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- #in the train
- もうちょい、右だ。画面が見えねえろだろ。
- ...Move a little more to the right. I can't see the screen.
- トレイン・ニュースのコーナー。本日の主なトピックスは
- Now for today's Train News. Today's headlines are...
- 「バレー部体罰事件、学校に事情聴取」学校側は、指導は教師に一任にしていたと説明。
- "Volleyball Beating Investigation!" The school claims to have left teaching methods up to its staff.
- 体罰の認識については改めて否定した。
- It has denied once again that it had any knowledge of the beatings.
- 「週明けから花粉注意報」例年より遅くて多いのが特徴。
- "Pollen Warning as of Next Week!" Greater volume and arriving later than in previous years.
- 「TOKYO・お散歩スポット」渋谷でアートに触れる!斑目展、来週から開催。
- "Hotspots of Tokyo!" Experience art in Shibuya! The Madarame exhibit opens next week.
- カモシダの事件、相当話題になってんな。
- People are really talking about the Kamoshida incident.
- まさか、ワガハイたちの仕業なんて、ここにいる全員誰も思ってないぜ
- No one in this car knows that we're the ones who did it...
- #Kawakami class
- そうそう、来週の水曜からテストよ。まさか忘れてないわよね。
- Oh yeah, you've got exams starting on Wednesday. Don't tell me you forgot.
- さ、今日やるのは、かぐや姫でおなじみ竹取語
- Anyway, today we'll be talking about "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter."
- 日本最古の物語って説もあるし、世界最古のSF小説って言う人もいたわ。
- Most theorize it's the oldest story in Japan; for some, it's the oldest science-fiction story in the world.
- ま、私に言わせてみれば、日本最古の悪女物語ね。
- But if you ask me, it's the oldest story in Japan about a terrible woman.
- だって、求婚者たちに無理難題ふっかけ、高価な貢物をせびった挙句
- 月にドロンでしょ。
- I mean, Princess Kaguya gives her suitors absurd tasks, demans fancy gifts, then runs off to the moon.
- 男たちは財産を失うわ、おお恥かくわ、中には大けがや失明する人もいるのよ。
- Some men lose their fortunes, some are humiliated, and some even get serious wounds or go blind.
- 実のところ、かぐや姫みたいな女性は古今東西の物語に登場してるわ。
- Women like Princess Kaguya actually show up in a lot of stories from around the world.
- さて、<name>君。
- Now then, <name>-kun.
- ときに男を破滅させるような魅力ある女性を一般的になんて言うか、分かる?
- What do people generally call a woman who has a charm that some times leads men to their doom?
- トリックスター
- >ファムファタル
- エリザベス
- A trickster.
- A femme fatale.
- Elizabeth.
- その通り。
- That's right.
- 正解はファムファタル。
- The answer is femme fatale.
- 直訳すると運命の女 日本語で近くいのは悪性の女ね。
- Literally translated, it means "fatal woman."
- 有名どころ聖書の王女サロメ、アーサー王伝説の魔女モーガン
- Some famous examples are the witch Morgan le Fay from Arthurian legend and Queen Salome from the Bible.
- あと、オペラでおなじみ、妖艶で奔放な踊り子カルメンとかね。
- Not to mention the wild, seductive dancer of opera, Carmen.
- 今の出来るって結構スゴくない?
- Whoa, he actually knew that?
- 今度、ノート貸してもらおっかな
- Maybe I should ask if I can borrow his notes...
- こんな問題も解けるなんて、オマエ、賢いんだな!
- Wow, you must be really smart to be able to answer a question like that!
- 言っとくけど、一夜漬けで何とかなるほど、テストは甘くないわよ?
- ...Let me just warn you that exams aren't so easy that you can pass them with a single night of cramming.
- しっかり勉強しなさいね。
- Take your time and make sure you understand the material, OK?
- だとさ。学生もなかなか大変だな。
- ...You heard her. Must be rough being a student.
- まあ勉強して悪いことは無いだろうし、頑張れよ。
- Well, you have nothing to lose from studying. Give it all you've got.
- #rooftop meeting
- ロクな書き込みがねえ。恋人やら親へ愚痴ばっかた。
- None of these post are any good. Everyone's just bitchin' about their parents or boyfriends.
- パレスを持ってそうな大物の依頼、来そうな気配もねえし
- There ain't even a hint of a hint about a new Palace...
