
(Summary) Vol 7 Chapter 1 Saffron Blossom and Chrome Falcon

Aug 15th, 2012
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  1. Vol7 Ch1 went into their back-story. Blossom got mass-Monster-PKed, after she wanted to make her dream come true of making Accel World one where people can help one another, without people suffering the sad fate of losing all their points and having the BB 'game' uninstalled. This is about 1 year after Brain Burst was released anonymously, and both Blossom and Falcon had spent approximately 5 years worth of time in Acceleration. By this point 80% of the 'Pioneers', 1st generation Brain Burst users have been eliminated one way or another.
  3. Falcon wanted to fulfill Blossom's dream, and after he foolishly broke into the Imperial Palace as an experiment (testing his skill <<Flash Blink>>, turning his avatar into particles and 'teleport' somewhere else) he got the sacred treasure 'The Destiny' and gave it to her.
  5. But of course, unimaginable power will attract trouble just as horrible...
  7. Blossom was crucified in the lair of the Enemy 'Jormungand' ('Behemoth' level, strongest Enemy/AI outside of the various Dungeons, only shows up in Stages like 'Purgatory', 'Plague', and 'Decaying Forest') of the by Black Vise, and could not escape. 'The Destiny' made Blossom practically immune to all damage, but since she's not a metallic-colored avatar, acid attacks still work on her. Dozens of other players were around; staring at Blossom in the pit and being melted/eaten alive by Jormungand (involves tentacles).
  9. These are the first people (over 30) Blossom tried to help, as she tried to establish a group (not a Legion) that would help one another. After barely defeating one of the Pure Colored Kings with Falcon (2vs1), Blossom declared her goal and asked for helpers - but they betrayed her and Falcon, feeling 'The Destiny' is too overpowered for Accel World in its infancy. Black Vise told Falcon by making Saffron die by the hands of other than players, 'The Destiny' will be returned to wherever it came from and won't upset the balance of the world.
  11. Falcon was pinned to the ground by Black Vise as well, and could only watch Blossom dying again and again. One of Vise's ally has the technique <<Resurrect by Compassion>>, and forced Blossom to revive immediately and bypass the 1 hour time period where someone dies and penalized to a phantom state in the Unlimited Burst world. Blossom did not get any reprieve from being eaten alive.
  13. After trying to break his arms from Black Vise's hold, Falcon filled up enough gauge to teleport to Blossom. Blossom activated her own skill <<Petal Shelter>> to temporarily protect Falcon. Blossom gave a dying confession of how she loved Falcon, and asked to be mercy killed by Falcon (only 7 points left). Falcon obliged, piercing through Blossom's heart. 'The Destiny' was transferred to Falcon on Blossom's death.
  15. However, while Blossom gave Falcon 'The Destiny' as a message to say he should live and fight on now that she's no longer here, Falcon finally went over the edge and descended to madness - his lover has just died, betrayed by others that was jealous of others strength despite how they wanted to become strong themselves. Saffron Blossom's goodwill was trampled by these people, and Falcon could not forgive them.
  17. Chrome Falcon equipped 'The Destiny', and One-Hit-Killed Jormungand (Chrome metal is immune to acid attacks). The rare drop 'Star Caster', a sword, was left to Falcon after Jormungand was defeated.
  19. Falcon let the Incarnate System's Darkness wash over him, and when faced between pulling down the visor destroy his own self, he chose to be destroyed. Blossom was no longer in the same world as him, so Falcon will die here as well. The rage and hatred warped the Destiny and Star Caster together into 'The Disaster'
  21. Black Vise tried to capture Chrome Falcon for further testing, but was pushed back. Falcon teleported to where he and two other allies are and tried to kill them all, but the three members of the 'Acceleration Research Society' present all warped away using Vise's shadow travel skill. Falcon then slayed the rest of the people present, camping until all of they lost all their points.
  23. One survivor managed to barely escape, and told the Accel World about Falcon. After more battles nobody ever called Falcon by his name again, he was only known as the 'Chrome Disaster'.
  25. Eventually, the various Legions came together to put the Disaster down. In his madness Falcon took off the restriction of 'nobody can battle him more than once a day', and dueled over a hundred times every day and facing multiple opponents at once.
  27. In Falcon's final moments:
  28. I - the Brain Burst player used to be known as Chrome Falcon, will disappear here today.
  30. If memory erasure, or better known as 'thought control mechanism' that the rumors spoke of are true, I will forget everything about Accel World - even Saffron Blossom, the person I dearly loved. Back to being a 2nd year primary school student that doesn't know any of the more difficult words.
  32. However, I will leave behind this rage -- sadness -- and despair.
  34. Neither I nor Blossom has sought power. We have never even considered something like using this Armor’s power to take control of the Accelerated World. All we wanted was to be together with everyone, able to stay in this world forever.
  36. If on the surface of this mirror-like Armor desires of domination, destruction, and plunder can be seen, then it is only reflecting the desire of the people around it.
  38. It's those people that sought after power. The ones that cruelly killed Saffron Blossom countless times.
  40. Then I will leave it to you all.
  42. My Rage and Blossom's Pain shall remain in this Armor - 'The Disaster'. From now on, any who put on this armor in their desire for power will strike at all of the Burst Linkers; destroy them, devour them. Take their powers, and grow infinitely powerful. Until only one remain. Until the infinitely vast plains of the Accelerated World holds only one person, that moment of the end.
  44. That is the nature of the power you all desired.
  46. I will curse this world. Stain it. Even though I disappear here, my rage and hatred... will revive, no matter how many times.
  48. *scene fades to black*
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