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house chat drama!

a guest
Apr 18th, 2018
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  1. [3:09:16 PM] Goldd96: Okay so let's talk. @everyone
  2. [3:09:21 PM] Goldd96: What's going on with this alliance?
  3. [3:09:30 PM] Goldd96: Luke, Matt, Anthony, Kori, Jose & Sam?
  4. [3:09:51 PM] Goldd96: Luke, Matt, Anthony, Kori which one of Jose or Sam are you cutting?
  5. [3:10:00 PM] Goldd96: Or are you guys just going to vote 2-2?
  6. [3:10:33 PM] qrstuv: oh i'd like to know too lol
  7. [3:11:54 PM] Goldd96: How did Luke, Matt and Anthony end up managing to get Jose & Sam to take the fall first as well out of this alliance?
  8. [3:12:19 PM] qrstuv: 👀
  9. [3:12:35 PM] Goldd96: Like Kori is just obviously there as a buffer lol.
  10. [3:12:46 PM] Goldd96: To give Luke, Anthony or Matt the win when they sit next to him in the F2.
  11. [3:12:54 PM] eat: keep me out of this you can ask Ryan i didnt push for anyone to be nommed
  12. [3:13:53 PM] qrstuv: i will say my nominations were my own decision and i wasn't aware of this alliance (?) at all until it was just mentioned lol
  13. [3:15:22 PM] Goldd96: And the veto wasn't used because Kori would've been the renom and Luke doesn't want to expose which one of Jose or Sam he likes more.
  14. [3:15:28 PM] Goldd96: I believe?
  15. [3:15:48 PM] Goldd96: Save it for the vote where the straggler will be out of the game and can't do anything.
  16. [3:15:56 PM] eat: I'm not really sure why I'm being dragged through the mud
  17. qrstuv
  18. [3:16:28 PM] eat: Ryan what is that lmao
  19. [3:16:31 PM] Goldd96: This is just easier than DM'ing everyone in the house individually.
  20. [3:16:37 PM] epicyoyo: [3:12 PM] Goldd96:
  22. <<< Like Kori is just obviously there as a buffer lol.bxnskkska
  23. [3:16:48 PM] qrstuv: it's Trixie Mattell lol
  24. [3:17:04 PM] Goldd96: I mean Kori would've been backdoored Week 1 BY LUKE.
  25. [3:17:16 PM] ISamEI: Jayden can you tell people who told you about the alliance
  26. [3:17:22 PM] ISamEI: I need to restore vestiges of my honor
  27. [3:17:46 PM] epicyoyo: I DID?
  28. [3:17:47 PM] ISamEI: I do not enjoy being simultaneously bus'd against everyone in the house
  29. [3:17:50 PM] epicyoyo: Well not really
  30. [3:17:56 PM] ISamEI: okay calin who told you about it
  31. [3:18:01 PM] epicyoyo: BUT I FOUND OUT AND ASKED EVERYONE
  32. [3:18:04 PM | Edited 3:18:10 PM] Goldd96: I'm no snitch.
  33. [3:18:19 PM] ISamEI: you can say if I did it I don't mind
  34. [3:18:23 PM] ISamEI: if I didn't do it then idk who did
  35. [3:18:29 PM] will: My commute home has about 30 mins left
  36. [3:18:37 PM] will: So keep this up pls
  37. [3:18:42 PM] ISamEI: do it for will
  38. [3:18:43 PM] will: I need something to get me home
  39. [3:19:24 PM] LHarney: Uh jayden first off no she wouldn’t have, I did want to backdoor someone week one but things didn’t work out and the person ended up being evicted last eviction
  40. [3:19:25 PM] Goldd96: Luke do you refute that Kori would've been the renom in week 1?
  41. [3:19:36 PM] Goldd96: Well these were out of Anthony's mouth.
  42. [3:19:44 PM] eat: excuse me
  43. [3:19:47 PM] Goldd96: Kori or Jakey were going to be the renom, but Jakey won POV.