- ネット 限界あるね。これで名前や居場所までって言っても
- We can't get everything online... Finding a post with a name and location is asking a lot...
- 自力で探すしかねーか?
- Guess we just gotta find one ourselves then!
- 警察も見逃してる大物、足で見つれる気か?
- Are you seriously suggesting we look for a target that even police have overlooked?
- だよなぁー。とりあえず、試験終わるまで待つか?
- ...Yeah, you're right. We should prolly just hold off 'til exams are done with, huh?
- もうチョイ様子見て、いろいろ見つかんなきゃ、そん時は
- We can wait and see for a little longer, then worry about comin' up empty handed if it happens...
- #Makoto enters
- ここ、進入禁止のはずだよ?
- This place is off limits, you know.
- 話、終わったらすぐ出るって。
- ...We'll get outta here once we're done chattin'.
- つか、会長サンがなんか用っスか?
- Anyways, what's Miss Council President want with us?
- 問題児君に、噂の彼女 それに訳ありの転校生。変わった取り合わせだなって思って。
- The troublemaker, the girl of rumor, and the infamous transfer student... Interesting combination.
- 感じワル
- Great way to start a conversation...
- ところで
- By the way...
- 鴨志田先生と、いろいろあったみたいだけど?
- It seems as though you got to know Mr. Kamoshida pretty well.
- それなりに
- そうでもない
- >鴨志田?
- Somewhat.
- Not really.
- Who?
- とぼけてるの?
- Are you playing dumb with me?
- それくらい接点ないってことですって。
- It just goes to show how little interaction he had with him.
- 前歴のこと、鴨志田先生が広めたらしいわね。バレー部員を使って。
- I heard Mr. Kamoshida used a volleyball team member to spread details of your past record.
- 憎くない?鴨志田先生のこと。
- Don't you hate him? Mr. Kamoshida, I mean.
- さっきからなんなんスか?
- What's all this about?
- つか、こいつすげえ人間できてるんで。
- My friend here's an upstanding guy.
- 気を悪くしないで。鴨志田先生の件で動揺してる生徒も多いの。
- I don't mean to offend. Many students have been shaken up by what happened with Mr. Kamoshida.
- 予告状みたいな、おかしな貼り紙の噂も、中々消えないし。
- The rumors about that odd, calling card-esque posting aren't going away either.
- 意外、新島先輩って、あんなセンスない貼り紙のこと気にしてんだ。
- I didn't expect someone like you would care about that tactless stuff, Niijima-senpai.
- センスねえことはねえと思うけど
- I dunno that it was tactless...
- つか、もうよくねえっスか?話しかけられてると出れねえし。
- Anyways, we done here? We can't leave if you keep talkin' to us.
- 悪ふざけに付き合わされる身にもなってよ。
- At least try to understand my position. Being forced to deal with this horseplay...
- 悪ふざけ
- Horseplay...!?
- そうそう、ここね、例の事故もあったし閉鎖することになったの。
- Ah yes, by the way... It's been decided that this place will be closed off due to the incident.
- 誰かさんたちが無断で入ってるって、そんな噂もあるしね。
- I heard some people are coming up here without permission, after all.
- お邪魔してごめんなさい。
- ...I'm sorry to have interrupted you.
- なに、アレ?
- What was that about?
- 目つけられてるな。
- ...She's on to us.
- あのオンナ なかなか頭がキレそうだ。用心しろ。
- That girl seems rather sharp. We should be cautious of her.
- マジでムカつく!
- She really pisses me off!
- >気が抜けない
- 目をつけられた?
- Be careful.
- She's figured us out...
- メンドくせーことになったな
- Talk about a pain in the ass...
- そう言えば
- That reminds me...
- ちゃんと勉強もしろよ、とくにリュージ。知性で解く罠だって少しなくないだろうし。
- Study hard. Especially you, Ryuji. There are bound to be traps that will need to be solved with brains.
- 日常の行動すべてが力になると思えよ。
- Keep in mind that everything you do in your daily lives has an impact on your abilities.
- そうだね、怪盗のためって思えば勉強だって
- True, studying won't be so bad if we just think of it as helping us prepare to be phantom thieves.
- ま、そうだけどよ
- I guess you got a point...
- せっかく世直しなんぞって気合入ったとこなのに、ノらねえなぁ
- But man, it's just so lame... I was all fired up about helpin' people, not about studyin'...
- だったらその前に、オモシロい場所へ連れて行ってやろう。
- Well, I do have somewhere interesting to show you beforehand.
