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LL bending over

a guest
Nov 15th, 2015
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  1. Darthvirus™: Could you now tell me why you've permanently banned me?
  2. [L²] Nacreas: Your little situation with FL is unacceptable.
  3. Darthvirus™: I havent been on FL in a long time
  4. Darthvirus™: If I remember corerctly, I have been banned for 2 months
  5. [L²] Nacreas: It was reported to us that you launched at DDoS attack on FL by their administrative staff.
  6. [L²] Nacreas: a*
  7. Darthvirus™: I am 13 years old how do you expect me to DDoS fearless?
  8. [L²] Nacreas: There are many ways, Darthvirus. A simple Google search can prove useful.
  9. Darthvirus™: Darthvirus™: u back 2 fearless?
  10. [FL:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: Ye.
  11. Darthvirus™: and a few weeks ago you were gonna hack em :c
  12. Darthvirus™: well ive been working for 4 hours and finally got a hydrogen rocket made
  13. Darthvirus™: no idea if its functional
  14. Darthvirus™: ill find out tomoz
  15. [FL:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: someone ddos'd FL
  16. [FL:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: lo
  17. [FL:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: all servers are down and so is the forums.
  18. Darthvirus™: gg
  19. Darthvirus™: yay fearless ddos'd :D
  20. Darthvirus™: totally not me
  21. Darthvirus™: this is just a little bit of banta with me and him
  22. [L²] Nacreas: Well I suggest you clear that up with Fearless before you come back to LimeLight.
  23. [L²] Nacreas: We can't have members of this community bringing bad light to us.
  24. Darthvirus™: And why is the ban reason just "Redacted"? I have the rights to know why I was banned before I post a UBR
  25. [L²] Nacreas: It was requested by senior staff members to not escalate the situation.
  26. [L²] Nacreas: Darth, take a break and sort yourself out.
  27. Darthvirus™: Do you have proper evidence that I ddod's fearless? If not then you can't do shit
  28. [L²] Nacreas: Is that so?
  29. [L²] Nacreas: You're assuming that this wasn't discussed internally.
  30. Darthvirus™: If you don't have proper evidence you can't do shit to me
  31. [L²] Nacreas: Sort your shit with Fearless, change your attitude and then you may come back.
  32. Darthvirus™: My attitude? My attitude is perfectly fine. Of course I get angry when I get perm'd for something I didn't do, and there isn't even evidence that I did so.
  33. [L²] Nacreas: You were reported for misconduct (DDoS) at yet another community. Clearly your attitude is at fault here.
  34. Darthvirus™: I was reported for it? Yet there was no evidence given that I did so.
  35. [L²] Nacreas: Come on TeamSpeak with some of my fellow staff members.
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