel were severely injured and one killed during the initial raids of the two houses containing the instances of SCP-XXXX.
  11. Instances of SCP-XXXX possess the ability to generate an organic shell resembling porcelain or plastic, in both appearance and texture, around their bodies through secretions from the tumor-like growths dotting their skin. This secretion, a form of keratin, is also used by SCP-XXXX to create false hair and even clothing and other accessories to maintain their deception. Despite this ability SCP-XXXX has only been seen attempting to mimic porcelain and plastic dolls; to date no instance has attempted to mimic any other kind of doll, use the secretion to form a protective shell capable of withstanding significant force, or create tools.
  13. SCP-XXXX are capable of staying inanimate for long periods of time without having to breath or move, allowing them perfectly appear as dolls. When believed to be unobserved an instance of SCP-XXXX will position themselves to maximize later potential observation in attempts to infiltrate dwellings. Upon being brought into homes, SCP-XXXX will give off a pheromone to attract other instances of SCP-XXXX to breed, resulting in SCP-XXXX to multiply into an entire collection of ‘dolls’ that appear over night. Once a preferred amount of SCP-XXXX are present they will precede to become animate and attack and kill all residents of the house, usually by biting them with their serrated teeth or clawing at them (resulting their artificial shells being broken upon use of said methods of attacking). They are however known to use whatever is around them as weapons as well. Once all residents of the home are killed, SCP-XXXX will claim that house as their own and live in it for extended periods of time before a portion of them will attempt to find a new dwelling.
  15. SCP-XXXX are surprisingly fast and agile for their size, and are capable of jumping up to 2 meters into the air. Diet is entirely carnivorous and SCP-XXXX is capable of swallowing and digesting bones and hair safely; however, due to their voracious eating habits born out of competition from communal eating habits numerous instances of SCP-XXXX were discovered to have ingested non-organic materials such as surgical pins, jewelry, and a pacemaker. SCP-XXXX attack in packs to quickly overwhelm their targets, but when recently fed will avoid or attempt to scare off other animals.
  17. SCP-XXXX are quite intelligent, capable of devising strategies and cooperating with each other. SCP-XXXX vocalize through a seemingly unintelligible series of mumbling, cackling and squeaking noises but are also capable of immitating child-like laughter and giggling. SCP-XXXX are observed to use psychological warfare, disorienting their prey with whispering, laughter, and mimicry to induce fear and panic before attacking. D-Class Personnel that were brought into SCP-XXXX’s containment complained of feeling light headed and an overwhelming metallic smell, currently theorized to be a form of olfactory communication between SCP-XXXX.
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