  44. [3:19:48 PM] LHarney: I do the renom week one would have been dean
  45. [3:20:13 PM] Goldd96: That's not what I was told.
  46. [3:20:23 PM] LHarney: Whoever told you that lied
  47. [3:20:29 PM] Goldd96: Anthony he's calling you a liar.
  48. [3:20:56 PM] LHarney: I knew dean was putting my name out as an easy target so he was going to be the backdoor but things didn’t work out
  49. [3:21:04 PM] Goldd96: Why not?
  50. [3:21:06 PM] eat: jayden have you ever considered i was feeding you shit to get you pissy cause you got upset jakey claimed he didn't care
  51. qrstuv
  52. [3:21:11 PM] eat: about winning veto
  53. [3:21:22 PM] Goldd96: Of course.
  54. [3:21:34 PM] Goldd96: But either way the first people you chose to throw under the bus were Kori & Jakey.
  55. [3:21:39 PM] Goldd96: I wouldn't want to be in that spot.
  56. [3:21:45 PM] qrstuv: thank you Jayden for bringing all this tea to the table oh my lord
  57. [3:21:50 PM] eat: I didnt throw shit utb?
  58. [3:21:51 PM] Goldd96: You only throw out people's names if they're expendable.
  59. [3:21:56 PM] LHarney: Jakeyy wouldn’t use the POV and it was better to use the probable team 1 alliance as a shield moving forward
  60. [3:21:56 PM] eat: WTF
  61. [3:22:09 PM] eat: How does me telling you
  62. [3:22:21 PM] eat: "yeah he was a probable renom"
  63. [3:22:24 PM] eat: throw jakey utb
  64. [3:22:28 PM] eat: or kori
  65. [3:22:34 PM] eat: that makes jack 0 sense
  66. [3:24:25 PM] eat: You're clinging to one thing i said to you and trying to use it to make me look like a bad guy
  67. [3:25:06 PM] Goldd96: You're not a bad guy lmfao.
  68. [3:25:14 PM] Goldd96: Just when asked for a name those were the ones you gave.
  69. [3:25:26 PM] Goldd96: You're not outright gunning for them, no.
  70. [3:25:28 PM] eat: I wasn't suggesting noms or anything wtf
  71. [3:25:38 PM] Goldd96: But you're still throwing them under the bus.
  72. [3:25:48 PM] eat: okay can someone explain
  73. [3:25:56 PM] eat: how that's throwing them utb
  74. [3:26:09 PM] eat: cause I'm not seeing the connection in logic here
  75. [3:27:15 PM] eat: the host chat rn: "THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IN NEWBIES SINCE EMBB4"
  76. [3:27:30 PM] Picante: Okay, so might as well just talk and give my two cents to the situation, I don't want to be associated with this shit at all, Sam was the one who had created this whole fucking shit. He was the one who created the whole ordeal and I wasn't a fucking part of this shit. Sam, stop fucking throwinng people under the bus, I really don't fucking understand if this is your strategy right now. Keep me out of this honestly, legitimately keep my name out of your mouths. I don't throw fucking people under the bus, especially when you, Sam, created the alliance. You were the one who made it, and you're trying to get everyone's votes? Wow sorry but no.
  77. [3:28:01 PM] Picante: So really, ya'll who are saving Sam reconsider, because he told me quite a few people who were already saving him.... and is willing to tell people about it.
  78. [3:28:17 PM] ISamEI: I had asked six people for their votes, got them, listed them
  79. [3:28:29 PM] ISamEI: Jayden has not said I leaked it, and I asked him to say it if he did
  80. [3:28:34 PM] ISamEI: in fact I want him too
  81. [3:28:44 PM] Picante: Well you were someoen who was quick to leak them hermano, and what are you refering to LMAO
  82. [3:28:51 PM] ISamEI: there's no incentive for me to do something awful like this
  83. [3:28:55 PM] ISamEI: the motive lies with you
  84. [3:29:42 PM] ISamEI: I also don't want to go into the entire history of that monstrosity group but someone else created it too
  85. [3:29:49 PM] Goldd96: Go into the history!
