

Oct 6th, 2017
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  1. #Plugin: XPBoost
  2. #Author: Qifi (elving21)
  3. #The variables which start and end with '%' you can either move them around or comepletely remove from the message
  4. settings:
  5. config_version: 1
  6. #can be ENG atm only, if you've got a translation to some other language sent it to me and i will include it :)
  7. language: 'ENG'
  8. #Enable debug 0 = disabled | 1 = Normal | 2 = All information (Mostly useless)
  9. debug: 0
  10. #this is in development (faction support), please use it at your own risk.
  11. enable_factions: false
  12. #If you dont want to send metrics (statistics about the plugin) cahnge it to false
  13. metrics: true
  14. #Do you want to disable xp bottles? SELECT MODE 1 or 2 or 3
  15. #Mode 1: Normal behaviour
  16. #Mode 2: Set dropped XP from xp bottles to 0
  17. #Mode 3: Disallow players to drop EXP bottles while their boost is active
  18. xpbottlemode: 1
  19. #if you want to use only SkillAPI/McMmmo/Heroes/RpgMe etc. experience for example, set this to true, and vanilla xp will be unaffected
  20. disablevanillaxp: false
  21. globalboost:
  22. #Global XP boost
  23. multiplier: 2.0
  24. #Enable/disable notification on join when global boost is active
  25. notification: true
  26. #Do you want the message about the XP gained to appear
  27. doublexpmsg: true
  28. #Actionban msg time delay in ticks, (20 ticks = 1 sec) default 5 sec
  29. actiondelay: 100
  30. #Enable/disable motd when global boost is active
  31. motdon: true
  32. #Enable/disable actionbar message when boost is active
  33. actionbarmsg: true
  34. bossbar:
  35. #Enable/disable bossbar when boost is active (will work only if BossBar plugin is present)
  36. bossbarmsg: true
  37. #Color of the boss bar
  38. color: BLUE
  39. #Style of the boss bar
  40. style: NOTCHED_20
  41. #Item type material for an xpboost item from /xpb item
  42. itemmaterial: POTION
  43. #Sign settings
  44. sign:
  45. #line1 is the text that u need to write in order to create sign, other lines will apear automatically
  46. line1: '&a[XPBoost]'
  47. line2: '&cOpen'
  48. #if you dont need other lines, just leave it blank
  49. line3: ''
  50. line4: ''
  51. #Days on which XP boost should be active for everyone! (change to true)
  52. day:
  53. monday: false
  54. teusday: false
  55. wednesday: false
  56. thursday: false
  57. friday: false
  58. saturday: false
  59. sunday: false
  60. #Disabled commands
  61. disabledcommands:
  62. #Do you want this feature to be enabled?
  63. enabled: true
  64. #List of forbiden commands while XPBoost is active
  65. list:
  66. - '/give'
  67. - '/test'
  68. #Put it to true if you are using daily global xpboost and ur server does not restart every day
  69. periodicalDayCheck: false
  70. #McMMO support
  71. mcmmo:
  72. msg:
  73. enabled: true
  74. msg: '&aGained &c%newexp% &aXP instead of &c%oldexp%&a. Skill: &c%skill%'
  75. #RPGme support
  76. rpgme:
  77. msg:
  78. enabled: true
  79. #I disabled message for a STAMINA skill cuz its just spamms rly a lot
  80. msg: '&aGained &c%newexp% &aXP instead of &c%oldexp%&a. Skill: &c%skill%'
  81. #Heroes support
  82. heroes:
  83. msg:
  84. enabled: true
  85. msg: '&aGained &c%newexp% &aXP instead of &c%oldexp%&a. Source: &c%source%'
  87. #boost:
  88. # boost1:
  89. # enabled: true // Enable disable boost option *REQUIRED*
  90. # boost: 2.0 //XP multiplier *REQUIRED*
  91. # cost: 500.0 //Currency cost *REQUIRED*
  92. # time: 300 //Duration of the effect in seconds *REQUIRED*
  93. # title: '&4%boost%x XPBoost &f(%money% $) Custom Title' //You can specify custom titles for different boosts if title is not present default preset will be used Placeholders: %boost%,%money%,%time% *OPTIONAL*
  94. # item_type: SLIME_BALL *OPTIONAL*
  95. # permisson: *REQUIRED*
  96. # use: false //Enable/disable permission usage for a specific boost
  97. # perm: 'xpboost.guest' //if use=true, permission required to buy this boost
  98. # msg: '&cNo permission' //Message when player does not have a specific permission
  99. # behaviour: //You can specify a 'behaviour' of each boost and set which XP it will affect, this is optional. default everything is true *OPTIONAL*
  100. # VANILLA: true //This XP Boost will be only viable for vanilla xp.
  101. # SKILLAPI: false //This XP boost will be disabled for skillapi if you've got one.
  102. # MCMMO: false //Same but for mcmmo
  103. # RPGME: false //Same but for rgme
  104. # HEROES: false //Same but for heroes
  106. boost:
  107. boost1:
  108. enabled: true
  109. boost: 1.5
  110. cost: 500.0
  111. time: 300
  112. title: '&4%boost%x XPBoost &f(%money% $) Custom Title'
  113. item_type: emerald_ore
  114. permission:
  115. use: false
  116. perm: 'xpboost.guest'
  117. msg: '&cNo permission (%perm%)'
  118. behaviour:
  119. VANILLA: true
  120. SKILLAPI: false
  121. HEROES: true
  122. boost2:
  123. enabled: true
  124. boost: 2.0
  125. cost: 800.0
  126. time: 250
  127. permission:
  128. use: false
  129. perm: 'xpboost.guest'
  130. msg: '&cNo permission (%perm%)'
  131. behaviour:
  132. SKILLAPI: false
  133. RPGME: false
  134. boost3:
  135. enabled: true
  136. boost: 2.5
  137. cost: 1500
  138. time: 350
  139. permission:
  140. use: true
  141. perm: ''
  142. msg: '&cThis boost is only for &aVIP &cusers. (%perm%)'
  143. behaviour:
  144. VANILLA: true
  145. SKILLAPI: false
  146. MCMMO: true
  147. RPGME: false
  148. boost4:
  149. enabled: true
  150. boost: 3.0
  151. cost: 3000.0
  152. time: 350
  153. permission:
  154. use: true
  155. perm: ''
  156. msg: '&cThis boost is only for &aVIP &cusers. (%perm%)'
  157. boost5:
  158. enabled: true
  159. boost: 3.5
  160. cost: 5000.0
  161. time: 1000
  162. permission:
  163. use: true
  164. perm: ''
  165. msg: '&cThis boost is only for &aVIP &cusers. (%perm%)'
  166. boost6:
  167. enabled: false
  168. boost: 4.0
  169. cost: 7000.0
  170. time: 300
  171. permission:
  172. use: true
  173. perm: 'xpboost.mod'
  174. msg: '&cThis boost is only for &aMOD &cusers. (%perm%)'
  175. boost7:
  176. enabled: false
  177. boost: 5.0
  178. cost: 10000.0
  179. time: 300
  180. permission:
  181. use: true
  182. perm: 'xpboost.mod'
  183. msg: '&cThis boost is only for &aMOD &cusers. (%perm%)'
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