

Feb 13th, 2016
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  2. [2016-02-11 20:13:11] <STLICTX> Panarchy is perhaps better than anarchy, and does allow for anarchists to have their own system while allowing everyone else the same
  3. [2016-02-11 20:13:13] -->| Nepene (IceChat9@net-it0.l65.152.213.IP) has joined #politics
  4. [2016-02-11 20:13:38] <Elara> Slick wut
  5. [2016-02-11 20:13:48] <Elara> you're going to have to define what you mean by panarchy
  6. [2016-02-11 20:14:10] <Elara> because I can translate the Greek, but that dun't give me much
  7. [2016-02-11 20:19:22] <STLICTX> Panarchy is the political idea that everyone should basically be able to subscribe to whatever political system they wish in non-territorial way with complete independence given to each system in an overal polycentric system. So, say... someone subscribes to the green party they would be under its jurisdiction voluntarily while their neighbour might subscribe to an anarcho-syndicalist union. Disputes are handled by mutually agreed upon
  8. [2016-02-11 20:19:23] <STLICTX> resolution procedures that would mirror relations between independent nations. One advantage of this is it creates a great disincentive to use weapons of mass destruction because instead of political polities being within strictly defined territories they would be spread all over the place so if you nuke an area you'll be nuking some of your own people
  9. [2016-02-11 20:19:52] <Elara> o.O that's never going to work
  10. [2016-02-11 20:20:49] <Elara> how the hell do you mutually agree resolution procedures? what happens when a party gets powerful enough to say "eh, fuck it, we're going to ignore anything the anarcho-syndicalists say, they're idiots"
  11. [2016-02-11 20:25:52] <STLICTX> Why not? All it requires is robust dispute resolution procedures... and that would have to be managed by maintaining a balance of power, which would likely be the inevitable result of panarchism becoming culturally accepted-which includes a cultural value of mutual tolerance for different politics. The dispute resolution procedurs might be an issue, but could be handled by places for constant discussion being set. If people ignore each
  12. [2016-02-11 20:25:53] <STLICTX> other that would be unfortnate and increase the potential for conflict-hence why things like a 'panarchist congress'should exist-but if people ignore each other completely and let each other alone the possibility of mutual projects is lost but they can still just leave each other alone and not interfere with each other
  13. [2016-02-11 20:27:08] <Elara> it strikes me as at worst both impossible and damaging to attempt; at best, transitory, until someone gets the power to overthrow the system for one they like better
  14. [2016-02-11 20:28:03] <STLICTX> Why would they do that when they can have the system they want and just leave people who want another system alone? Why would it be damaging to attempt when it could potentially give everyone what they want?
  15. [2016-02-11 20:29:06] <Elara> because a lot of people want the power to enforce their standards on others
  16. [2016-02-11 20:30:04] <Elara> I find the neo-reactionary theme of "Exit" more workable than this 'panarchy', because at least in Exit people physically move to join those who agree with them - there is some contiguity among those who are following the same rules
  17. [2016-02-11 20:31:07] <STLICTX> In this culture, which accepts certain values, yes. In a culture that accepts panarchist values, and so confines the need for their stupid dominance/submisson to within their own party. If people literally can't just let each other alone then I will be tempted to change my politics to the voluntary human extinction movement
  18. [2016-02-11 20:32:05] <Nepene> You could probably make it work.
  19. [2016-02-11 20:32:12] <Elara> um, do you not get how basic the drive to dominance is in humans?
  20. [2016-02-11 20:32:27] <Nepene> Have a central federal government which everyone votes on, and local places with a great deal of freedom to modify the rules.
  21. [2016-02-11 20:32:43] <Elara> see that sounds more functional
  22. [2016-02-11 20:33:20] <Elara> I'm not sure I'd necessarily support it, but I can at least imagine a society where it worked pretty stably
  23. [2016-02-11 20:33:35] <Elara> (stablely? they both look wrong :S)
  24. [2016-02-11 20:34:07] <Nepene> Stably
  25. [2016-02-11 20:35:22] <STLICTX> I understand it's a strong trait for most humans, but as I said; it could be channeled within the parties they voluntary ascribe to. There would be flavours for dominance to fit all possible tastes within the varying parties. Considering that, why can't they be satisfied with that and leave each other alone?
  26. [2016-02-11 20:35:46] <Nepene> Because many groups have morals that they believe others should hold.
  27. [2016-02-11 20:35:52] <Elara> >desire for dominance >satisfied
  28. [2016-02-11 20:35:53] <Elara> heh
  29. [2016-02-11 20:36:10] <Nepene> What happens when one district has a lot of child pornographers and makes tons of it and spreads it around local regions?
  30. [2016-02-11 20:36:36] <Elara> how many business moguls say "it's enough, I don't need to make another million"? how many politicans say "ok, I've had enough time in high office, I'm not going to try for the party leadership?"
  31. [2016-02-11 20:36:46] <Elara> and even if most of them did, all it takes is one
  32. [2016-02-11 20:37:17] <Nepene> What do you do if one region pollutes a major river, causing severe environmental damage to everyone downstream?
  33. [2016-02-11 20:37:38] <Nepene> The answer- build up an army and invade them
  34. [2016-02-11 20:38:38] <Nepene> Even if you could make it work, you probably shouldn't. Central governments have done a lot of good.
  35. [2016-02-11 20:40:32] <STLICTX> In that case they'll probably be killed, honestly. The children cannot voluntarily consen to it and so it would go against the central value of a panarchistic society in the first place because a non-consenting party was forced into a political situation where certain actions were taken against them. The outrage would likely lead to death. For the river, that could be handled in court where the different jurisdictions of different parties
  36. [2016-02-11 20:40:32] <STLICTX> are taken into account and likely the polluters would have to pay for the damage caused and if they didn't there likely would be war but that would be the last resort.
  37. [2016-02-11 20:41:02] <STLICTX> They've also done a lot of bad, and from my perspective force everyone into a situation that for me at least is not really worth living in without the hope of something better.
