
Mythical Neonverse

Jul 9th, 2016
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  1. 20:50 Initiate_Jason In another time and space, an age of myth and wonder was upon the world. The land lay in a state of peace, as it had for many years, but foul agents were brewing sinister plans around every corner. For this was an age of witches, wizard, dragons and dungeons. This is the age that heroes are made, and kingdoms rise and fall. But these are not the focus of the story. No, the focus instead brings us a day's ride down the path
  2. 20:50 Initiate_Jason from the Capital, to a quiet road inn popular for those coming from and going to the Capital. While it wasn't packed, it was populated enough to give off a warm atmosphere. Sturdy furniture, a fire crackling in the hearth and enough food and wine going around to keep everyone happy, it seemed friendly enough.
  3. 20:50 Initiate_Jason Friendly enough for Jason, as far as he was concerned. He was riding in from the borderlands, after performing his first inquest to follow up rumors of a witch coven. It was... messy.
  4. 20:51 Initiate_Jason He had no horse to tie up, so he entered with a push of the door. The air was alive with laughter and merriment, so alive that all the tables seemed to be full. All except the one empty table left that he took a seat at, waving over at a barmaid for whatever was coming out of the barrel.
  5. 20:51 Initiate_Jason He hoped no one picked his robes out of the crowd. Who knew what the public opinion of the Inquisitors was around these parts. And in a place like this, anyone could come along.
  6. 20:55 Brinkerhoff "DOWN VITH YOU!" With a crack of a massive fist the opponent hit the dirt cold and the circled people cheered for the winner. Coins were passed and bets were won while the victor grinned a gleaming grin, stamping off to get himself something to drink.
  7. 20:56 Brinkerhoff Half-Giants. Born in the farthest reaches of the north, their size as greater than any human man and their accent practically incomprehensible. This one had been brought down south for one thing, and that was prize fighting.
  8. 20:58 Brinkerhoff This one went by the name of Brinkerhoff, and he looked like he had plenty of experience despite his youthful complexion. A good quarter of his face had the marks of severe burns and one eye refused to open. His hair was wild and his smile infectious.
  9. 20:59 Brinkerhoff Ducking down in the doorway, he didn't need to ask for a drink. The barkeep knew to have one by the time the fights outside were done. Simply standing wouldn't do, and the place was packed, which left his options to only one place. The table with that shifty robed fellow.
  10. 21:00 Brinkerhoff "Gah! Vonderful." Whatever was louder, the slam of the cup on the table or the creaking of the chair when he sat in it, it was anybody's guess.
  11. 21:06 Initiate_Jason gave the giant man a raise of the brows and sat up straighter, feeling suddenly inadequate. "The wonderful drink or the wonderful chair?" His voice was smooth, but quiet. Like he didn't want to draw attention to himself.
  12. 21:16 The-Alchemic-Merchant Alchemy, a new Art and power. Able to Change on Element into Another! This amazing knowledge wasn't known by many, and the one person who did know how to do it was asleep on his Horse "Mnglgh...No..That deal ended last week grpmgh..." The Alchemic Merchant was 'riding' his Horse of Clay. Slowly trotting down the road pulling a Cart with it. How this man
  13. 21:22 The-Alchemic-Merchant was yet to be Robbed was anyones guess. As time went on the Clay Horse came near the Inn, being spooked by the Sudden Giant Yelling and man falling to the Dirt. The sudden shock also came to The Merchant Jeremy. Falling off his Horse and onto the floor "GAH!" Slowly getting up and bashing his hand against the Clay...
  14. 21:25 The-Alchemic-Merchant "Stupid Golem! I leave you to guide me to an Inn and you...take me to an Inn...huh" Jeremy guided the Horse to the Stables, tying it down. Making sure his Cart was still safe he entered the Inn "This place shall do good. No more sleeping on a Horse...Then again, if a Man was knocked out in front...Bah, surely it was just a misunderstanding or fight!"
  15. 21:25 The-Alchemic-Merchant The Innocent man sat on a table, looking around at the Strange sights
  16. 21:29 Brinkerhoff "Zhe vight! Zhe drink?" Taking a long swig back, he drank down on whatever it was that the bartender gave him. "...'Ve had better."
