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Holy cow...

a guest
Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. TASK [debops.nginx : Generate nginx server configuration] *********************************************************************************************************
  2. failed: [rangers] (item={u'name': [u''], u'redirect_to_ssl': False, u'enabled': True, u'stapling': True, u'ssl': True, u'pki_key': u'default.key', u'root': u'/srv/www/sites/acme/public/', u'pki_crt': u'default.crt'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"enabled": true, "name": [""], "pki_crt": "default.crt", "pki_key": "default.key", "redirect_to_ssl": false, "root": "/srv/www/sites/acme/public/", "ssl": true, "stapling": true}, "msg": "AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({% import 'debops__tpl_macros.j2' as debops__tpl_macros with context %}\n{#\n #\n # ==== Default server template for debops.nginx role ====\n #\n # Refer to the documentation in /docs/defaults-detailed.rst\n #\n #}\n\n{#\n #\n # ---- HTTPS, ports to listen on, default server, HTTPS redirect ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_version = ansible_local.nginx.version if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.nginx|d() and ansible_local.nginx.version|d()) else \"0.0\" %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_robots_tag = [] if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string and item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) == omit)\n else (\n [ item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) ]\n if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string)\n else (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag))) %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_acme = (item.acme | default(nginx_acme)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl = (item.ssl | default(nginx_pki)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen = item.listen | default(nginx_listen_port if nginx_listen_port else nginx_listen_socket) %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen_ssl = item.listen_ssl | default(nginx_listen_ssl_port if nginx_listen_ssl_port else nginx_listen_ssl_socket) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server_ssl|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server_ssl or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server_ssl == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code = '307' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl = '301' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_http_redirect = item.redirect | default('https://$host$request_uri') %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = '' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list = [] %}\n{% if (nginx_pki | bool and | d() and (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.pki|d() and ansible_local.pki.known_realms|d())) %}\n{# TODO: Legacy code. Use debops__tpl_macros.j2 #}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if name in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name) %}\n{% elif (name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list[0] %}\n{% endif %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate = item.ssl_crt|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_crt|d(nginx_pki_crt))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate key ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key = item.ssl_key|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_key|d(nginx_pki_key))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL client CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_client_certificate = item.ssl_ca|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_ca_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_ca_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_ca|d(nginx_pki_ca))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL trusted CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate = item.ssl_trusted\n |d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + (item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + item.pki_trusted | d(nginx_pki_trusted))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange parameters ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam = item.ssl_dhparam | default(nginx_ssl_dhparam) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- root directory ----\n #}\n{% if item.owner|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/' + item.owner + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% else %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.root_suffix|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = nginx_tpl_root + '/' + item.root_suffix %}\n{% endif %}\n{% macro print_root() %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_root %}\n{% if (not (item.root|d() | bool)) and nginx_tpl_root %}\n root {{ nginx_tpl_root }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location' hash, flat ----\n #}\n{% macro print_location(location,location_allow=[],location_referers=[],location_deny=[]) %}\n{% if location is defined %}\n{% for path in location.keys() %}\n{% if location[path] %}\n location {{ path }} {\n{% if location_referers is defined %}\n{% if location_referers[path] is defined and location_referers[path] %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ location_referers[path] | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n {{ item.location[path] | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% if location_allow is defined %}\n{% if location_allow[path] is defined and location_allow[path] %}\n{% for address in location_allow[path] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if location_deny is defined %}\n{% if location_deny[path] is defined %}\n{% for address in location_deny[path] | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location_list' list, recursive\n #}\n{% macro print_location_list(location_list) %}\n{% if location_list is defined %}\n{% for entry in location_list %}\n{% if entry.pattern|d() and (entry.enabled|d(True) | bool) %}\n location {{ entry.pattern_prefix | default('') + entry.pattern }} {\n{% if entry.referers|d() %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ entry.referers | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.options|d() %}\n {{ entry.options | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.allow|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if entry.deny|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.deny | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.locations|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(entry.locations) | indent(8, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints the nginx server block which is shared between HTTP and HTTPS\n #}\n{% macro print_shared_nginx_server_block() %}\n{% if (not nginx_tpl_ssl and ((item.redirect|d()) or (item.redirect_to_ssl|d() | bool))) %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n{% elif nginx_tpl_ssl and item.redirect_ssl|d() %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} {{ item.redirect_ssl }};\n{% else %}\n keepalive_timeout {{ item.keepalive | default(nginx_default_keepalive_timeout) | string }};\n\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_log %}\n{% if|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = '' %}\n{% if item.access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + item.access_log_format %}\n{% elif nginx_access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + nginx_access_log_format %}\n{% endif %}\n access_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.access_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_access') }}.log{{ nginx_tpl_access_log_format }};\n error_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.error_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_error') }}.log;\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_index %}\n{% if item.index|d(True) %}\n index {{ item.index | default('index.html index.htm') }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from|d() and nginx_real_ip_from %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_header|d() and nginx_real_ip_header %}\n real_ip_header {{ nginx_real_ip_header }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive on;\n{% elif not nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive off;\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from is string %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ nginx_real_ip_from }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for element in nginx_real_ip_from %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ element }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.maintenance|d(True)|bool %}\n if (-f $document_root/{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }}) {\n return 503;\n }\n error_page 503 @maintenance;\n location @maintenance {\n rewrite ^(.