  38. [2016-02-11 20:41:52] <STLICTX> So... you're saying I should join the voluntary human extinction movement? I'm unlikely to breed for varying reasons, but perhaps I should get a vascectomy just to be sure. Perhaps vascectomies should be free
  39. [2016-02-11 20:42:02] <Nepene> So, if someone does something immoral then others can invade them.
  40. [2016-02-11 20:42:46] <Elara> if you know for a fact that you don't want kids, go ahead and get a vasectomy. if you're not sure, wait until you are; it isn't as though contraceptives are that ineffective
  41. [2016-02-11 20:43:42] <Nepene> If you have frequent one night stands while drunk or high a vasectomy may be more useful.
  42. [2016-02-11 20:43:46] <STLICTX> if the essential value of leaving each other alone to let all fully consenting and voluntary parties do as they wish is violated, and there is no other recourse... then violence may be the only solution as a last recourse. That's the one rule that all parties must agree to
  43. [2016-02-11 20:43:50] <Nepene> Is harder to use contraceptives while drunk or high
  44. [2016-02-11 20:44:33] <Elara> thing is, how do you know if it's voluntary
  45. [2016-02-11 20:45:18] <Nepene> This works as a good excuse to take over other places. You find a parent spanking their child, spread that around, and you have an excuse to conquer the region.
  46. [2016-02-11 20:45:19] <Elara> so many deals in our current society are "voluntary" but not really
  47. [2016-02-11 20:45:37] <STLICTX> I'm asexual, a borderline hikkikomori and have no social skills-basically feel somewhat alien. Like I said, I'm very unlikely to breed. If a world worth living in isn't possible though, perhaps I should be sure and advertise vascectomies for everyone.
  48. [2016-02-11 20:45:40] <Elara> and you're taking away half the ways we can deal with that
  49. [2016-02-11 20:45:53] <Nepene> The current world is pretty awesome.
  50. [2016-02-11 20:46:21] <Nepene> Internet to have fun in, less war, less disease, better medical technology, ample supplies to survive.
  51. [2016-02-11 20:47:00] <Elara> the current world has problems, but yeah, is better than basically all times in the past, and the general trajectory is upwards
  52. [2016-02-11 20:47:26] <Elara> if we can avoid nasty fuckups, people in a hundred years will look back on our society and shake their heads, and that's how it should be
  53. [2016-02-11 20:47:55] <Nepene> Or people in a hundred years will look back on this time as a golden age
  54. [2016-02-11 20:47:58] <Nepene> One of the two
  55. [2016-02-11 20:48:41] <Elara> I did say *if* :P
  56. [2016-02-11 20:49:31] <Elara> though I guess there'll always be conservatives looking back to the golden age, so somebody'll be doing what you said regardless
  57. [2016-02-11 20:49:40] <Nepene> "Such a fantastic era. So many scientific advancements, such amazing artwork being made, and we didn't have to bow and pray to Emperor Elara every half hour."
  58. [2016-02-11 20:50:01] <Elara> oh ye gods nobody fucking dare make me an Emperor
  59. [2016-02-11 20:50:09] <Elara> or indeed pray to me
  60. [2016-02-11 20:50:18] <Elara> I'd be most upset
  61. [2016-02-11 20:51:15] <STLICTX> The only real freedom being the freedom of a rat to hide in the cracks, laws that allow you to be locked up for the way you think or for thinking certain things, an increasing surveilance state in all countries, business regulations that favour established corporations and destroy the possibility of new competition and small guys, vastly increasing pollution with the environmental protections and agencies a joke, rising rates of depression,
  62. [2016-02-11 20:51:16] <STLICTX> increasingly authoritarian schools, people seeming to have lost passion and hope, banks that can do literaly whatever they want and nothing gets done...
  63. [2016-02-11 20:51:47] <STLICTX> There's good things about this age, but also a lot of bad things and a lot of continuing bad things from previous ages
  64. [2016-02-11 20:51:56] <Nepene> There's pretty strong freedom of speech in most western nations.
  65. [2016-02-11 20:52:00] <Nepene> Much better than the past
  66. [2016-02-11 20:52:19] <Nepene> So long as you avoid being blantantly dumb with your words, and you're generally warned about that, you should be fine.
  67. [2016-02-11 20:53:01] <Elara> more and more people, through the magic of crowdfunding, can live off their art, rather than having to work day to day
  68. [2016-02-11 20:53:08] <Nepene> The survelliance state doesn't actually hurt people much or do much negative damage.
  69. [2016-02-11 20:53:22] <Elara> do you think Wildbow would have been able to do what he's doing even ten years ago? and he's far from the only one
  70. [2016-02-11 20:53:50] <Nepene> Nations have vastly enhanced regulations against businesses.
  71. [2016-02-11 20:53:53] <Elara> surveillance state has a lot of potential to do harm; likely best solution is sousveillance, but we'll see how that goes
  72. [2016-02-11 20:54:13] <Nepene> They are much more limited in what they can do now, in terms of environmental harm, and western nations have a lot less pollution than in the past
  73. [2016-02-11 20:54:19] <STLICTX> Somewhat, yeah. Still not enough, but better than it was in many places and times. That's not real freedom though, it's tolerance; as soon as anything starts happening that actually challenges the system people get cracked down on hard.
  74. [2016-02-11 20:55:19] <STLICTX> "There's good things about this age"; I'm not denying that, but it's still lacking the essential qualities that would make it truly worth living in.
  75. [2016-02-11 20:55:35] <Nepene> Treatment of depression probably explains the rising numbers.
  76. [2016-02-11 20:55:42] <Nepene> More people ask for treatment.
  77. [2016-02-11 20:56:10] <Nepene> You can do lots of things that challenges the system, so long as you avoid endangering your fellow man.
  78. [2016-02-11 20:56:18] <Elara> um, feel free not to answer this, but are you depressed Slick?