- もともとワガハイの仕事を手伝うって約束だしな。
- You guys did originally promise to help me out with my mission, after all.
- あ?仕事?
- Huh? Mission?
- ワガハイについてこい。
- Follow me.
- #at the train station
- こんなとこ連れてきて何だよ?
- What're you bringin' us here for?
- いいから言われた通りにしろ。
- Just do as I told you.
- 「怪盗お願いチャンネル」出したぞ。こっからどうすんだ?
- All right , I've got the Phantom Aficionado Website up. Now what?
- 名前が晒されている書き込みを探せ。
- Look for a post with a full name in it.
- だから、「大物」の情報は書かれてねえって。言っただろ?
- I already said there's no info on any big shots. Don't you remember?
- しっかし、ネットに相手の実名晒すか?恐え恐え
- But man, people actually go put someone's real name on there. That's some scary shit...
- 「人の話を聞いてくれない」 あ、これ相手の名前ない。
- "He won't listen to what I say"... No wait, there's no name on this one.
- 「チャットで悪口を言われる」 これは名前あるぜ?
- "Someone's bad-mouthin' me in online chat rooms"... This one's got a name.
- そんなのは放っとけ。もっと困っている書き込みはないのか?
- Ignore those. Aren't there any posts about more serious trouble?
- 「元カレが最近ストーカー化して困ってます。名前は、中野原夏彦」
- "I don't know what to do about my ex who's stalking me. His name is Natsuhiko Nakanohara."
- 区役所の窓口係だって。
- It says he's a teller at City Hall.
- 役所のヤツがストーカーかよ
- A government worker's stalkin' someone...?
- 手頃だな。
- That should be a suitable target.
- よし、ならイセカイナビを用意だ。
- All right, now get the Meta-Nav ready.
- 即、バレス行くっつー話か?ま、俺ぁいいけどよ!
- We're just gonna jump right into a Palace? Fine by me!
- ちょっと、「全会一致」でしょ?
- Hey, what happened to all that talk of "unanimous decision"?
- どうする、<name>?
- What do you think we should do, <name>?
- >行こう
- 仕方ない
- Let's go.
- We need to do this.
- そうこねえとな!
- That's what I'm talkin' about!
- よし、行こっか。
- OK then. Let's go.
- 確か「名前」と「場所」だったよな。まず名前は
- We need a name and a place, right? So the name is...
- いや、今回は場所はいい。代わりに、ワガハイの言う通り入力してくれ。
- Actually, we don't need a location this time. Just enter exactly what I say.
- キーワードは 「メメントス」だ。
- The keyword is... "Mementos."
- あ?何する気だよ?
- Huh? What're you tryin' to pull?
- いいから言われた通りにやれ。たぶんイケるはずだ。
- Just listen to me. It should work... I think.
- また、たぶんかよ
- Geez, that again...?
- えっと 「メ・メ・ン・ト・ス」だっけか?
- Uhhh... "M-e-m-e-n-t-o-s," was it?
- 反応した!?
- We got a hit!?
- ワガハイの思った通りだぜ!
- Just as I thought!
- #this scene transition reminds me of the end of The Langoliers
- 人が、消えた !
- Everyone disappeared...!
- なんか フワフワしてるっていうか
- It... kind of feels like I'm walking on air...?
- ここが、中野原とかってヤツのパレスか?
- Is this that Nakanohara guy's Palace?
- 半分正解、半分まちがいだな。
- That's half right, but half wrong.
- 確かにここもパレスの一種だが、普通のとはちょつと違う。
- This is a type of Palace, but it's different from the normal ones.
- 今から地下へ降りるぞ。ここのシャドウは地下に溜まってるんだ。
- Come on, let's head down. The Shadows here lurk underground.
- 何かに惹かれて集まるのかも知れないが、理由はよく分からない。
- I don't quite understand why. It may be because they're drawn to something.
- 地下って どうやって入るの?
- Underground...? How are we going to get there?
- どうやっても何も、いつも学校行くとき使ってるだろ?
- How? You use it every day on your way to school.
- ついて来い!
- Follow me!
- あっ 待てよ、猫!
- Ah! Wait up, cat!
- ソだよ、ここ
- The hell is this place...?
- つか、変わってる!?
- Wait, our clothes changed!?
- シャドウに気付かれてんの!?
- The Shadows know we're here!?
