

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. [6:00:36 PM EDT] Losty: but yeah NR kind of
  2. [6:00:42 PM EDT] Losty: visits him on occasion
  3. [6:00:56 PM EDT] Nitro: Oh gOSH
  4. [6:01:02 PM EDT] Nitro: NR no that's not healthy
  5. [6:01:11 PM EDT] Nitro: (well)
  6. [6:01:15 PM EDT] Nitro: (probably isn't)
  7. [6:02:29 PM EDT] Losty: NR: No, it's not.
  8. [6:03:04 PM EDT] Losty: NR: But I don't have Grandparents, nor do I have any living siblings, or aunts and or uncles that I know of.
  9. [6:03:23 PM EDT] Losty: NR: I don't go often, only on his birthday, and maybe Christmas.
  10. [6:04:06 PM EDT] Losty: NR: *he tilts his head a bit, gently tapping the center of his palm.* I don't think he's noticed that I haven't aged yet, or maybe he's just that much of a psychopath that he doesn't notice.
  11. [6:04:45 PM EDT] Losty: ( saras met him once or twice
  12. he doesnt have any emotions at all there just a black 'mass' in his body
  13. its scary and she hasnt been back since )
  14. [6:04:59 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: ...Hm. His life is already one of unending repetition.
  15. [6:05:07 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: Such a thing can drive one mad.
  16. [6:05:31 PM EDT] Nitro: (oh gosh Sara bab I)
  17. [6:06:22 PM EDT] Losty: NR: Implying that he wasn't already.
  18. [6:06:55 PM EDT] Losty: NR: I would check my family records, but I'm scared to for obvious reasons.
  19. [6:07:02 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: I -- I apologize. I didn't mean...
  20. [6:07:18 PM EDT] Losty: NR: Oh, no, it's not your fault.
  21. [6:07:34 PM EDT] Losty: NR: You didn't do anything, don't worry about it.
  22. [6:09:44 PM EDT] Losty: ( Sara: He asked me if I believed in angels once. )
  23. [6:10:23 PM EDT] Losty: ( Sara: But I don't like talking to him, though he likes talking to me... )
  24. [6:13:23 PM EDT] Losty: but yeah just
  25. [6:13:26 PM EDT] Losty: vergil youre so cute aaa
  26. [6:14:06 PM EDT] Nitro: ( Vergil: ...Well. I am sure there is no need for you to talk to him. He doesn't... )
  27. [6:14:13 PM EDT] Nitro: ( Vergil: He does not deserve it. )
  28. [6:16:23 PM EDT] Losty: ( Sara: He doesn't. )
  29. [6:16:42 PM EDT] Nitro: ( Vergil: ... )
  30. [6:16:49 PM EDT] Nitro: ( Vergil: ...Do you? )
  31. [6:17:00 PM EDT] Nitro: ( Vergil: Believe in...angels, that is. )
  32. [6:17:31 PM EDT] Nitro: ( #cue awkward slight stuttering and looking kind of uncomfortable )
  33. [6:17:57 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ! ... Angels?
  34. [6:18:42 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: *she seems to pause, placing a hand over mouth as she looked to the side, out the window.* ... *she removes her hand, and then gently nods.* Sometimes.
  35. [6:19:31 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: I believe they're just like us, and then have that cruelty we all have.
  36. [6:19:42 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: But, mhmmm.. I do.
  37. [6:30:21 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: *He looks at her, frowning ever so slightly, for a long moment before looking down at his lap.* ...Hmm. *He pauses like he's about to speak, brow pinching in hesitation.* Do you b...
  38. [6:31:11 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: *...Nah, that's. That's stupid. He'll just. Mess up her hair a little instead.* Interesting philosophy.
  39. [6:33:57 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: *she watches him, and she jumps when he moves to ruffle her hair. For such a small child, she certainly has a lot of it. Her fingers wrap around his- she's cold - and she peeks up at him.* What were you going to say?
  40. [6:34:10 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: You can tell me, I won't tell anyone.