  79. [2016-02-11 20:57:08] <Nepene> Governments basically don't care what you do, so long as you don't do anything that causes them to need to spend money on handling you. There are far too many people to monitor and not enough jails.
  80. [2016-02-11 20:57:24] <STLICTX> if that were true about people asking for treatment, then suicide rates would be decreasing, not increasing
  81. [2016-02-11 20:57:48] <STLICTX> Elara; off topic, but will answer in PM
  82. [2016-02-11 20:58:34] <Nepene> Not necessarily
  83. [2016-02-11 20:58:40] <Nepene> It's easy to disguise a suicide
  84. [2016-02-11 20:58:45] <Nepene> As say, a road traffic accident
  85. [2016-02-11 20:59:00] <Elara> suicide rates have declined over time
  86. [2016-02-11 20:59:00] <Somecrazyguy> ^
  87. [2016-02-11 20:59:04] <Somecrazyguy> what nepene said
  88. [2016-02-11 20:59:09] <Nepene> Part of why pilots can't be suicidal
  89. [2016-02-11 20:59:26] <Nepene> They have a tendency of trying to end it all by driving their planes into the ground
  90. [2016-02-11 20:59:31] <Elara> UK suicide rates are lower by far now than they were 50 years ago, since we got rid of ovens that could actually gas you to death
  91. [2016-02-11 21:01:37] <Nepene> If you personally are sad and depressed that sucks and we can't change that, but it may make you biased in assessing the world.
  92. [2016-02-11 21:02:49] <Somecrazyguy> I think it might just be because no ovens and guns
  93. [2016-02-11 21:02:55] <Somecrazyguy> which were the quick and easy ways
  94. [2016-02-11 21:03:05] <Somecrazyguy> now you have to walk alllll the way to the drug store
  95. [2016-02-11 21:03:10] <Somecrazyguy> and allllll the way back
  96. [2016-02-11 21:03:15] <Nepene> And a lot of drug store suicides fail
  97. [2016-02-11 21:03:17] <Somecrazyguy> nobody wants to die in the fucking street or a store
  98. [2016-02-11 21:03:32] <Somecrazyguy> Or walk to a bridge
  99. [2016-02-11 21:03:39] <Elara> tbh one of the easiest and most popular ways right now is walking in front of a train
  100. [2016-02-11 21:03:41] <Somecrazyguy> into the river
  101. [2016-02-11 21:03:48] <Somecrazyguy> I thought it was jumping in front of a train
  102. [2016-02-11 21:03:52] <Somecrazyguy> and the same is true of japan
  103. [2016-02-11 21:03:54] <Nepene> That does happen
  104. [2016-02-11 21:03:58] <Somecrazyguy> that and hanging
  105. [2016-02-11 21:04:10] <STLICTX>
  106. [2016-02-11 21:04:13] <Nepene> It's very annoying for the passengers, who have to wait half an hour for the body to be cleaned off the tracks.
  107. [2016-02-11 21:04:24] <Somecrazyguy> Awesome.
  108. [2016-02-11 21:04:29] <Somecrazyguy> If I'm gonna go out
  109. [2016-02-11 21:04:38] <Elara> an hour, usualy
  110. [2016-02-11 21:04:40] <Somecrazyguy> I'm gonna go out inconveniencing as many people as possible
  111. [2016-02-11 21:04:44] <Elara> gotta clean it up and get a new driver in
  112. [2016-02-11 21:04:47] <Somecrazyguy> I can respect that
  113. [2016-02-11 21:04:53] <Somecrazyguy> old driver reports to psych
  114. [2016-02-11 21:04:57] <Somecrazyguy> and gets a vacation
  115. [2016-02-11 21:05:02] <Somecrazyguy> everyone wins!
  116. [2016-02-11 21:05:12] <Elara> last time I checked, something like 1/3 of train suicides were on one stretch of line in south London
  117. [2016-02-11 21:05:20] <Nepene> There's been a recent increase in suicide rates.
  118. [2016-02-11 21:05:27] <Nepene> Possibly due to the depression.
  119. [2016-02-11 21:05:32] <Somecrazyguy> wait
  120. [2016-02-11 21:05:33] <Somecrazyguy> wait
  121. [2016-02-11 21:05:35] <Nepene> Unemployment causes a lot of issues
  122. [2016-02-11 21:05:35] <Somecrazyguy> hold up
  123. [2016-02-11 21:05:40] <Somecrazyguy> depression and suicide...
  124. [2016-02-11 21:05:42] <Somecrazyguy> are LINKED?
  125. [2016-02-11 21:06:00] <Nepene> :o
  126. [2016-02-11 21:06:05] <Elara> I think that's behind the rise in middle-aged male suicide, yeah Nepene
  127. [2016-02-11 21:06:24] <Somecrazyguy>
  128. [2016-02-11 21:06:32] <Elara> if you're 50, 55, and not in a high-demand role, goddamn right you're going to struggle to find another job
  129. [2016-02-11 21:07:00] <Elara> and being unemployed is seriously fucking depressing
  130. [2016-02-11 21:07:12] <Nepene> It has been frustrating to many that the social policies of many european governments has been to promote austerity and budget balancing rather than supporting the unemployed.
  131. [2016-02-11 21:07:16] <STLICTX> Nepene; I'm not depressed right now. I know my mood cycles, right now I'm actually pretty happy and relaxed. I just have certain vales that mean I find the way the world is unacceptable and wish I had some tolerable option other than the freedom of a rat.
  132. [2016-02-11 21:07:41] <Elara> also, hey, rats are cool
  133. [2016-02-11 21:08:31] <Elara> hell, I'm still not 100% bounced back from spending 10 months unemployed, and that was 4-5 years ago now
  134. [2016-02-11 21:08:47] <STLICTX> I also think in general people would be better if they were more free, since freedom is basicaly my highest value.
  135. [2016-02-11 21:08:56] <Somecrazyguy> @El seriously?
