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Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. on *:TEXT:!Story Mode*:%BattleChannel:{
  2. msg %Battlechannel 12$nick walks into a cave
  3. msg %Battlechannel 12???: HEY WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?
  4. storymode
  5. }
  7. alias storymode {
  8. set %newguy $nick
  9. if ((%challenge == open)) {
  10. if (($readini(batscore.ini, %newguy, wins) == $null)) { storystart }
  11. else {
  12. if (($readini(batscore.ini, %newguy, wins) <= 29)) { storystart }
  13. else { msg %BattleChannel 12You are too high a level to use the training center $nick $+ ! You have to be below level 30! and you are level $readini(batscore.ini, %newguy, wins) $+ ! }
  14. unset %newguy
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }
  19. alias storystart {
  20. set %freezetime 0
  21. set %freezecheck 0
  22. set %numturns -0.5
  23. set %skill 1
  24. set -s %skilllevel $2
  25. set -sn %fightera $nick
  26. set -sn %fighter1 $nick
  27. set -s %mpi 0
  28. set -s %mpa 0
  29. set -s %bona 0
  30. set -s %boni 0
  31. set -s %poisona 0
  32. set -s %poisoni 0
  33. set -sn %fighteri ???
  34. unset -sn %fightertwo
  35. unset -sn %fighterone
  36. msg %BattleChannel 12Trainer %fighteri $+ 12 will train against %fightera $+ .
  37. set -sn %challenge closed
  38. set -sn %training on
  39. storybattle
  41. }
  43. alias storybattle {
  44. set -s %hpa 1000
  45. set -s %hpi 1000
  46. if (($readini(batscore.ini, %fighter1, accessory) == ring of health)) { set -s %hpa 1150 }
  47. if (($readini(batscore.ini, %fighter1, accessory) == belt of vitality)) { set -s %hpa 1400 }
  48. set %maxhpa %hpa
  49. set %maxhpi %hpi
  50. set %maxmpa %mpa
  51. set %maxmpi %mpi
  52. storyround
  53. }
  54. alias storyround {
  55. inc %numturns 0.5
  56. if ((%hpa <= 0)) { storywin2 }
  57. else {
  58. if ((%hpi <= 0)) { storywin1 }
  59. else {
  60. if ((%combo > 2) && (%combo < 5)) {
  61. msg $chan 9 $+ %fightera 9got a %combo combo damaging %fighteri 9for %combovalue HP!
  62. }
  63. elseif ((%combo > 4) && (%combo < 8)) {
  64. msg $chan 8 $+ %fightera 8got a %combo combo damaging %fighteri 8for %combovalue HP!!!
  65. }
  66. elseif ((%combo > 7) && (%combo < 11)) {
  67. msg $chan 4 $+ %fightera 7got a  $+ %combo $+  combo damaging %fighteri 7for  $+ %combovalue HP!!!
  68. }
  69. elseif (%combo > 10) {
  70. msg $chan 4 $+ %fightera 4got a  $+ %combo $+  combo damaging %fighteri 4for  $+ %combovalue HP!!!
  71. }
  72. set %combo 0
  73. set %combovalue 0
  74. set %dam $rand(100,225)
  75. msg %BattleChannel 12trainer %fighteri $+ 12 attacks %fightera for4 %dam 12points of damage!
  76. dec -s %hpa %dam
  77. if ((%hpi <= 0)) { storywin1 }
  78. else {
  79. if ((%hpa <= 0)) { storywin2 }
  80. else {
  81. msg %BattleChannel 7 $+ %fightera $+ 7 has %hpa hp. %fighteri $+ 7 has %hpi hp.
  82. msg %BattleChannel 4 $+ %fightera 's turn }
  83. }
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }
  87. alias storywin1 {
  88. msg %BattleChannel 13 $+ %fightera has defeated %fighteri $+ 13 $+ !
  89. set -sn %fighterwin %fightera
  90. set -sn %intraining yes
  91. entergold
  92. enterscore
  93. score
  94. storymode2 }
  96. alias storywin2 {
  97. msg %BattleChannel 13 $+ %fighteri $+ 13 has defeated %fightera $+ !
  98. set -sn %fighterwin %fighteri
  99. reset }
  100. alias storyreset {
  101. unset -sn %fighterone
  102. unset -sn %fightertwo
  103. unset -sn %fighter1
  104. unset -sn %fighter2
  105. unset -sn %fightera
  106. unset -sn %fighteri
  107. unset -sn %quitfighter
  108. unset -sn %partfighter
  109. unset -sn %kickfighter
  110. unset -sn %fighterwin
  111. unset %newsword
  112. clear
  113. set %game off
  114. set %challenge open
  115. set %training off
  116. set -sn %shops open
  117. set -sn %lampfight off
  118. }
  119. alias storymode2 {
  120. msg %Battlechannel 12The mysterious man was thrown backwards and his mask falls off
  121. msg %Battlechannel 12???:My name is Izain, I thought you should know that before I killed you.
  122. msg %Battlechannel 12Izain's Level skyrockets and he lands a swift blow knocking $nick down
  123. msg %Battlechannel 12???:Stop! -New Person enters and kicks Izain away releasing a smokeball-
  124. writeini -n batscore.ini %fighter1 StoryPart 2
  125. Storymode2start
  126. }
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