
(Bat) Sirocca 5 - Questions

May 8th, 2014
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  1. An hour has passed since I abandoned mama and papa. Half of that time has been spent laying on Miss Nectar's couch, staring at the ceiling. I expected that answer, but at the same time, I think I wish it wasn't true.
  2. "What happens next?" I ask, rolling on my side to look into Miss Nectar's kitchen. She gracefully boils a pot of tea. For a blind mare who stumbles in her own shop, she is extremely graceful in her home. She lifts the pot off of the stove and starts trotting toward me, but trips over the threshold of the living room and spills the tea. Maybe I thought too soon.
  3. "Oh darn!" She scoffs as she turns back to the kitchen. I get up and follow her, grab a towel, and help her clean the mess. She thanks me with a smile before answering my question.
  4. "What happens next," She says with a sigh, "is that you will go home, forget about us, and be happy."
  5. "No."
  6. "Yes."
  7. "No!"
  8. "Yes!" She stamps her hooves down before taking a deep breath. "Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't yell."
  9. "Can you at least answer my questions?"
  10. "I suppose I can." A soft sigh escapes her lips. We sit back on her couch, completely tea-less, in silence for a moment as I think about what to ask.
  11. "How old was I when she gave me up?" Gave me up. More like abandoned. I shake my head. Why do I resent her? I don't even know her.
  12. "You were only about a year old."
  13. "Why don't I remember much of the orphanage?"
  14. "I don't know. Maybe because you're happier now than before?"
  15. I furrow my brow in though. I am happy now. I just want to see her, talk to her, and know why she left me.
  16. "Why? Why did she leave me?"
  17. "She was scared. She couldn't take care of you without your father. She never stopped beating herself up over the whole thing."
  18. I swallow as tears well up in my eyes. She still cares? I sniffle a little bit at the thought.
  19. "Tell me more about her." I say, looking to the ground. Miss Nectar sighs and nods.
  20. "Eura was seventeen when she had you. She plays music at the cafe next door. We've been friends since we were in elementary school. She met your father in highschool, and oh Celestia, did she love him. He was so kind to her, but he left not long after you came along. We haven't seen him since. When you were born, your mother cried so much. She said you were the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen." Miss Nectar pauses for a second before speaking again. "She loved you. Still does. She gave you up, not only because she couldn't take care of you, but because you reminded her so much of her father."
  21. "You say that like it's supposed to make me feel better."
  22. "It isn't. I'm sorry."
  23. "What about my father?" I ask, choking back my tears. Miss Nectar offers me a tissue, which I take and blow my nose into.
  24. "I can't say much about him. He was a senior, about eighteen. He worked at the guard house, cleaning and painting. He wanted to be a guard so badly, but disappeared."
  25. I sniffle and wipe my eyes on my hooves. I don't think I should have pried into this. It really isn't something a ten year old should be burdened with.
  26. "What was his name?"
  27. "Syrius."
  28. "Syrius." I repeat.
  29. We sit in silence for a few minutes. A loud knock comes from the front door. I don't react to it, even as Miss Nectar tells the pony to enter.
  30. "Nectar! You will never guess who I saw while I was out..." The mare slows her words as she walks in. I look up to see what's wrong, and I lock my eyes with hers.
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