  136. [2016-02-11 21:09:02] <Somecrazyguy> That sounds like a rough 10 months
  137. [2016-02-11 21:09:07] <Nepene> Sorry for that Elara, sounds pretty crappy.
  138. [2016-02-11 21:09:12] <Somecrazyguy> ^
  139. [2016-02-11 21:09:42] <Somecrazyguy> Like, i know we argue and shit but i don't want you to have a shitty life. Hope you're on track to 100% bouncing back.
  140. [2016-02-11 21:09:54] <STLICTX> I'm unemployable, though looking into art and a few options that might hopefully pan out. Which reminds me I should be painting or writing, not IRCing but... *Shrugs*
  141. [2016-02-11 21:10:05] <Somecrazyguy> unemployable how/why?
  142. [2016-02-11 21:10:10] <Nepene>'s_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg/2000px-Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg.png people have higher needs than freedom
  143. [2016-02-11 21:10:14] <Elara> I'm mostly there, thanks SCG
  144. [2016-02-11 21:10:52] <Somecrazyguy> Glad to hear.
  145. [2016-02-11 21:11:19] <Elara> I was stuck being overqualified for some jobs, so they wouldn't hire me for fear I'd move on to something else straight away, and underqualified for others - entry-level roles were literally demanding 3-5 years experience, and getting it
  146. [2016-02-11 21:11:27] <STLICTX> I disagree with Maslow, and put my freedom over my life... and hope I don't have to show that becase my little attempt at hiding and being free while nibbling my way throgh the systems wires falls apart
  147. [2016-02-11 21:11:38] <Elara> the few where I was just right, were getting 100+ CVs for every position
  148. [2016-02-11 21:11:53] <Somecrazyguy> Software?
  149. [2016-02-11 21:12:04] <Elara> yeah
  150. [2016-02-11 21:12:07] <Somecrazyguy> Argh
  151. [2016-02-11 21:12:31] <Elara> I ended up getting a job because some guys I was doing part-time work for remembered me when they had a full-time post opening up
  152. [2016-02-11 21:12:42] <Somecrazyguy> Well, that's lucky.
  153. [2016-02-11 21:12:44] <STLICTX> Somecrazyguy; Becase I don't want to hurt people like my innocent coworkers when I inevitably freak out, or wold be fired whe the people and lights scare me enogh that I go hide in a closet hitting myself... among other reasons, it's a long list that I don't want to get into
  154. [2016-02-11 21:12:54] <Somecrazyguy> Dayum.
  155. [2016-02-11 21:14:23] <Nepene> There are jobs better suited for introverts.
  156. [2016-02-11 21:15:02] <Nepene> A lot of mathematical ones, geological ones that require you to isolate yourself in a region, similar biological ones, engineer ones.
  157. [2016-02-11 21:15:14] <Nepene> Security guard at the graveyard shift
  158. [2016-02-11 21:18:52] <STLICTX> is this some bizarre for of ad hominem where my political views are meaningless because I'm an unemployed screw up? I've looked into some of those, and am still looking some but there's other stuff and can we please not talk about me?
  159. [2016-02-11 21:25:32] -->| YOU (Mishie) have joined #politics
  160. [2016-02-11 21:25:32] =-= Topic for #politics is ``Please keep on the topic of politics, all other discussion can go elsewhere within the IRC.''
  161. [2016-02-11 21:25:32] =-= Topic for #politics was set by Gundor! on Monday, 8 February 2016 6:45:22 AM
  162. [2016-02-11 21:25:32] =-= Mode #Politics +o Mishie by ChanServ
  163. [2016-02-11 21:25:33] <Nepene> I likewise respect your views
  164. [2016-02-11 21:26:02] <Nepene> that sort of thing
  165. [2016-02-11 21:27:01] <Elara> I don't want *equality* of outcomes, but less extreme inequality would be good, for a whole lot of reasons
  166. [2016-02-11 21:27:28] <Nepene> If everyone has freedom of oppurtunity then people have the freedom to take everything around them to be theirs. I'd likely be on the sideline of society and be poor, unhappy, and technically free to do anything I wanted, but with no practical chance to actually improve my life.
  167. [2016-02-11 21:28:04] <Elara> That's basically the argument that built us the welfare state Nepe
  168. [2016-02-11 21:28:12] <Nepene> I know
  169. [2016-02-11 21:28:28] <Elara> well, that + "loads of potential conscripts are too malnourished to go to war", but y'know, ups and downs
  170. [2016-02-11 21:29:09] <Nepene> There are practical advantages to not leaving your people malnurished, uneducated, and disease ridden.
  171. [2016-02-11 21:30:02] <STLICTX> I favor eliminating absentee ownership to prevent someone taking everything. Strong occupancy and use rights as Benjamin Tucker argued for, rather than strict property rights. We would be more free and have more meaningful choices under an occupancy and use system which would prevent or at least limit the exploitation of capitalists
  172. [2016-02-11 21:30:30] <STLICTX> Plus people in a welfare state are less likely to riot
  173. [2016-02-11 21:31:17] <Nepene> So, as long as they leave a loyal servant in the house, they're good?
  174. [2016-02-11 21:31:46] <Elara> sounds like the early feudal system
  175. [2016-02-11 21:32:49] <Nepene> The rich have expensive advisors and more free time and a less stressful life.
  176. [2016-02-11 21:32:55] <Nepene> They can afford to figure out loopholes.
  177. [2016-02-11 21:33:59] <Nepene> They can also subtly bias enforcement and writing of laws to favor them.
  178. [2016-02-11 21:34:22] <Nepene> If you leave them a vast degree of freedom they can easily keep their power.
  179. [2016-02-11 21:36:25] <Nepene> the poor are much easier to screw over, since they can't afford to find loopholes.
