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Jan 31st, 2021
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  1. [14:07:25] #AM: i'll leave up for one minute
  2. [14:08:09] #AM: slowbro + Specs Keldeo
  3. [14:08:17] #AM: alrighty
  4. [14:08:19] +Katy: get an electric resi first
  5. [14:08:24] memesketch: ooh
  6. [14:08:24] +Katy: with koko rising in popularity
  7. [14:08:35] memesketch: elec and ghost resists
  8. [14:08:36] #AM: [14:08:26] AquaVanilla: grass resist
  9. [14:08:36] #AM: [14:08:30] AquaVanilla: ferrothorn works well
  10. [14:08:50] +Katy: ferro combines both, e and g resi
  11. [14:08:52] #AM: it's up to you guys what kind of team you guys want around core really
  12. [14:08:58] #AM: something more bulky or more offensive
  13. [14:08:58] memesketch: ferro's good yeah
  14. [14:09:00] +Katy: and can set rocks or spikes
  15. [14:09:05] +zedhatool: ferro is good because it doesn't get annihilated by gleam or knot
  16. [14:09:14] #AM: [14:04:06] CyberXatu: Nidoking and magearna
  17. [14:09:14] #AM: [14:08:57] CyberXatu: Nido is good for elec resi
  18. [14:09:16] memesketch: keld loves spikes too
  19. [14:09:18] %t04ster: ferro is a really good fit here
  20. [14:09:20] #AM: [14:09:01] uiopman☁888: spect check should be mandi, cores well with bro imo
  21. [14:09:38] memesketch: could be mandi or could be scarf krook to form an offensive core with keld
  22. [14:09:42] #AM: let's figure out mons first then moves/spreads etc.
  23. [14:09:42] +zedhatool: i dunno about mandi, i think that's stacking a bit too many electric weaks
  24. [14:09:47] +slainey...: feel free to message me btw if you want to pitch in advice for the build
  25. [14:09:51] memesketch: krook helps with elecs
  26. [14:09:53] +zedhatool: i think something like hydreigon could be better here
  27. [14:10:00] #AM: slainey keep to posting anything reasonable
  28. [14:10:10] #AM: like if its obviously not useful no need
  29. [14:10:12] memesketch: krook also gives rocks so ferro can freely spike
  30. [14:10:15] memesketch: ?
  31. [14:10:16] +slainey...: ye dw
  32. [14:10:29] +slainey...: idk about krookidile
  33. [14:10:34] +slainey...: seems very inconsistemt
  34. [14:10:38] +zedhatool: krook is not really a great spectrier answer, so if we do that we need another spec answer
  35. [14:10:42] #AM: I agree with ferro and AquaVanillas suggestion of spikes ferro granted what ferro doesnt run spikes right?
  36. [14:10:50] +Dreamcatcher UwU: i also dislike mandibuzz, inherently stacks electric weakness
  37. [14:10:52] +slainey...: [14:10] mcp3: the team loves needs a hard specs mage answer
  38. [14:10:54] #AM: I hate mandi
  39. [14:10:59] +slainey...: lets keep note of what mcp said
  40. [14:11:00] +slainey...: for later
  41. [14:11:03] memesketch: that is true
  42. [14:11:06] +Katy: lets go for hydreigon
  43. [14:11:09] memesketch: a ground type is gonna be near necessary
  44. [14:11:12] +Katy: is a ground immune
  45. [14:11:13] +slainey...: agreed hydreigon
  46. [14:11:16] memesketch: to block volt
  47. [14:11:17] +zedhatool: ok so ferro/bro/keld/hydrei
  48. [14:11:21] memesketch: hydra is good yeah
  49. [14:11:22] +Katy: and can ALSO check heatran
  50. [14:11:24] #AM: need zeroara check
  51. [14:11:31] memesketch: ground type
  52. [14:11:39] #AM: suggested team needs way to deal with pex
  53. [14:11:45] +Dreamcatcher UwU: i like lando T here
  54. [14:11:52] +slainey...: [14:11] uiopman☁888: spdef hippowdon
  55. [14:11:53] #AM: since its keldeo
  56. [14:11:57] memesketch: i think bro and ferro handle pex well
  57. [14:12:00] #AM: and it's going to be specs keldeo
  58. [14:12:02] memesketch: or at least bro + ferro
  59. [14:12:02] +slainey...: aqua and uiopman☁888 also suggested scarf lando
  60. [14:12:04] #AM: per core suggested
  61. [14:12:17] +zedhatool: the idea is that future sight + keldeo forces in and takes care of pex
  62. [14:12:22] #AM: yep
  63. [14:12:30] memesketch: i wanna say knock off on ferro for sure
  64. [14:12:37] +slainey...: [14:12] AquaVanilla: u dont really need a pex answer since fs
  65. [14:12:41] memesketch: we also don't kill clef well
  66. [14:12:49] +zedhatool: lando-t is not really a good zero answer in the long run either
  67. [14:12:57] +Katy: so we go w ferro, ya?
  68. [14:13:01] +slainey...: yeah a lot of my pms are saying either scarf lando or hippo here
  69. [14:13:01] +zedhatool: it gets worn down by hazards + knock and eventually zera beats it
  70. [14:13:07] #AM: team will need speed control anyways for stuff like zerorara dragapult etc.
  71. [14:13:14] +zedhatool: i think hippo is better because of recovery
  72. [14:13:18] +slainey...: scarf lando might work for speed control then if thats the case
  73. [14:13:21] +Katy: landot scarf
  74. [14:13:37] +Katy: so ferro dreigon and landot?
  75. [14:13:44] memesketch: scarf rocks lando-t?
  76. [14:13:50] +zedhatool: no scarf rocks is bad
  77. [14:13:52] #Yellow Paint: probably defog
  78. [14:13:53] +zedhatool: scarf defog is ok
  79. [14:13:58] +Dreamcatcher UwU: scarf defog
  80. [14:14:01] +slainey...: !code
  81. [14:13] faless: idt hippo is needed there, you already have bro as an ace check and it doesn't like sand a lot
  82. [14:14:15] memesketch: good point
  83. [14:14:21] +Katy: ya i dont think hippo is needed
  84. [14:14:24] +Katy: when we go w lando
  85. [14:14:28] +Katy: lando acts as a second check
  86. [14:14:46] +slainey...: so far keld bro hydrei scarf lando ferro we are agreeing on?
  87. [14:14:54] +slainey...: idt we even go scarf fog on lando scarf rocks can work
  88. [14:14:55] +zedhatool: are we gonna go dual hazards ferro or do we want a dedicated rocker
  89. [14:15:03] +slainey...: [14:14] AquaVanilla: u need a mag answer btw
  90. [14:15:13] +slainey...: just scarf rocks spikes on ferro zedhatool ez
  91. [14:15:27] +zedhatool: could always slap glowking on there as a mage answer
  92. [14:15:30] +Katy: how about tran?
  93. [14:15:36] +Katy: gives rocks
  94. [14:15:36] #AM: would prefer gking somewhere
  95. [14:15:39] +slainey...: nah tran gets blasted by mag
  96. [14:15:44] #AM: cause clef is annoying to long term
  97. [14:15:50] memesketch: i think for rocks we just use lando
  98. [14:15:50] +slainey...: our next slot needs to have some sort of defensive counterplay to mag
  99. [14:15:53] +slainey...: glowking can work
  100. [14:15:56] memesketch: scarf rocks lando is p solid
  101. [14:16:04] +slainey...: !code
  102. [14:15] uiopman☁888: agree with glowking
  103. [14:15] uiopman☁888: not tran
  104. [14:16] uiopman☁888: we already deal with pex, and focus blast exists
  105. [14:16:07] memesketch: i really like leanking
  106. [14:16:09] %t04ster: thats the price we can pay
  107. [14:16:12] memesketch: it gives us a way to kill clef
  108. [14:16:17] memesketch: which we don't have rn
  109. [14:16:20] +zedhatool: i think dual hazards ferro is better than scarf rocks
  110. [14:16:27] #AM: not big on scarf rocks lando personally agree with zedha
  111. [14:16:31] +zedhatool: because we do want defog, especially with specs keldeo
  112. [14:16:32] +Katy: same
  113. [14:16:37] +Katy: dual hazard ferro
  114. [14:16:37] +zedhatool: it gets worn down too easily in the long run
  115. [14:17:00] #Yellow Paint: what kind of hydrei is it?
  116. [14:17:02] #AM: im going to let you guys figure out mons for a bit then we can focus on spread/moves etc.
  117. [14:17:05] +slainey...: [14:16] uiopman☁888: dual hazards and scarf defog are fine
  118. [14:17:11] +slainey...: yeah dual hazards ferro can work then
  119. [14:17:15] +slainey...: are we making hydrei np then?
  120. [14:17:16] memesketch: why scarf defog
  121. [14:17:19] memesketch: we have hydra
  122. [14:17:19] #AM: jsut so we have blueprint and can move it along
  123. [14:17:25] +Katy: yellow usually i would go fog but ehre i think we can drop fog cuz landot already does
  124. [14:17:30] +Katy: and go with smth else
  125. [14:17:37] #Yellow Paint: yeah was checking if fog hydrei
  126. [14:17:42] +slainey...: faless also agrees on dual hazard ferro
  127. [14:17:56] memesketch: i concur
  128. [14:18:01] %t04ster: ok lets do dual hazards ferro
  129. [14:18:02] memesketch: np hydra then?
  130. [14:18:03] +zedhatool: I think that somethign like a bulky np hydreigon could be good
  131. [14:18:05] +slainey...: i think np on hydrei would work
  132. [14:18:06] #Yellow Paint: so dual hazard ferro, defog lando
  133. [14:18:13] +zedhatool: checks spec and threatens to sweep
  134. [14:18:14] +Katy: we can go with u turn on dreigon
  135. [14:18:16] #Yellow Paint: what's the last mon?