- とっくにな。
- Since the moment we stepped in.
- 先、言えって!
- You should've told us!
- ここはまだ大丈夫だ。
- We're still safe right here.
- 何度か来て調べたが、シャドウはこのフロアまでは上がってこない。
- I've come to investigate a number of times. Shadows never come up to this floor.
- でも、1歩でも奥へ進めば別だぜ。ウジャウジャさ。
- But it's a different story once you go down. This place is simply teeming with them.
- ていうか!メメントスってなに?いい加減、説明してよ!
- More importantly, what is this Mementos? It's about time you start explaining.
- 「みんな」のパレスだ。
- Mementos is... everyone's Palace.
- あ?「みんな」 ?
- Huh? Whaddya mean "everyone's"...?
- 前の「城」みたく、一人に支配されたパレスが出来上がるのは、歪みが並外れて強い奴だけだ。
- A Palace as grand as the previous castle only forms when a person's wishes are extremely distorted.
- 他の「ふつうの大衆」は、別々じゃなくて1つに融合した巨大なパレスを共有している。
- So, instead of many individual Palaces, the general public has one gigantic shared Palace.
- それがココ 「メメントス」だ。
- That's where we are now... Mementos.
- 言われてみれば、鴨志田のときと雰囲気そがうね
- Now that you mention it, this place feels a bit different from Kamoshida's Palace.
- 融合って みんなのがくっついてんのか?赤の他人同士なのに ?
- When you say shared... you mean they're all put together? Even though they're just strangers...?
- いわゆる集合的無意識
- Think of it as the collective unconscious...
- まあ、いいや。言ってもわかんねえだろうし。
- No, never mind. You wouldn't understand that.
- 要するに
- So what you're saying is...
- ここを使えば、パレスが無い人でも改心できるってこと?
- Using this place, we can even change the hearts of people who don't have a Palace?
- その通りだぜ!まあ、手順が少しだけ違うけどな。
- Correct! The steps to do so are slightly different though.
- けどコレ、だいぶ広いんじゃね ?歩きで行けんのか ?
- But this place looks pretty huge. Are we gonna be able to get around just by walkin'...?
- ついにこれを見せる時が来てしまったな
- It seems the time has finally come...
- もるがなぁーー、変 身ッ!
- Morganaaa... transfoooooorm!
- さあ、パンサー。レディース・ファーストだ。
- Come now, Panther. Ladies first.
- くるま !?
- A car...!?
- あり得ねえ!!
- No way!
- 認知が具現化する異世界の仕組みを逆に利用して、ちょいと修行した成果だ。
- This comes from the way cognition materializes in the Metaverse, plus a bit of extra training.
- ま、オマエラの変身と同じようなもんだな。
- It's not dissimilar to how you guys transform.
- 服が変わんのと、車になんのは違えだろ!?
- You turnin' into a car is totally different than our clothes changin'!
- 大衆の心の中には「猫はバスに化ける」って認知が何故だかの物凄い広く浸透してんのさ。
- For some reason "cats turning into buses" is an extremely widespread cognition among the general public.
- なんでバス?
- Why a bus though?
- 知らね。
- ...No idea.
- つーか、城ん時からやれよ!
- Wait, why didn't you do this at the castle!?
- やれからやってたさ!
- I would have if I could!
- けど狭いし、階段だらけだし、シャンデリアの上とか絶対無理だろ?
- But that castle was cramped, there were tons of stairs, and no way this fits on top of a chandelier!
- ちょっと!スカル!レディース・ファースト!
- Hey, Skull! Ladies first!
- 引っ張んなよ!危ねえだろ!
- Stop pullin' me! That's dangerous!
- パンサー!広がっちまう!
- Panther! Please be gentle!
- 出発シンコー!
- All aboard! Let's go!
- オマエら、何をくつろいでいるんだ?ワガハイ、車だぜ。
- Why are you all just sitting back there? I'm a car, remember?
- 運転されなきゃ走れねーぞ?
- I'm not going anywhere unless someone drives me.
- 自力で走れねーのかよ!?
- You can't drive yourself!?
- 運転とか、出来る?
- Do you know how to drive?
- ゲームなら少し
- >免許がない
- とばそう
- I've driven in a game...
- I don't have a license.
- Time to bust my moves.
- そこ気にする?
- THAT'S what you're worried about?
- 問題ねーだろ、異世界だし、ネコ車だしよ。
- Eh, who cares. We're drivin' a cat car through the Metaverse.