  86. [3:29:59 PM] Goldd96: So Kori & Sam created it.
  87. [3:30:02 PM] Goldd96: Continue from there.
  88. [3:30:16 PM] ISamEI: slash me
  89. [3:30:21 PM] ISamEI: from that list
  90. [3:30:23 PM] Picante: Sorry; however, why would i do that to my own game? I legitimately could have played the game I wanted to. If I threw people under the bus, I would have no votes FROM ANYONE. I would be considered a snake, I would be considered to be a rat, I know how this works. YOU were the one that tried to play hard in the beginning, and I told you not to. AND THEN YOU MAKE THE ALLIANCE And I was dragged into it, don't fucking drag me into this at all.
  91. [3:30:36 PM] ISamEI: Pica
  92. [3:30:40 PM] ISamEI: you are throwing people under the bus
  93. [3:30:41 PM | Edited 3:30:46 PM] Goldd96: You said "someone else created it too " though, implying you created it also?
  94. [3:30:53 PM] Goldd96: I was just going off that.
  95. [3:31:06 PM] ISamEI: the motive lies with you and someone else created it too, two lies
  96. [3:31:12 PM] ISamEI: muddy grammar
  97. [3:31:23 PM] Goldd96: Who was the other person who created it Sam then?
  98. [3:31:26 PM] Goldd96: Kori and ... ?
  99. [3:31:42 PM] Picante: Howo hte fuck am I throwing people under the bus? Sorry excuse me, who created it Sam besides yourself LMAO, you were the one playinig hard from the start.
  100. [3:31:44 PM] Picante: I want to know :]
  101. [3:31:46 PM] epicyoyo: Also i wanna point out that sam wasnt the one telling ME about it
  102. [3:31:48 PM] ISamEI: I think enough people have been thrown under the bus for one night
  103. [3:31:49 PM] Picante: Was it Jose???
  104. [3:31:53 PM] ISamEI: yeah
  105. [3:31:59 PM] Goldd96: Okay continue.
  106. [3:32:00 PM] ISamEI: I don't think calin should throw people under
  107. [3:32:10 PM] ISamEI: but it's fairly obvious if it wasn't me it's the other nom trying to shake things up
  108. [3:32:12 PM] Goldd96: Sam so, Jose & Kori created this alliance.
  109. [3:32:17 PM] ISamEI: not jose
  110. [3:32:18 PM] Picante: What
  111. [3:32:18 PM] ISamEI: either
  112. [3:32:18 PM] Picante: LMAO
  113. [3:32:22 PM] Goldd96: Oh?
  114. [3:32:24 PM] Goldd96: My bad lmfao.
  115. [3:32:26 PM] epicyoyo: NOPE
  116. [3:32:27 PM] ISamEI: I'm not desperate for points against pica
  117. [3:32:32 PM] Picante: Yah don't bring me into this, everyone knows that's not how I play.
  118. [3:32:33 PM] epicyoyo: NOT JOSE EITHER
  119. [3:33:17 PM] ISamEI: weebs betray weebs what has this world come to
  120. [3:33:18 PM] eat: can i just throw out there I'm innocent, you can ask julia i don't make alliances unless it's a gamewide meme alliance to kill zeezo
  121. [3:34:43 PM] jakey: oh the alliance that tried getting me out last week lol
  122. [3:35:00 PM] Goldd96: That'd be the one.
  123. [3:35:28 PM] Goldd96: I mean just because you didn't make the alliance like, so what?
  124. [3:35:34 PM] Goldd96: The point of this was just to make the alliance public.
  125. qrstuv
  126. [3:36:39 PM] ISamEI: can I just point out we are already better than embb7
  127. [3:36:45 PM] ISamEI: everyone give themselves pats on the back
  128. [3:36:57 PM] Goldd96: I mean Sam & Jose.