  17. 21:36 Initiate_Jason nodded at the large man, "Ah, fight. I expect it wasn't much trouble for a man of your..." He sat back and tried not to puff out his chest, "Stature." Jason's gaze turned to the other new patron at his table, and made him tilt his head. "Did you just come from a fight too?"
  18. 21:38 The-Alchemic-Merchant "W-What? No! Is this table not Free for one to sit in?" He looked to the Giant of the North "You seem fine with Him here. I see no reason for why I can't sit here good sir"
  19. 21:42 Brinkerhoff "He knows zhat I am not to be told vhere to sit." For a few seconds he looked legitimately threatening to the two of them with a serious look on his face, but it broke back into a smile and a loud laugh soon enough.
  20. 21:49 The-Alchemic-Merchant Despite all his knowledge in the Arts of Magic..or would it be Chemistry? Either way, he didn't understand a single word of that Giant. So the Merchant joined in on the laughing "H-Hahahaha...hah"
  21. 21:51 Initiate_Jason sunk into his chair and let out weak laughter to join his new drinking companions, sipping out of the flagon that the barmaid had brought him. The sight of them must have been strange, three men laughing like idiots. "No problem, I haven't bought the table, so its free anyway." He sipped again from the strong ale and looked to the others, struggling to find words. "So uh... are either of you riding toward the Capital?"
  22. 21:55 The-Alchemic-Merchant took a Drink "Hm? Oh yes! I am making my way there to set up shop! I hear the Capital is *The* spot for Adventures looking for new Wears.Armor, Swords, I shall have it all!...What of you?"
  23. 21:56 Brinkerhoff nodded, cracking his neck idly. The snapping sound the releasing of his joints made might have made people a table or two over jump. "Capitol, zhat is vhere zhe money is. Nothing up north. Have debts to pay."
  24. 21:58 The-Alchemic-Merchant "Haha! The Big guy gets it! Money solves everything"
  25. 21:58 Brinkerhoff "It keeps man off back. Is what is important."
  26. 22:05 Initiate_Jason "All that glitters is not gold, fellows." He put down his flagon and smacked his lips. "Or silver, or bronze, for that matter." He sniffed before looking at them, "I'm headed back to the Capital at first light, and its quite a walk for just one man. Either of you fancy a companion on the road?"
  27. 22:06 *** Wells is now known as InventorWells
  28. 22:09 The-Alchemic-Merchant looked at the Two men, thinking about it "Well, the Horse has been a bit of a Bore...Sure, it shall be nice do have a few Fellow talkers"
  29. 22:12 InventorWells There was one individual who did not quite agree with such virtues. The inventor, adorned in all manner of strange scientific apparel walked into the bar looking tense and nervous as ever. He was accompanied by a flock of small insect like gadgets, each carrying a piece of paper with particular information that they distributed among the bar. One of the critters crawled onto the table of the three individuals and presented th
  30. 22:15 InventorWells put aside his usual lack of words and opened his mouth loud to the inhabitants of the bar. "I'm taking any takers for some business I need done! 1000 (currency) reward for each hand up! I'll explain the details if you're willing to lend an ear!" In his head, he had almost choked and suffocated of nervousness. But he was desperate.
  31. 22:16 InventorWells looked around the bar to little response and was on the verge of tears. He'd reply to the silence with a 'You too' but there were no words for how horrible he felt.
  32. 22:16 Brinkerhoff "I zhink zhat can be arr-" The attention of the half-giant shifted to the man that had marched inside and offered so much money. For a man deep in debt, that was his most important concern.
  33. 22:17 Brinkerhoff raised his hand. "VHA!"
  34. 22:18 The-Alchemic-Merchant Jeremy wasn't a hero, or an Adventurer. He just helped other Adventures do their thing...But a Thousand [Currency]!? "Count me in as well Fine Sir!" Speaking of this Fine Sir...He looked strange to say the least
  35. 22:21 Initiate_Jason was about to offer his hand to shake, but the interruption of the man covered in unfamiliar contraptions threw him off. His call for assistance reminded Jason of his station and the oath that came with it. He raised his hand as well, getting up and moving over. "You've my arm, ser. What task have you?"
  36. 22:24 InventorWells broke away from his self pity and immediately rushed to the first hands up. They were all thankfully in the same place. He called back his army of mechanical familiars and they skittered onto him and disappeared into his inumerable pockets.