  136. [14:18:18] +Katy: to generate momentum
  137. [14:18:22] memesketch: yellow point glowking
  138. [14:18:23] +Katy: instead of fog
  139. [14:18:30] #Yellow Paint: ah ty
  140. [14:18:31] memesketch: paint lol not point
  141. [14:18:33] +slainey...: !code
  142. [14:17] uiopman☁888: NP drei is amazing, but we should have some HP>spA on it
  143. [14:18] uiopman☁888: so it can be an ok spect check
  144. [14:18:38] +slainey...: thoughts on a bulkier np hydrei
  145. [14:18:40] +slainey...: than just raw offense
  146. [14:18:45] memesketch: i like it
  147. [14:18:46] +Dreamcatcher UwU: works
  148. [14:18:47] memesketch: lefties too
  149. [14:18:47] %t04ster: concur
  150. [14:18:48] +zedhatool: bulky np dreigon sounds good
  151. [14:18:56] +slainey...: yeah
  152. [14:19:05] +slainey...: uiopman said he has a set for bulky hydrei with np
  153. [14:19:14] #AM: bro, keld, hydreigon, ferro, lando, gking are the mons?
  154. [14:19:17] +zedhatool: ye
  155. [14:19:19] memesketch: yeah
  156. [14:19:21] #AM: just getting paste togethr
  157. [14:19:29] #AM: okay so you guys are already on move phase
  158. [14:19:30] memesketch: glowking also helps with the kyurem mu
  159. [14:19:34] #AM: so I'll try my best to keep track
  160. [14:19:42] +zedhatool: on glowking we definitely want psychic to deal with pex
  161. [14:19:56] +zedhatool: I think sight/bomb/psychic/flame is the way to go
  162. [14:20:04] %t04ster: yea
  163. [14:20:07] %t04ster: we have fsight on bro
  164. [14:20:09] %t04ster: so thats salvageable
  165. [14:20:14] memesketch: i wouldn't mind eq over scald
  166. [14:20:17] +slainey...: idt we need psychic on it tbh
  167. [14:20:20] +slainey...: we have np hydrei
  168. [14:20:22] +slainey...: and fs bro
  169. [14:20:23] memesketch: actually nvm we have hydra
  170. [14:20:28] +Katy: i have a RAW paste so far AM
  171. [14:20:28] memesketch: to check heatran
  172. [14:20:37] +zedhatool: ok EQ or scald is fine
  173. [14:20:37] +slainey...: just plop scald over psychic
  174. [14:20:39] #AM: I have one to but katy keep one just in case
  175. [14:20:39] +slainey...: or eq for tran
  176. [14:20:43] +Katy: !code
  177. Slowbro @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  178. Ability: Regenerator
  179. EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
  180. [14:20:50] +Dreamcatcher UwU: agreed on either eq or scald
  181. [14:20:53] +Katy: this is the RAW product
  182. [14:20:54] +slainey...: !code
  183. [14:20] Coolcodename: I will say if sand had something to deal w lando this team would be screwed
  184. [14:20:55] #AM: do we need eq on gking
  185. [14:21:07] #AM: theres a lot to cover it now heatran that is
  186. [14:21:09] memesketch: nah i retract my statement
  187. [14:21:11] #AM: and thats the big target of it
  188. [14:21:12] +zedhatool: can we put some more spdef on glowking to help w nidoking
  189. [14:21:18] memesketch: but we can if we do flash cannon on hydra
  190. [14:21:18] +zedhatool: something like 104 spde
  191. [14:21:48] +slainey...: [14:21] malahuju: can you ask someone to explain the landot evs?
  192. [14:21:52] memesketch: between hydra and gking we're not awful vs nido
  193. [14:21:58] +slainey...: what do the evs do on lando AM
  194. [14:22:07] +zedhatool: hydreigon takes a lot from nido, especially if it has ice beam
  195. [14:22:17] +zedhatool: i feel like that's kinda a matchup fish
  196. [14:22:33] memesketch: i don't like the cm fini matchup, could we maybe do mono whip on ferro and knock on lando
  197. [14:22:45] #AM: ferro needs whip
  198. [14:22:54] +zedhatool: 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 164 HP / 0 SpD Hydreigon: 216-255 (59 - 69.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  199. [14:23:09] +slainey...: also might want to consider a bit more spdef maybe on glowking for np torns aqua vanilla said
  200. [14:23:23] memesketch: nido really just comes down to prediction if you don't have bliss/slowking
  201. [14:23:30] +zedhatool: I like 248 hp / 104 + spd / 156 spa
  202. [14:23:30] #AM: slainey probably a speed benchmark would just go max honestly
  203. [14:23:31] +slainey...: yeah memesketch
  204. [14:23:34] memesketch: so i think it's not too bad since we can play around it feasibly
  205. [14:23:48] +MajesticM: What we got
  206. [14:23:58] #AM: im putting down zedhas spread
  207. [14:24:02] memesketch: same
  208. [14:24:07] %t04ster: MajesticM
  209. [14:24:09] %t04ster: we cooked this up
  210. [14:24:11] memesketch: also i think keld needs flip turn somewhere
  211. [14:24:14] %t04ster: lmk if i should update anything
  212. [14:24:23] #AM: I think flipturn kind of a waste on keld personally
  213. [14:24:35] +zedhatool: on scarf I like it, but specs wants 4 attacks
  214. [14:24:38] +slainey...: uiopman☁888 hydreigon set
  215. [14:24:45] memesketch: am you think focus blast is better or air slash?
  216. [14:24:55] +slainey...: [14:22] uiopman☁888: +2 132 SpA Hydreigon Earth Power vs. 128 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Melmetal: 220-260 (49.6 - 58.6%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO
  217. [14:25:00] #AM: I use focus blast but up to you guys
  218. [14:25:01] +slainey...: supposed to 2 hit ko mel metal
  219. [14:25:02] +zedhatool: we have future sight so airslash is not that useful
  220. [14:25:10] %t04ster: [14:24:51] Galarian Birds OU: Replace Hydro, or Scald.
  221. [14:25:18] memesketch: i like that
  222. [14:25:33] +zedhatool: scald we want for heatran + ttar
  223. [14:25:40] +zedhatool: oh wait sorry talking about keldeo
  224. [14:25:46] #AM: I put down hydreigon spread slainey uiopman provided
  225. [14:26:00] +zedhatool: but I agree with AM that flip turn on specs keld is a bit of a waste
  226. [14:26:02] +slainey...: nice
  227. [14:26:03] memesketch: t04ster psychic > fs on glowking
  228. [14:26:10] memesketch: since we have fs on bro
  229. [14:26:12] #AM: fs needed on gking
  230. [14:26:23] memesketch: for what
  231. [14:26:34] +zedhatool: that's basically it's niche
  232. [14:26:38] #AM: you want to be able to progress with that plus keld whenver you want not just relying on bro to do it
  233. [14:26:38] +zedhatool: *its
  234. [14:26:39] memesketch: or just as a stronger alternative to bro's
  235. [14:27:00] memesketch: ok, no scald or no psychic then
  236. [14:27:05] #AM: im putting paste together
  237. [14:27:29] +Dreamcatcher UwU: did we remove defog on lando?
  238. [14:27:40] +slainey...: malahuju: here is a ferro variant that like. BP + leech seed comes in handy
  239. [14:27:46] +Katy: ya for knock apparently
  240. [14:27:46] +slainey...: thoughts on bp over whip?
  241. [14:27:48] memesketch: lando should have defog
  242. [14:27:58] +slainey...: oh wait nvm
  243. [14:28:00] +MajesticM: Needs whip for fini no?
  244. [14:28:00] %t04ster: fixed that
  245. [14:28:04] +slainey...: we are running dual hazards so cant run that
  246. [14:28:05] %t04ster: feel like ferro needs whip
  247. [14:28:07] +Dreamcatcher UwU: body press over whip is not recommended
  248. [14:28:10] memesketch: don't want slowking and ferro tanking spikes
  249. [14:28:11] #AM: you should keep defog on lando-t for when the hazard game isnt in your favor
  250. [14:28:24] memesketch: faless: tell ppl that body press is fini setup bait, and that bp has fallen off like, a lot recently
  251. [14:28:24] +slainey...: Dreamcatcher UwU yeah i realized i forgot we are running dual hazards
  252. [14:28:26] +slainey...: my mistake
  253. [14:28:33] memesketch: i agree with this, i think we need pwhip personally
  254. [14:28:41] +slainey...: agreed
  255. [14:28:42] #AM: !code
  256. Slowbro @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  257. Ability: Regenerator
  258. EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
  259. [14:28:50] #AM: sorry if I missed something
  260. [14:28:52] #AM: lot of messages lol
  261. [14:29:18] memesketch: i have the same thing besides knock over edge on lando
  262. [14:29:31] #AM: need edge for kanto birds
  263. [14:29:40] #AM: opposing landos
  264. [14:29:48] +slainey...: !code
  265. [14:27] AquaVanilla: whos ur kartana check?
  266. [14:28] AquaVanilla: because most of your team has no switchins for kartana
  267. [14:29:50] +slainey...: important
  268. [14:29:52] memesketch: i think gking handles kanto birds
  269. [14:29:58] memesketch: oh yeah that's true
  270. [14:30:00] %t04ster: lets keep note of that
  271. [14:30:01] +slainey...: we rlly cant handle kart
  272. [14:30:06] memesketch: we can beat choiced kart but not sd
  273. [14:30:22] +zedhatool: we could go for assault vest amoonguss > assault vest glowking
  274. [14:30:41] +zedhatool: with 252 hp /184+ def / 72 spd
  275. [14:30:45] #AM: can we just try that so kartana isnt unbearable, zedha is it your spread
  276. [14:30:46] #AM: okay
  277. [14:30:48] memesketch: faless: Also i get that ppl like leech but i personally like 2 attacks on ferro
  278. [14:30:49] +zedhatool: helps w kartana, rillaboom, zeraora
  279. [14:30:55] memesketch: any thoughts?
  280. [14:30:58] +slainey...: hm
  281. [14:30:59] +zedhatool: moves are foul play clear smog giga sludge bomb
  282. [14:31:09] #AM: yeah I have your import
  283. [14:31:14] memesketch: zedhatool ooh good suggestion
  284. [14:31:19] %t04ster: i like that
  285. [14:31:21] +slainey...: fuck pms on p.s are glitched
  286. [14:31:22] +slainey...: .-.
  287. [14:31:27] memesketch: does it beat mage
  288. [14:31:29] memesketch: specs
  289. [14:31:31] +zedhatool: yes
  290. [14:31:35] +Katy: ye
  291. [14:31:38] %t04ster: yes
  292. [14:31:43] +Dreamcatcher UwU: is both sludge and smog necessary?