*)$ /{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }} break;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages|d() %}\n{% for code, location in item.error_pages.items() %}\n error_page {{ code }} {{ location }};\n location {{ location }} {\n internal;\n }\n\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.include_files_begin|d() %}\n{% for file in item.include_files_begin %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages_list|d() %}\n{% for element in item.error_pages_list %}\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n\n{% endif %}\n error_page {{ element.code if (element.code is string) else (element.code | join(\" \")) }} {{ element.uri }};\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n location {{ element.location | d(element.uri) }} {\n{{ element.location_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n }\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.options|d() %}\n {{ item.options | indent(8) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.allow|d() or\n (item.auth_basic|d() | bool) or\n (item.satisfy|d()) or\n (item.access_policy|d() and\n item.access_policy not in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ item.satisfy | default(nginx_default_satisfy) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.allow|d() or item.access_policy|d() %}\n{% if item.allow is defined %}\n{% if item.allow is string %}\n allow {{ item.allow }};\n{% else %}\n{% for address in item.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_allow_map) %}\n{% for address in nginx_access_policy_allow_map[item.access_policy] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map) %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ nginx_private_path + \"/\" + nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.auth_basic|d() | bool %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ item.auth_basic_filename | default(nginx_private_path + \"/\" + item.auth_basic_name|d()) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.userdir|d()|bool %}\n location ~ {{ item.userdir_regexp | d('^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$') }} {\n alias {{ item.userdir_alias | d(nginx_www + '/$1/userdir/public$2') }};\n index {{ item.userdir_index | d(item.index | default('index.html index.htm')) }};\n{% if item.userdir_options|d() %}\n{{ item.userdir_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% else %}\n autoindex on;\n autoindex_exact_size off;\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.deny_hidden|d(True) | bool %}\n # Disallow access to hidden files and directories\n location ~ /\\. {\n return 404;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.favicon|d(True) | bool %}\n location = /favicon.ico {\n try_files /favicon.ico =204;\n access_log off;\n log_not_found off;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d(True) and (nginx_status or nginx_status_localhost) %}\n location = {{ item.status_name | default(nginx_status_name) }} {\n stub_status on;\n access_log off;\n{% if nginx_status_localhost %}\n{% for address in nginx_status_localhost | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_status %}\n{% for address in nginx_status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d() %}\n{% for address in item.status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_status_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_default_server or nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %}\n include /etc/nginx/sites-default.d/*.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location %}\n{% if item.location|d() or item.location_list|d() %}\n{% if item.location_list|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(item.location_list) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.location|d() %}\n{{ print_location(item.location, item.location_allow, item.location_referers, item.location_deny) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location_root %}\n try_files {{ (([ item.try_files ] if item.try_files is string else item.try_files) if item.try_files|d() else nginx_default_try_files) | join(' ') }} =404;\n{% endblock %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if item.include_files_end|d() %}\n\n{% for file in item.include_files_end %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- nginx server template begins here ----\n #}\n# {{ ansible_managed }}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n# nginx server configuration for:\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl and not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n# - http://{{ address }}/\n{% endif %}\n# - {{ \"https\" if nginx_tpl_ssl else \"http\" }}://{{ address }}/\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% else %}\n# nginx server default configuration\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() and|d() %}\n{% if is string or | length == 1 %}\n# Cannot redirect from only one name: {{ if is string else | join(', ') }}\n\n{% else %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port|string }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port|string }} ssl;\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if item.redirect_from is iterable %}\n{% for name in item.redirect_from %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}{# item.redirect_from is True #}\n{% for name in[1:] %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ if is string else[0] }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() and|d() %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if address != item.redirect_to %}\n server_name {{ address }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ item.redirect_to }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl %}\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% if not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n }\n{% endif %}\n\n}\n\nserver {\n\n{% endif %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port }} ssl{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.9.5','>=') %} http2{% elif nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') %} spdy{% endif %}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n ssl_protocols {{ (item.tls_protocols | d(nginx_default_tls_protocols)) | join(\" \") }};\n ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;\n{% if (nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | d(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)]) %}\n ssl_ciphers \"{{ nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)] }}\"; # TLS cipher suites set: {{ item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers) }}\n{% else %}\n #ssl_ciphers \"default set of ciphers used by this nginx install\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam %}\n ssl_dhparam {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) %}\n ssl_ecdh_curve {{ item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') and (item.ocsp | d(nginx_ocsp)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling on;\n{% if (item.ocsp_verify | d(nginx_ocsp_verify)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling_verify on;\n ssl_trusted_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate }};\n{% endif %}\n resolver {{ (item.ocsp_resolvers | d(nginx_ocsp_resolvers)) | ipwrap | join(\" \") }} valid=300s;\n resolver_timeout 5s;\n{% endif %}\n{% if (item.ssl_verify_client | d(nginx_default_ssl_verify_client)) | bool %}\n{% if item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) %}\n ssl_verify_client on;\n ssl_client_certificate {{ item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) %}\n ssl_crl {{ item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.hsts_enabled|d(True) | bool %}\n add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age={{ nginx_hsts_age }}{{ \"; includeSubDomains\" if nginx_hsts_subdomains|bool else \"\" }}{{ \"; preload\" if ((item.hsts_preload | d(nginx_hsts_preload)) | bool) else \"\" }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy \"{{ item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\") + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_report_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only \"{{ item.csp_report|d(item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\")) + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.content_type_options|d(True) != omit %}\n add_header X-Content-Type-Options \"{{ item.content_type_options | d('nosniff') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.frame_options|d() != omit %}\n add_header X-Frame-Options \"{{ item.frame_options | d('SAMEORIGIN') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) != omit %}\n add_header X-XSS-Protection \"{{ item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) != omit %}\n add_header Referrer-Policy \"{{ item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% for robots_tag in nginx_tpl_robots_tag %}\n add_header X-Robots-Tag \"{{ robots_tag }}\";\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) != omit %}\n add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies \"{{ item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{# ---- end of nginx_tpl_ssl ---- #}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n}\n): coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found"}