  37. 22:29 InventorWells got to their table and stuck out his hand in greeting for a shake. Under his breath he "Thank the gods someone was foo-FIERCE, haha, fierce of heart enough to volunteer. T-The name is Wells, traveling inventor. And you all?"
  38. 22:30 The-Alchemic-Merchant "I am Jeremy, Soon to be Famous Merchant, and Master of Alchemy. And I suppose Adventurer for the next day or two...." He shook Wells hand with his own Dried Clay covered hand
  39. 22:32 Brinkerhoff slapped a hand against his bare chest. No, the Half-Giant was not wearing a shirt. He figured he didn't need one in this kind of weather. "Brinkerhoff."
  40. 22:32 Initiate_Jason crossed an arm over his chest and stood up straighter. "Inquisitor-Initiate Jason, of the Holy Order."
  41. 22:38 InventorWells coughed in surprised at the words 'Holy Order' which devolved into a fit of choking so as not to look suspicious. He was not on good terms with the Church. He was not on good terms with a lot of groups. One of them being the cause of his current problem. He broke out of his fit with an awkward smile. "Haha, right. Lets get down to it. Hahaha."
  42. 22:43 The-Alchemic-Merchant "So, What exactly is Quest you wish from us?"
  43. 22:46 InventorWells took out a picture of an orange fairy from one of his many pockets and laid it on the table in front of them. "This is our target. She's one of those fae types. Mischievous bunch of cheats, they are. But this one is different. A personal assisstant you can call her I guess. Knows me better than I know myself. My life is in tatters if she ever leaves me. Uh, some 'guys'took off with her and I'm gonna need some muscle to
  44. 22:54 InventorWells -get her back. You getting me?"
  45. 23:00 Initiate_Jason grit his teeth at the mention of fae. "You play at wild folly to consult with fae, ser Wells. Is the risk truly worth it to recover such a dangerous creature?"
  46. 23:03 The-Alchemic-Merchant "I personally never have had Interactions with a Fae. From what I hear they are no Laughing matter. Whoever would want one would need to be Strong, powerful..."
  47. 23:07 Brinkerhoff "Zounds like a good job! Vhen do I start?" Not having a problem at all with what he just said, it seemed the Half-Giant was feeling optimistic. Or, he may just be desperate to get some pay.
  48. 23:13 InventorWells "I'll have you all know this fairy isn't the same as the rest of her kind. She acknowledged my overwhelming air of wisdom and power and threw away her past to come under my wing. I don't just take in any fae."
  49. 23:14 InventorWells took the picture and put it away. "So is that a yes from all of you? I have 1 of 3 acceptances. Or do you have more questions?
  50. 23:17 Initiate_Jason groaned. "By the Edict, I can not turn down a soul in need. Be that as it may, I'll not suffer a fae more than necessary." He adjusted his robes and pulled out his holy silver medallion from within. "By the Light, I am with you."
  51. 23:18 InventorWells "The poem wasn't necessary but cool. And you, Alchemist?"
  52. 23:27 The-Alchemic-Merchant "...We each get half of he Money now. 500 [Currency] For each of us. Accept this and I am in"
  53. 23:37 InventorWells smiles, "That's fair." His smile fades however. He gets a bit cautious and looks around the bar for anyone he doesn't want to see before reaching for the funds. He pulls a pouch from within a pouch from within a bag of holding from within one of his many aforementioned pockets. He counts the proper amount and presents it to the three. "Here it is. 500 (Currency) each. The rest comes after. If you guys have anything to
  54. 23:38 Brinkerhoff would have been happy to take everything after, but he is fine getting a cut of the payment now. Happy enough that the light of the sun could shine off of his pearly white teeth.
  55. 23:40 Initiate_Jason bit his lip, valuable metals glittering in his eyes, but raised his hand. "By the Edict, I cannot accept this. My compatriots can split my share. I am merely here to help."
  56. 23:41 *** InventorWells left #covenger_rp (AndroIRC)
  57. 23:43 The-Alchemic-Merchant "Well thats ok with me!" He took a coin out, biting it, looking at it very closely, even bringing out a Small Microscope to look Closer. He then placed it on the Table, bringing out a few Potions looking for the right one. "Aha!" once he did, he Got out some chalk drawing a strange symbol around the Coin. "A few Drops of this aaaand...."