  293. [14:32:03] memesketch: oh wait it's av
  294. [14:32:08] memesketch: ok yeah that beats mage
  295. [14:32:09] +slainey...: uiopman☁888 is saying av amoong
  296. [14:32:14] +slainey...: for role compression
  297. [14:32:14] +zedhatool: smog is good for beating fini and random sweepers, I like sludge to poison mandi but if you have a better idea I'm open to it
  298. [14:32:31] memesketch: wait yeah
  299. [14:32:38] +slainey...: Coolcodename also says that sd rilla is a huge threat so make note of that too when covering kart now
  300. [14:32:41] memesketch: if we run amoong we can run knock ferro
  301. [14:32:46] memesketch: kyurem's a problem tho
  302. [14:32:48] #AM: !code
  303. Slowbro @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  304. Ability: Regenerator
  305. EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
  306. [14:33:26] #AM: if blueprint is okay lets focus on threat analysis and any changes to move things along
  307. [14:33:44] +slainey...: !code
  308. [14:33] Coolcodename: If u run ammongus instead of glowking this team loses to sand completely
  309. [14:33:52] +slainey...: i mean we have lando but zolt is a threat
  310. [14:33:56] #AM: well sand would still be an issue with gking
  311. [14:33:58] memesketch: how's glowking help vs sand
  312. [14:33:59] +zedhatool: av amoong beats zolt
  313. [14:34:00] +slainey...: but idk how we would account for it
  314. [14:34:04] +slainey...: oh true zedhatool
  315. [14:34:09] memesketch: zedhatool ^^
  316. [14:34:14] +zedhatool: it takes 30 from draco or blast, nothing from eq, nothing from beak
  317. [14:34:15] #AM: bro/lando can usually hold sand back
  318. [14:34:15] %t04ster: [14:33:53] Galarian Birds OU: I feel like Clear Smog could be replaced, but maybe not.
  319. [14:34:16] #Mr. Aldo: I think with amoon the team fares better vs sand a bit
  320. [14:34:21] %t04ster: need smog imo
  321. [14:34:24] %t04ster: if we're keeping amoong
  322. [14:34:26] #Mr. Aldo: like it has slowbro, lando-t and amoonguss to boot
  323. [14:34:26] memesketch: yeah for fini and cune
  324. [14:34:28] +Katy: zolt has nearly unresisted coverage anyway
  325. [14:34:31] #AM: with the understanding we'll be weak to stuff
  326. [14:34:34] +Dreamcatcher UwU: yeah there are not better move replacements for smog
  327. [14:34:41] #Mr. Aldo: it is probably not idea
  328. [14:34:46] #Mr. Aldo: but doesnt get much better than that imo
  329. [14:34:56] +slainey...: !code
  330. [14:34] faless: yeah they're right, AV glowking loses to eq, AV moong doesn't. Also you need smog, what you may not need is sludge but it deals w clef so it's fine
  331. [14:35:10] #Mr. Aldo: smog is needed for sure
  332. [14:35:12] #AM: [14:34:39] malahuju: if we don't go for dual hazards, this helps a little with kart
  333. [14:35:16] #AM: [14:34:39] malahuju: if we don't go for dual hazards, this helps a little with kart
  334. [14:35:23] #AM: we're keeping dual hazards though right?
  335. [14:35:26] memesketch: without sludge and smog cm clef 6-0s
  336. [14:35:28] #AM: I mean keld needs it
  337. [14:35:42] +slainey...: [14:35] AquaVanilla: but fr, if you put amoonguss, you lose to volcarona.
  338. [14:35:44] #AM: and dual hazards mitigates matchup against things like sand and threats
  339. [14:35:47] +slainey...: should we even worry about volc
  340. [14:35:49] +slainey...: at this point
  341. [14:35:51] #AM: yes
  342. [14:35:53] memesketch: glowking doesn't exactly beat volc
  343. [14:35:57] #AM: and also that
  344. [14:36:04] memesketch: i know from experience
  345. [14:36:08] memesketch: it loses hard to roost
  346. [14:36:25] memesketch: best thing you can do is keep lando at full, hope it lives a hit, hope edge hits
  347. [14:36:30] +zedhatool: lando-t can eat any hit from volc right
  348. [14:36:31] +slainey...: are we going to be running tantrum on amoong?
  349. [14:36:33] +slainey...: for mag
  350. [14:36:43] memesketch: foul play might be needed
  351. [14:36:44] +zedhatool: oh interesting idea
  352. [14:36:47] memesketch: pult is an issue
  353. [14:36:49] +zedhatool: we could put it over sludge
  354. [14:36:51] memesketch: w/o it
  355. [14:37:00] +slainey...: we def need tantrum on amoong for mag imo
  356. [14:37:02] +slainey...: and tran
  357. [14:37:10] #AM: I changed that
  358. [14:37:15] memesketch: ok fair
  359. [14:37:23] #Mr. Aldo: the option to cover volc would be going for heatran over ferro but again, the dual hazards is pretty nice for keld
  360. [14:37:40] #AM: !code
  361. Slowbro @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  362. Ability: Regenerator
  363. EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
  364. [14:38:02] +zedhatool: the team will not be able to defensively check everything
  365. [14:38:06] +zedhatool: this isn't a stall team
  366. [14:38:06] #AM: yes
  367. [14:38:11] #Mr. Aldo: yeh
  368. [14:38:14] #AM: thats a point I want to drive home
  369. [14:38:24] memesketch: only things i think we lose to hard are like kyurem and maybe cm clef
  370. [14:38:26] memesketch: not too bad
  371. [14:38:27] +zedhatool: i think we have to accept that some matchups (ie volc) will be difficult, and we have to rely on hitting edge w lando
  372. [14:38:38] +slainey...: [14:37] AquaVanilla: specs dragapult fucks up the team btw
  373. [14:38:43] #AM: kyurem is always gonn be tough
  374. [14:38:48] #Mr. Aldo: if they arent running max speed then we are fine
  375. [14:38:48] +slainey...: yeah i think we will just have to tank the bullet for volt and pult
  376. [14:38:50] +slainey...: at this point
  377. [14:38:56] #Mr. Aldo: always hard lando on the free switch-in to volc
  378. [14:38:58] memesketch: good thing we kept foul play
  379. [14:38:58] #AM: and draga
  380. [14:38:59] +zedhatool: we can always pivot amoonguss into hydreigon on specs pult
  381. [14:39:02] %t04ster: yea we get roasted by kyurem
  382. [14:39:22] +MajesticM: I do think volc is quite a threat though ngl
  383. [14:39:32] memesketch: is av mage a possibility or nah
  384. [14:39:41] memesketch: it beats clef, can tank pult and kyurem
  385. [14:39:45] #AM: I dont think theres a good fix outside of throwing toxic blissey over hydreigon but then you'll never beat the regenbros
  386. [14:39:49] +zedhatool: 252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragapult Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 72 SpD Assault Vest Amoonguss: 214-253 (49.5 - 58.5%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO so we can always scout
  387. [14:39:50] memesketch: and other mage
  388. [14:39:59] +slainey...: [14:39] faless: what abt draco drei as a kyurem answer
  389. [14:40:05] +slainey...: thoughts
  390. [14:40:10] +zedhatool: we have keldeo
  391. [14:40:12] #AM: they run sub it never switches in anyways
  392. [14:40:15] #AM: and that
  393. [14:40:19] +slainey...: true
  394. [14:40:26] #AM: I'll give it a couple more minutes to wrap up things with this team to move onto next
  395. [14:40:33] #AM: I think we'll have to accept some iffy matchups
  396. [14:40:33] +Katy: mh
  397. [14:40:37] +Katy: yea
  398. [14:40:38] memesketch: we set on this or
  399. [14:40:42] +Katy: we have to play agressive
  400. [14:40:50] +Katy: and keeping pressure up
  401. [14:40:51] %t04ster: yeah there are a lot of options
  402. [14:40:55] #AM:
  403. [14:40:58] memesketch: i'm fine leaving it as is
  404. [14:41:00] +Katy: is the best way to deal w threats with such a team
  405. [14:41:03] +zedhatool: i think the team is pretty solid and has the ability to outplay which is good
  406. [14:41:09] memesketch: oh only thing am
  407. [14:41:19] memesketch: i think we put knock on ferro since amoong deals with cm fini
  408. [14:41:31] #AM: if everywhere agrees im fine with that
  409. [14:41:36] #AM: before I finalize and move on
  410. [14:41:43] +Katy: lemme take
  411. [14:41:46] +Katy: a quick last look
  412. [14:42:09] +Katy: ya i think we're set
  413. [14:42:21] #AM: so just a heads up I already have cores for next poll sicne I got an overflow from first slate
  414. [14:42:35] #AM: whip or knock ferro?
  415. [14:42:48] %t04ster: whip
  416. [14:43:00] +Katy: whipperoni
  417. [14:43:04] +Dreamcatcher UwU: whip
  418. [14:43:09] +slainey...: uiopman☁888 agrees with knock
  419. [14:43:11] +slainey...: cus of amoong
  420. [14:43:12] +MajesticM: You could always slash it
  421. [14:43:17] +slainey...: id still say whip tho
  422. [14:43:18] #AM: okay im fine with that if users want to change it they can
  423. [14:43:25] +slainey...: ye
  424. [14:43:30] #AM: okay
  425. [14:43:35] #AM: let me poll up next I already have cores
  426. [14:43:39] memesketch: i put knock cause not having knock on the team would be an issue for keld but i can see whip's merit
  427. [14:44:10] #AM: I will slash later in pokepaste for yellow paint when he posts in forum
  428. [14:44:28] #AM:
  429. [14:44:38] #AM: moving onto last team 2
  430. [14:44:43] #Yellow Paint: thanks and yeah a slash is fine
  431. [14:44:45] #AM: thanks everyone so far btw
  432. [14:44:58] +Katy: oki boss
  433. [14:45:00] #AM: Yellow Paint ill write up descriptions and all that later tonight
  434. [14:45:05] #Yellow Paint: cool thanks
  435. [14:45:39] A poll was started by AM.
