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Gang Things

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Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. Level 1: You hit trees twice as hard. // Basically allows early farming however this means you get more wood than you do metal overall.
  2. Level 2: You have a 15% chance to get an extra ore when mining. // You still however get less metal from mining making metal more scarce.
  3. Level 3: Weapon Modifying is $1000 less expensive // can be higher in levels however still fine where it is, encorages players to play other jobs.
  4. Level 4: Buying from the PD Screen is 50% cheaper // Could be moved to a higher level to allow CP to make abit more money on people who just make a gang and farm for 45 minutes.
  5. Level 5: You have a 10% chance to re-route a hit on you // People dont often play assassin/hitman jobs and when they do they usually expect the target they place a hit on to be the one they requested.
  6. Level 6: Sell doors for 100% instead of 50% // Fine where it is.
  7. Level 7: You can kidnap players every 30 seconds down from every 2 minutes // Can cause issues for people just minging around with kidnaps and just dragging them into rooms just to troll people. Maybe a minute would be better.
  8. Level 8: You can break out of cuffs 25% faster // Unnoticable and a gang talent completely negates this.
  9. Level 9: Keypad Crackers crack 10% faster // Keypad crackers seem to be buggy especially the "Long Distance Keypad Cracker" where the timer on the screen will complete but the keypad will not unlock.
  10. Level 10: as the spirit caller, the xp pool is reduced to 300 // People hardly farm EXP anymore so its an extreme rarity to find someone with enough experience to make the job useful. Possible if to make self exp cutting is halfed so you dont have to rely on others to be doing work.
  11. Level 11: As smoke, all of your grenades last for an extra 3 seconds or are more powerful // Doesnt seem as useful as every cop i've seen as smoke has misused the grenades and only caused issues for other players. But it could just be a *needs more testing* issue.
  12. Level 12: When fining someone, their jail time will be extended by 1 minute if not paid // Encoruages fines over pure arrests, however if they refuse they pay more penalty instead of actually paying the fine.
  13. Level 13: You have a 50% chance to not trigger a bounty while killing someone. // Can be useful however you are given bounties for self defense and this is a case of blind systems, could be increased or adjusted around.
  14. Level 14: You can access your daily reward every 12 hours down from 24 // Doesn't seem to be working from my experience.
  15. Level 15: Your mayor immune time is raised to 10 minutes // The Immune timer shows the original 5(6?) minutes of the time then goes back and shows the rest of the time, the time should be added together to lessen confussion.
  16. Level 16: You get 2 extra votes immediately while running for Mayor // Works only after someone votes for you, should be higher on the list as rigging elections should be for a more developed gang
  17. Level 17: You gain 5 extra inventory slots // Requires a rejoin, however thats not that big of an issue.
  18. *this is where my gang exp ends and im currently charting into untested territory, basing everything off paper/words*
  19. Level 18: The amount of time to catch a fish has been reduced by 1-3 seconds. // There is no offically defined time of catching a fish, Fishing isnt that prominant as its so varied and leaves people exposed to be kidnapped.
  20. Level 19: You have a 5% chance to be immediately released from jail // can be a mildly lower chance if all of the jail cells were in use and people couldn't block off the ventalation and have it so there is a way out by having someone else assist your escape, but immediate release is pointless if there is an escape vent. *until all of the jail cells are restored this gang perk is useful*
  21. Level 20: Playing as a detective will show you where the killer is located // In most cases the detective isnt used for being a detective, encourages arresting people for killing but can lead to "I've been RDA'd" situations, maybe inform the killer that someone found their evidence and is looking for you.
  22. Level 21: Unlock Gang wars // Interesting concept but can be encoruaged to be used more by moving the accessibility to a lower level.
  23. Level 22: As the PD commander, you can see the player with the highest bounty on your screen. // Should already be a given as the highest bounty person is listed on the bounty board. Should be all the other players on the bounty board showing up on the PD screen. (To Provide options)
  24. Level 23: Unlock the Peel P50 // Cool unlockable cars?
  25. Level 24: You cannot be tracked by a bounty hunter // the bounty hunter normally shouldn't know where their bounty is no matter who they are. They have a bounty and you need to look for them.
  26. Level 25: Your lockpick can no longer break // Perfectly fine but can be higher/lower depending on the value of lockpicks
  27. Level 26: Every door you buy is equipped with a door shield // door shields are cheap and craftable. A perk designated for this should be abit earlier and and should reinforce players need to use lockpicks *expecially after they can no longer break*
  28. Level 27: You can eat the pickup box for 60 seconds instead of 30 // Should be able to release that earlier than the 60 seconds as you can be transporting goods and it releases right before your base and once your inside waiting 45 seconds can be a hastle.
  29. Level 28: Unlock the police motorcycle. // This is alright but should be abit lower in tier, or have a perk *along with the increased car health and speed* should have the other cars be unlocked.