  129. [3:37:03 PM] Goldd96: Where do you stand on the alliance if you're kept this week?
  130. [3:37:11 PM] Goldd96: Are you with them or are you out?
  131. [3:37:36 PM] Goldd96: This is how you win my vote.
  132. [3:38:20 PM] Picante: I'm not with them. Just so you know.
  133. [3:38:24 PM] ISamEI: that's a loaded question if I ever saw one
  134. [3:38:30 PM] ISamEI: jose you're with who gives you the most votes
  135. [3:38:30 PM] Picante: I'm just going to be upfront about it.
  136. [3:38:38 PM] ISamEI: if you didn't want to be with them at all
  137. [3:38:44 PM] ISamEI: then you wouldn't care about pinning the leak on me
  138. [3:38:53 PM] eat: there isn't a good way to answer that question
  139. [3:38:58 PM] Picante: What the fuck are you going on about again.
  140. [3:39:06 PM] Picante: You're making someoen mad in the end.
  141. [3:39:15 PM] ISamEI: I think it's fairly obvious that we're not going to work with them because that group has been pretty much blown up
  142. [3:39:48 PM] ISamEI: so my unsatisfying answer would be I wouldn't be with them because it wouldn't exist anymore
  143. [3:41:05 PM] eat: Can i say
  144. [3:41:18 PM] eat: alliances in bb are kinda stupid
  145. [3:41:37 PM] will: Is that why you’ve never won an ORG
  146. [3:41:41 PM] eat: They're there to be torn apart
  147. [3:41:47 PM] will: Nah jk continue
  148. [3:42:06 PM] eat: pot meet kettle
  149. [3:42:20 PM] will: I’m born to be fan fave, not a winner
  150. [3:42:29 PM] Goldd96: I mean the group would still exist Sam.
  151. [3:42:35 PM] Goldd96: You're just down a member.
  152. [3:42:45 PM] qrstuv: loyalty can go a long way
  153. [3:43:24 PM] qrstuv: the Bragade says hello
  154. [3:44:06 PM] ISamEI: fine I'd be down for gunning them since they've left me in the lurch
  155. [3:44:22 PM] eat: ok what i will say was i made a meme about that alliance being the bragade
  156. [3:44:26 PM] eat: @ryan
  157. [3:44:26 PM] Picante: Sorry Sam I beat you to the gun :]
  158. [3:45:01 PM] ISamEI: sure but that's because you're only trying to say what people want to hear
  159. [3:45:09 PM] ISamEI: and not actually seriously think things through
  160. [3:45:15 PM] Goldd96: Hmmm.
  161. [3:45:23 PM] Goldd96: Okay well seeing as you both gave the same answer.
  162. [3:45:32 PM] Goldd96: If you guys were to win HOH next who would you nominate?
  163. [3:45:32 PM] eat: haydone -gervase
  164. [3:45:48 PM] ISamEI: okay
  165. [3:45:54 PM] Picante: Kori/Sam - Still who I think are the proponents of the whole alliance.
  166. [3:45:55 PM] eat: quick first to say me gets jayden's vote
  167. [3:45:55 PM] ISamEI: I'd nom lharney and I'd nom matt
  168. [3:46:06 PM] ISamEI: jk okay Anthony show
  169. [3:46:07 PM] ISamEI: sure
  170. [3:46:10 PM] ISamEI: I'd backdoor you
  171. [3:46:21 PM] will: If you’re here it means Sam isn’t Jose xx
  172. [3:46:24 PM] ISamEI: jose I'm fine with you nomming me
  173. [3:46:26 PM] will: Continue xx
  174. [3:46:27 PM] Goldd96: [3:45 PM] Picante:
  176. <<< Kori/Sam - Still who I think are the proponents of the whole alliance.Kori?
