

Nov 19th, 2020
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  1. „Mas­ter, he turned into the trash, now what to do? Could not spell.” Con­nie walks by Cthulhu of seal by, looked at the hashed meat of ground, curls the lip to say.
  2. Rex silent a meet­ing, said: „Ok, every­one had seen in any case, cal­cu­lates that re­venged.”
  3. „That said that but makes so agile, was some small ad­van­tages that he dies he.” Con­nie is in­dig­nant.
  4. Must know beast­man race, be­cause this fel­low died hun­dreds of thou­sands beast­man, but he such light bang did not have sud­denly, sim­ply is to their in­sults!
  5. „The war ended, all can re­turn to nor­mal, more­over ob­tained 100 years of peace, prob­a­bly also good.” On the face of Con­nie shows the smile.
  6. „If this war changes into today is the race war, that var­i­ous races ca­su­alty will be more se­ri­ous.” Rex nods, looks that dis­tant place two drank beast­man with the same wine pot and knight of cel­e­bra­tion, on the face showed a smile:
  7. „More­over, this war as if changed this world.”
  8. „Yes, seems like, in­dis­tinct a lit­tle Chaos City shadow.” Con­nie nods, this feel­ing can­not say, had that taste.
  9. Above bat­tle­field, trust back to back, cast­ing the friend­ship of tran­scend­ing the life and death.
  10. Be­lieves even if the war ended, all al­lied armies re­turn to the re­spec­tive sta­tion, seed of this sow­ing seeds in heart will not van­ish.
  11. They will take root to ger­mi­nate, per­haps Pres­i­dent has the dif­fer­ent flower fires.
  12. 100 years, can have many things.
  13. Chaos City cre­ate things from noth­ing, At­lantis is also sud­den.
  14. Next 100 years?
  15. Is makes one some­what an­tic­i­pate un­ex­pect­edly.
  16. „Did Tree of Life give you tree heart?” Be­fore He­lena ar­rives at the Irina body, looks that she is some­what out of sorts.
  17. „How is?” Irina vis­its her, shows nei­ther ap­proval nor dis­ap­proval.
  18. He­lena body shook shak­ing, on the face were many sev­eral points of pale color, turns around to de­part.
  19. Irina knits the brows to look at the back that He­lena de­parts, is some­what be­wil­dered, did not have sev­eral points of de­serted feel­ing at heart in­ex­plic­a­bly.
  20. Vic­tory joy­ful is trans­mit­ting on Gosse Moun­tain Range, dur­ing rear sol­dier Fac­tory also fell into cheered.
  21. „Luck is good, our these ar­ti­sans do not need on the front­line.” Mobai took up wine pot tons to fill sev­eral, threw the wine pot to the Lulu bosom with a smile.
  22. Lulu laughs fool­ishly is tak­ing up the wine pot also drank two gen­tly, the vi­sion ac­tu­ally looks that hides in his arms finds out the tiny head arc­tic fox, is think­ing at heart Sisi should like this lit­tle fel­low.
  23. ......
  24. „Boss! Boss! Are you good?” Maun­der is red eyes to look opens eyes Dou­glas blurry, anx­ious ask­ing.
  25. „......” Dou­glas coughed two, drove the wound, twisted the brow, but opened ar­rives shortly en­cir­cles Maun­der and Kiel be­fore body and the oth­ers, got angry: „What gath­ers round me to make?! You were the mil­i­tary de­serter!”
  26. „It is not Boss, the war ended, we won!” Kiel shakes the head hastily.
  27. „Won?” Sarg­eras is a lit­tle ig­no­rant, be­fore the stu­por, he sees in­nu­mer­able an­cient corpse to be­come Chonglai, ap­pear­ance that was far from fin­ish­ing.
  28. „Yes, heard that is Alex sup­presses the seal that devil, then these an­cient corpse changed into the fly­ing ash com­pletely, we won.” The Kiel nod said.
  29. „Good!” Sarg­eras some­what ex­cit­ing mak­ing a fist, drove the chest front wound, is sore look­ing fierce.
