

Nov 28th, 2013
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  1. *** Multiverse Crisis MUSH TinyPlot Application, V 2.0 ***
  2. 1) What character are you going to run this TP with? Will anyone else be running this TP with you? If so, who?
  4. Neuroi Girl (me), Sanya Litvyak
  6. 2) What is the classification of this TP? (Minor, Major, Global, or Suggestion.)
  8. Minor(?)
  10. 3) Give us an overview of the TP's plot and its intended conclusion(s) here. While you don't have to write a book, it should be suf
  11. ficiently detailed that staff could run it in your absence if they had to.
  13. Neuroi Girl has been in the 501st for a while now. Long enough that she is comfortable and the witches at least tolerate her. Since she has become comfortable with humans as well as their ways, the darker branches of Allied Command on Strike Earth decide that she is a perfect candidate for a second Warlock. And with pressure rising from the viscious Neuroi, the higher ups turn a blind eye to the questionable techniques used to produce the Warlock. Namely, the enslavement of a sentient being. With improved control technology and Neuroi Girl's milder nature, the higher ups believe that she will be a successful Warlock because she would be a more or less willing volunteer. Neuroi Girl does not want to be a Warlock, but her transfer orders go through and she is moved to a secret testing facility where they coerce her into becoming a Warlock. It goes well for a while, with the Warlock being successful against Neuroi and even a small hive. But, when Neuroi Girl is sent against a Neuroi Hive she knows to be sympathetic to her cause, she starts fighting the control module, resulting in the Warlock going rogue. With the conflict between the orders given by Allied Command and Neuroi Girl's own desires, the Warlock engine goes into a state of frenzy. It stars running wildly through warp gates, attacking any military or neuroi installation it can. Neuroi Girl fights for control the entire time, but it is only after a few random attacks by the Warlock on Union and Confederate holdings and a resulting counter strike against the Warlock is Neuroi Girl able to overcome the control mechanism. She breaks free, but her attempts at building relationships with her allies are undermined as a result of her attacking the Allies of Strike Earth during her frenzy. And because of her experiences at the hands of the Allied scientists, her view on humanity is somewhat darker than before. She comes away from the experience stronger, having gained the Warlock's shield generating capabilities, making her more formidable in combat.
  15. The first scene should be a tearful farewell to Neuroi Girl as she is transferred to her new base. Neuroi Girl would be resistant to the orders at first, but would accept them eventually. She would be flown there on Lieutenant Harland's personal transport plane, with Lieutenant Harland and anyone else who wishes to go accompanying her to the landing point. From there, Neuroi Girl would be ushered into a shady-looking military car rather than allowed to fly to the new location. Lieutenant Harland would be relieved of his duties as Neuroi Girl's liason officer at that point, providing a foreboding moment that leaves Commander Minna doubting good intentions behind the transfer.
  17. The second scene should take place soon after. Allied Command gives the order to attack a Neuroi hive. They do not provide specifics, only that the Strike Witches will fly with other wings as support for a new unit that must remain secret. When the witches arrive, they find a large aircraft flying toward the Neuroi Hive. When they near it, the aircraft releases a Warlock, no doubt sending the witches into a panic of questions and worry. Command orders them to continue the mission, and with the Warlock's help, the hive is destroyed. But, afterward, the Warlock starts acting funny, and after an obvious malfunction it flees through a warpgate.
  19. Between the second and third scene, there would be small scenes where the Warlock attacks random sites, both Union and Confederate, and reports would come in from Strike Earth of hits against Neuroi hives, though none would be destroyed.
  21. The third scene would be fairly soon after the second. The Warlock, having gone berserk, has been attacking random sites, both Union and Confederate. Being a fast strike craft that is also powerful in combat, the Warlock has been impossible to track or subdue. Finally, a joint operation between the Union and the Confederacy tracks down the Warlock, and after intense combat the Warlock would be weakened. At that point, Neuroi Girl would be in control for a few moments, sending out a radio distress call, before the Warlock reasserts control and the machine flees.
  23. The last scene could be one scene or broken into two. The first scene, if needed, would be the Witches confronting Allied Command about the Warlock and its origins after finding out the Warlock was made with Neuroi Girl. Commander Minna would be NPCed in this scene, demanding answers from the joint commanders of the Allied forces. Others would be allowed in the scene to discuss the situation with the commanders. At some point during the discussion, an alarm would go off. The Warlock would have been spotted moving toward Allied Command. Forces would be scrambled and would engage the Warlock. It would press forward toward the base, apparently aiming to destroy it. It would start to fire a full power beam on the base, but would be critically hit before the beam fires. Then, Neuroi Girl is able to break free of the Warlock's control mechanism and integrate with the Warlock, giving her control over it. When this happens, the Allied commanders would give orders to destroy the warlock. Whether to attack or not would be up to the characters in the scene. If attacked, the Neuroi Girl controlled Warlock would defend itself, but would not try to kill anyone. During the battle, pieces of the Warlock would be blown away, until Neuroi Girl is all that is left, at which point she would either be badly injured or allowed to surrender. When she recovers, she still has the Warlock's durability and shields, and depending on the actions of others during the TP, she could either have more faith or less in her friends and allies.