- じゃあ、運転よろしく!
- All right then, we'll leave the driving to you!
- さぁ、早くエンジンを掛けろ!エンジン掛けないと走れないぜ!
- Now start the engine! You can't drive it's not running!
- ったく、いちいちめんどくせえな 車のキーは?
- Geez, what a pain... Where's the key to this thing?
- そんなもんある訳ないだろ!?ハンドルの構にスイッチがある。
- Why would you need a key!? There's a switch just down next ot the steering wheel.
- くすくったい!もうちょっと下だ!
- That tickles! Lower, lower!
- あ、そこ、すげー気持ちいいぜ
- Oh, there... That feels sooo gooooood...
- オイ、ゴロゴロ言い始めたぞ 気持ちわりー、乗りもんだな!
- Uh, is that purrin' I hear...? What a creepy-ass car!
- ニャータリーエンジンをパカにすんなよ?
- Don't underestimate my meowtary engine.
- エンジン全開!かっぷぶぜ!
- We're going full throttle! It's time to fly!
- この雰囲気 確かにパレスっぽいな
- Man... This place totally does feel like a Palace...
- 車がレールの上走るって、なんか新鮮だね
- Yeah, I guess it'd be strange driving on the tracks like this in the real world...
- ここのどっかに中野原が居るの?
- Anyway, Nakanohara's somewhere in here, right?
- パレスほどじゃないが、そいつも恐らく自分だけの空間に閉じこもってる筈だ。
- Most likely in a segment of his own creation. Don't worry, it won't be the size of a Palace.
- 入口を見つれる必要がある。
- Our next step is to find an entrance to that segment.
- 入口って、どんなんだ?
- And what's that entrance gonna look like?
- 知らん。でも歪みの強い場所は、見れば分かる。
- I have no idea, but strong distortions should be a pretty obvious visual clue.
- 適当ウロついて探すしかねーワケか。面倒だな
- So we just gotta go wanderin' around for it then? What a goddamn pain in the ass...
- #big huge portal
- うおっ、なんだよこれ うねってんぞ?
- Dude, the hell is this...? It's all wavy and shit.
- ここだ ここから「入れる」。この先からターゲットの気配がする。
- This is the place... I sense the target up ahead.
- さぁ準備はいいか?ジョーカー?
- Now, are you ready, Joker?
- おっ、なんか居やがるぞ?
- Hey, something's there!
- アイツが、ナカノハラのシャドウらしいな。
- That seems to be Nakanohara's Shadow.
- 確か、区役所の窓口係がストーカーになったんだっけか?
- Lemme see. Some front desk guy at City Hall became a stalker, right?
- どこまでワルか分かんないけど、誰かを困らせてんなら、何とかしなきゃ。
- I don't know how much evil he's done, but we have to do something if he's bothering other people.
- よし、まずは話してみろ。
- All right, we''ll go talk to him.
- #hey Nakanohara
- 誰だ、お前ら!
- Who are you!?
- アンタがストーカー男ね!?相手の気持ち、考えたことないの?
- Are you that stalker!? Haven't you ever stopped to consider how your ex feels?
- あの女は俺の物なんだよ!俺の物をどう扱おうと、俺の勝手だろ!
- She's my property! I can do whatever I want with her!
- 俺だって物扱いされたんだ!同じことをやって何が悪い!?
- It's not like she didn't treat me like a plaything! What's wrong with me doing the same!?
- 自分がやられたからって人を物扱いなんな!ふざけやがって
- You can't treat someone like shit just 'cause they did it to you! What a load of crap...
- テメーみてえな迷惑ヤロウは、改心させてやる!
- We're gonna change the hearts of all the bastards like you!
- 俺より悪い奴は幾らでもいるだろ!
- There are millions of people far worse than me!
- そうだ、マダラメ 俺から全てを奪ったアイツはいいのかよ!
- What about Madarame...? He stole everything from me, but you're letting him off the hook!?
- マダラメ?なに言ってんだコイツ?
- ...Madarame? The hell's this guy goin' on about?
- 構うろ!くるぞ!
- Get ready! Here he comes!
- 俺の物をとんじゃねぇよ やっと手に入れたんだ
- Now that I finally have what's rightfully mine... I'm not going to let you take it away...
- 世の中、やったもん勝ちなんだよッ!コイッ!ブッ倒してやる!
- Look... This is a winner-takes-all world. Come fight me and I'll show you what I mean!