  177. [3:46:28 PM] ISamEI: because that means I'd be around next week
  178. [3:46:34 PM] ISamEI: jayden you need to ask
  179. [3:46:37 PM] ISamEI: pica for a legit answer
  180. [3:46:41 PM] ISamEI: because that wasn't one LOL
  181. [3:46:50 PM] Goldd96: Nominating Kori is like having Boston Rob in your sights and going after Natalie Tenerelli.
  182. [3:46:59 PM] epicyoyo: [3:45 PM] Picante:
  184. <<< Kori/Sam - Still who I think are the proponents of the whole alliance.You cant nomm sam since you wint be both in the game
  185. [3:47:02 PM] Picante: Yes, and what the fuck do you mean? Well who is the real go getter here?
  187. [3:47:17 PM] Picante: Oh true, Sorry Anthony dude Ant/Kori
  188. [3:47:39 PM] Goldd96: But I accept both of your answers.
  189. [3:47:42 PM] Goldd96: Thank you very much!
  190. [3:47:54 PM] Goldd96: This has been very informative.
  191. [3:48:03 PM] Goldd96: Anything else you guys want to get off your chests?
  192. [3:48:03 PM] ISamEI: jayden you'd be a fun hoh
  193. [3:48:10 PM] Goldd96: I know I really want to win it.
  194. [3:48:33 PM] epicyoyo: Yeah i dont mind that
  195. [3:48:39 PM] Goldd96: This doesn't have to just be Jose & Sam though.
  196. [3:48:44 PM] Goldd96: Other people can use this forum.
  197. [3:48:50 PM] will: I’ve only won on HoH and both my noms got veto’d :’(
  198. [3:48:56 PM] ISamEI: does anyone else want to commit political suicide with me and picante (inlove)
  199. [3:48:56 PM] will: Was sad :(
  200. [3:48:57 PM] epicyoyo: I think im the shittiest physical player here
  201. [3:49:00 PM] Goldd96: Anthony who are you thinking of evicting? Sam or Jose?
  202. [3:49:05 PM] Goldd96: Since I know you're here.
  203. [3:49:19 PM] Elmo: everytime ive won hoh ive been evicted the next week :(
  204. [3:49:56 PM] eat: I dont know anymore, considering the fact that they both wanna nom me and they both don't want to be part of this alliance that I'm definitely 100% loyal to
  205. [3:50:26 PM | Edited 3:50:30 PM] ISamEI: yeah die Anthony >: (
  206. [3:50:32 PM] ISamEI: jk ily
  207. [3:51:06 PM] eat: okay jayden
  208. [3:51:10 PM] epicyoyo: [3:49 PM] Anthony Eats:
  210. <<< I dont know anymore, considering the fact that they both wanna nom me and they both don't want to be part of this alliance that I'm definitely 100% loyal toWHAT ABOUT THE ALLIANCE WITH ME AND JAKEY? YOU AINT LOYAL TO THAT?
  211. [3:51:11 PM] eat: let me ask you something
  212. [3:51:25 PM] ISamEI: wait calin is that an actual thing
  213. qrstuv
  214. [3:51:33 PM] eat: no he's making jokes
  215. [3:51:34 PM] Goldd96: Yes Anthony?
  216. [3:52:00 PM] eat: who are your top targets after I'm gone? considering you've said you always target whoever is playing the best game
  217. [3:52:04 PM] epicyoyo: [3:51 PM] Sam:
  219. <<< wait calin is that an actual thingYou cant vote me im a bad bitch
  220. [3:52:23 PM] Goldd96: You, Matt, Luke are my three biggest targets.
  221. [3:52:34 PM] Goldd96: That'll keep me busy for a loooong time.
  222. [3:52:38 PM] Goldd96: After that reassess.
  223. [3:52:40 PM] eat: interesting
  224. [3:52:42 PM] Goldd96: Or if the game dynamics change.
  225. [3:52:47 PM] Goldd96: Then maybe I'll target someone different.
  226. [3:52:58 PM] Goldd96: I'll try not to have tunnel vision.
  227. [3:54:25 PM] Goldd96: I feel I've been pretty upfront about that though.