  436. [14:45:52] #AM: will leave poll up for few minutes
  437. [14:47:02] #AM: okay this is pretty much decided
  438. [14:47:04] +zedhatool: sub np gar with some bulk and wisp support to beat stall (especially pex)
  439. [14:47:42] +zedhatool: remember in dlc1 when gengar was the best fat-killer in the tier with sub and np
  440. [14:47:44] #AM: subnp or specs is fine cinderace is an uber and has no type due to libero so same formula decide mons, set, threat analysis
  441. [14:48:09] memesketch: we could also do a lure gar with np 3 attacks lo
  442. [14:48:17] memesketch: to lure some ace checks in
  443. [14:48:22] +slainey...: !code
  444. [14:47] faless: I liked hex sub np + sludge bomb gar, but wisp support is good too
  445. [14:48:26] #AM: [14:48:21] malahuju: rilla could go well to give ace and gengar recovery +priority
  446. [14:48:33] #AM: [14:48:11] AquaVanilla: if its gengar and cinderace, you need a water resist and a ghost resist
  447. [14:48:40] +Katy: GENGAR <3
  448. [14:48:41] memesketch: that's a cool set faless but loses outright to pex
  449. [14:48:45] +Katy: sorry had to do it for once
  450. [14:48:50] #AM: lol
  451. [14:48:53] +zedhatool: no like, with wisp support
  452. [14:48:54] memesketch: unless wisp support
  453. [14:48:56] memesketch: yeah
  454. [14:49:02] +zedhatool: you burn the pex and have enough bulk to live burned knock
  455. [14:49:09] +zedhatool: then you set up and sweep
  456. [14:49:11] +Katy: ya we need a good spectrier check
  457. [14:49:21] +Katy: as always
  458. [14:49:24] +Katy: ...
  459. [14:49:26] #AM: [14:49:18] jmasterson: you'd need a ground immune/resist
  460. [14:49:28] +Katy: jezus
  461. [14:49:29] +zedhatool: zarude
  462. [14:49:29] +Dreamcatcher UwU: water and ground resist too
  463. [14:49:35] memesketch: water and ghost resist more like bibarel
  464. [14:49:48] +zedhatool: zarude compresses ground resist + ghost resist
  465. [14:49:54] memesketch: and water res
  466. [14:49:57] +zedhatool: yeah
  467. [14:50:00] memesketch: sort of
  468. [14:50:08] %t04ster: i like that
  469. [14:50:08] #AM: fine with monke
  470. [14:50:13] +zedhatool: we could go like zarude / corv / ace / gar
  471. [14:50:22] #AM: I like that
  472. [14:50:26] #AM: corv covers a lot
  473. [14:50:48] +slainey...: Coolcodename suggest mandi
  474. [14:50:51] +slainey...: for the spect check
  475. [14:51:07] #AM: we have zarude and tbh I'd rather not use mandi cause I dont think its a very good mon
  476. [14:51:15] #AM: we can add another spec counterplay though
  477. [14:51:16] #AM: to be safe
  478. [14:51:19] +slainey...: nvm we have corv
  479. [14:51:30] #AM: [14:50:47] AquaVanilla: mag switchins?
  480. [14:51:30] +slainey...: idk about zarude
  481. [14:51:30] #AM: [14:51:09] AquaVanilla: i think a mon like bliss can work well
  482. [14:51:34] +slainey...: zarude is like just bad lol
  483. [14:51:35] +zedhatool: can we add something with scald or wisp to burn pex
  484. [14:51:35] memesketch: maybe an rkiller
  485. [14:51:49] memesketch: zarude is a major mu fish slainey but not necessarily horrible
  486. [14:51:50] #AM: I did like rillaboom suggestion before
  487. [14:52:00] #AM: but then you need a sure fire spec check
  488. [14:52:18] #AM: [14:52:11] AquaVanilla: blissey can provide as a pivot and bring in gengar and ace
  489. [14:52:19] +Katy: mandi is only so high up in usage cause of horse
  490. [14:52:24] +Katy: but itself mandi isnt great tbh
  491. [14:52:28] AquaVanilla was promoted to Room Voice by AM.
  492. [14:52:29] +Katy: it lost alot of favor
  493. [14:52:31] #AM: temp voice
  494. [14:52:32] memesketch: gz
  495. [14:52:33] +AquaVanilla: nice
  496. [14:52:38] +zedhatool: [14:52:28] jmasterson: the team doesnt really have an answer to scarf lando
  497. [14:52:46] memesketch: corv
  498. [14:52:47] +zedhatool: tbh I think corv does this pretty well
  499. [14:52:52] +slainey...: [14:52] Coolcodename: This team loses to specs pult
  500. [14:52:52] +zedhatool: but something to consider
  501. [14:52:55] +AquaVanilla: blissey is a good mon here imo corvi+bliss covers like half of the meta
  502. [14:52:56] +slainey...: ye corv deals with scarf lando well
  503. [14:52:57] #AM: it has corvi but I also think rillaboom as back up helps in a pinch
  504. [14:52:58] +AquaVanilla: and helps with
  505. [14:52:59] +AquaVanilla: specs pult
  506. [14:53:00] #AM: thats why I liked rilla
  507. [14:53:17] +slainey...: yeah blissey for sure works here
  508. [14:53:30] +zedhatool: ok so corv / blissey / gar / ace ?
  509. [14:53:35] memesketch: do we still have a zarude or nah
  510. [14:53:36] #AM: so far yes
  511. [14:53:43] +AquaVanilla: blissey can be our spec check
  512. [14:53:46] #AM: would like reliable grass
  513. [14:53:47] memesketch: ok
  514. [14:54:03] +AquaVanilla: but we need speed control
  515. [14:54:05] +slainey...: [14:52] Yanzzz: maybe a zeraora?
  516. [14:54:06] +MajesticM: Something to not make the ace matchup a speed tie issue?
  517. [14:54:15] +AquaVanilla: zeraora works well here tbh
  518. [14:54:15] +zedhatool: could go with pult
  519. [14:54:15] +slainey...: thoughts on zera could work for momentum volt turn with ace
  520. [14:54:19] +slainey...: electric immunity
  521. [14:54:21] +slainey...: speed control
  522. [14:54:23] +zedhatool: yeah that sounds good
  523. [14:54:32] +Dreamcatcher UwU: agreed
  524. [14:54:32] +AquaVanilla: blissey+zeraora can deal with spec
  525. [14:54:33] +Katy: ya sounds nice to my ears
  526. [14:54:44] #AM: zeroara, gengar, blissey, corvi, cinderace,
  527. [14:54:44] +zedhatool: so zera / bliss / corv / gar / ace
  528. [14:54:50] #AM: what about like
  529. [14:55:02] +zedhatool: i would like a dedicated rocker because rocks blissey is not very good imo
  530. [14:55:06] #AM: rilla on last slot with grass knot zero to break hippo if gengar cant come in
  531. [14:55:12] #AM: oh yeah rocks
  532. [14:55:13] #AM: hm
  533. [14:55:15] +AquaVanilla: rocks
  534. [14:55:22] memesketch: rocker that beats hippo?
  535. [14:55:24] memesketch: huh
  536. [14:55:25] #Mr. Aldo: rocks blissey?
  537. [14:55:27] +zedhatool: zeraora can use toxic to beat hippo in the long run
  538. [14:55:31] +slainey...: ^
  539. [14:55:32] +zedhatool: i think rocks blissey is bad atm
  540. [14:55:32] #AM: I dont like rocks blissey either
  541. [14:55:43] +slainey...: yeah i dont advise rocks blissey
  542. [14:55:45] +slainey...: hmm
  543. [14:55:45] +AquaVanilla: rocks pert
  544. [14:55:53] +slainey...: what about rocks hippo here
  545. [14:55:59] +AquaVanilla: flip turn provides momentum also, but idk
  546. [14:56:02] #AM: it needs to be hippo honestly
  547. [14:56:06] #AM: ace is an issue
  548. [14:56:07] +slainey...: ye
  549. [14:56:10] +AquaVanilla: true ace is a issue
  550. [14:56:14] +slainey...: only can use hippo for ace
  551. [14:56:15] +zedhatool: we could use physdef pert with rest
  552. [14:56:16] #Mr. Aldo: so we have zera/bliss/corv/gar/ace
  553. [14:56:17] +zedhatool: or protect
  554. [14:56:20] +Katy: ace just runs thru ya
  555. [14:56:25] #Mr. Aldo: what about our water resist?
  556. [14:56:39] +zedhatool: !ds rocks, resists water, ou | uu
  557. Ferrothorn, Kommo-o
  558. [14:56:40] +AquaVanilla: barra 6-0s ;-;
  559. [14:56:41] +Dreamcatcher UwU: yeah without zarude, we lack a water resist
  560. [14:56:47] +Dreamcatcher UwU: rocks kommo-o?
  561. [14:56:49] #Mr. Aldo: I think we need rilla somewhere, or some sort of grass
  562. [14:56:57] #Mr. Aldo: mmm
  563. [14:56:59] #Mr. Aldo: kommo-o
  564. [14:57:06] +AquaVanilla: its chipped tho
  565. [14:57:10] +AquaVanilla: by flip turn barra
  566. [14:57:10] #Yellow Paint: is it zarude then
  567. [14:57:12] #Mr. Aldo: thats an interesting one, I kind of like it
  568. [14:57:19] memesketch: thinking kommo is a slight overlap with bliss as a shadow ball switchin, just a thought
  569. [14:57:26] memesketch: unless we go overcoat
  570. [14:57:36] #AM: need to play my uu game now
  571. [14:57:40] #AM: so will be afk
  572. [14:57:43] +AquaVanilla: gl
  573. [14:57:45] memesketch: gl
  574. [14:57:48] +zedhatool: having an extra sball switchin is not a problem imo
  575. [14:57:50] +slainey...: !code
  576. [14:57] Coolcodename: we need rilla
  577. [14:57] Coolcodename: sand destroys us too
  578. [14:57:59] memesketch: i'm cool with rilla
  579. [14:58:11] +zedhatool: I think zarude over blissey is the way to go tbh
  580. [14:58:13] memesketch: terrain helps gengar sub up and lets zera run gknot
  581. [14:58:36] +slainey...: uiopman☁888 is also suggesting sd rilla
  582. [14:58:45] +AquaVanilla: if we run zarude magearna is a huge threat
  583. [14:59:00] memesketch: heatran + zarude maybe?