  180. [2016-02-11 21:40:19] <STLICTX> That loyal servant will have all rights to the house while they're occupying it, so at least there would be a good motive to treat them well. I don't see this occuring much especially since there wouldn't be the extreme rich we see today when the cycle of capital accumulation is either cut off at the root or stunted. If this system was implemented, they wouldn't really have their wealth anymore; all the factories, etc will belong to the
  181. [2016-02-11 21:40:20] <STLICTX> workers working in them, since its a new system there would be no motive to accept the old paper money as at all valuable, etc. They'd be left with their personal possessions they can directly se within their homes; there would still be inequality if this sort of clean slate and implementin of a new system was done but it would be vastly lessened and counterbalanced by the fact the formerly destitute have many new opportunities and the
  182. [2016-02-11 21:40:21] <STLICTX> actual industrial production is now distributed among many
  183. [2016-02-11 21:41:26] <STLICTX> Implement labor-based currency along with it and things become even better in that regard
  184. [2016-02-11 21:41:42] <Mishie> riiiight
  185. [2016-02-11 21:42:01] <Mishie> so we're bringing back serfdom then?
  186. [2016-02-11 21:42:13] <STLICTX> No
  187. [2016-02-11 21:42:52] <Mishie> also, this system seems to have the minor flaw of y'know, not taking into account people
  188. [2016-02-11 21:42:53] <Mishie> at all
  189. [2016-02-11 21:42:55] <Nepene> So ownership is 10/10s of the law.
  190. [2016-02-11 21:43:10] <Nepene> I can see how that would curtail some of the power of the rich
  191. [2016-02-11 21:43:17] <Mishie> it really wouldn't
  192. [2016-02-11 21:43:19] <Mishie> at all
  193. [2016-02-11 21:44:57] <Elara> um, hang on a second Slick. I thought you were going for panarchy where people choose what system they're under. how does that match up with breaking the cycle of capital accumulation?
  194. [2016-02-11 21:45:15] <Elara> presumably a bunch of people will opt to keep accumulating capital etc
  195. [2016-02-11 21:45:37] <Nepene> Imagine that there's a very people oriented central government which enforces the laws- builds a military to deter outsiders, polices disputes, runs corts. Some central mathematicians calculate the value of each bit of equipment. If you work, you earn whatever fraction of what you do.
  196. [2016-02-11 21:47:31] <Nepene> Probably with some inheritance system like
  197. [2016-02-11 21:49:10] <Mishie> so basically
  198. [2016-02-11 21:49:16] <Mishie> they can choose whatever system they want
  199. [2016-02-11 21:49:23] <Mishie> as long as it's the system that you want
  200. [2016-02-11 21:49:38] <Nepene> Whatever system, within pre-arranged limits.
  201. [2016-02-11 21:49:41] <Mishie> Nepene: and in a few years we're back to where we're started
  202. [2016-02-11 21:49:42] <Mishie> :)
  203. [2016-02-11 21:50:25] <Nepene> Probably
  204. [2016-02-11 21:50:45] <Mishie> no
  205. [2016-02-11 21:50:47] <Mishie> not probably
  206. [2016-02-11 21:50:53] <Nepene> I'd imagine it'd work similarly to union dominated countries.
  207. [2016-02-11 21:50:58] <Mishie> It literally just leads back right to where we are right now
  208. [2016-02-11 21:51:12] <Nepene> With large groups of people collectively bargaining, and pressuring people with soft pressure to join them
  209. [2016-02-11 21:51:17] <STLICTX> I went on a different tangent towards mutualism-type systems. Even underpanarchy there are questions of the underying system for determining rightful possession in order to avoid disputes that lead to war due to people arguing "this is mine, not yours", etc. WITHIN the parties inhabitants different systems might apply due to peoples choices(and so possibly some capital accmlation even in the occupancy-and-use case) and the two main options
  210. [2016-02-11 21:51:17] <STLICTX> for agreeing as to the overal system for determining this is either traditional property titles or occupancy and use. Occupancy and use makes more sense since it refers to a natural fact that something is being used or occupied rather than arbitrary title.
  211. [2016-02-11 21:52:10] <STLICTX> Even if we agree to leave each other alone to do what we want with consenting parties, we do need to establish how to do that without stepping on each others toes
  212. [2016-02-11 21:52:41] <Nepene> I imagine, at the very least, there would be some introvert heavy areas that had more social support for struggling artists.
  213. [2016-02-11 21:53:02] <Nepene> Of course, as always, the big issue with such socialistic systems is, what do you do when you run out of money?
  214. [2016-02-11 21:53:10] <Mishie> yeah uh
  215. [2016-02-11 21:53:15] <Mishie> none of this looks sustainable at all
  216. [2016-02-11 21:53:21] <Mishie> or realistic
  217. [2016-02-11 21:53:35] <Nepene> A political system should ideally be based around humans
  218. [2016-02-11 21:53:46] <Nepene> Just as, say, clothes are superior if they fit the human form.
  219. [2016-02-11 21:54:08] <Nepene> Rather than a nine tentacled monstrosity from R'lyeh
  220. [2016-02-11 21:56:22] <STLICTX> Every party will have its own financial policy. Labour based currency would be ideal since it exactly matches the creation of a value with the creation of currency. Money isn't the central issue; the actual production of use-value and increased production-value is. Money is simply one way of handling the calculations of use and production values
  221. [2016-02-11 21:57:01] <Nepene> This is why most utopian government worldbuilding things eventially devolve into a dictatorship
  222. [2016-02-11 21:57:28] <Nepene> People realize that no one actually wants to live in a world like theirs, and so, they need to be gently nudged into a better life of happiness and joy and love.
  223. [2016-02-11 21:57:54] <Nepene> With storm troopers and guns and secret police.
  224. [2016-02-11 21:58:53] <Nepene> See, say, communism.
  225. [2016-02-11 22:00:29] <Hex> A utopia wouldn't have the internet because that would allow for dissenting viewpoints.
  226. [2016-02-11 22:00:53] <Nepene> In the utopia no one would have dissenting viewpoints, all would agree on the glory of the utopia!