- #well that was an easy fight
- わ 悪かった、もう許してくれ
- I-I was wrong... Please forgive me...
- 俺、執着心が止めらんなくなってた。悪い先生に使い広手にされてさ
- That evil teacher used me, then threw me out on the street. That's what caused my fixation on her...
- >悪い先生?
- 人のせい?
- ......。
- Evil teacher?
- Still blaming others?
- ......
- アレか?さっき言ってたマダラメってヤツ。
- Huh? Could it be that Madarame guy he was talkin' about earlier?
- また物みたいに捨てられんのが恐かったんだ
- Yeah... I just didn't want anyone to throw me out again...
- そっちも身勝手なヤツのせいで苦しんでたってことか
- So some selfish bastard was making you suffer too...
- けど、だからって、関係無い女の人、巻き込むのよくないよ。
- Still, you shouldn't have dragged an unrelated woman into your mess.
- 本当、その通りだよな。もうこの恋は終わりにするよ。
- Yes, I know that now. I'll put an end to my love for her.
- なあ、お前らって「改心」させられるのか?
- ...Hey, you can change people's hearts, right?
- そしたら、マダラメ !
- In that case...
- アイツも、改心させてくれ。たくさんのヤツが犠牲になる前に
- Won't you change Madarame's heart!? Before more people fall victim to him...
- マダラメを 改心?
- Change... Madarame's heart?
- ん?その光ってんの、なんだ?
- Hm? What's that shinin' thing?
- オタカラの「芽」だな。
- It's the bud of a Treasure.
- 放っておいたら、パレスに育ってたかもしれない。
- Had we left it be, it very well may have blossomed into a Palace.
- ジョーカー、報酬に頂いとけ!
- Joker, this wil make a perfect reward!
- 中野原って改心したんだよな ?
- So Nakanohara had a change of heart, right?
- おそらくな。
- Most likely.
- でも確認する方法なくない?
- But how are we supposed to know if we succeeded?
- ネットに実名書いたぐらいだ。マジ改心したら、きっと書くんじゃね?
- The lady posted the dude's name online. If he really does change, she'll prolly comment again.
- 確かにそうだな。
- Hm, you do have a point.
- しっかし、シャドウ相手に腕を磨けんのはいいな!ターゲット決まるまでの準備にもってこいだ。
- Either way, trainin' against Shadows down here's the best! It's great prep for our next target!
- 悩みを聞き込んだ人たちを勇気づけてあげられるし、いいからもね。
- It's also nice to be able to give courage to the people who post their problems online.
- オタカラもゲット出来るし、売れれば報酬も入る。
- On top of that, we can sell whatever treasure we get for some cold, hard cash!
- いい事づくめじゃねーか!面白そうだ!
- Sounds like things are goin' pretty great for us!
- よし、今日んとこは目的達成だな!
- ...All right, we did it!
- 待った、ちょっとだけ付き合って欲しい所がある。
- Hold on. There's somewhere I want to show you guys before we leave.
- んだよ、まだ何かあんのか?
- What, there's more?
- 長くはかからん。
- Don't worry, it won't take long.
- まぁ、まずはこの部屋から出ないか?
- Why don't we leave this room first?
- #leaving Nakanohara mini-palace
- んで?あと何がしたいんだ?
- So? What else do you wanna do?
- 更に下の階だ。そこで確かめたい事がある。
- There's something I'd like to check in an area further down.
- 下に降りるホームがあっただろ?まずはあそこへ行こう。
- First off, we should look for a platform that'll let us descend.
- そういや、前にココ来てたんだろ?見張り図とか残してねェのかよ?
- Wait, you've been here before, right? Don't you got like a map or something?
- そんなもんは意味が無い。ここは入るたびに構造が変わるんだ。
- That would hold no meaning in this place. The layout changes every time you enter.
- 道が変わっちゃうってこと!?
- Wait, so our path changes too!?
- パレスと違って、ここは途方もない人数の認知が融合した場所だ。常に変わり続けてるのさ。
- This place is the fused cognition of a countless number of people. It's constantly shifting.
- とは言っても、目的地はそう遠くない。頼んだぞ、ジョーカー。
- Even so, our destination should be pretty close. I'm counting on you, Joker.
- #at the entrance to the next layer
- ちょ、ちょっと待て なんか音しねぇか?
- H-Hold a sec... You guys hearin' something?
