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May 5th, 2019
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  1. <?php get_header(); ?>
  2. <div id="home-main-wrap" class="left relative">
  3. <div class="home-wrap-out1">
  4. <div class="home-wrap-in1">
  5. <div id="home-left-wrap" class="left relative">
  6. <div id="home-left-col" class="relative">
  7. <div id="home-mid-wrap" class="left relative">
  8. <div id="archive-list-wrap" class="left relative">
  9. <h1 class="arch-head"><?php _e( 'Search results for', 'mvp-text' ); ?> "<?php the_search_query() ?>"</h1>
  10. <?php if(get_option('mvp_arch_layout') == 'Column' ) { ?>
  11. <ul class="archive-col-list left relative infinite-content">
  12. <?php } else { ?>
  13. <ul class="archive-list left relative infinite-content">
  14. <?php } ?>
  15. <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
  16. <li class="infinite-post">
  17. <?php if ( (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) && (has_post_thumbnail()) ) { ?>
  18. <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
  19. <div class="archive-list-out">
  20. <div class="archive-list-img left relative">
  21. <?php the_post_thumbnail('mvp-medium-thumb', array( 'class' => 'reg-img' )); ?>
  22. <?php the_post_thumbnail('mvp-small-thumb', array( 'class' => 'mob-img' )); ?>
  23. <?php $post_views = get_post_meta($post->ID, "post_views_count", true); if ( $post_views >= 1) { ?>
  24. <div class="feat-info-wrap">
  25. <div class="feat-info-views">
  26. <i class="fa fa-eye fa-2"></i> <span class="feat-info-text"><?php mvp_post_views(); ?></span>
  27. </div><!--feat-info-views-->
  28. <?php $disqus_id = get_option('mvp_disqus_id'); if ( ! $disqus_id ) { if (get_comments_number()==0) { } else { ?>
  29. <div class="feat-info-comm">
  30. <i class="fa fa-comment"></i> <span class="feat-info-text"><?php comments_number( '0', '1', '%' ); ?></span>
  31. </div><!--feat-info-comm-->
  32. <?php } } ?>
  33. </div><!--feat-info-wrap-->
  34. <?php } ?>
  35. <?php if ( has_post_format( 'video' )) { ?>
  36. <div class="feat-vid-but">
  37. <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i>
  38. </div><!--feat-vid-but-->
  39. <?php } ?>
  40. </div><!--archive-list-img-->
  41. <div class="archive-list-in">
  42. <div class="archive-list-text left relative">
  43. <span class="side-list-cat"><?php $category = get_the_category(); echo esc_html( $category[0]->cat_name ); ?></span>
  44. <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
  45. <p><?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_excerpt(), 22, '...' ); ?></p>
  46. </div><!--archive-list-text-->
  47. </div><!--archive-list-in-->
  48. </div><!--archive-list-out-->
  49. </a>
  50. <?php } else { ?>
  51. <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
  52. <div class="archive-list-text left relative">
  53. <span class="side-list-cat"><?php $category = get_the_category(); echo esc_html( $category[0]->cat_name ); ?></span>
  54. <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
  55. <p><?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_excerpt(), 22, '...' ); ?></p>
  56. </div><!--archive-list-text-->
  57. </a>
  58. <?php } ?>
  59. </li>
  60. <?php endwhile; ?>
  61. <?php else : ?>
  62. <div class="mvp-search-text">
  63. <p><?php _e('Sorry, your search did not match any entries.', 'mvp-text') ?></p>
  64. </div><!--mvp-search-text-->
  65. <?php endif; ?>
  66. </ul>
  67. <?php $mvp_infinite_scroll = get_option('mvp_infinite_scroll'); if ($mvp_infinite_scroll == "true") { if (isset($mvp_infinite_scroll)) { ?>
  68. <a href="#" class="inf-more-but"><?php _e( 'More Posts', 'mvp-text' ); ?></a>
  69. <?php } } ?>
  70. <div class="nav-links">
  71. <?php if (function_exists("pagination")) { pagination($wp_query->max_num_pages); } ?>
  72. </div><!--nav-links-->
  73. </div><!--archive-list-wrap-->
  74. </div><!--home-mid-wrap-->
  75. </div><!--home-left-col-->
  76. </div><!--home-left-wrap-->
  77. </div><!--home-wrap-in1-->
  78. <div id="arch-right-col" class="relative">
  79. <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
  80. </div><!--home-right-col-->
  81. </div><!--home-wrap-out1-->
  82. </div><!--home-main-wrap-->
  83. <?php get_footer(); ?>
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