  227. [2016-02-11 22:00:55] <Nepene> Or else
  228. [2016-02-11 22:01:39] <Hex> In the end we will make thoughtcrime impossible, for there will be no words to express it.
  229. [2016-02-11 22:02:00] <Nepene> Presumably with minor but vigerous debate within prearranged boundaries. Nothing negative to the system, but, people are free to argue.
  230. [2016-02-11 22:02:45] <Hex> Obviously only over things that don't matter.
  231. [2016-02-11 22:03:08] <Nepene> "Should our glorious ruler have nine wives or ten?"
  232. [2016-02-11 22:03:18] <STLICTX> if Makhno had won and Lenin, Trotsky and Stlin had died as early as they deserved the history of communism would be very different... also, how do you go from "everyone has their own system within the loose boundary of an agreement to se occpancy and use standards when dealing with different polities and everthing must be consensal" to total dictatorship and secret police?
  233. [2016-02-11 22:03:52] <Hex> Because a dictatorship is, ironically, the perfect form of government strictly under the rules of a utopia.
  234. [2016-02-11 22:04:11] <Hex> Under a dictatorship everyone is equal. Everyone is the same. Everyone has the same opportunities.
  235. [2016-02-11 22:04:28] <Nepene> Because people don't actually want everyone to have their own system, use occupancy , and use standards and everything being consensual.
  236. [2016-02-11 22:04:43] <Nepene> But you know that they should want it, and would want it, if only they could first be convinced.
  237. [2016-02-11 22:05:21] <Nepene>
  238. [2016-02-11 22:05:35] <Nepene> Convincing people is easier with dictatorships and secret police.
  239. [2016-02-11 22:07:05] <Somecrazyguy> you know
  240. [2016-02-11 22:07:11] <Nepene> Also, people who support dictatorships conquer people who don't support dictatorships.
  241. [2016-02-11 22:07:15] <Somecrazyguy> a lot of things are easier with dictatorships and secret police
  242. [2016-02-11 22:07:57] <STLICTX> but I don't want to force that unto anyone. I do wish people would see the value of it, but forcing it nto people is exactly against everything I value. I just want me and everyone else who would want this sort of freedom to be able to have it, at least try it and then maybe when people see how great it is they'll join in I said, forcing people into anything is against everything I am and everything I value
  243. [2016-02-11 22:09:20] <Nepene> Give it time. Eventually frustration at why people are dumb and just can't see why your plan is so great tends to convert people. You're already pushing a government type that has little respect for the will of the people. This is the next step.
  244. [2016-02-11 22:10:12] |<-- Hex has left (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  245. [2016-02-11 22:11:42] -->| Hex ( has joined #politics
  246. [2016-02-11 22:13:31] <STLICTX> I'm already incredibly frustrated about it, actually. Still doesn't give me any incentive to give up my values.
  247. [2016-02-11 22:13:37] <Nepene> You mentioned Makhno- that's the normal way it goes.
  248. [2016-02-11 22:13:48] <Nepene> Someone extremely charismatic takes control of a region, builds up an army.
  249. [2016-02-11 22:13:57] <Nepene> Their troops kill a lot of people, fight for some cause.
  250. [2016-02-11 22:14:08] <Nepene> A stronger central government eventually stops them.
  251. [2016-02-11 22:14:51] <Hex> It only gets dicey when they can inspire that raw fanatic loyalty.
  252. [2016-02-11 22:15:01] <Nepene> Their movement falls apart, because people have no actual independent desire for whatever scheme.
  253. [2016-02-11 22:15:02] <Hex> Because fanaticism is impossible to counter.
  254. [2016-02-11 22:15:17] <Nepene> Fanaticism is easy to counter- kill the charismatic leaders.
  255. [2016-02-11 22:15:26] <Hex> Tell that to Nagasaki.
  256. [2016-02-11 22:15:41] <Nepene> The city?
  257. [2016-02-11 22:16:16] <Hex> We'd killed at least a dozen Japanese generals. We bombed Nagasaki/Hiroshima because there was, quite literally no other way.
  258. [2016-02-11 22:17:08] <Nepene> I'm not entirely sure what would have happened if we'd nuked their emperor or chief generals instead.
  259. [2016-02-11 22:17:19] <Somecrazyguy> uh
  260. [2016-02-11 22:17:21] <Somecrazyguy> wrong
  261. [2016-02-11 22:17:30] <Somecrazyguy> Japan had been trying to get a ceasefire
  262. [2016-02-11 22:17:37] <Somecrazyguy> but that wasn't good enough for the americans
  263. [2016-02-11 22:17:43] <Somecrazyguy> we wanted an unconditional surrender
  264. [2016-02-11 22:18:32] <Nepene> They were currently genociding asian nations
  265. [2016-02-11 22:18:40] <Nepene> so there was some need for a fairly strong surrender
  266. [2016-02-11 22:19:23] <Somecrazyguy> I'm not arguing that, just saying there was another way
  267. [2016-02-11 22:19:33] <Somecrazyguy> that way just happened to include china getting fucked
  268. [2016-02-11 22:19:58] <Nepene> Yeah
  269. [2016-02-11 22:20:33] <Nepene> From wiki
  270. [2016-02-11 22:20:35] <Nepene> "Japanese leaders had always envisioned a negotiated settlement to the war. Their prewar planning expected a rapid expansion and consolidation, an eventual conflict with the United States, and finally a settlement in which they would be able to retain at least some new territory they had conquered."
  271. [2016-02-11 22:20:49] <Somecrazyguy> hahahahahahhahaha
  272. [2016-02-11 22:20:54] <Nepene> So their idea of surrender was...
  273. [2016-02-11 22:20:55] <Somecrazyguy> hilariousinhindsight.png
  274. [2016-02-11 22:21:06] <Somecrazyguy> Hey we'll stop fighting now that i won china
  275. [2016-02-11 22:21:08] <Somecrazyguy> okay?