- 電車、モロ営業中じゃねぇかコラッ!!
- The trains're totally runnin'!
- ここは地下鉄だぞ?電車走ってんのは当たり前だろ?
- Of course they are. We're in the subway, you know.
- そうじゃなくて!ここ、パレスみたいなもんなんでしょ!?
- Yeah, but I thought this was a Palace!
- ならこの景色が、大衆にとっての日常の光景ってことなんじゃないか?よく知らんが。
- Then maybe this is how the public views this palce? I don't know.
- こんな暗がりが 日常 ?
- People go through this darkness... every day...?
- つーか、俺らレールの上走って大丈夫なのかよ?
- Forget that! You sure we're cool runnin' around on these tracks!?
- 同じレールに乗らなけりゃ平気だろ。 ま、ワガハイ電車の事は詳しくないけどな。
- It should be fine as long as we're not on the same ones... I think. I'm no train expert.
- マジかよ
- You've got to be kiddin' me...
- それより、下のエリアに進もうぜ。そこのエスカレーターを下ればすぐだ。
- Anyway, let's head to the lower area. It should be right after we go down that escalator.
- よしっ、あった!確かめたいのは、あの奥だ!
- All right, there it is! What I want to check is just past there!
- #in front of the big door that looks like a Silent Hill save point
- 何ココ?なんか、ちょっとだけ不気味。
- ...What is this place? It's kinda creepy.
- つーか、行き止まりじゃねえか。こんなとこに何の用だ?
- And a dead end at that. Why's it even exist?
- まあ、見てろ。多分コイツは、ただの壁じゃない。
- Now hold on... Just watch. This is most likely not an ordinary wall.
- ワガハイの勘が正しければ
- If my hunch is correct...
- 開いた !
- It opened...!
- 最深部に新規エリアが確認されました。案内情報を更新します。
- A new area has been confirmed in the depths. Updating guidance information.
- 見ろ!思った通りだぜ!
- See!? It's just as I thought!
- どういうこと?
- What do you mean?
- 前に一人で来た時は、触ってもウンともスンとも言わなかったんだ。
- That wall wouldn't budge when I came here by myself before.
- けど、メメントスの一番下が、こんな何の変哲もないフロアだなんて、妙だろ?
- But it'd be weird for the deepest part of Mementos to be some normal place like this, wouldn't it?
- 更に奥があったって事か。
- So you were thinkin' there's gotta be more?
- カモシダのパレスが消えたし、現実でも騒がれて噂になってるだろ?
- Yeah! Now that Kamoshida's Palace is gone and people are actually starting to talk about us...
- メメントスにも変化があんじゃねえかと思ったのさ!
- I knew something had to have changed down here!
- てか、どんくらい下まであんの?降りてみる?
- How deep is it? Should we try going further down?
- いや、やめとこう。今回はそこまでのつもりで来てない。
- Let's not. That's not why we're here today, remember?
- 目的はもう達した、一旦戻ろう。説明はその後だ。
- We've already accomplished our goal. We should head back and I'll explain more once we're home.
- #back to reality
- メメントスなぁ しかし、よくわかんねえ場所だったな。
- Mementos, huh...? I still don't really get that place.
- んで、最後に見たあの「壁」見てえのは、何だったんだ?
- Oh, and what was that wall thing we saw at the end?
- 詳しくは分からんが、アレのせいで一定より深く入れなかったんだ。
- I'm not entirely sure, but it blocked us from going in past a certain depth.
- だが「大衆のパレス」なら 大衆がワガハイらを信じたり受け入けたりすれば、影響はある。
- If Mementos is the public's Palace though... it might be affected by the general public's belief in us.
- なんでモルガナは、あんな場所の事いろいろしってんの?
- Why do you know so much about it, Morgana?
- どうも記憶がはっきりしないんだが
- My memories are a little foggy in that regard...
- メメントスの奥がどうなってるのか、どうしても知りたいんだ。
- However, I need to know what lies in the depths of Mementos, no matter what.
- どうしても ?
- No matter what...?
- メメントスは「みんな」のパレスだが、同時に全てのパレスの源でもあるんだ。
- Mementos is not just everyone's Palace, it's the source of all Palaces.
- 昔は、カモシダの城みたいな、あんな一人が支配するパレスなんて無かった。
- It used to be that Palaces like Kamoshida's with one ruler simply didn't exist.
- だから歪みの大元であるメメントスを何とかできれば、ワガハイのこの姿だって !