  584. [14:59:02] +zedhatool: and then we can put tran or something
  585. [14:59:03] +zedhatool: yeah
  586. [14:59:07] +AquaVanilla: heatran rocks sounds good
  587. [14:59:28] +zedhatool: tran / zarude / corv / ace / gar / zera could be good
  588. [14:59:32] memesketch: i like it
  589. [14:59:46] +zedhatool: slainey I know you are anti-zarude, would that be okay with you
  590. [15:00:11] +slainey...: lol i mean id just go rilla over zarude and mandi over corv for spectg
  591. [15:00:18] +slainey...: that gives zera and tran longevity
  592. [15:00:22] +slainey...: and doesnt make us use 5 mons
  593. [15:00:36] +slainey...: along with halving eq damage
  594. [15:00:59] #AM: for anyone pming me I'm in the middle of something so I wont be able to read and share messages fyi
  595. [15:01:08] +slainey...: yeah just pm me
  596. [15:01:10] memesketch: imagine how beautiful a meta it would be if we could just run corv + rilla and not have to worry about a shadow ball 6-0
  597. [15:01:11] +AquaVanilla: or me :)
  598. [15:01:15] memesketch: or me
  599. [15:01:21] %t04ster: all 4 of our pms are open
  600. [15:01:27] +AquaVanilla: yes
  601. [15:01:40] +AquaVanilla: !code
  602. malahuju: i think this could also work with blissey as the spect check, https://​pokepast.​es/​631404be94​818d4b
  603. [15:01:41] +Katy: u can also PM me
  604. [15:01:45] +slainey...: !code
  605. [15:01] uiopman☁888: mage clicks fb on zarude for free
  606. [15:01] uiopman☁888: so team can't come in
  607. [15:01] uiopman☁888: tran
  608. [15:01:47] +AquaVanilla:
  609. [15:02:00] +AquaVanilla: thoughts?^
  610. [15:02:12] +AquaVanilla: malahuju recommended this
  611. [15:02:15] +Katy: Yanzzz: im thinking band rilla over zarude
  612. [15:02:23] memesketch: good point uiopman888
  613. [15:02:25] %t04ster: dlc1 vibes
  614. [15:02:26] %t04ster: but w/e
  615. [15:02:30] +zedhatool: the paste aquavanilla posted is good tbh
  616. [15:02:30] +AquaVanilla: Yanzzz: deffo not blissey
  617. [15:02:31] %t04ster: i like what malahuju has rn
  618. [15:02:36] +slainey...: tbh why are we even running ace unironically, we could just run slowking over it imo
  619. [15:02:41] memesketch: honestly i think banded rilla and rocks + sball blissey is the play
  620. [15:02:44] +AquaVanilla: ace is part of the core
  621. [15:02:48] +slainey...: sd rilla or band rilla+zera+gengar is a good enough win con
  622. [15:02:49] +AquaVanilla: with gengar
  623. [15:02:50] +slainey...: oh it is
  624. [15:02:52] +slainey...: my bad then
  625. [15:03:04] +zedhatool: can we not use sball blissey
  626. [15:03:19] +zedhatool: it's really bad
  627. [15:03:23] +AquaVanilla: it really is
  628. [15:03:24] memesketch: got another idea to check spect
  629. [15:03:29] +slainey...: what are we using tran for btw
  630. [15:03:31] +zedhatool: yeah teleport into zeraora
  631. [15:03:35] +slainey...: oh shoot actually i figured it out
  632. [15:03:35] +AquaVanilla: Coolcodename: Lol dracozolt 6oes this team
  633. [15:03:39] memesketch: we were using tran with zarude i think
  634. [15:03:41] +slainey...: hear me out but
  635. [15:03:44] +zedhatool: i think we are going for the aquavanilla paste
  636. [15:03:54] +Katy: ya i think so too
  637. [15:03:58] +Katy: this looks solid
  638. [15:04:02] memesketch: slainey whatchu got
  639. [15:04:22] +AquaVanilla: slainey waiting for ur speech..
  640. [15:04:28] +slainey...: memesketch how about we dont run sr and run court change+ defog
  641. [15:04:31] +AquaVanilla: !code
  642. faless: you're going rocks bliss?
  643. faless: rip
  644. [15:04:32] memesketch: actually i really like corv + blissey + rilla, i've used that core more than once
  645. [15:04:37] +slainey...: that saves us a slot on tran
  646. [15:04:38] +slainey...: to use
  647. [15:04:40] #Yellow Paint: ok but
  648. [15:04:40] +slainey...: a mag check
  649. [15:04:46] memesketch: so
  650. [15:04:48] #Yellow Paint: are we keeping those 6 mons?
  651. [15:04:48] memesketch: blissey?
  652. [15:04:49] +zedhatool: wait which 6 are we going with
  653. [15:04:49] +AquaVanilla: should we go rock bliss? or are we gonna use somehting that isnt bliss?
  654. [15:05:07] +zedhatool: i thought it was bliss/corv/rilla/ace/gar/zera
  655. [15:05:09] memesketch: idt dropping bliss is the play
  656. [15:05:15] +slainey...: !code
  657. [15:04] uiopman☁888: dracozolt might do a lot but we pressure ttar hippo really easy
  658. [15:05:31] +zedhatool: we could use AV zeraora to beat zolt lmao
  659. [15:05:40] +AquaVanilla: i like that idea
  660. [15:05:46] +zedhatool: with grassy terrain + knot it could actually work
  661. [15:05:53] memesketch: h
  662. [15:05:59] +Dreamcatcher UwU: heat
  663. [15:06:02] memesketch: av zera huh
  664. [15:06:05] memesketch: i'm down
  665. [15:06:20] +AquaVanilla: !code
  666. Coolcodename: Not av zera it gets Koed by eq
  667. we have rilla, so eq is not much of a problem
  668. [15:06:23] +AquaVanilla: oops
  669. [15:06:25] memesketch: ace def needs 4 moves instead of court change imo
  670. [15:06:30] +AquaVanilla: we have rilla, so eq is not much of a problem
  671. [15:06:37] memesketch: i have zen and low kick to damage pex and not get 6-0d by heatran
  672. [15:06:44] memesketch: respectively
  673. [15:06:52] +AquaVanilla: whats the team so far?
  674. [15:06:53] uiopman☁888 was promoted to Room Whitelist by Yellow Paint.
  675. [15:06:56] +AquaVanilla: gz
  676. [15:06:56] %t04ster: 120+ Atk Life Orb Dracozolt Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zeraora in Grassy Terrain: 146-174 (46 - 54.8%) -- 8.2% chance to 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
  677. [15:06:59] uiopman☁888: ty
  678. [15:07:00] memesketch: gz
  679. [15:07:05] uiopman☁888: no lowkick on ace
  680. [15:07:14] uiopman☁888: we scout tran wit u
  681. [15:07:31] uiopman☁888: if it clicks prot we can go hjk next turn
  682. [15:07:31] memesketch: u-turn into get blissey trapped?
  683. [15:07:39] +zedhatool: the problem is if we use AV zera we would be using - def..
  684. [15:07:39] +AquaVanilla: bliss/ace/gengar/rilla/zeraora/corvi ?
  685. [15:07:45] uiopman☁888: if it doesn't we just swap out
  686. [15:07:49] uiopman☁888: wait
  687. [15:07:54] uiopman☁888: lmao
  688. [15:08:02] uiopman☁888: no switching
  689. [15:08:04] memesketch: should we consider something else over zera
  690. [15:08:12] uiopman☁888: switch ins*
  691. [15:08:13] +AquaVanilla: Coolcodename: Wait what can zera do knock off to dracozolt?
  692. [15:08:22] +AquaVanilla: faless: wait so no volt zera? max atk jolly?
  693. [15:08:25] uiopman☁888: high horsepower rolla
  694. [15:08:26] +zedhatool: yeah it can, but zolt is faster under sand
  695. [15:08:30] uiopman☁888: or even better
  696. [15:08:33] +AquaVanilla: volt zeraora?
  697. [15:08:34] uiopman☁888: superpower
  698. [15:08:35] +zedhatool: rilla can't switch in to fire blast
  699. [15:08:35] memesketch: zera can play rough
  700. [15:08:36] memesketch: lol
  701. [15:08:39] +zedhatool: gross
  702. [15:08:43] +AquaVanilla: gross
  703. [15:08:48] memesketch: disgusting truly
  704. [15:08:51] %t04ster: cringe
  705. [15:08:51] +slainey...: we really struggle vs specs mag and heatran
  706. [15:08:52] +slainey...: rn
  707. [15:09:01] uiopman☁888: ye
  708. [15:09:10] uiopman☁888: hh rilla mitigates
  709. [15:09:12] +zedhatool: shed shell blissey :glasses:
  710. [15:09:13] memesketch: also vs opp cinder what are we doing
  711. [15:09:13] uiopman☁888: imo
  712. [15:09:13] +AquaVanilla: hm
  713. [15:09:15] memesketch: WAIT
  714. [15:09:22] +Katy: nothing
  715. [15:09:22] memesketch: tankchomp > zera?
  716. [15:09:25] +Katy: ya
  717. [15:09:26] uiopman☁888: yooooo
  718. [15:09:26] %t04ster: yes bro
  719. [15:09:28] +AquaVanilla: YOOO
  720. [15:09:31] uiopman☁888: Y e s
  721. [15:09:35] %t04ster: let's do it
  722. [15:09:37] +slainey...: tbh i think we ignore zolt, zolt beats a lot of the metagame rn but its so difficult to get in/struggles with longevity so much along with being pretty weak in practice idt its that important
  723. [15:09:39] +AquaVanilla: yeah lets do that
  724. [15:09:44] +slainey...: its literally only good on paper
  725. [15:09:48] memesketch: handles cinder, volt switch, lets us play more around zolt, and gives us a heatran switchin and rocks
  726. [15:09:51] memesketch: we got it boys
  727. [15:09:57] uiopman☁888: perfect
  728. [15:09:58] +AquaVanilla: Coolcodename: Yea we ain’t beating zolt
  729. [15:10:03] +zedhatool: can we put leftovers + protect on the chomp
  730. [15:10:06] memesketch: that's fine tbh'
  731. [15:10:10] +zedhatool: it gets worn down really easily otherwise
  732. [15:10:10] memesketch: zolt isn't too common
  733. [15:10:16] memesketch: and we can switch around it in a pinch
  734. [15:10:18] uiopman☁888: ok so Band pivot rilla or sd rilla
  735. [15:10:20] +AquaVanilla: yeah
  736. [15:10:22] +zedhatool: band
  737. [15:10:26] +slainey...: we can also just pressure hippowdon and ttar very hard anyways
  738. [15:10:29] +zedhatool: i think we go with setup gar as the sweeper
  739. [15:10:31] uiopman☁888: sd pressures its checks better
  740. [15:10:32] #Yellow Paint: so it's ace/gar/rilla/corvi/bliss/chomp?