  3. failed: [rangers] (item={u'welcome_domain': u'', u'name': [u'welcome'], u'csp_enabled': True, u'welcome': True, u'enabled': True, u'csp': u"default-src 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self';"}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"csp": "default-src 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self';", "csp_enabled": true, "enabled": true, "name": ["welcome"], "welcome": true, "welcome_domain": ""}, "msg": "AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({% import 'debops__tpl_macros.j2' as debops__tpl_macros with context %}\n{#\n #\n # ==== Default server template for debops.nginx role ====\n #\n # Refer to the documentation in /docs/defaults-detailed.rst\n #\n #}\n\n{#\n #\n # ---- HTTPS, ports to listen on, default server, HTTPS redirect ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_version = ansible_local.nginx.version if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.nginx|d() and ansible_local.nginx.version|d()) else \"0.0\" %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_robots_tag = [] if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string and item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) == omit)\n else (\n [ item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) ]\n if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string)\n else (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag))) %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_acme = (item.acme | default(nginx_acme)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl = (item.ssl | default(nginx_pki)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen = item.listen | default(nginx_listen_port if nginx_listen_port else nginx_listen_socket) %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen_ssl = item.listen_ssl | default(nginx_listen_ssl_port if nginx_listen_ssl_port else nginx_listen_ssl_socket) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server_ssl|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server_ssl or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server_ssl == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code = '307' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl = '301' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_http_redirect = item.redirect | default('https://$host$request_uri') %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = '' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list = [] %}\n{% if (nginx_pki | bool and | d() and (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.pki|d() and ansible_local.pki.known_realms|d())) %}\n{# TODO: Legacy code. Use debops__tpl_macros.j2 #}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if name in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name) %}\n{% elif (name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list[0] %}\n{% endif %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate = item.ssl_crt|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_crt|d(nginx_pki_crt))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate key ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key = item.ssl_key|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_key|d(nginx_pki_key))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL client CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_client_certificate = item.ssl_ca|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_ca_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_ca_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_ca|d(nginx_pki_ca))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL trusted CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate = item.ssl_trusted\n |d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + (item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + item.pki_trusted | d(nginx_pki_trusted))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange parameters ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam = item.ssl_dhparam | default(nginx_ssl_dhparam) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- root directory ----\n #}\n{% if item.owner|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/' + item.owner + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% else %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.root_suffix|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = nginx_tpl_root + '/' + item.root_suffix %}\n{% endif %}\n{% macro print_root() %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_root %}\n{% if (not (item.root|d() | bool)) and nginx_tpl_root %}\n root {{ nginx_tpl_root }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location' hash, flat ----\n #}\n{% macro print_location(location,location_allow=[],location_referers=[],location_deny=[]) %}\n{% if location is defined %}\n{% for path in location.keys() %}\n{% if location[path] %}\n location {{ path }} {\n{% if location_referers is defined %}\n{% if location_referers[path] is defined and location_referers[path] %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ location_referers[path] | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n {{ item.location[path] | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% if location_allow is defined %}\n{% if location_allow[path] is defined and location_allow[path] %}\n{% for address in location_allow[path] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if location_deny is defined %}\n{% if location_deny[path] is defined %}\n{% for address in location_deny[path] | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location_list' list, recursive\n #}\n{% macro print_location_list(location_list) %}\n{% if location_list is defined %}\n{% for entry in location_list %}\n{% if entry.pattern|d() and (entry.enabled|d(True) | bool) %}\n location {{ entry.pattern_prefix | default('') + entry.pattern }} {\n{% if entry.referers|d() %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ entry.referers | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.options|d() %}\n {{ entry.options | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.allow|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if entry.deny|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.deny | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.locations|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(entry.locations) | indent(8, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints the nginx server block which is shared between HTTP and HTTPS\n #}\n{% macro print_shared_nginx_server_block() %}\n{% if (not nginx_tpl_ssl and ((item.redirect|d()) or (item.redirect_to_ssl|d() | bool))) %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n{% elif nginx_tpl_ssl and item.redirect_ssl|d() %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} {{ item.redirect_ssl }};\n{% else %}\n keepalive_timeout {{ item.keepalive | default(nginx_default_keepalive_timeout) | string }};\n\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_log %}\n{% if|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = '' %}\n{% if item.access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + item.access_log_format %}\n{% elif nginx_access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + nginx_access_log_format %}\n{% endif %}\n access_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.access_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_access') }}.log{{ nginx_tpl_access_log_format }};\n error_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.error_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_error') }}.log;\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_index %}\n{% if item.index|d(True) %}\n index {{ item.index | default('index.html index.htm') }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from|d() and nginx_real_ip_from %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_header|d() and nginx_real_ip_header %}\n real_ip_header {{ nginx_real_ip_header }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive on;\n{% elif not nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive off;\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from is string %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ nginx_real_ip_from }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for element in nginx_real_ip_from %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ element }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.maintenance|d(True)|bool %}\n if (-f $document_root/{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }}) {\n return 503;\n }\n error_page 503 @maintenance;\n location @maintenance {\n rewrite ^(.*)$ /{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }} break;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages|d() %}\n{% for code, location in item.error_pages.items() %}\n error_page {{ code }} {{ location }};\n location {{ location }} {\n internal;\n }\n\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.include_files_begin|d() %}\n{% for file in item.include_files_begin %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages_list|d() %}\n{% for element in item.error_pages_list %}\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n\n{% endif %}\n error_page {{ element.code if (element.code is string) else (element.code | join(\" \")) }} {{ element.uri }};\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n location {{ element.location | d(element.uri) }} {\n{{ element.location_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n }\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.options|d() %}\n {{ item.options | indent(8) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.allow|d() or\n (item.auth_basic|d() | bool) or\n (item.satisfy|d()) or\n (item.access_policy|d() and\n item.access_policy not in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ item.satisfy | default(nginx_default_satisfy) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.allow|d() or item.access_policy|d() %}\n{% if item.allow is defined %}\n{% if item.allow is string %}\n allow {{ item.allow }};\n{% else %}\n{% for address in item.