- So, if we can do something about the greatest cause of the distortions, I'm certain my appearance will...!
- モルガナも助けて欲しかったんだね
- You wanted someone to save you too...
- て、手駒が欲しかっただけだ。
- I-I just needed pawns.
- そうか だから俺たちに、ちょっかい出してきたのか。
- I see... So that's why you came pokin' your nose around with us.
- 私、協力してあげるよ。失くしたもの、戻るといいね。
- ...I'll help you. I hope you can regain what you've lost.
- 宜しく 頼む。
- I'll... be relying on you guys.
- ところでモルガナってさ、男?もしかして女?
- By the way Morgana... are you a boy? Or might you be a girl?
- 男だ
- 女だ
- >車かも
- Definitely boy.
- Gotta go girl.
- Could it be a car?
- それある!
- That is a possibility!
- ねーだろ とも言い切れんがな。
- I with I could deny it, but... I just can't be sure.
- 言い切れよ!
- Why not!?
- ていうか、男に決まってんだろ?
- ...In any case, of course I'm male!
- だって ワガハイは
- I mean, I...
- 何?
- ...What is it?
- いや なんでもない。話は終わりだ!
- No... It's nothing. We're done talking about that!
- ともかく、小物の改心はメメントスで出来ることが分かった。
- Anyway, we now know that we can perform minor changes of heart in Mementos.
- 目につく情報があったら実戦練習のついでに退治するのもアリだな。
- If we come across any eye-catching leads, it may be worth dealing with them for a bit of combat practice.
- 他に目ぼしいのはいなかったけどね
- There weren't any other outstanding ones though...
- 「大物」を改心させて、怪盗団の名前を売れば、そんなもん、山ほど書き込まれんだろ。
- I bet we'll get tons of 'em if we can change someone famous and make the Phantom Thieves well-known.
- 俺らの目的はあくまで「大物」だぜ?早く大物見つけねえとな。
- The big fish are our main targets after all.
- まずは試験を乗り切らないとな。
- First you need to find a way to get through your exams.
- 勉強しねえと
- I gotta study...
- #obligatory IM recap
- つか中野原?余裕!
- Man, that Nakanohara guy was a piece of cake!
- これで次の大物やれば俺ら絶対、目立つな
- If we can take down some kinda big target next, we're totally gonna get famous.
- ちょっと!それじゃ目的変わってるでしょ
- Hey! We're trying to help people, not get famous!
- 目立たないと弱いやつらにも勇気与えられねえじゃん
- But if people don't know who we are, how're we gonna give them any courage?
- そのとおりだ
- >本当にそうか?
- He's right.
- Are you sure, Ryuji?
- 本当にそうか?
- Are you sure, Ryuji?
- 俺、間違ってる?
- Am I wrong?
- 間違ってるわけじゃないけどさ
- I don't think that you're necessarily wrong...
- 鴨志田のときみたいな理由がないのに、いいのかな
- But should we really be doing this at all if we don't have a reason like with Kamoshida?
- クビつっこむなって話か?
- You mean we shouldn't be sticking our noses into other people's business?
- 困ってるヤツがいたら助けんのがスジだろ!
- I dunno, man. If someone's in trouble, it's only natural to wanna help 'em out!
- 私だってそう思ってるよ
- I mean, I agree with that.
- 今回はストーカーのこと解決できて嬉しかったし
- And I guess I was glad we were able to solve the stalker case.
- つか、そのためのペルソナだろ?
- Plus, what good are our Personas if we don't use 'em for good?
- <name>だってそう思うよな?
- Don't you agree <name>?
- >当然だ
- 助けたい
- Definitely.
- I want to help people.
- 当然だ
- Definitely.
- そうだよね
- Yeah... You're right.
- あんま迷ってるヒマねえぞマダラメ?とかも気になるし
- We don't got much time to be arguing over this either. That Madarame(?) guy bothers me.
- わかったでも調子に乗るのはダメ
- Yeah. But no getting carried away, you understand?
- 目立つのもやめてよテストで全部赤点とか
- And don't do anything to stand out like fail all your exams.
- やべ!勉強全然してねえ
- Oh crap! Speaking of that, I haven't studied at all...
- リュージからか?メメントスのこと、何か言ってたから?
- Is it Ryuji? Did he mention anything about Mementos?
- 分からない事があったら、教えてやるぞ。
- If there's anything you want to know, I can tell you.
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