  741. [15:10:37] +zedhatool: yeah
  742. [15:10:41] uiopman☁888: yeah we pressure sand already
  743. [15:10:43] +AquaVanilla: we cant cover everything in the meta so far, but thats ok
  744. [15:10:52] +zedhatool: sand veil tankchomp :eyes:
  745. [15:10:55] +AquaVanilla: no
  746. [15:10:59] memesketch: ew
  747. [15:11:04] +slainey...: lol
  748. [15:11:07] memesketch: that defeats the point of tank chomp
  749. [15:11:09] memesketch: lmao
  750. [15:11:12] uiopman☁888: Yanzzz: band pivot
  751. [15:11:14] +slainey...: are we using sub hex gar btw
  752. [15:11:16] uiopman☁888: ig it fits
  753. [15:11:22] +zedhatool: yeah
  754. [15:11:22] +AquaVanilla: we got rilla banded uturn right?
  755. [15:11:23] #Yellow Paint: does chomp still use eq
  756. [15:11:29] +slainey...: yeah Yellow Paint
  757. [15:11:30] memesketch: stomping tantrum
  758. [15:11:32] +AquaVanilla: high horsepower?
  759. [15:11:33] +AquaVanilla: wait
  760. [15:11:33] uiopman☁888: I like sd but band is easier to use
  761. [15:11:45] +zedhatool: !ms garchomp, ground, physical
  762. Matching moves found in learnset(s) for Garchomp:
  763. Bulldoze, Dig, Earthquake, Sand Tomb, Stomping Tantrum
  764. [15:11:47] +Dreamcatcher UwU: sub hex is too slow imo, sub NP seems better
  765. [15:11:48] +AquaVanilla: damn
  766. [15:11:49] uiopman☁888: superpower or yh last slot on rilla
  767. [15:11:50] +zedhatool: i think we use tantrum
  768. [15:11:52] +AquaVanilla: stomping tantrum ;-;
  769. [15:11:54] memesketch: stomping tantrum is the play
  770. [15:11:58] uiopman☁888: keke
  771. [15:12:04] memesketch: can also work if pex switches in on toxic in terrain
  772. [15:12:04] %t04ster: we can go tantrum
  773. [15:12:05] uiopman☁888: tantrum
  774. [15:12:06] memesketch: big brain
  775. [15:12:09] +zedhatool: unless y'all wanna use dig
  776. [15:12:12] +AquaVanilla: NO
  777. [15:12:13] %t04ster: ew
  778. [15:12:15] memesketch: i mean
  779. [15:12:21] memesketch: it gives us two turns of terrain lol
  780. [15:12:23] +slainey...: whats stopping us from just running skarm over corv btw
  781. [15:12:23] +zedhatool: no that's awful
  782. [15:12:24] memesketch: i think?
  783. [15:12:36] +AquaVanilla: slainey corvi has much better bulk i believe
  784. [15:12:37] +AquaVanilla: and uturn
  785. [15:12:39] +zedhatool: slainey we want corv to defog and pressure is better
  786. [15:12:39] memesketch: slainey pivoting
  787. [15:12:43] memesketch: into our core mons
  788. [15:12:44] +slainey...: nah skarm has better physdef bulk
  789. [15:12:44] %t04ster: uturn yeah
  790. [15:12:49] +slainey...: pivoting iok
  791. [15:12:52] +AquaVanilla: uturn and pressure
  792. [15:12:52] +slainey...: makes sense
  793. [15:12:52] uiopman☁888: ye I love turn corgi
  794. [15:12:57] memesketch: but body press is absolutely needed on corv imo
  795. [15:12:58] memesketch: over bb
  796. [15:12:59] uiopman☁888: autocorrect
  797. [15:13:03] uiopman☁888: is so cringe
  798. [15:13:04] memesketch: to not get drilled
  799. [15:13:05] +AquaVanilla: corgi
  800. [15:13:07] +AquaVanilla: lol
  801. [15:13:08] #Mr. Aldo: love turn corgis too
  802. [15:13:09] +zedhatool: we have corv
  803. [15:13:13] memesketch: yamper moment
  804. [15:13:16] +zedhatool: we just slow u turn into rilla on dril
  805. [15:13:21] memesketch: oh true
  806. [15:13:23] +zedhatool: and ohko with banded glide
  807. [15:13:27] +AquaVanilla: corv/rilla/chomp/gengar/heatran/ace?
  808. [15:13:28] memesketch: nvm then bb is fine ig
  809. [15:13:32] +zedhatool: so we go roost/fog/uturn/bird
  810. [15:13:42] +zedhatool: aquavanilla yes
  811. [15:13:45] #Mr. Aldo: wait, whats the current team?
  812. [15:13:49] memesketch: yeah i had body press when our fifth mon was damn zarude
  813. [15:13:49] +AquaVanilla: im scared of spectrier
  814. [15:13:50] memesketch: lol
  815. [15:13:52] #Mr. Aldo: no ghost resist?
  816. [15:13:55] memesketch: blissey
  817. [15:13:56] +zedhatool: blissey
  818. [15:13:58] %t04ster: bliss
  819. [15:14:04] +AquaVanilla: oh we have bliss
  820. [15:14:05] #Mr. Aldo: wait, do we have blissey?!
  821. [15:14:07] #Mr. Aldo: hold on
  822. [15:14:07] +AquaVanilla: i thought we removed it ;-;
  823. [15:14:09] memesketch: look don't hate me on this
  824. [15:14:10] +slainey...: blissey over tran
  825. [15:14:14] memesketch: but i think we need sball
  826. [15:14:14] #Mr. Aldo: what are the current 6
  827. [15:14:16] +zedhatool: corv/rilla/chomp/gar/bliss/ace
  828. [15:14:17] %t04ster: i really hate sball bliss
  829. [15:14:18] memesketch: since chomp handles rocks
  830. [15:14:18] %t04ster: but its the price
  831. [15:14:19] %t04ster: we have to pay
  832. [15:14:19] uiopman☁888: same
  833. [15:14:22] +AquaVanilla: dont run sball bliss
  834. [15:14:22] +zedhatool: we are not using sball bliss
  835. [15:14:30] +zedhatool: please
  836. [15:14:30] uiopman☁888: cm spect money
  837. [15:14:31] +AquaVanilla: wait but
  838. [15:14:34] memesketch: how else do we check spect
  839. [15:14:36] +AquaVanilla: whos our speed control?
  840. [15:14:37] uiopman☁888: m o m e n t
  841. [15:14:37] memesketch: TAUNT spect
  842. [15:14:37] +AquaVanilla: rilla?
  843. [15:14:43] uiopman☁888: I hate mobile pa
  844. [15:14:48] uiopman☁888: PS
  845. [15:14:50] +slainey...: anyone have a corv spread
  846. [15:14:52] uiopman☁888: goddamn
  847. [15:14:53] memesketch: taunt spect literally just disables tp and sits behind a sub
  848. [15:15:03] +zedhatool: yeah 252 hp /160 def / 16 spd /80 spe
  849. [15:15:04] uiopman☁888: I say just physdef corv
  850. [15:15:05] memesketch: unless we sball
  851. [15:15:06] +zedhatool: for corv
  852. [15:15:10] +AquaVanilla: hm
  853. [15:15:12] +zedhatool: + def nature
  854. [15:15:17] memesketch: hm
  855. [15:15:17] uiopman☁888: for lucha exca lando etc
  856. [15:15:21] +slainey...: why 80 speed
  857. [15:15:23] +slainey...: if we are pivot
  858. [15:15:24] +AquaVanilla: if yall got any ideas guys, pm me!
  859. [15:15:24] memesketch: is conk a big enough threat to run 80 speed
  860. [15:15:25] +zedhatool: for conk
  861. [15:15:28] memesketch: it gets to 190 slainey
  862. [15:15:28] uiopman☁888: lele checking is limited
  863. [15:15:32] +slainey...: conk doesnt exist o.o
  864. [15:15:34] #Mr. Aldo: are you saying we should zarude over rilla
  865. [15:15:41] +AquaVanilla: we got corvi for lele
  866. [15:15:43] uiopman☁888: I think we have to
  867. [15:15:45] +zedhatool: it's rare but we get 6-0d otherwise and it's 80 evs
  868. [15:15:46] memesketch: i think we just sac vs conk and then zen or hex it lol
  869. [15:15:48] +AquaVanilla: and i say we run a bit of spdef tbh
  870. [15:15:48] +zedhatool: not exactly overprepping
  871. [15:15:49] uiopman☁888: no I mean
  872. [15:15:51] #AM: have we decided on mons
  873. [15:15:53] +slainey...: 80 is a lot lol
  874. [15:15:56] +Katy: !code
  875. malahuju: could we intentionally double protect to boost tantrum as a play for chomp?
  876. [15:15:59] uiopman☁888: pdef corv loses to like tb
  877. [15:16:01] +AquaVanilla: 80 speed is a lot
  878. [15:16:07] uiopman☁888: LMAO
  879. [15:16:11] memesketch: i don't like 16 spdef corv either
  880. [15:16:14] memesketch: lele destroys it
  881. [15:16:16] +slainey...: im not running 80 evs for a mon with negative usage ~.~
  882. [15:16:16] #Mr. Aldo: thats a flex play
  883. [15:16:17] uiopman☁888: I think fairies switching into
  884. [15:16:18] +AquaVanilla: i say we remove 80 speed and put some spdef
  885. [15:16:19] +AquaVanilla: for lele
  886. [15:16:21] uiopman☁888: detail
  887. [15:16:24] %t04ster: chad play
  888. [15:16:24] uiopman☁888: detail
  889. [15:16:29] uiopman☁888: DTAIL
  890. [15:16:33] uiopman☁888: is the only thing
  891. [15:16:42] #Mr. Aldo: Detail!
