
First step towards any endeavour is to Decide that you actua

Nov 5th, 2017
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  1. Hey,
  2. First step towards any endeavour is to Decide that you actually want to do it.
  3. I still remember when I quit my job in London and started as a personal trainer with 1/10th the salary than my previous job, my dad was really worried (he still is actually!…anyways I know he cares for me, thats all!)
  4. He asked me: “Akash is this a temporary move”?
  5. and then I looked him in the eye with a straight face and said: Dad, no matter what happens, Fitness will be my passion, my purpose and my mission for the rest of my life!
  6. I really don't know how I got so much conviction, but something inside me said that this is it. You found your industry, now stick with it, and you’ll be ok!
  7. And now after a decade in the fitness industry, here I am sitting in the SF East Bay area still in the health and fitness industry:))
  8. So far I am loving the journey.
  9. Am I successful?
  10. Well, success can have different versions.
  11. Some may say: Oh… you know he works hard, but he is amounting to not so much! Maybe he will quit!
  12. Whereas some will say, its been a decade and he still hasn't quit. He has authored a book, have launched two fitness businesses. He wakes up everyday wanting to work and is changing and transforming lives!
  13. Why I am sharing this with you? Coz you will need it.
  14. **People will critisize you, especially if you live in developing nations like India where Passion equates to Stupidity!**
  15. **Never mind what they say, keep doing your thing.**
  17. 1. **You need to have an above average physique:** There is no hint of a doubt that you need to build a good physique if you want people to listen to you! Even if you think you are the most knowledgeable fitness expert around, but if your body fat is not hovering around 10% and you don't have enough muscle to show, people will naturally be pulled towards someone who is probably a genetically superior, steroid laden dude, even though he may have no certification to support his advice of working out 2 hours a day, 6 times a week muscle building approach. Sure times are changing where many fitness bloggers are coming up with realistic physique and a million people following. Even then, I would highly recommend building at least 25–30lbs of muscle with body fat level of 10–12% if you want people to take you seriously!
  18. 2. **Care about other people’s physique ALSO**: Most people mistake their passion for fitness for building their own physique. Sure, that is the starting point, but if you don't care MORE about building your clients bodies than your own, then you won't be successful.
  19. 3. **You need to be an educator/teacher**: Do you enjoy talking/preaching/inspiring people about health and fitness even if no one is paying you? Then this career may be for you.
  20. 4. **You need to be ‘at the least’ certified**: I take this seriously and besides having secured the best certifications, I want more.
  21. 5. **Self Educate yourself**: Besides, certifications, diplomas and/or degrees you need to constantly update yourself with the latest scientific studies by going through the top blogs, journals and books. And then relentlessly apply the information on yourself and your clients to see what works and what doesn’t!
  24. Read the above statement again. Its so powerful.
  25. Health and fitness is a vast and competitive field. Eventually you will be faced with dozens of options to choose from.
  26. When working in a corporate environment I used to visualise on being a celebrity trainer, the best in the business, but when I actually did train few celebrities the bubble busted and I decided to be a fitness entrepreneur instead (well, this statement is another answer in itself and topic for some another day).
  27. Anyways, my main point being is that you cannot have clarity of what you should until you start doing it. Your body has an innate wisdom of telling you whether the thing you are pursuing is the right thing or not. Just listen to your inner voice and start honing your gut instinct. It will take you a long way!
  28. **Note**: Read a lot especially anything related to health and fitness industry. You are just one idea away from making it.
  29. I started as a personal trainer, then as a gym manager, eventually a direct marketing agent for a nutritional company and various other positions before I opened a health club.
  30. And now, have been running an online venture Fabulous Body Inc.
  31. I strongly feel that all the jobs I pursued in this industry so far were small dots, which ultimately formed into a line pointing me towards FB and now I know this is what I ultimately wanted to do in fitness. Of course, you should not limit yourself to just one thing and eventually many other profiles will show up in the near future that you can pursue in accordance to your strengths, personality and what you actually desire from life.
  32. So get involved. Keep learning and path will be shown to you.
  33. ONE LAST ADVICE (this is important)
  34. You may get excited after reading this answer and may even relate perfectly with what I am saying here, but know this: Passion is useless unless you have a way to pay your bills.
  35. So don't quit your job, until you are earning enough from your passion to support you and your family.
  36. Visit and like my facebook page Prime Way Of LIfe ( foe inspiration and motivation.
  37. Thankyou.
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