  25. 4) What is the estimated duration of the TP? Try to give a loose timetable here. We know this probably won't be followed to the let
  26. ter, but give your best guess.
  28. 2 months, depending on how well it flows.
  30. 5) Why do you want to run this TP, and who is the target audience?
  32. There are a few reasons why I want to run this TP. One is that it will be a great chance for others to get aquainted with Strike Witches and Neuroi Girl. Another is that it will create nice RP opportunities along with adding some character developement to Neuroi Girl and the Strike Witch theme. Third is for an upgrade to Neuroi Girl, giving her witch-like shields and a small PL boost, since I think even ICly she is quite vulnerable. The target audience would be Strike Witch fans, I suppose, but I would like to get anyone involved who wants to be involved. There's really no specific set of people I want involved, other than the other members of my theme.
  34. 6) What special requests do you have for this TP? If you need TP-only powers, metaplot influence, special TP enemies, new/adjusted
  35. powers for TP duration, character objects for boss monsters, this is where you need to say so.
  37. I will probably need a boss object with PL a point or two higher than Neuroi Girl's. Warlocks are very powerful, and fighting one should mirror that.
  39. 7) If you want your TP listed in the plot tracker, give us a brief spoiler-free summary of the TP and a name for the TP if it was not already included in the e-mail title. If you want your TP unlisted, please say so.
  41. What Does Not Kill Me...
  43. Neuroi Girl has been transferred away from the 501st after serving with them for several months. Although some of the personnel are relieved, Commander Minna suspects something dark in the motivations behind the transfer when Lieutenant Harland is relieved as Neuroi Girl's liason officer. A few days after the transfer, another Warlock is unveiled by the experimental branch of Allied Command. They claim it is better controlled, and even if they did lose control, the Warlock has self-control measures in place to keep it in line.
  45. 8) If you have anything to add that does not fit anywhere else, put it here.
  47. 9) Will your TP be accompanied by upgrades to the runner(s) or participants? If so, you have two options. You may simply append an Upgrade Application to the bottom of this application, OR if the upgrades are +powers only and do not involve Power Level modifications or the addition of TP Powers you may put the changes in this field. If you request upgrades on behalf of yourself AND other players, please be clear about who is getting what.
  49. Alright, you're done. This application should be submitted to with the subject of <TP or Player Name> <TP Classification (Major/Minor/Global/Etc)> TP App. Please allow 2 weeks before bugging staff about it, and good luck!
  51. *** Multiverse Crisis MUSH Upgrade Application, V 2.5 ***
  53. * If your upgrade application accompanies a TP Application, please append it to the end of a TP App - do not submit them independently.
  55. 1) What is the name of the character you wish to upgrade? If you are changing their @name as a part of this upgrade, please say as much here for records-keeping purposes.
  57. Neuroi Girl
  59. 2a) Put your full revised +powers here IN FULL, as you would in a character application. This is for ease of record-keeping, in addition to making it easier to set on your character.
  61. Shapeshifting: Neuroi Girl is able to shift forms from a small V-shaped craft to a more humanoid form. Both forms are the same as far as performance, although her natural shape is less noticable, since it is completely black and lacks the human-shape. Her natural shape could easily be mistaken for a bird from even a short distance away. She uses the humanoid form mainly to try and gain acceptance from her allies, as it makes her less alien looking and more approachable. She can modify her humanoid form to some degree, such as gaining fingers or different ears and tails, but her basic appearance does not change.
  63. I Am Neuroi: Although she takes a humanoid form much of the time, Neuroi Girl is still a Neuroi. Neuroi Girl, like all Neuroi, is equipped with powerful beam weapons easily spotted by the red panels on her body. Unlike most Neuroi beams, however, Neuroi Girl's beams are homing, giving her accuracy far above other Neuroi. They are also quite strong for her size, comparable to a Neuroi many times her size. Neuroi Girl also has the the power of flight and the regenerative properties of a Neuroi. If a part of her is cut off, even her head, it will grow back within moments so long as her core is not damaged.
  65. Touch My Heart: Neuroi Girl is able to expose her core at will. She will only do so to someone she feels she can trust completely, and only when they are alone. Touching her core has no real effect on the person touching it, but to one who understands what it means it can cause a flurry of emotions, and the beautiful gem-like core with its radiant red glow can leave some awestruck. Exposing her core is the best way that Neuroi Girl knows to show that she trusts someone, as exposing her core leaves her open for devastating injury if it is damaged.
  67. Neuroi See, Neuroi Do: Neuroi Girl will often imitate those around her as she tries to find a way to relate with them. She will even try to use items she sees others using, but because she does not always understand their purpose she can often make mistakes about their proper use. Given time and guidance, she is able to learn how to use anything a normal person could use.