  276. [2016-02-11 22:21:26] <Elara> in fairness, by mid-45, they were thinking more in terms of retaining the Emperor and pre-war territories
  277. [2016-02-11 22:21:30] <Somecrazyguy> lolno u are getting nuked and occupied for the rest of the fucking century and beyond
  278. [2016-02-11 22:21:36] <Nepene> They had imagined a similar conflict to the one they had in 1905 with Russia.
  279. [2016-02-11 22:21:37] <STLICTX> Makhno was a great man, and he encouraged independence in everyone he encountered and was not the only one involved in the black army with great drive for the cause; there was a woman who tried to keep it going after he left even, which worked ot well and he was only one person in the anarchistic circles around that time and was himself constantly learning. He was betrayed by his teacher Arshino, betrayed by Lenin, he did everything he did
  280. [2016-02-11 22:21:38] <STLICTX> while extremely sick, he never had proper supplies... he had flaws, and was indeed charismatic, but he was only one inspiring commander of an anarchist movement that preceded him and which was actively involved in many ways in the russian revolution before they were suppressed. Makhno is merely one great and inspiring figure within that wider movement
  281. [2016-02-11 22:21:45] <Nepene> They wiped out the Russian fleet then with a surprise attack too.
  282. [2016-02-11 22:21:55] <Somecrazyguy> man
  283. [2016-02-11 22:22:00] <Nepene> They ignored lower down advisors who pointed out that the US economy was ten times bigger than theirs.
  284. [2016-02-11 22:22:03] <Elara> but any surrender was going to see the people trying to surrender facing a coup attempt/assassinations
  285. [2016-02-11 22:22:03] <Somecrazyguy> Japan was absolutely wrecking Russia in 1905
  286. [2016-02-11 22:22:12] <Elara> so y'know, it was going to have issues either way
  287. [2016-02-11 22:22:34] <Somecrazyguy>
  288. [2016-02-11 22:22:47] <Somecrazyguy> Bernie campaign staff shown helping voter fraud happen
  289. [2016-02-11 22:23:03] =-= Constans_ is now known as Constans
  290. [2016-02-11 22:23:37] <STLICTX>
  291. [2016-02-11 22:24:25] <Somecrazyguy> By the way, anyone that has a problem with voter id laws
  292. [2016-02-11 22:24:31] <Somecrazyguy> i will shove this vid down their throat for the rest of time
  293. [2016-02-11 22:25:18] |<-- Hex has left (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  294. [2016-02-11 22:26:10] <Elara> I have many problems with voter ID laws. have an electoral roll? sure. ask people to somehow show they're the person on the roll? sure. much more than that tends to look like voting suppression rather than anything else, not least when fraud rates are demonstrably very low
  295. [2016-02-11 22:26:22] <Nepene> I read up in the Japanese conditional surrender demands. Continued 'independence' for Manuchukuo. Yeah.
  296. [2016-02-11 22:26:25] <Nepene> Not going to happen.
  297. [2016-02-11 22:26:33] <Nepene> A puppet state in China and Mongolia.
  298. [2016-02-11 22:27:06] <Somecrazyguy> Uh
  299. [2016-02-11 22:27:18] <Somecrazyguy> Elara last election there were a bunch of dead people votes in NH
  300. [2016-02-11 22:27:43] <Elara> how many?
  301. [2016-02-11 22:28:34] <Somecrazyguy> god damn it hold up
  302. [2016-02-11 22:28:44] <Somecrazyguy> all google brings up is stuff from current election
  303. [2016-02-11 22:28:49] <Somecrazyguy> even after adjusting for like sep 2015
  304. [2016-02-11 22:30:17] <Somecrazyguy> not finding the actual numbers, so yeah, i guess you can call me out on source
  305. [2016-02-11 22:30:27] <Nepene>
  306. [2016-02-11 22:30:34] <Nepene> This is probably the sort of thing you mean
  307. [2016-02-11 22:30:39] <Nepene> From ten seconds of googling
  308. [2016-02-11 22:30:48] <STLICTX> From what I know, voter ID laws do seem very targetted towards suppression of some votes, sch as groups who may find it difficult to get proper ID. While I'm not a fan of electoral politics in general it would seem to me preferabe to have a few 'necromantic' votes than to specifically disenfranchise some groups because that amounts to a slap in the face towards people already in a "low" position.
  309. [2016-02-11 22:31:20] <Somecrazyguy> Again nepene, no actual numbers
  310. [2016-02-11 22:31:59] <Somecrazyguy> Keep in mind that it isn't even a driver's license needed stlictx
  311. [2016-02-11 22:32:04] <Somecrazyguy> it's just a state id card
  312. [2016-02-11 22:32:12] <Somecrazyguy> which, in my state for example, is $24
  313. [2016-02-11 22:32:13] <Nepene>
  314. [2016-02-11 22:32:26] <Nepene> The new [New York] statewide database of registered voters contains as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and as many as 2,600 of them have cast votes from the grave. The [Poughkeepsie] Journal identified dead people on the voter rolls in all 62 counties and people in as many as 45 counties who had votes recorded after they had died.
  315. [2016-02-11 22:32:27] <Nepene> One address in the Bronx was listed as the home for as many as 191 registered voters who had died. The address is 5901 Palisade Ave., site of the Hebrew Home for the Aged.
  316. [2016-02-11 22:32:27] <Nepene> Democrats who cast votes after they died outnumbered Republicans by more than a 4-to-1 margin. The reason: Most of them came from Democrat-dominated New York City, where higher population produced more matches.
  317. [2016-02-11 22:32:31] <Somecrazyguy> Very few people that vote are unable to afford a $24 expenditure
  318. [2016-02-11 22:32:32] <Elara> to be fair, I mostly go by UK standards, where you literally don't have to take anything, just know that your name is on the register
  319. [2016-02-11 22:32:44] <Nepene> Democrats have the necromancer demographic locked down.
