Guest User


a guest
Mar 26th, 2016
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  1. MESSAGE_FIRST_LOGIN: "&aType /redeemcode <code> If Someone Referred You
  2. MESSAGE_INVALID_CODE: "&cThe code you have entered is invalid"
  3. MESSAGE_INVALID_PLAYER: "&c unable to find the player @p"
  4. MESSAGE_INVALID_PAGE: "&cThere is no page number @n"
  5. MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION: "&cSorry, You do not have the required permissions"
  6. MESSAGE_NO_CODES: "&cYou have not generated any codes, /codes to view your codes"
  7. MESSAGE_NOT_PLAYER: "&cYou must be a player to run this command"
  8. MESSAGE_VIEW_CODES: "&a Below is a list of all your active &6referral codes"
  9. MESSAGE_VIEW_CODE: "&a - &6@c"
  10. MESSAGE_VIEW_STATS: "&aYou have referred &6@r &apeople"
  11. MESSAGE_VIEW_STATS_OTHERS: "&6@n &ahas referred &6@r &apeople"
  12. MESSAGE_REFFER_SELF: "&cYou can not refer yourself!"
  13. MESSAGE_SAME_IP: "&cYou can not refer someone with the same ip address as you!"
  14. MESSAGE_TOP_HEADER: "&aReferrals top, Page &6@p"
  15. MESSAGE_TOP: "&a@n - &6@p&a: &6@r"
  16. MESSAGE_NOT_NUMBER: "&c@s must be a number"
  17. MESSAGE_MAX_CODES_REACHED: "&cYou have already reached the max amount of codes, /codes to view your codes"
  18. MESSAGE_REDEEM_REFERRERS_CODE: "&cyou can not have been referred by the person you referred"
  19. MESSAGE_REFERRED: "&6@n has redeemed your code"
  20. MESSAGE_ALREADY_REDEEMED: "&cYou can only redeem 1 code"
  21. MESSAGE_NOT_FIRST_LOGIN: "&cYou can only refer people on your first login."
  22. MESSAGE_BELOW_REQUIRED_PLAYTIME: "&cyou must play another @t minutes before you can refer someone"
  23. MESSAGE_BEEN_REFFERED: "&aYou have been referred by &6@n"
  24. MESSAGE_CREATE_CODE: "&aSuccesfully registered code: &6@c"
  25. MESSAGE_FIX_REFERRERS: "&aSuccesfully fixed referrers"
  26. MESSAGE_USEPLAYERNAME: "&cThere is no need to generate a code, you can just use your username!"
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