  30. „Boss, you are lying down well, just had elf ther­apy to you, said raises well can be good some time.” Maun­der gruff say/way.
  31. „Your young­ster.” Sarg­eras put out a hand to tap his head, smiled.
  32. Liv­ing, re­ally good.
  33. After going back, can eat rou­ji­amo that Boss Mag makes.
  34. ......
  35. Head­quar­ters, in dis­cussing of­fi­cial busi­ness hall.
  36. var­i­ous races rep­re­sen­ta­tives and pow­er­house are as­sem­ble.
  37. The peo­ple look at the Mag vi­sion fully are the ad­mi­ra­tions.
  38. If that day elects the com­man­der, Mag strong strength that the peo­ple set­tle on.
  39. That today's this steam­roll -type vic­tory, in­ci­sive­ness of Alex pow­er­ful set up for­ma­tion com­mand ca­pa­bil­ity show­ing.
  40. Fi­nally the ca­su­al­ties count not to de­liver, but should below 30,000.
  41. Must know what they face is 1 mil­lion fierce does not fear the dead spirit reg­i­ment that ac­tu­ally achieved the suc­cess of this war by the so small ca­su­al­ties, has not let a an­cient corpse break­through de­fense line.
  42. „This weaponry, I for on the scene, is proud for each al­lied armies sol­dier on Gosse de­fense line.” Mag looks at the peo­ple, heart­felt say­ing.
  43. This is a war, per­haps his sword af­fected the war pro­foundly, with­out the re­sis­tances of fu­ri­ously 1 mil­lion al­lied armies sol­diers, the war will not so fin­ish fast.
  44. The peo­ple look the smile, is some­what grat­i­fied.
  45. „War ended, the threat that Cthulhu brings re­lieved tem­porar­ily.” Mag looks at the peo­ple, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion said se­ri­ously: „ But above Nolan con­ti­nent, we do not know also the seal many such as the Cthulhu in gen­eral pow­er­ful devil, does not know when they will come out to harm the world.
  46. I hope hun­dred years of peace that this con­tin­ues, can be a new be­gin­ning, hopes can let this pre­cious peace long-time con­tin­ues.
  47. Hopes you can re­mem­ber, here, who is you fights side-by-side today, fear­ful enemy seal.
  48. The next time, we can also so stand shoul­der to shoul­der, sharp what the cut­ting edge sword turns to­ward is our com­mon en­e­mies. ”
  49. In main hall silent a meet­ing, broke out the warm ap­plause.
  50. Michael looks that Mag nods again and again, says with a smile: „He has mar­ried the wife, I also re­ally want to marry him the daugh­ter.”
  51. „Do you give up?” Roland said with a smile.
  52. Michael thinks, shakes the head, „has not re­ally given up, my fam­ily girl is small, does not worry.”
  53. Roland smiles, re­gard­ing one­self this old buddy who fa­vors the kid crazy demon in­di­cated to dis­dain.
  54. Do­minic looks at Mag, some­what has mixed feel­ings.
  55. dur­ing that time he then saw the un­com­mon­ness of Alex, there­fore once trained as the em­pire Mar­shal suc­ces­sor him.
  56. What a pity......
  57. The mat­ter that af­ter­ward had, mak­ing him stand in the op­po­site of em­pire di­rectly.
  58. Strat­egy that today he shows, al­ready above him.
  59. But his pat­tern, far ex­ceeds in him, achieved as coali­tion com­man­der this mat­ter of doing truly.
  60. Even he can­not bear start to con­sider, if lets the var­i­ous races peace­ful co­ex­is­tence, even the mu­tual fu­sion co­ex­is­tence, what kind of as­pect can be.
  61. Chaos City as if has used for 100 years to prove this not fea­si­ble mat­ter, but so changes, var­i­ous races ap­pears in­evitably is huge tears, the power will be­come the biggest hin­drance.
  62. Do­minic does not har­bor the too big fan­tasy.
  63. Now his majesty the king, may as­cend the throne to be­come Shawn of king in the fu­ture, can­not put down the per­son of right.
  64. No one can put down, most peo­ple, can­not achieve such as Alex is so free and easy.
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