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- local utils = {}
- local Config = require("config")
- local internet = require("internet")
- local json = require("json")
- local controllers = require("controllers")
- -- Function: utils.calcSwitchTextPos
- -- Description: Calculate the position of the switch text
- -- Parameters: switchTbl - table containing the switch data
- -- Returns: table containing the x and y position of the switch text
- utils.calcSwitchTextPos = function(switchTbl)
- local result = {}
- local x, y = switchTbl[1], switchTbl[2]
- if switchTbl[3] == "╗" or switchTbl[4] == "╗" then
- y = switchTbl[2] - 1
- elseif switchTbl[3] == "╝" or switchTbl[4] == "╝" then
- y = switchTbl[2] + 1
- elseif switchTbl[3] == "╚" or switchTbl[4] == "╚" then
- y = switchTbl[2] + 1
- elseif switchTbl[3] == "╔" or switchTbl[4] == "╔" then
- y = switchTbl[2] - 1
- end
- x = switchTbl[5]:len() == 1 and x or x - 1
- result["x"] = x
- result["y"] = y
- return result
- end
- -- Function: utils.calcSignalTextPos
- -- Description: Calculate the position of the signal text
- -- Parameters: signalTbl - table containing the signal data
- -- Returns: table containing the x and y position of the signal text
- utils.calcSignalTextPos = function(signalTbl)
- local result = {}
- local x, y = signalTbl[1], signalTbl[2]
- if signalTbl[4] == "<" or signalTbl[4] == "◀" or signalTbl[4] == "◁" then
- x = signalTbl[1] - (string.len(signalTbl[3]) / 2)
- if string.len(signalTbl[3]) % 2 == 0 then x = x + 1 end
- y = signalTbl[2] - 1
- elseif signalTbl[4] == ">" or signalTbl[4] == "▶" or signalTbl[4] == "▷" then
- x = signalTbl[1] - (string.len(signalTbl[3]) / 2)
- if string.len(signalTbl[3]) % 2 == 0 then x = x + 1 end
- y = signalTbl[2] + 1
- elseif signalTbl[4] == "^" or signalTbl[4] == "▲" or signalTbl[4] == "△" then
- x = signalTbl[1] + 1
- y = signalTbl[2]
- elseif signalTbl[4] == "V" or signalTbl[4] == "▼" or signalTbl[4] == "▽" then
- x = signalTbl[1] - string.len(signalTbl[3])
- y = signalTbl[2]
- end
- result["x"] = x
- result["y"] = y
- return result
- end
- -- Function: string.split
- -- Description: Splits a string by a separator
- -- Parameters: inputstr - the string to split
- -- sep - the separator
- -- Returns: table containing the split strings
- function string.split(inputstr, sep)
- if sep == nil then
- sep = "%s"
- end
- local t={}
- for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
- table.insert(t, str)
- end
- return t
- end
- -- Function: utils.debugPrint
- -- Description: Logs a message to the log file if debug is enabled
- -- Parameters: message - the message to print
- utils.debugPrint = function(message)
- if not Config.Debug then return end
- local file ="log.txt", "a")
- if not file then
- print("Failed to open log file")
- return os.exit()
- end
- local rawTime = json.decode(internet.request("")())["datetime"]
- local time = string.split(rawTime, "T")[1] .. " " .. string.split(string.split(rawTime, "T")[2], ".")[1]
- file:write(time .. " " .. tostring(message) .. "\n")
- file:close()
- end
- -- Define connected controllers
- local switchesConnected = controllers.isConnected("Switches")
- local signalsConnected = controllers.isConnected("Signals")
- local crossingsConnected = controllers.isConnected("Crossings")
- -- Function: utils.resetLayout
- -- Description: Resets the switches and signals according to the default layout
- utils.resetLayout = function()
- if switchesConnected then
- for _, switch in pairs(Config.Switches) do
- if switch[3] == "╗" or switch[3] == "╝" or switch[3] == "╚" or switch[3] == "╔" or switch[3] == "╚" then
- controllers.Switches.setAspect(switch[5], 1)
- else
- controllers.Switches.setAspect(switch[5], 5)
- end
- end
- end
- if signalsConnected then controllers.Signals.setEveryState("Stuj") end
- end
- -- Function: utils.toggleSwitch
- -- Description: Toggles the switch
- -- Parameters: switchName - the name of the switch
- utils.toggleSwitch = function(switchName)
- if not switchesConnected then return end
- if controllers.Switches.getAspect(switchName) == 1 then
- controllers.Switches.setAspect(switchName, 5)
- else
- controllers.Switches.setAspect(switchName, 1)
- end
- end
- utils.toggleCrossing = function(switchName)
- if not crossingsConnected then return end
- if controllers.Crossings.getAspect(switchName) == 5 then
- controllers.Crossings.setAspect(switchName, 1)
- else
- controllers.Crossings.setAspect(switchName, 5)
- end
- end
- -- Function: utils.sendStateToExpectSig
- -- Description: Sends the state of the signal to the expect signal
- -- Parameters: signalName - the name of the signal
- -- state - the state of the signal
- utils.sendStateToExpectSig = function(signalName, state)
- if not signalsConnected then return end
- if state == "Stuj" then
- state = "Vystraha"
- elseif state == "PN" then
- state = "Vystraha"
- elseif state == "Vystraha" then
- state = "Volno"
- elseif state == "Volno" then
- state = "Volno"
- elseif string.sub(state, 1, 3) == "R40" then
- state = "Ocek40"
- elseif string.sub(state, 1, 3) == "R60" then
- state = "Ocek60"
- elseif string.sub(state, 1, 3) == "R80" then
- state = "Ocek80"
- elseif state.sub(state, 1, 4) == "Ocek" then
- state = "Volno"
- elseif state.sub(state, 1, 4) == "Opak" then
- state = state.sub(state, 5)
- else
- state = "Vystraha"
- end
- controllers.Signals.setState("Pr" .. signalName, state)
- end
- -- Simple shallow copy of a table
- function table.clone(org)
- return {table.unpack(org)}
- end
- return utils, table.clone, string.split
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