  69. Neuroi Integration: If Neuroi Girl touches a piece of metal or mechanical equipment, she can integrate it into her own body. When something is integrated into her, it is converted to Neuroi armor just like her body. This is not automatic. She can control whether she integrates something or not. Neuroi integration does not give her the powers of the device she integrates, but her body will attempt to replicate its function. This is most successful with weapons. The more complicated the device, the less likely it is that she will be able to reproduce its effects. Because of her small size, this integration is only temporary, lasting no more than a day except in rare cases. When her integration is broken, the item returns to its original state. (OOC-consent required)
  71. Teleportation: Neuroi Girl is able to teleport over short distances, no more than 500 meters. It is not much use in battle, as it takes a lot of energy and leaves her open to attack, but it is quite useful if she needs to exit quickly, and it is nearly impossible to tell where she was before the teleportation.
  73. Warlock Shield: After overcoming her Warlock controller, Neuroi Girl integrated with and absorbed the Warlock engine. She gained tougher body armor as well as the Warlock's shield power as a result. The Warlock shield is as effective, if not more effective, than a Witch's shield. It also has a different appearance, forming hexagonal energy pads that interlock seamlessly to block incoming attacks.
  75. 2b) Indicate which +powers are being removed, added, or changed here. This is a separate field for a reason, do not fold this into
  76. 2a.
  78. The Artistic power is being removed, as it doesn't really offer any special RP or combat options. It is being replaced with the Warlock Shield power. Other powers have had small edits to reduce file size and take out extraneous information.
  80. 3a) Put your full revised +flaws here IN FULL, as you would in a character application. This is for ease of record-keeping, in addi
  81. tion to making it easier to set on your character.
  83. Neuroi: Despite separating from the Neuroi movement of destruction and attempting peaceful relations with the 501st and the Union, Neuroi Girl is still a Neuroi. It weighs heavily on the minds of all that have faced the Neuroi, and despite her humanoid appearance it is obvious what she is. She can often face discrimination and cruelty because of what she is and what her kind are doing to Strike Earth. Even the other members of the 501st are hesitant to trust her, except for Yoshika. It also means she does not quite understand human nature.
  85. Playing Human: Neuroi Girl has learned how to speak and how to emulate most human gestures. However, she is not actually human, so her gestures are often overly energetic or flamboyant. She is not completely comfortable with speaking, since speaking is not her native way of communication, so she has difficulty with the more complicated words, and her tone of voice is usually quiet and monotone, like a shy little girl, even when she is gesturing wildly. And because her gestures are forced and not natural reactions, her natural reaction of silent stoicism is often mistaken as apathy or coldness. Her speaking is limited to the traditional radio she has started carrying around or through broadcasted channels. She still cannot speak on her own.
  87. Things I Must Defend: Neuroi Girl is peaceful in most circumstances, but she knows a weapon when she sees one. If a weapon is trained on her, even in jest, she will react defensively. And as the best defense is a good offense, this means she will bring her own weapons to bare quickly on anything or anyone she sees as threatening her with violence. She will not usually fire first, but once fired upon, she will do her best to neutralize the threat. And with her integration into the Multiverse and her introduction to allies, she will have the same reactions if an ally is threatened within her sight range.
  89. Fragile Heart: Like humans, Neuroi have a heart. When someone does manage to break through Neuroi Girl's defenses and hit her core, it is devastating. A direct hit to her core is twice as damaging as a hit anywhere else. If her core is damaged enough, Neuroi Girl will lose the ability to regenerate, meaning her core would stay exposed. Destroying the core is the only way to truly destroy a Neuroi, and Neuroi Girl is no exception.
  91. 3b) Indicate which +flaws are being removed, added, or changed here. This is a separate field for a reason, do not fold this into 3a.
  93. One flaw added. Fragile Heart. The others are unchanged.
  95. 4) Put your +finger changes here. If any. If there aren't any, let us know that.
  97. 5a) If you are adding or changing your admin-locked +Info files, please list them in full here. They should be formatted similar to +powers. If you are requesting more than one, please format them for the MUSH and include the formatted version below.
  99. 5b) Indicate what +info files are being removed, added, or changed here and why. This is a separate field for a reason, do not fold this into 5a.
  101. 6) What PL changes will there be? Give your current level, and the new power level you are requesting. Note that the higher your power level is, the less you may add in a single go. Also, we reserve the right to deny an upgrade or adjust the amount. For power levels above 36, see News Applications/Special Upgrade instead.
  103. New PL: 35. Neuroi Girl's ordeals have made her stronger with improved body armor and warlock shields after absorbing the warlock engine that was controlling her. I realize 35 is nearly max PL without special upgrades, so I would be alright with PL 34. However, I really hope you will approve the 35. Neuroi Girl has been through a lot, and just wants to protect everyone and foster peace.
  105. 7) What are the reasons for this upgrade? What has happened (or what will happen) to justify it?
  107. The upgrade follows a TP involving Neuroi Girl being basically kidnapped and forced into a Warlock shell. Her overpowering the Warlock controller and absorbing the Warlock frame gives her the power boost.
  109. * Alright that's it! Just send this to the appbox at with a subject of, "Upgrade Application - Character Name" as PLAIN ASCII TEXT in the message's body. Do not use attachments. You should receive a reply within a week, don't prod charstaff until the full 7 days has elapsed.
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