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_allow_map) %}\n{% for address in nginx_access_policy_allow_map[item.access_policy] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map) %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ nginx_private_path + \"/\" + nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.auth_basic|d() | bool %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ item.auth_basic_filename | default(nginx_private_path + \"/\" + item.auth_basic_name|d()) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.userdir|d()|bool %}\n location ~ {{ item.userdir_regexp | d('^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$') }} {\n alias {{ item.userdir_alias | d(nginx_www + '/$1/userdir/public$2') }};\n index {{ item.userdir_index | d(item.index | default('index.html index.htm')) }};\n{% if item.userdir_options|d() %}\n{{ item.userdir_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% else %}\n autoindex on;\n autoindex_exact_size off;\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.deny_hidden|d(True) | bool %}\n # Disallow access to hidden files and directories\n location ~ /\\. {\n return 404;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.favicon|d(True) | bool %}\n location = /favicon.ico {\n try_files /favicon.ico =204;\n access_log off;\n log_not_found off;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d(True) and (nginx_status or nginx_status_localhost) %}\n location = {{ item.status_name | default(nginx_status_name) }} {\n stub_status on;\n access_log off;\n{% if nginx_status_localhost %}\n{% for address in nginx_status_localhost | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_status %}\n{% for address in nginx_status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d() %}\n{% for address in item.status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_status_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_default_server or nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %}\n include /etc/nginx/sites-default.d/*.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location %}\n{% if item.location|d() or item.location_list|d() %}\n{% if item.location_list|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(item.location_list) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.location|d() %}\n{{ print_location(item.location, item.location_allow, item.location_referers, item.location_deny) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location_root %}\n try_files {{ (([ item.try_files ] if item.try_files is string else item.try_files) if item.try_files|d() else nginx_default_try_files) | join(' ') }} =404;\n{% endblock %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if item.include_files_end|d() %}\n\n{% for file in item.include_files_end %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- nginx server template begins here ----\n #}\n# {{ ansible_managed }}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n# nginx server configuration for:\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl and not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n# - http://{{ address }}/\n{% endif %}\n# - {{ \"https\" if nginx_tpl_ssl else \"http\" }}://{{ address }}/\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% else %}\n# nginx server default configuration\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() and|d() %}\n{% if is string or | length == 1 %}\n# Cannot redirect from only one name: {{ if is string else | join(', ') }}\n\n{% else %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port|string }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port|string }} ssl;\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if item.redirect_from is iterable %}\n{% for name in item.redirect_from %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}{# item.redirect_from is True #}\n{% for name in[1:] %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ if is string else[0] }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() and|d() %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if address != item.redirect_to %}\n server_name {{ address }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ item.redirect_to }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl %}\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% if not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n }\n{% endif %}\n\n}\n\nserver {\n\n{% endif %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port }} ssl{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.9.5','>=') %} http2{% elif nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') %} spdy{% endif %}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n ssl_protocols {{ (item.tls_protocols | d(nginx_default_tls_protocols)) | join(\" \") }};\n ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;\n{% if (nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | d(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)]) %}\n ssl_ciphers \"{{ nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)] }}\"; # TLS cipher suites set: {{ item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers) }}\n{% else %}\n #ssl_ciphers \"default set of ciphers used by this nginx install\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam %}\n ssl_dhparam {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) %}\n ssl_ecdh_curve {{ item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') and (item.ocsp | d(nginx_ocsp)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling on;\n{% if (item.ocsp_verify | d(nginx_ocsp_verify)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling_verify on;\n ssl_trusted_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate }};\n{% endif %}\n resolver {{ (item.ocsp_resolvers | d(nginx_ocsp_resolvers)) | ipwrap | join(\" \") }} valid=300s;\n resolver_timeout 5s;\n{% endif %}\n{% if (item.ssl_verify_client | d(nginx_default_ssl_verify_client)) | bool %}\n{% if item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) %}\n ssl_verify_client on;\n ssl_client_certificate {{ item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) %}\n ssl_crl {{ item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.hsts_enabled|d(True) | bool %}\n add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age={{ nginx_hsts_age }}{{ \"; includeSubDomains\" if nginx_hsts_subdomains|bool else \"\" }}{{ \"; preload\" if ((item.hsts_preload | d(nginx_hsts_preload)) | bool) else \"\" }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy \"{{ item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\") + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_report_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only \"{{ item.csp_report|d(item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\")) + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.content_type_options|d(True) != omit %}\n add_header X-Content-Type-Options \"{{ item.content_type_options | d('nosniff') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.frame_options|d() != omit %}\n add_header X-Frame-Options \"{{ item.frame_options | d('SAMEORIGIN') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) != omit %}\n add_header X-XSS-Protection \"{{ item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) != omit %}\n add_header Referrer-Policy \"{{ item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% for robots_tag in nginx_tpl_robots_tag %}\n add_header X-Robots-Tag \"{{ robots_tag }}\";\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) != omit %}\n add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies \"{{ item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{# ---- end of nginx_tpl_ssl ---- #}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n}\n): coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found"}
  4. failed: [rangers] (item={u'name': [u'localhost', u'', u'[::1]'], u'acme': False, u'welcome': True, u'enabled': True, u'ssl': False, u'welcome_css': False}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"acme": false, "enabled": true, "name": ["localhost", "", "[::1]"], "ssl": false, "welcome": true, "welcome_css": false}, "msg": "AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({% import 'debops__tpl_macros.j2' as debops__tpl_macros with context %}\n{#\n #\n # ==== Default server template for debops.nginx role ====\n #\n # Refer to the documentation in /docs/defaults-detailed.rst\n #\n #}\n\n{#\n #\n # ---- HTTPS, ports to listen on, default server, HTTPS redirect ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_version = ansible_local.nginx.version if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.nginx|d() and ansible_local.nginx.version|d()) else \"0.0\" %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_robots_tag = [] if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string and item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) == omit)\n else (\n [ item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) ]\n if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string)\n else (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag))) %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_acme = (item.acme | default(nginx_acme)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl = (item.ssl | default(nginx_pki)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen = item.listen | default(nginx_listen_port if nginx_listen_port else nginx_listen_socket) %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen_ssl = item.listen_ssl | default(nginx_listen_ssl_port if nginx_listen_ssl_port else nginx_listen_ssl_socket) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server_ssl|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server_ssl or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server_ssl == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code = '307' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl = '301' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_http_redirect = item.redirect | default('https://$host$request_uri') %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = '' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list = [] %}\n{% if (nginx_pki | bool and | d() and (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.pki|d() and ansible_local.pki.known_realms|d())) %}\n{# TODO: Legacy code. Use debops__tpl_macros.j2 #}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if name in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name) %}\n{% elif (name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list[0] %}\n{% endif %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate = item.ssl_crt|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_crt|d(nginx_pki_crt))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate key ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key = item.ssl_key|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_key|d(nginx_pki_key))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL client CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_client_certificate = item.ssl_ca|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_ca_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_ca_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_ca|d(nginx_pki_ca))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL trusted CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate = item.ssl_trusted\n |d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + (item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + item.pki_trusted | d(nginx_pki_trusted))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange parameters ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam = item.ssl_dhparam | default(nginx_ssl_dhparam) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- root directory ----\n #}\n{% if item.owner|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/' + item.owner + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% else %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.root_suffix|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = nginx_tpl_root + '/' + item.root_suffix %}\n{% endif %}\n{% macro print_root() %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_root %}\n{% if (not (item.root|d() | bool)) and nginx_tpl_root %}\n root {{ nginx_tpl_root }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location' hash, flat ----\n #}\n{% macro print_location(location,location_allow=[],location_referers=[],location_deny=[]) %}\n{% if location is defined %}\n{% for path in location.keys() %}\n{% if location[path] %}\n location {{ path }} {\n{% if location_referers is defined %}\n{% if location_referers[path] is defined and location_referers[path] %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ location_referers[path] | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n {{ item.location[path] | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% if location_allow is defined %}\n{% if location_allow[path] is defined and location_allow[path] %}\n{% for address in location_allow[path] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if location_deny is defined %}\n{% if location_deny[path] is defined %}\n{% for address in location_deny[path] | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location_list' list, recursive\n #}\n{% macro print_location_list(location_list) %}\n{% if location_list is defined %}\n{% for entry in location_list %}\n{% if entry.pattern|d() and (entry.enabled|d(True) | bool) %}\n location {{ entry.pattern_prefix | default('') + entry.pattern }} {\n{% if entry.referers|d() %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ entry.referers | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.options|d() %}\n {{ entry.options | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.allow|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if entry.deny|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.deny | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.locations|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(entry.locations) | indent(8, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints the nginx server block which is shared between HTTP and HTTPS\n #}\n{% macro print_shared_nginx_server_block() %}\n{% if (not nginx_tpl_ssl and ((item.redirect|d()) or (item.redirect_to_ssl|d() | bool))) %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n{% elif nginx_tpl_ssl and item.redirect_ssl|d() %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} {{ item.redirect_ssl }};\n{% else %}\n keepalive_timeout {{ item.keepalive | default(nginx_default_keepalive_timeout) | string }};\n\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_log %}\n{% if|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = '' %}\n{% if item.access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + item.access_log_format %}\n{% elif nginx_access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + nginx_access_log_format %}\n{% endif %}\n access_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.access_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_access') }}.log{{ nginx_tpl_access_log_format }};\n error_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.error_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_error') }}.log;\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_index %}\n{% if item.index|d(True) %}\n index {{ item.index | default('index.html index.htm') }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from|d() and nginx_real_ip_from %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_header|d() and nginx_real_ip_header %}\n real_ip_header {{ nginx_real_ip_header }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive on;\n{% elif not nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive off;\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from is string %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ nginx_real_ip_from }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for element in nginx_real_ip_from %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ element }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.maintenance|d(True)|bool %}\n if (-f $document_root/{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }}) {\n return 503;\n }\n error_page 503 @maintenance;\n location @maintenance {\n rewrite ^(.*)$ /{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }} break;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages|d() %}\n{% for code, location in item.error_pages.items() %}\n error_page {{ code }} {{ location }};\n location {{ location }} {\n internal;\n }\n\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.include_files_begin|d() %}\n{% for file in item.include_files_begin %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages_list|d() %}\n{% for element in item.error_pages_list %}\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n\n{% endif %}\n error_page {{ element.code if (element.code is string) else (element.code | join(\" \")) }} {{ element.uri }};\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n location {{ element.location | d(element.uri) }} {\n{{ element.location_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n }\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.options|d() %}\n {{ item.options | indent(8) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.allow|d() or\n (item.auth_basic|d() | bool) or\n (item.satisfy|d()) or\n (item.access_policy|d() and\n item.access_policy not in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ item.satisfy | default(nginx_default_satisfy) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.allow|d() or item.access_policy|d() %}\n{% if item.allow is defined %}\n{% if item.allow is string %}\n allow {{ item.allow }};\n{% else %}\n{% for address in item.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_allow_map) %}\n{% for address in nginx_access_policy_allow_map[item.access_policy] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map) %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ nginx_private_path + \"/\" + nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.auth_basic|d() | bool %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ item.auth_basic_filename | default(nginx_private_path + \"/\" + item.auth_basic_name|d()) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.userdir|d()|bool %}\n location ~ {{ item.userdir_regexp | d('^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$') }} {\n alias {{ item.userdir_alias | d(nginx_www + '/$1/userdir/public$2') }};\n index {{ item.userdir_index | d(item.index | default('index.html index.htm')) }};\n{% if item.userdir_options|d() %}\n{{ item.userdir_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% else %}\n autoindex on;\n autoindex_exact_size off;\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.deny_hidden|d(True) | bool %}\n # Disallow access to hidden files and directories\n location ~ /\\. {\n return 404;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.favicon|d(True) | bool %}\n location = /favicon.ico {\n try_files /favicon.ico =204;\n access_log off;\n log_not_found off;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d(True) and (nginx_status or nginx_status_localhost) %}\n location = {{ item.status_name | default(nginx_status_name) }} {\n stub_status on;\n access_log off;\n{% if nginx_status_localhost %}\n{% for address in nginx_status_localhost | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_status %}\n{% for address in nginx_status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d() %}\n{% for address in item.status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_status_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_default_server or nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %}\n include /etc/nginx/sites-default.d/*.