  58. 23:44 The-Alchemic-Merchant Nothing happened "Ah! Perfect, can't Turn gold into Gold after all." He placed the Coins into a pouch, and cleaned up his mess "So, where do we start?"
  59. 23:44 *** Wells joined #covenger_rp
  60. 23:45 Brinkerhoff patted Jason on the back. "Very nice, my friend! I vill put it to good use, I assure!"
  61. 23:46 *** InventorWells joined #covenger_rp
  62. 23:50 InventorWells shrugs, "Very generous. Moreso than me." He lied "I guess means we're all set?"
  63. 23:51 Brinkerhoff "Vha, ve are."
  64. 23:54 Initiate_Jason "Seems so, lead the way ser." Jason gestured to Wells and pulled the hood of his robes up over his smooth brown head.
  65. 23:58 The-Alchemic-Merchant "Just let me hide get my Horse and Cart, Dont want Thieves stealing from it while I'm questing"
  66. 00:02 InventorWells began led them outside, "Sure thing, Alchemist. I sell things myself. Where too?"
  67. 00:06 The-Alchemic-Merchant "You Are a Merchant as well? Tell me, what do you sell?" He pulled his Horse and Cart a bit aways. Drawing a large circle around them with strange runes. A few drops of a Strange potion onto the Ground before the Very Earth covered the Horse and Cart in a Shell of Stone! "There we go!"
  68. 00:07 Initiate_Jason followed them out and looked to the man on the ground, still out from the earlier fight. "This man will wake up at some point, yes?"
  69. 00:09 Brinkerhoff walked past without even looking at the man he had knocked so soundly down. "Of course! I did not kvill him. Not as ztrong as I hoped, but zhould be fine. Zurprised no one came for him."
  70. 00:10 InventorWells looked upon the site of magical science with intrigue. He continued along to the Eastern exit, "Oh, I sell contraptions, gizmos, and gadgets. All created by me. The purpose of these many doodads vary. In fact, my business is what got me into this mess."
  71. 00:13 Initiate_Jason sighed and crouched to the man, laying a hand on his head softly and muttering under his breath, "Light keep you," before moving once again to travel with them. The mention of Wells' gizmos once again piqued his interest. "These creations of yours, they move without life but with purpose. Is this some form of miracle or... a craft more sinister?"
  72. 00:14 The-Alchemic-Merchant "I must agree with Jason, I myself have crafted many a Golem, but nothing as like those you used to give out the Notes, nor in such a High Number. How did you do it?"
  73. 00:17 InventorWells laughed. "Far less a miracle or sinister craft than that hocus pocus the alchemist works with. What I dabble in, my friend, is none other than-" He abrubtly stops in his tracks and suddenly turns to them. He throws pellets on the ground, and from them burst all manner of smoke and fireworks. "SCIENCE."
  74. 00:21 Brinkerhoff "...Zience?"
  75. 00:23 The-Alchemic-Merchant "Science...I've heard of it before, some Principles of Alchemy are based off it, but to make something like those Strange Metal beings? Preposterous"
  76. 00:25 Initiate_Jason flashed his hand into his robes and gripped the handle of SOMETHING tight. "Don't play games, Tinkerer. I suffer not the witch, nor the witch-fool." His hand came back out, truly his time spent in the Order had not pushed him into an encounter such as this.
  77. 00:35 InventorWells eased off with the Inquisitor's aggression and continued walking, "I will admit, my level of understanding of this world's mechanics is as far as anyone else's. My field is mostly mechanics, and I wouldn't be as far alomg as I am with the help of magic. Creating autonomous creatures without some level of knowledge in alchemy is near impossible. But this here is no walking clay. " He took out one of the his metal critte
  78. 00:36 InventorWells "The intricacies behind this machine's movement is so far beyond simple majicks. The level of study necessary to create such a thing was immense. I've done many things to get as far as I am. However, magic is indeed necessary for recognizing commands." He'd go further into explanation if not for realizing he had reached the Eastern exit.
  79. 00:38 The-Alchemic-Merchant "Amazing. To think this is what Magic and 'science' has lead us too!....Course, Golems are generally better I imagine"
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