  228. [3:55:58 PM] will: Alright i’m home now, thanks guys :)
  229. [3:56:56 PM] ISamEI: wait does that mean the drama ended
  230. [3:58:49 PM] ISamEI: alright good night
  231. [3:59:05 PM] LHarney: good night
  232. [3:59:21 PM] Goldd96: Luke you've been quiet.
  233. [3:59:54 PM] LHarney: yes because it’s 2am for me and I was about to go to bed before all the drama started
  234. [3:59:55 PM] Goldd96: Who are you leaning towards evicting?
  235. [4:03:26 PM] LHarney: Tbh Jayden with this whole blow up here I’m not sure, obviously someone can’t be trusted and idk who yet, so I know I might have said different earlier but things have changed
  236. [4:10:28 PM] eat: Jayden who are you leaning towards evicting since you didn't have an alliance just exposed? you obviously must know what's going on
  237. [4:11:44 PM] Goldd96: I'm not sure. They both gave very similar answers.
  238. [4:12:32 PM] eat: I mean who's the biggest threat? that's obviously what Matters
  239. [4:12:49 PM] Goldd96: Yeah that's the question!
  240. [4:12:58 PM] Goldd96: I know about that one specific alliance.
  241. [4:13:03 PM] Goldd96: But I don't know about any of the others.
  242. [4:13:16 PM] Goldd96: So if anyone wanted to spill that information that'd be useful, haha.
  243. [4:13:34 PM] ISamEI: did you know I'm lefthanded
  244. [4:13:38 PM] Goldd96: Me too!
  245. [4:13:40 PM] eat: same
  246. [4:13:45 PM] ISamEI: let's f2 jayden
  247. [4:13:55 PM] Goldd96: Jose he puts up a compelling argument.
  248. [4:13:56 PM] eat: wow I'm left out
  249. [4:14:00 PM] eat: get it
  250. [4:14:02 PM] Goldd96: ba-dum-tss
  251. [4:14:45 PM] jakey: i’m laughing at calin’s alliance w me and anthony
  252. [4:15:10 PM] eat: jakey ikr were definitely #1 allies with each other unbreakable f2
  253. [4:15:18 PM] jakey: KSJJSJ
  254. [4:15:48 PM] jakey: it rly is the most random alliance ever
  255. [4:16:03 PM] ISamEI: I c you trying to cover it up : P
  256. [4:16:12 PM] ISamEI: I remember in emvv brantsteele outed my
  257. [4:16:15 PM] ISamEI: premerge alliance
  258. [4:16:19 PM] eat: omg
  259. [4:16:24 PM] jakey: no point in hiding it anymore we’re riding it to f3!
  260. [4:17:07 PM] eat: mega had a dream at swap of emvv3 of who the f3 would be and if that's not iconic as hell idk what is
  261. [4:17:33 PM] jakey: that’s like raven’s visions
  262. [4:18:23 PM] ISamEI: that's so mega
  263. [4:18:50 PM] Goldd96: Okay well I have to go do an assignment that's due tomorrow and I haven't started yet.
  264. [4:18:55 PM] Goldd96: This has been the most fun I've had all game.
  265. [4:18:59 PM] Goldd96: TTYL guys.
  266. [4:20:07 PM] eat: well I'm going to sleep cause its 2am and i have a 9am lab, just remember everyone that the biggest threats aren't the most visible and obvious ones, and if you cannibalize the 'threats' too early you might become the threat that gets cannibalized yourself
  267. [4:22:42 PM] jakey: ya gn y’all!
  268. [4:22:51 PM] ISamEI: good night
  269. [4:22:59 PM] ISamEI: Anthony you sound like jeff Probst
  270. [4:23:05 PM] ISamEI: after a tribal council
  271. [4:23:09 PM] LHarney: good night everyone
  272. [5:09:00 PM] FannyChmelar: yall are honestly wilf
  273. [5:09:02 PM] FannyChmelar: wild
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