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location %}\n{% if item.location|d() or item.location_list|d() %}\n{% if item.location_list|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(item.location_list) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.location|d() %}\n{{ print_location(item.location, item.location_allow, item.location_referers, item.location_deny) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location_root %}\n try_files {{ (([ item.try_files ] if item.try_files is string else item.try_files) if item.try_files|d() else nginx_default_try_files) | join(' ') }} =404;\n{% endblock %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if item.include_files_end|d() %}\n\n{% for file in item.include_files_end %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- nginx server template begins here ----\n #}\n# {{ ansible_managed }}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n# nginx server configuration for:\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl and not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n# - http://{{ address }}/\n{% endif %}\n# - {{ \"https\" if nginx_tpl_ssl else \"http\" }}://{{ address }}/\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% else %}\n# nginx server default configuration\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() and|d() %}\n{% if is string or | length == 1 %}\n# Cannot redirect from only one name: {{ if is string else | join(', ') }}\n\n{% else %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port|string }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port|string }} ssl;\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if item.redirect_from is iterable %}\n{% for name in item.redirect_from %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}{# item.redirect_from is True #}\n{% for name in[1:] %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ if is string else[0] }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() and|d() %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if address != item.redirect_to %}\n server_name {{ address }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ item.redirect_to }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl %}\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% if not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n }\n{% endif %}\n\n}\n\nserver {\n\n{% endif %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port }} ssl{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.9.5','>=') %} http2{% elif nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') %} spdy{% endif %}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n ssl_protocols {{ (item.tls_protocols | d(nginx_default_tls_protocols)) | join(\" \") }};\n ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;\n{% if (nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | d(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)]) %}\n ssl_ciphers \"{{ nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)] }}\"; # TLS cipher suites set: {{ item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers) }}\n{% else %}\n #ssl_ciphers \"default set of ciphers used by this nginx install\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam %}\n ssl_dhparam {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) %}\n ssl_ecdh_curve {{ item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') and (item.ocsp | d(nginx_ocsp)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling on;\n{% if (item.ocsp_verify | d(nginx_ocsp_verify)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling_verify on;\n ssl_trusted_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate }};\n{% endif %}\n resolver {{ (item.ocsp_resolvers | d(nginx_ocsp_resolvers)) | ipwrap | join(\" \") }} valid=300s;\n resolver_timeout 5s;\n{% endif %}\n{% if (item.ssl_verify_client | d(nginx_default_ssl_verify_client)) | bool %}\n{% if item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) %}\n ssl_verify_client on;\n ssl_client_certificate {{ item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) %}\n ssl_crl {{ item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.hsts_enabled|d(True) | bool %}\n add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age={{ nginx_hsts_age }}{{ \"; includeSubDomains\" if nginx_hsts_subdomains|bool else \"\" }}{{ \"; preload\" if ((item.hsts_preload | d(nginx_hsts_preload)) | bool) else \"\" }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy \"{{ item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\") + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_report_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only \"{{ item.csp_report|d(item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\")) + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.content_type_options|d(True) != omit %}\n add_header X-Content-Type-Options \"{{ item.content_type_options | d('nosniff') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.frame_options|d() != omit %}\n add_header X-Frame-Options \"{{ item.frame_options | d('SAMEORIGIN') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) != omit %}\n add_header X-XSS-Protection \"{{ item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) != omit %}\n add_header Referrer-Policy \"{{ item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% for robots_tag in nginx_tpl_robots_tag %}\n add_header X-Robots-Tag \"{{ robots_tag }}\";\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) != omit %}\n add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies \"{{ item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{# ---- end of nginx_tpl_ssl ---- #}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n}\n): coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found"}
  5. failed: [rangers] (item={u'name': [u''], u'redirect_to_ssl': False, u'enabled': True, u'stapling': True, u'ssl': True, u'pki_key': u'default.key', u'root': u'/srv/www/sites/acme/public/', u'pki_crt': u'default.crt'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"enabled": true, "name": [""], "pki_crt": "default.crt", "pki_key": "default.key", "redirect_to_ssl": false, "root": "/srv/www/sites/acme/public/", "ssl": true, "stapling": true}, "msg": "AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({% import 'debops__tpl_macros.j2' as debops__tpl_macros with context %}\n{#\n #\n # ==== Default server template for debops.nginx role ====\n #\n # Refer to the documentation in /docs/defaults-detailed.rst\n #\n #}\n\n{#\n #\n # ---- HTTPS, ports to listen on, default server, HTTPS redirect ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_version = ansible_local.nginx.version if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.nginx|d() and ansible_local.nginx.version|d()) else \"0.0\" %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_robots_tag = [] if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string and item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) == omit)\n else (\n [ item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) ]\n if (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag) is string)\n else (item.robots_tag|d(nginx__http_robots_tag))) %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_acme = (item.acme | default(nginx_acme)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl = (item.ssl | default(nginx_pki)) | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen = item.listen | default(nginx_listen_port if nginx_listen_port else nginx_listen_socket) %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_listen_ssl = item.listen_ssl | default(nginx_listen_ssl_port if nginx_listen_ssl_port else nginx_listen_ssl_socket) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl = [] %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl = [] %}\n{% if nginx_register_default_server_ssl|d() %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if (name == nginx_register_default_server_ssl or\n not name and nginx_register_default_server_ssl == \"default\") %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl.append('default_server') %}\n{% if (nginx_manage_ipv6only | bool) %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl.append('ipv6only=off') %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code = '307' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl = '301' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_http_redirect = item.redirect | default('https://$host$request_uri') %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = '' %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list = [] %}\n{% if (nginx_pki | bool and | d() and (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.pki|d() and ansible_local.pki.known_realms|d())) %}\n{# TODO: Legacy code. Use debops__tpl_macros.j2 #}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if name in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name) %}\n{% elif (name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) in ansible_local.pki.known_realms %}\n{% set _ = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list.append(name.split('.')