  892. [15:16:44] memesketch: aquavanilla insane idea
  893. [15:16:47] uiopman☁888: that's gonna boost tantrum
  894. [15:16:53] #Mr. Aldo: mmm
  895. [15:16:55] uiopman☁888: mobile ps sucks
  896. [15:16:57] +AquaVanilla: yeah thats the play
  897. [15:17:01] uiopman☁888: absolute ass
  898. [15:17:12] #Mr. Aldo: Im starting to despise the blissey addition by the minute
  899. [15:17:12] +zedhatool: i think chomp can be rocks / protect / toxic / tantrum
  900. [15:17:22] uiopman☁888: imo zarude is now mandatory
  901. [15:17:23] +zedhatool: with max hp and enough speed for jolly drill
  902. [15:17:24] +AquaVanilla: no rest?
  903. [15:17:25] #Mr. Aldo: what if we go chomp/zarude/corv/ace/gar/zera
  904. [15:17:33] uiopman☁888: ye
  905. [15:17:33] +AquaVanilla: wait whos our rocker then
  906. [15:17:38] #Mr. Aldo: chomp
  907. [15:17:39] +Dreamcatcher UwU: chomp
  908. [15:17:39] uiopman☁888: We have corv 4 exca
  909. [15:17:40] %t04ster: chomp
  910. [15:17:40] #Yellow Paint: chomp
  911. [15:17:42] +zedhatool: no because with grassy terrain + protect it has great longevity
  912. [15:17:45] #Mr. Aldo: it has to be chomp
  913. [15:17:50] memesketch: we got tank chompa
  914. [15:17:53] +AquaVanilla: oh wait im blind
  915. [15:17:55] +AquaVanilla: it legit says rocks
  916. [15:17:55] uiopman☁888: zarude chomp over ril chomp
  917. [15:17:56] +AquaVanilla: mb
  918. [15:17:59] %t04ster: np
  919. [15:18:05] uiopman☁888: so we can have good ground stab
  920. [15:18:14] uiopman☁888: and not run
  921. [15:18:15] #Mr. Aldo: like zarude has the ghost resist and worse case we have zera to revenge kill
  922. [15:18:16] #AM: okay im back
  923. [15:18:18] uiopman☁888: shall bliss
  924. [15:18:18] memesketch: chomp also gives us toxic btw
  925. [15:18:22] memesketch: and bliss should be twave
  926. [15:18:23] uiopman☁888: we lost zera
  927. [15:18:24] +AquaVanilla: if yall got any ideas guys, be sure to pm me!
  928. [15:18:27] memesketch: so gar can run hex effectively now
  929. [15:18:36] uiopman☁888: YES
  930. [15:18:37] #Mr. Aldo: mmm, no zera
  931. [15:18:41] uiopman☁888: awesome idea
  932. [15:18:42] #Mr. Aldo: mmm, kind of slow to me
  933. [15:18:42] +AquaVanilla: whos the speed control
  934. [15:18:53] uiopman☁888: I think it's uh ace
  935. [15:18:54] #Mr. Aldo: but this could work
  936. [15:18:55] #AM: uh
  937. [15:18:55] +slainey...: this is what i have so far
  938. [15:18:56] %t04ster: did we drop zera
  939. [15:19:00] uiopman☁888: we can have suckerace
  940. [15:19:01] #Mr. Aldo: we did
  941. [15:19:03] +AquaVanilla: yeah i think we dropped zera
  942. [15:19:03] #AM: okay
  943. [15:19:04] +slainey...: im guessing we are going adamant on ace
  944. [15:19:07] #AM: lets just keep it at those mons
  945. [15:19:10] +slainey...: and not sure last move
  946. [15:19:14] #AM: cause I dont want to drag for too long
  947. [15:19:18] +AquaVanilla: if we go ada ace are team is very slow tbh
  948. [15:19:20] memesketch: zera and zarude i think aren't really good choices for this squad
  949. [15:19:27] memesketch: the gterrain healing is vital for chomp and gar
  950. [15:19:34] uiopman☁888: agree but I don't want sball bliss..
  951. [15:19:37] +slainey...: well i mean jolly ace outspeeds just kart and latios
  952. [15:19:38] +zedhatool: can we replace dtail on chomp w protect
  953. [15:19:39] +slainey...: not much faster
  954. [15:19:40] #AM: use stomping trantrum on chomp
  955. [15:19:43] memesketch: anyway if i'm using zera i wanna use banded zera
  956. [15:19:43] #AM: if using terrain
  957. [15:19:46] +zedhatool: it really gets worn down too easily
  958. [15:19:48] memesketch: to not hit like a cup of ramen
  959. [15:19:48] +AquaVanilla: yeah we arent gonna run sball bliss
  960. [15:19:54] +AquaVanilla: and sball bliss doeesnt even beat spectrier
  961. [15:19:56] +AquaVanilla: bc cm
  962. [15:19:56] +zedhatool: and surprise protect can hurt ace going for hjk
  963. [15:19:58] uiopman☁888: exactly
  964. [15:20:06] uiopman☁888: zarude is like
  965. [15:20:12] uiopman☁888: the price we pay
  966. [15:20:19] +slainey...: ok
  967. [15:20:23] memesketch: aite then
  968. [15:20:24] +AquaVanilla: whats the team so far
  969. [15:20:25] +slainey...: helmet or elftovers on chom?
  970. [15:20:35] memesketch: it was helmet with terrain
  971. [15:20:36] +Katy: mh wud say
  972. [15:20:36] uiopman☁888: if we go zarude we can drop bliss and add speed control
  973. [15:20:42] uiopman☁888: maybe??
  974. [15:20:42] +AquaVanilla: ^
  975. [15:20:43] memesketch: now i say lefties maybe is better
  976. [15:20:46] memesketch: or wish on bliss
  977. [15:20:47] +Katy: leftis
  978. [15:20:47] #AM: I want to keep rillaboom
  979. [15:20:48] +slainey...: zarude is terrible
  980. [15:20:50] +slainey...: dont run
  981. [15:20:51] +slainey...: zarude.
  982. [15:20:52] uiopman☁888: and act have eq on chomp
  983. [15:20:54] memesketch: oh wait wish bliss means no tp
  984. [15:20:55] uiopman☁888: fair
  985. [15:20:55] memesketch: nvm
  986. [15:20:57] +AquaVanilla: slainey hates monkeys
  987. [15:21:04] +slainey...: no i just hate using 5 mons
  988. [15:21:04] #AM: I dont want to take too long in figuring out zarude or rillaboom
  989. [15:21:06] memesketch: rilla is a monkey tho
  990. [15:21:19] +zedhatool: we are using rillaboom
  991. [15:21:22] +AquaVanilla: rilla
  992. [15:21:22] #Mr. Aldo: whats the problem with zarude? ghost resist monke faster than hydra and we turn turn
  993. [15:21:23] #AM: and I rather have the speed control rilla provides anyways
  994. [15:21:24] +slainey...: evs on chomp?
  995. [15:21:30] memesketch: should we poll it or nah am
  996. [15:21:35] +zedhatool: max hp and enough speed for jolly drill, rest in def
  997. [15:21:40] +slainey...: Mr. Aldo outside of ghost resist its fodder to the entire tier lol
  998. [15:21:40] +AquaVanilla: also yeah a revenge killer like rilla is like needed
  999. [15:21:43] uiopman☁888: we're pushing it with gar already
  1000. [15:21:50] #AM: rather not poll zarude/rillaboom I think we're getting too caught up on it
  1001. [15:21:56] +slainey...: yeah
  1002. [15:21:58] +AquaVanilla: we are runnning rilla
  1003. [15:21:59] +slainey...: we are using rilla
  1004. [15:22:01] uiopman☁888: zarude too unviable
  1005. [15:22:03] %t04ster: rilla is fine
  1006. [15:22:14] +AquaVanilla: can anybody send me the paste of the team so far?
  1007. [15:22:16] uiopman☁888: unfort but we are NOT running sbliss
  1008. [15:22:20] memesketch: shadow ball blissey imo is a more fair price to pay than zarude
  1009. [15:22:23] +Katy: rilla is fine and can revengekill too
  1010. [15:22:25] +Katy: with cb grassy
  1011. [15:22:26] uiopman☁888: maybe Mandi over corv??
  1012. [15:22:29] +zedhatool: I love my boy Ted Kaczynski, but rilla is needed
  1013. [15:22:30] +AquaVanilla: no
  1014. [15:22:31] memesketch: nah
  1015. [15:22:32] #AM: the mons have been decided
  1016. [15:22:34] uiopman☁888: we lose to sub
  1017. [15:22:37] +Katy: mandi makes us weaker to lele
  1018. [15:22:37] #AM: so lets move to sets
  1019. [15:22:37] uiopman☁888: o right
  1020. [15:22:42] +slainey...: banded rilla?
  1021. [15:22:45] +slainey...: or life orb
  1022. [15:22:45] +zedhatool: yes please
  1023. [15:22:47] +AquaVanilla: banded
  1024. [15:22:48] +slainey...: alright
  1025. [15:22:49] +zedhatool: banded
  1026. [15:22:49] #AM: should be banded
  1027. [15:22:50] +AquaVanilla: banded with uturn
  1028. [15:22:51] +AquaVanilla: helps
  1029. [15:22:52] uiopman☁888: yeah this team will improve post spect
  1030. [15:22:55] +Katy: cb rilla
  1031. [15:22:58] uiopman☁888: cb
  1032. [15:23:01] %t04ster: banded
  1033. [15:23:09] +zedhatool: i think we use jolly ace with ball/kick/gunk/u-turn
  1034. [15:23:09] +Katy: but smth as coverage
  1035. [15:23:13] +Katy: to hit heatran
  1036. [15:23:16] uiopman☁888: uhh
  1037. [15:23:17] +zedhatool: otherwise team is too slow
  1038. [15:23:18] +AquaVanilla: whats the gengar set?
  1039. [15:23:19] uiopman☁888: yeah
  1040. [15:23:25] +zedhatool: sub np sball sludge
  1041. [15:23:26] #Yellow Paint: sub np gar still?