  41. [6:35:49 PM EDT] Nitro: [pre-existing headcanon Vergil is unnaturally warm because fire-electricity demon]
  42. [6:35:53 PM EDT] Nitro: [so he's just]
  43. [6:35:56 PM EDT] Nitro: [reALLY cuddly]
  44. [6:36:36 PM EDT] Losty: (good)
  45. [6:36:53 PM EDT] Losty: ( NR likes being hugged because he didn't get much physical contact as a child )
  46. [6:37:18 PM EDT] Losty: ( but its hard to hug him because he'll nudge people away
  47. if you hold him long enough hell kind of melt and cling to whoever is hugging him )
  48. [6:38:12 PM EDT] Losty: ( sara likes curling up next to people and staying there because it's nice )
  49. [6:38:23 PM EDT] Losty: (( and its a link to their emotions so sara can tap in better ))
  50. [6:45:07 PM EDT] Losty: ( but yes vergil being really cuddly is nice )
  51. [6:45:29 PM EDT] Losty: ( im not sure if i want immortalites to run a bit cooler than everyone else or not )
  52. [6:48:14 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: ... *He sits, brow silently furrowed, for a moment before wrapping his other hand over hers. He is not one for physical affection, but...he's grown used to it, of late.* It is nothing important. *He's sure he won't convince her it was nothing at all, but...*
  53. [6:48:39 PM EDT] Nitro: [sorry for the delay, oops, I'm watching TWDG with my friend and it's]
  54. [6:48:46 PM EDT] Nitro: [pure and raw emotion]
  55. [6:49:01 PM EDT] Nitro: [also hmm]
  56. [6:50:13 PM EDT] Nitro: [maybe it depends on the person's physical state? Like, with Vergil]
  57. [6:51:03 PM EDT] Nitro: [I wrote this thing where his brain was severely damaged and his demonic healing was enough to keep him /alive/ but only just]
  58. [6:51:24 PM EDT] Nitro: [and he was really, really chilly because he was basically]
  59. [6:51:46 PM EDT] Nitro: [like you said before, dying but never quite accomplishing it]
  60. [6:51:51 PM EDT] Nitro: [in a perpetual state of dying]
  61. [6:52:01 PM EDT] Losty: ( oh baby no )
  62. [6:52:11 PM EDT] Nitro: [he]
  63. [6:52:19 PM EDT] Nitro: [he had /really/ severe damage after that]
  64. [6:52:30 PM EDT] Nitro: [he did recover but his brain never worked right and it's]
  65. [6:52:32 PM EDT] Nitro: [super sad]
  66. [6:53:39 PM EDT] Losty: ( oh baby no 8( )
  67. [6:56:44 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: Everything's important, just some things are more important than other. *His hands are really warm, and she smiles.
  68. To be honest she's tempted to curl up in his lap, but..* ... You can ask me stuff if you tell me!
  69. [7:13:47 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: *She's as cheerful as Dante always had been -- albeit a little sweeter. Though perhaps his perception was warped. Brotherhood and such.* ...Well. Surely if there are angels, there are also demons. As there are...good and bad things in the world. *...The more he reflected on this, the less appropriate it seemed. Certainly, nothing Dante would appreciate him reflecting on. But then, that applied to a lot of things.*
  70. [7:14:11 PM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil no you're not supposed to talk about stuff like that with children]
  71. [7:23:47 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... What about demons? They aren't like the ones in those dumb story books, right?
  72. [7:23:52 PM EDT] Losty: ( #he tries )
  73. [7:24:02 PM EDT] Losty: (( at least sara is a smart child ))
  74. [7:24:08 PM EDT] Nitro: [He /does/]
  75. [7:24:18 PM EDT] Nitro: [(yes)]
  76. [7:30:32 PM EDT] Losty: ( can vergil and nr bond over their hatred of dumb judges )
  77. [7:30:57 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: *He looks absent, distant, as if he's in another world.* ...Depends on the story book. What do you think of them?
  78. [7:31:02 PM EDT] Nitro: [y e s]
  79. [7:31:16 PM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil pretty much thinks most judges are dumb]
  80. [7:31:26 PM EDT] Nitro: [tho that's because he just doesn't like]
  81. [7:31:27 PM EDT] Nitro: [people]
  82. [7:34:37 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... Can you keep a secret?
  83. [7:34:50 PM EDT] Losty: (nr finds them dumb because theyre just)
  84. [7:35:01 PM EDT] Losty: (god damn stop overruling his objections)
  85. [7:35:43 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: *He blinks and nods. Strange question in this situation, but okay.*
  86. [7:36:54 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... Well, I... n-never mind.
  87. [7:37:31 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: *she shakes her head, but she keeps her grip on his hand.* But I think they're like angels.
  88. [7:42:29 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... But I don't like the way people protray them. It's not fair, in a way. What if they didn't want to be they way they are or.. what if they were born as one and people hated them for i?
  89. [7:42:33 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... ... Mm..