[1:] | join('.')) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm = nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm_list[0] %}\n{% endif %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate = item.ssl_crt|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_crt|d(nginx_pki_crt))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL certificate key ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key = item.ssl_key|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_key|d(nginx_pki_key))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL client CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_client_certificate = item.ssl_ca|d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + item.pki_ca_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_ca_realm) + \"/\" + (item.pki_ca|d(nginx_pki_ca))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- SSL trusted CA certificate ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate = item.ssl_trusted\n |d(nginx_pki_path + \"/\" + (item.pki_realm | d(nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm if nginx_tpl_pki_custom_realm else nginx_pki_realm) + \"/\" + item.pki_trusted | d(nginx_pki_trusted))) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange parameters ----\n #}\n{% set nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam = item.ssl_dhparam | default(nginx_ssl_dhparam) %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- root directory ----\n #}\n{% if item.owner|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/' + item.owner + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% else %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = item.root | default(nginx_www + '/sites/' + ( if is string else[0] | d('default')) + '/' + ( item.public_dir_name | d(nginx_public_dir_name)) ) %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.root_suffix|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_root = nginx_tpl_root + '/' + item.root_suffix %}\n{% endif %}\n{% macro print_root() %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_root %}\n{% if (not (item.root|d() | bool)) and nginx_tpl_root %}\n root {{ nginx_tpl_root }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location' hash, flat ----\n #}\n{% macro print_location(location,location_allow=[],location_referers=[],location_deny=[]) %}\n{% if location is defined %}\n{% for path in location.keys() %}\n{% if location[path] %}\n location {{ path }} {\n{% if location_referers is defined %}\n{% if location_referers[path] is defined and location_referers[path] %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ location_referers[path] | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n {{ item.location[path] | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% if location_allow is defined %}\n{% if location_allow[path] is defined and location_allow[path] %}\n{% for address in location_allow[path] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if location_deny is defined %}\n{% if location_deny[path] is defined %}\n{% for address in location_deny[path] | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints location entries from 'location_list' list, recursive\n #}\n{% macro print_location_list(location_list) %}\n{% if location_list is defined %}\n{% for entry in location_list %}\n{% if entry.pattern|d() and (entry.enabled|d(True) | bool) %}\n location {{ entry.pattern_prefix | default('') + entry.pattern }} {\n{% if entry.referers|d() %}\n valid_referers none blocked {{ entry.referers | unique | join(' ') }};\n if ($invalid_referer) {\n return 403;\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.options|d() %}\n {{ entry.options | indent(16) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.allow|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if entry.deny|d() %}\n{% for address in entry.deny | unique %}\n deny {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}\n deny all;\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if entry.locations|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(entry.locations) | indent(8, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% endif %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- macro which prints the nginx server block which is shared between HTTP and HTTPS\n #}\n{% macro print_shared_nginx_server_block() %}\n{% if (not nginx_tpl_ssl and ((item.redirect|d()) or (item.redirect_to_ssl|d() | bool))) %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n{% elif nginx_tpl_ssl and item.redirect_ssl|d() %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} {{ item.redirect_ssl }};\n{% else %}\n keepalive_timeout {{ item.keepalive | default(nginx_default_keepalive_timeout) | string }};\n\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_log %}\n{% if|d() %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = '' %}\n{% if item.access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + item.access_log_format %}\n{% elif nginx_access_log_format is defined %}\n{% set nginx_tpl_access_log_format = ' ' + nginx_access_log_format %}\n{% endif %}\n access_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.access_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_access') }}.log{{ nginx_tpl_access_log_format }};\n error_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' + item.error_log | d(item.filename | d( if is string else[0]) + '_error') }}.log;\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_index %}\n{% if item.index|d(True) %}\n index {{ item.index | default('index.html index.htm') }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from|d() and nginx_real_ip_from %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_header|d() and nginx_real_ip_header %}\n real_ip_header {{ nginx_real_ip_header }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive on;\n{% elif not nginx_real_ip_recursive | bool %}\n real_ip_recursive off;\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_real_ip_from is string %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ nginx_real_ip_from }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for element in nginx_real_ip_from %}\n set_real_ip_from {{ element }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.maintenance|d(True)|bool %}\n if (-f $document_root/{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }}) {\n return 503;\n }\n error_page 503 @maintenance;\n location @maintenance {\n rewrite ^(.*)$ /{{ item.maintenance_file | d('maintenance.html') }} break;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages|d() %}\n{% for code, location in item.error_pages.items() %}\n error_page {{ code }} {{ location }};\n location {{ location }} {\n internal;\n }\n\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.include_files_begin|d() %}\n{% for file in item.include_files_begin %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.error_pages_list|d() %}\n{% for element in item.error_pages_list %}\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n\n{% endif %}\n error_page {{ element.code if (element.code is string) else (element.code | join(\" \")) }} {{ element.uri }};\n{% if element.location|d() or element.location_options|d() %}\n location {{ element.location | d(element.uri) }} {\n{{ element.location_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n }\n{% if not loop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.options|d() %}\n {{ item.options | indent(8) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.allow|d() or\n (item.auth_basic|d() | bool) or\n (item.satisfy|d()) or\n (item.access_policy|d() and\n item.access_policy not in nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map) %}\n satisfy {{ item.satisfy | default(nginx_default_satisfy) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.allow|d() or item.access_policy|d() %}\n{% if item.allow is defined %}\n{% if item.allow is string %}\n allow {{ item.allow }};\n{% else %}\n{% for address in item.allow | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_allow_map) %}\n{% for address in nginx_access_policy_allow_map[item.access_policy] | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.access_policy|d() and (item.access_policy in nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map) %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ nginx_private_path + \"/\" + nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map[item.access_policy] }};\n\n{% elif item.auth_basic|d() | bool %}\n auth_basic \"{{ item.auth_basic_realm|d(nginx_default_auth_basic_realm) }}\";\n auth_basic_user_file {{ item.auth_basic_filename | default(nginx_private_path + \"/\" + item.auth_basic_name|d()) }};\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.userdir|d()|bool %}\n location ~ {{ item.userdir_regexp | d('^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$') }} {\n alias {{ item.userdir_alias | d(nginx_www + '/$1/userdir/public$2') }};\n index {{ item.userdir_index | d(item.index | default('index.html index.htm')) }};\n{% if item.userdir_options|d() %}\n{{ item.userdir_options | indent(16, true) | regex_replace(\"(?m)^\\s*$\", \"\") }}\n{% else %}\n autoindex on;\n autoindex_exact_size off;\n{% endif %}\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.deny_hidden|d(True) | bool %}\n # Disallow access to hidden files and directories\n location ~ /\\. {\n return 404;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.favicon|d(True) | bool %}\n location = /favicon.ico {\n try_files /favicon.ico =204;\n access_log off;\n log_not_found off;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d(True) and (nginx_status or nginx_status_localhost) %}\n location = {{ item.status_name | default(nginx_status_name) }} {\n stub_status on;\n access_log off;\n{% if nginx_status_localhost %}\n{% for address in nginx_status_localhost | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_status %}\n{% for address in nginx_status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.status|d() %}\n{% for address in item.status | unique %}\n allow {{ address }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n deny all;\n }\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_status_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_default_server or nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %}\n include /etc/nginx/sites-default.d/*.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location %}\n{% if item.location|d() or item.location_list|d() %}\n{% if item.location_list|d() %}\n{{ print_location_list(item.location_list) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.location|d() %}\n{{ print_location(item.location, item.location_allow, item.location_referers, item.location_deny) }}\n{% endif %}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_location_root %}\n try_files {{ (([ item.try_files ] if item.try_files is string else item.try_files) if item.try_files|d() else nginx_default_try_files) | join(' ') }} =404;\n{% endblock %}\n }\n{% endif %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% block nginx_tpl_block_custom_locations %}\n{% endblock %}\n{% if item.include_files_end|d() %}\n\n{% for file in item.include_files_end %}\n include {{ file }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endmacro %}\n{#\n #\n # ---- nginx server template begins here ----\n #}\n# {{ ansible_managed }}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n# nginx server configuration for:\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl and not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n# - http://{{ address }}/\n{% endif %}\n# - {{ \"https\" if nginx_tpl_ssl else \"http\" }}://{{ address }}/\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% else %}\n# nginx server default configuration\n{% if item.by_role|d() %}\n# generated by Ansible role: {{ item.by_role }}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() and|d() %}\n{% if is string or | length == 1 %}\n# Cannot redirect from only one name: {{ if is string else | join(', ') }}\n\n{% else %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port|string }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port|string }} ssl;\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if item.redirect_from is iterable %}\n{% for name in item.redirect_from %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% else %}{# item.redirect_from is True #}\n{% for name in[1:] %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ if is string else[0] }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() and|d() %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% for address in ([ ] if is string else %}\n{% if address != item.redirect_to %}\n server_name {{ address }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n return {{ item.redirect_code | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code) }} $scheme://{{ item.redirect_to }}$request_uri;\n\n}\n\n{% endif %}\nserver {\n\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen %}\n listen {{ port }}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl %}\n{% if item.listen|d(True) %}\n{% if not (item.redirect_to_ssl|d(True) | bool) %}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n{% else %}\n location / {\n return {{ item.redirect_code_ssl | default(nginx_tpl_default_redirect_code_ssl) }} {{ nginx_tpl_http_redirect }};\n }\n{% endif %}\n\n}\n\nserver {\n\n{% endif %}\n{% for port in nginx_tpl_listen_ssl %}\n listen {{ port }} ssl{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.9.5','>=') %} http2{% elif nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') %} spdy{% endif %}{% if nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl %} {{ nginx_tpl_default_server_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %}{% if (loop.first and nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl) %} {{ nginx_tpl_ipv6only_ssl | join(\" \") }}{% endif %};\n{% endfor %}\n\n ssl_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate }};\n ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_certificate_key }};\n ssl_protocols {{ (item.tls_protocols | d(nginx_default_tls_protocols)) | join(\" \") }};\n ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;\n{% if (nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | d(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)]) %}\n ssl_ciphers \"{{ nginx_ssl_ciphers[item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers)] }}\"; # TLS cipher suites set: {{ item.ssl_ciphers | default(nginx_default_ssl_ciphers) }}\n{% else %}\n #ssl_ciphers \"default set of ciphers used by this nginx install\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam %}\n ssl_dhparam {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_dhparam }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) %}\n ssl_ecdh_curve {{ item.ssl_curve | default(nginx_default_ssl_curve) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.4','>=') and (item.ocsp | d(nginx_ocsp)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling on;\n{% if (item.ocsp_verify | d(nginx_ocsp_verify)) | bool %}\n ssl_stapling_verify on;\n ssl_trusted_certificate {{ nginx_tpl_ssl_trusted_certificate }};\n{% endif %}\n resolver {{ (item.ocsp_resolvers | d(nginx_ocsp_resolvers)) | ipwrap | join(\" \") }} valid=300s;\n resolver_timeout 5s;\n{% endif %}\n{% if (item.ssl_verify_client | d(nginx_default_ssl_verify_client)) | bool %}\n{% if item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) %}\n ssl_verify_client on;\n ssl_client_certificate {{ item.ssl_client_certificate | d(nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) %}\n ssl_crl {{ item.ssl_crl | d(nginx_default_ssl_crl) }};\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.hsts_enabled|d(True) | bool %}\n add_header Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age={{ nginx_hsts_age }}{{ \"; includeSubDomains\" if nginx_hsts_subdomains|bool else \"\" }}{{ \"; preload\" if ((item.hsts_preload | d(nginx_hsts_preload)) | bool) else \"\" }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy \"{{ item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\") + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.csp_report_enabled|d(False) | bool %}\n add_header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only \"{{ item.csp_report|d(item.csp|d(\"default-src https: ;\")) + (\" \" + item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append) if (item.csp_append|d(nginx__http_csp_append)) else \"\") }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.content_type_options|d(True) != omit %}\n add_header X-Content-Type-Options \"{{ item.content_type_options | d('nosniff') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.frame_options|d() != omit %}\n add_header X-Frame-Options \"{{ item.frame_options | d('SAMEORIGIN') }}\"{% if nginx_version is version_compare('1.7.5','>=') %} always{% endif %};\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) != omit %}\n add_header X-XSS-Protection \"{{ item.xss_protection | d(nginx__http_xss_protection) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% if item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) != omit %}\n add_header Referrer-Policy \"{{ item.http_referrer_policy | d(nginx__http_referrer_policy) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n{% for robots_tag in nginx_tpl_robots_tag %}\n add_header X-Robots-Tag \"{{ robots_tag }}\";\n{% endfor %}\n{% if item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) != omit %}\n add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies \"{{ item.permitted_cross_domain_policies | d(nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies) }}\";\n{% endif %}\n\n{% if|d() %}\n{% if item.redirect_from|d() %}\n server_name {{ if is string else[0] }};\n\n{% elif item.redirect_to|d() %}\n server_name {{ item.redirect_to }};\n\n{% else %}\n{% for name in ([ ] if is string else %}\n server_name {{ name }};\n{% endfor %}\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{% if nginx_tpl_ssl | bool %}\n{{ print_root() }}\n{% if nginx_tpl_acme | bool %}\n include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;\n\n{% endif %}\n{% endif %}\n{# ---- end of nginx_tpl_ssl ---- #}\n{{ print_shared_nginx_server_block() }}\n}\n): coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found"}
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