  1042. [15:23:28] memesketch: zedhatool i like zen over gunk for pex
  1043. [15:23:30] uiopman☁888: hh or super on rolla
  1044. [15:23:33] memesketch: since gar handles fini
  1045. [15:23:34] +AquaVanilla: yeah ada ace makes the team slow
  1046. [15:23:35] memesketch: and rilla
  1047. [15:23:36] uiopman☁888: RILLA
  1048. [15:23:37] +AquaVanilla: jolly is the best play
  1049. [15:23:44] +slainey...:
  1050. [15:23:46] uiopman☁888: I hate. Mobile. Ps
  1051. [15:23:48] +slainey...: thoughts
  1052. [15:23:54] +slainey...: kinda wanna just go dual ada on breakers
  1053. [15:23:55] +zedhatool: zen doesn't reliably beat pex memesketch, especially on jolly
  1054. [15:24:05] +AquaVanilla: slainey whats with the ivs 29 speed?
  1055. [15:24:10] memesketch: gunk doesn't add anything imo tho
  1056. [15:24:10] #Yellow Paint: slainey's paste is a good starting point yeah
  1057. [15:24:14] memesketch: maybe we could just do sucker
  1058. [15:24:15] #AM: I'm putting together my own paste
  1059. [15:24:17] +zedhatool: the team is too slow with adamant ace imo
  1060. [15:24:19] #AM: for comparison
  1061. [15:24:22] +slainey...: AquaVanilla for slow turn
  1062. [15:24:25] #Mr. Aldo: the ace has to be jolly
  1063. [15:24:27] +AquaVanilla: big brain
  1064. [15:24:30] #Mr. Aldo: unless you wanna run scarf gar
  1065. [15:24:34] +AquaVanilla: yeah ace has to be jolly
  1066. [15:24:36] #Mr. Aldo: (you dont wanna)
  1067. [15:24:38] memesketch: that's a nice 6-0d by spect squad you got there slainey
  1068. [15:24:39] +slainey...: using sludge bomb on gar now
  1069. [15:24:44] +slainey...: for hex
  1070. [15:24:44] +Katy: jolly ace ya
  1071. [15:24:49] +slainey...: memesketch tp blissey deals with spect
  1072. [15:25:00] +AquaVanilla: wait slainey wheres wood hammer?
  1073. [15:25:00] memesketch: is taunt a problem at that point
  1074. [15:25:09] +AquaVanilla: ig superpower deals with corvi and heatran
  1075. [15:25:19] uiopman☁888: super over hh works
  1076. [15:25:22] +slainey...: banded glide does 1 million anyways
  1077. [15:25:22] memesketch: i think wood hammer > superpower since u-turn into cinder can beat superpower targets
  1078. [15:25:26] uiopman☁888: pressures Mandi too
  1079. [15:25:36] +slainey...: glide is literally 136 bp
  1080. [15:25:43] +slainey...: wood hammer is just overkill imo
  1081. [15:25:45] uiopman☁888: yeah
  1082. [15:25:51] memesketch: midground
  1083. [15:25:52] uiopman☁888: I say glide super u knock
  1084. [15:25:53] memesketch: drum beating
  1085. [15:25:54] memesketch: lmao
  1086. [15:25:56] %t04ster: nooo
  1087. [15:25:56] uiopman☁888: lolol
  1088. [15:26:01] +AquaVanilla: nah branch poke
  1089. [15:26:10] +slainey...: alright anyways
  1090. [15:26:16] +slainey...: i think rillas set is fine
  1091. [15:26:21] +AquaVanilla: ight rilla is done
  1092. [15:26:23] +slainey...: enough power without sacking longevity
  1093. [15:26:24] +slainey...: ye
  1094. [15:26:25] uiopman☁888: what is it
  1095. [15:26:25] +AquaVanilla: same with chomp
  1096. [15:26:28] memesketch: razor leaf take it or leave it
  1097. [15:26:36] memesketch: protect over fblast on chomp?
  1098. [15:26:38] uiopman☁888: yeah works
  1099. [15:26:47] +AquaVanilla: rip our chomp has no rest :(
  1100. [15:27:04] +slainey...: i was thinking of
  1101. [15:27:07] +slainey...: aroma over toxic on blissey
  1102. [15:27:09] uiopman☁888: IMHO we drop gunk on find
  1103. [15:27:10] +slainey...: with rest on chomp
  1104. [15:27:14] uiopman☁888: add sucker maybe
  1105. [15:27:19] +slainey...: but we need to like have status
  1106. [15:27:19] memesketch: ooh i like that slainey
  1107. [15:27:22] +AquaVanilla: thats a big brain saliney
  1108. [15:27:25] +AquaVanilla: slainey*
  1109. [15:27:28] uiopman☁888: saliney
  1110. [15:27:30] memesketch: we could just drop port
  1111. [15:27:32] +slainey...: what is sucker doing is the thing esp on jolly
  1112. [15:27:40] +AquaVanilla: sucker ace isnt good imo
  1113. [15:27:51] +AquaVanilla: we already got
  1114. [15:27:52] +AquaVanilla: rilla
  1115. [15:27:54] memesketch: actually drop port = spect 6-0
  1116. [15:27:55] memesketch: nvm
  1117. [15:27:55] +AquaVanilla: for revenge killing
  1118. [15:28:21] memesketch: last slot on cinder is tough then
  1119. [15:28:24] uiopman☁888: ig
  1120. [15:28:27] memesketch: gunk zen and sucker all don't add much
  1121. [15:28:29] +AquaVanilla: whats cinder set
  1122. [15:28:35] uiopman☁888: sucker is a choice spect second check
  1123. [15:28:35] memesketch: pyro u-turn hjk
  1124. [15:28:40] +AquaVanilla: gunk can work?
  1125. [15:28:49] +AquaVanilla: but we got gengar
  1126. [15:29:02] memesketch: actually gunk could work cause we can't break mandi without it
  1127. [15:29:08] +AquaVanilla: true
  1128. [15:29:11] +AquaVanilla: and gunk poison
  1129. [15:29:14] +AquaVanilla: beats bro and hippo
  1130. [15:29:23] memesketch: gunk might be the play here
  1131. [15:29:32] +AquaVanilla: yeah i think we should add gunk
  1132. [15:29:34] uiopman☁888: ye it is
  1133. [15:29:40] uiopman☁888: stacks with gar but eh
  1134. [15:29:43] memesketch: also lets blissey run aroma > twave
  1135. [15:29:45] memesketch: sort of
  1136. [15:29:51] +AquaVanilla: but we kinda need status
  1137. [15:29:52] uiopman☁888: like I said the team is better post spect
  1138. [15:30:02] memesketch: yeah
  1139. [15:30:07] uiopman☁888: ye we can go sb gar
  1140. [15:30:10] #AM:
  1141. [15:30:12] #AM: my draft
  1142. [15:30:13] +AquaVanilla: bc status with hex gengar is a nice bonus
  1143. [15:30:14] uiopman☁888: if we dropping status
  1144. [15:30:17] #AM: sorry been multitasking
  1145. [15:30:22] +AquaVanilla: thats ok am
  1146. [15:30:31] #AM: have we decided on moves yet
  1147. [15:30:34] memesketch: here's mine
  1148. [15:30:35] memesketch:
  1149. [15:30:43] #Yellow Paint: we said superpower over wood hammer
  1150. [15:30:47] uiopman☁888: ye
  1151. [15:30:52] +slainey...: low kick jolly is doing negative damage is the issue
  1152. [15:30:53] +AquaVanilla: memesketch i say we add status on blissey
  1153. [15:30:58] uiopman☁888: to pressure checks
  1154. [15:30:59] memesketch: so no aroma
  1155. [15:31:01] +AquaVanilla: yeah
  1156. [15:31:05] #AM: if someone has current team let me know then
  1157. [15:31:05] uiopman☁888: hjk way way over lowkick..
  1158. [15:31:13] #Yellow Paint: memesketch's is current
  1159. [15:31:15] memesketch: guess i drop rest on chomp then...
  1160. [15:31:20] +AquaVanilla: bc status blissey cripples stuff and it helps
  1161. [15:31:21] +AquaVanilla: hex gengar
  1162. [15:31:25] uiopman☁888: I think
  1163. [15:31:30] uiopman☁888: uhh
  1164. [15:31:36] uiopman☁888: I'm lagging
  1165. [15:31:37] memesketch: ok twave for sure then
  1166. [15:31:40] %t04ster: its fine for me
  1167. [15:31:44] memesketch: chomp has toxic
  1168. [15:31:48] memesketch: and cinder and gar can poison too
  1169. [15:31:51] +AquaVanilla: yeah i think that should work
  1170. [15:31:53] %t04ster: that works
  1171. [15:31:59] +AquaVanilla: so hex gengar can break more better with hex
  1172. [15:32:10] memesketch: here's my final draft then
  1173. [15:32:10] memesketch:
  1174. [15:32:16] memesketch: unless we have any more changes
  1175. [15:32:19] uiopman☁888: ye status spam better imo
  1176. [15:32:30] +AquaVanilla: yeah memesketch i think thats the team
  1177. [15:32:35] memesketch: cool
  1178. [15:32:35] uiopman☁888: lefties+terrain+prot is ok recovery on chomp
  1179. [15:32:45] memesketch: i like helmet chomp for ace
  1180. [15:32:49] +Katy: yapp
  1181. [15:32:50] uiopman☁888: same
  1182. [15:32:52] +AquaVanilla: same'
  1183. [15:32:54] +Dreamcatcher UwU: looks good
  1184. [15:33:00] uiopman☁888: so we rely on there
  1185. [15:33:02] memesketch: but yeah protect and gterrain is ok recovery for a mon resistant to rocks
  1186. [15:33:06] uiopman☁888: terry*
  1187. [15:33:06] +Katy: also punishes otehr uturner
  1188. [15:33:10] uiopman☁888: TERR
  1189. [15:33:11] +Katy: not only ace
  1190. [15:33:12] #AM: can staff code current team
  1191. [15:33:13] uiopman☁888: god damn
  1192. [15:33:14] #AM: or voices
  1193. [15:33:18] #AM: I want to wrap up
  1194. [15:33:21] #AM: if possible
  1195. [15:33:33] +Katy: !code
  1196. Gengar @ Black Sludge
  1197. Ability: Cursed Body
  1198. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  1199. [15:33:35] uiopman☁888: mobile ps sucks
  1200. [15:33:38] +Katy: this one so far
  1201. [15:33:41] memesketch: !code
  1202. Gengar @ Black Sludge
  1203. Ability: Cursed Body
  1204. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  1205. [15:33:44] uiopman☁888: works
  1206. [15:33:46] +Katy: if i didnt miss anything
  1207. [15:34:06] +AquaVanilla: yeah we are done.
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