  90. [8:03:48 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: ... *He tightens his grip on her (unreasonably tiny) hands, swallowing sharply.* I s-see. *He falls silent then, fingers twitching, and adjusts them, as if suddenly restless. After a moment of anxiously frowning at his knees, he blinks himself loose of whatever daze had overcome him and glances at her, nudging her hesitantly.*
  91. [8:06:01 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... I think me and Daddy are demons, sometimes.
  92. *Where did that come from?
  93. Her fingers seem to loosen at his nudging. You can take your hand back if you want, Vergil.*
  94. [8:11:40 PM EDT] Nitro: [Sara /no/ I'm]
  95. [8:11:51 PM EDT] Nitro: [Also brb, gotta take care of my horse. uvu]
  96. [8:28:34 PM EDT] Losty: ( Ah, okay )
  97. [8:28:49 PM EDT] Losty: ( My computer decided it didn't want me to talk to you )
  98. [8:28:51 PM EDT] Losty: ( v nv )
  99. [8:28:54 PM EDT] Losty: ( because it died )
  100. [8:29:06 PM EDT] Nitro: [I actually just got back anyway, haha -- aww, comp/rude/r.]
  101. [8:29:28 PM EDT] Losty: ( yes exactly )
  102. [8:39:37 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: !! *Where /did/ that come from? His hands become a little steadier, just a little, tugging his fingers from her grip to instead fold both of his hands around hers. (It always fascinated him, morbidly so, how /small/ she was. His chest felt starkly hollow every time he noticed it. He doesn't quite understand why, nor does he understand the impulse to treat her as if it's Nero he's handling. As if she is his kin to protect.)*
  103. ...Wh-what would...make you say that? *He gently shifts his shoulder to nudge hers again, as if to prompt her to look up at him. He's never been good with eye contact, either, but Dante had always used it as a way to catch his attention and reassure him when... Well.*
  104. [8:40:09 PM EDT] Nitro: [slightly difficult because I'm not entirely sure which version of Vergil I'm playing]
  105. [8:40:13 PM EDT] Nitro: [which Vergion, you might say]
  106. [8:40:26 PM EDT] Losty: (jsdbjash vergion omg)
  107. [8:40:31 PM EDT] Nitro: [;y]
  108. [8:41:06 PM EDT] Losty: (but aaa)
  109. [8:41:12 PM EDT] Losty: (at least he doesnt hate kids)
  110. [8:41:19 PM EDT] Losty: (i dont see how anyone could hate sara though)
  111. [8:41:34 PM EDT] Nitro: [oh gosh no I don't think anyone could hate Sara]
  112. [8:41:44 PM EDT] Nitro: [and I don't think he can manage to actually hate kids]
  113. [8:42:38 PM EDT] Nitro: [(though when he was a preteen/young teenage asshole he made several sweet babs who may as well have been children cry)]
  114. [8:42:49 PM EDT] Nitro: [(also Phoenix)]
  115. [8:43:05 PM EDT] Nitro: [( (Phoenix is canon for him) )]
  116. [8:47:25 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: Because we aren't human. *She glances up at him, her eyes are so.. brown. They aren't dark brown, it's more like an earthy brown, when the sun hits it the right way. Then her forehead comes to rest on his hands, her eyes closing as she thought.
  117. Her hair falls around her like a curtain, and it's soft.* Daddy was human, but that was a long time ago, I think.
  118. [8:52:26 PM EDT] Losty: (( asdbjsahb hahaha ))
  119. [9:22:36 PM EDT] Losty: ( boop )
  120. [9:26:01 PM EDT] Nitro: [oh gosh sorry I]
  121. [9:26:15 PM EDT] Nitro: [was having feels w/ someone about a game]
  122. [9:26:27 PM EDT] Losty: (shshs its okay! i know the feeling haha )
  123. [9:44:32 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil: *His breathing halted for a moment -- not a gasp, but simply pausing. Did she...did she really think she or her father could be /demons/?
  124. (His gut wrenched at the familiarity of it all. He could /feel/ the memory lurking, flitting, half-formed, at the edge of his mind -- intact but ruthlessly unacknowledged.)* What d-do you suppose you are, then?
  125. [9:44:46 PM EDT] Nitro: [frowns @ wording unhappily]
  126. [9:48:05 PM EDT] Losty: ( 0^0" holds )
  127. [9:50:34 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... A half-human. My maman was human, but.. *there's a soft shrug, and the oxygen tank in her backpack rolls, making a soft (clink!) sound against the metal of the zipper.* ... I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Daddy doesn't want anyone finding out about it and people using... us or.. something silly like that.
  128. [9:50:49 PM EDT] Losty: Sara: ... I'm sorry.
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