  320. [2016-02-11 22:33:01] <Somecrazyguy> Thanks nepene
  321. [2016-02-11 22:33:07] <Somecrazyguy> my google-game is lacking atm
  322. [2016-02-11 22:33:08] <Nepene> You're welcome.
  323. [2016-02-11 22:33:26] <Somecrazyguy> Anyway, 2400 dead votes. I consider that a lot.
  324. [2016-02-11 22:33:31] <Somecrazyguy> 2600*
  325. [2016-02-11 22:33:32] <Elara> seems to work. there's a bit of fraud around postal voting, but virtually nothing (~100 votes per general election) that involve people voting fraudulently in person
  326. [2016-02-11 22:33:55] <Somecrazyguy> Alright, is there someone actively investigating each vote?
  327. [2016-02-11 22:33:56] <STLICTX> For some people 24$ can be a really big deal. Like, "will I be able to eat this week" sort of deal
  328. [2016-02-11 22:34:07] <Somecrazyguy> If you are literally worried about eating this week
  329. [2016-02-11 22:34:13] <Somecrazyguy> Are you really voting
  330. [2016-02-11 22:34:19] <Nepene> You should be voting for someone who promises to give you food.
  331. [2016-02-11 22:34:22] <Somecrazyguy> Or are you busy trying to find money so you can eat
  332. [2016-02-11 22:35:14] <Nepene> You may have a part time job, as you're over qualified for any full time positions, or several.
  333. [2016-02-11 22:35:15] <Somecrazyguy> I do find the fact that the MVA takes so much money to be appalling, though.
  334. [2016-02-11 22:35:55] <Somecrazyguy> @Nepe consider it a business expenditure
  335. [2016-02-11 22:36:10] <Somecrazyguy> with an id, you can buy liquor, which you can sell to the underaged peoples of your neighborhood.
  336. [2016-02-11 22:36:22] <Somecrazyguy> Easily make your money back in a day
  337. [2016-02-11 22:36:22] <Elara> it takes time to pick up an ID, presumably
  338. [2016-02-11 22:36:27] <Somecrazyguy> About 2 hours
  339. [2016-02-11 22:36:34] <Elara> 2 hours, ok
  340. [2016-02-11 22:36:35] <Somecrazyguy> if you're really unlucky
  341. [2016-02-11 22:36:38] <Elara> what hours are they open?
  342. [2016-02-11 22:36:41] <Somecrazyguy> really, really unlucky
  343. [2016-02-11 22:36:42] <Elara> and where's the office?
  344. [2016-02-11 22:36:46] <Somecrazyguy> 9-5 typically
  345. [2016-02-11 22:36:57] <Nepene> Sadly, few are as wise and entrepreneurial as you.
  346. [2016-02-11 22:37:01] <Elara> so if you work 9-5, when are you going to be able to get an ID?
  347. [2016-02-11 22:37:05] <Somecrazyguy> Pretty sure every office is right next to a damn bus stop
  348. [2016-02-11 22:37:40] <Nepene> Some people do manage to avoid such restrictions, some people are better placed geographically.
  349. [2016-02-11 22:37:55] <Nepene> But a lot of poor voters are excluded, a lot of minorities who have crappy public services around them.
  350. [2016-02-11 22:38:03] <Somecrazyguy> Source?
  351. [2016-02-11 22:38:54] <Nepene>
  352. [2016-02-11 22:39:01] <Somecrazyguy> oh
  353. [2016-02-11 22:39:06] <Elara> I mean, there are times it takes me a week to get to the post office, and there's one in the middle of town. Only time I'm around and it's open is Saturday morning
  354. [2016-02-11 22:39:07] <Somecrazyguy> @Elara apparently they're open on sat as well
  355. [2016-02-11 22:39:17] <Somecrazyguy> Explicitly for drivers licenses and id's on that day
  356. [2016-02-11 22:39:38] <Somecrazyguy> 8:30 am to 12pm
  357. [2016-02-11 22:39:48] <Somecrazyguy> Unless you work 6 days a week
  358. [2016-02-11 22:40:03] <Nepene> Being too busy is the reason why 28% of poorer voters did not vote in 2012
  359. [2016-02-11 22:40:04] <Somecrazyguy> you should be able to find a time to go
  360. [2016-02-11 22:40:15] <Somecrazyguy> Voting should be a goddamned off day
  361. [2016-02-11 22:40:18] <Nepene> So, obviously, they don't find a time to go
  362. [2016-02-11 22:40:20] <Somecrazyguy> and the fact that it isn't speaks volume
  363. [2016-02-11 22:40:21] <Somecrazyguy> s
  364. [2016-02-11 22:40:40] <Elara> elections should absolutely be a holiday
  365. [2016-02-11 22:40:43] <Somecrazyguy> Federally mandated holiday
  366. [2016-02-11 22:40:58] <Somecrazyguy> Because otherwise everyone who works on that day is disenfranchised
  367. [2016-02-11 22:41:03] <Elara> they're a key part of how the system works, inasmuch as it does. let's fucking celebrate it
  368. [2016-02-11 22:41:15] <Somecrazyguy> That too i guess
  369. [2016-02-11 22:41:16] <Somecrazyguy> woo
  370. [2016-02-11 22:41:22] <Somecrazyguy> another thing we agree on
  371. [2016-02-11 22:41:40] <Somecrazyguy> Anywho, even when I was at my most destitute, I was able to find a ride to the MVA
  372. [2016-02-11 22:41:53] <Elara> tho tbf polling stations here are open something like 7am to 10pm
  373. [2016-02-11 22:41:54] <Somecrazyguy> I know, because my school was a block from it, and I needed a ride, had zero cash
  374. [2016-02-11 22:42:10] <Somecrazyguy> Still managed to get there, an hour early
  375. [2016-02-11 22:42:38] <Somecrazyguy> ((No it wasn't a school bus))
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