  30. Level 29: You can use the PD menu without a range restriction // When is this going to be useful?
  31. Level 30: You have a 20% chance to prevent a bounty hunter from hunting you. // With a server full of 90 people, this perk seems meaningless and just makes the bounty hunter target the same 2 people over and over.
  32. Level 31: you can call a gang war every 6 hours instead of 12 // From my experience not alot of people are really interested in starting gang wars, nor have I noticed people wanting people to level their gangs to start one. especially when people can switch to bloods and crips and do such things without penalty.
  33. Level 32: Your hack power increases 30% faster // Primarily for hacker and is more benefitial after the perk is gained and not before. Not sure of the time it takes to get from 0 hack power to 10 but 30% faster is nice.
  34. Level 33: You will get 1 more drugs while harvesting // Other than the obvious textual error here, 1 more pound of drugs out of 20 (or 6) plots is great considering you get around 40 per harvest. Could be higher up on the list.
  35. Level 34: You can no longer get ebola // Makes more jobs useless in the long run.
  36. Level 35: Unlock the petty wagon // Refer to police moter cycle
  37. Level 36: you gain 5 more extra inventory slots // And now you are stuck in an endless loop of logging off and logging back in for rewards!
  38. Level 37: You can no longer get taxed // Seems better as a talent but this isnt that big of an issue, could be higher due to how much CP can make on taxes.
  39. Level 38: Selling items to the general vendor give you 2% more case. // perfectly fine where it is.
  40. Level 39: You have a 10% higher chance to not get a common while enchanting // Commons are supposed to be common, Uncommons are supposed to be well, uncommon. 10% higher chance to get uncommons sound better than 10% not to get a common.
  41. Level 40: You have a 5% chance to get an extra chemical barrel when filling up // Is it filled or not? is it an empty barrel that I have to fill up. If so then great 90 bucks saved for all my work getting to level 40.
  42. Level 41: Becoming the sewer lord puts you underground // You should already be put underground to start with. or atleast right next to a tunnel so you dont have to struggle out of spawn.
  43. Level 42: Food sat time is increased by 50% // Would be useful if I knew what food I made gave what effects other than experimenting.
  44. Level 43: Unlock the burger vehicle // Refer to Police Cycle
  45. Level 44: Hackers have a chance to fail a hack on your machines // This should be built in and not a high level gang perk, hackers always make mistakes and are not experienced if not given the experience. This perk should be, "you can no longer fail a hack on machines."
  46. Level 45: Gain 5 More Storage Slots // YIPEE TIME TO RELOG
  47. Level 46: as Trisha, you gain one more grenade // Extremely unnessisary perk to have. You can die and respawn and have just as much firepower. Extremely unnessesary perk for this level.
  48. Level 47: Buying items off the PD screen is now free (except scratch offs) // Considering this means, health, armor and phones. This means people are at a point where armor/health mean nothing and you can get it just by walking into the door of pd and aiming your mouse to get free health and armor and walking out. When there are many other items you can craft that do just that for free profit at this point. This seems better for a talent. Scratch offs are slow and unreliable source to spend money on.
  49. Level 48: You have 2% chance to duplicate a gun while enchanting // Along with the 10% common perk this should also mean that your handing out multiple commons for low price even though you dont make profit off a common unless you enchant pistols, and even then you dont make money back.
  50. Level 49: Unlock the beautiful shrimp gang car // Should be noted that having a high level gang car is fair as it rewards players for getting this far, however from my experience this vehicle doesnt
  51. Level 50: Unlock a Gang CC // Useful, however if its limited slots then I dont see it as being as good as it is listed.
  53. /// TALENTS ///
  54. Quick Sell: A Perk Best if your active in farming money and rather not run out of your base to clean inventory. Perfect for a talent.
  55. Pimp my Ride: Vehicles arent as easily controlable in the first place so giving them more speed doesnt seem that useful.
  56. Legacy Picker: Ever since the gang update i've only been picked for a legacy job 4 times all of them being Michael Myers or Chuckie.
  57. A Pretty Penny: Getting 5 more Suga dollars from farming or doing things you already would be doing is great and can be useful if everyone didn't put their Suga dollars prices at 900+
  58. Nice Guy: 3 mil for VIP? Seems like the time to start forcing competition for prices.
  59. Fish Master: I Have absolutely no idea if this is even worth the gang talent, Do you not get the first three tiers of fish? do you only get tiger fish? what happens?
  61. Extra Bullet: Perfect For Talents and doesnt disrupt battles as having an extra shot could mean more than you think
  62. Blood Sucker: an interesting talent that I would love to have tested if useful in gun fights.
  63. Precious Life: Can mean the balance between life or death and it seems almost a requirement to get if people start getting talents.
  64. 2 is better than one: Fun perk for gang raids vs other gang bases.
  65. Force Mug: Having it restricted to CC's only is probably restrictive as by the time you mug them they will turn around and gun you down at mach speed.
  66. Force Drop: Again Having it restricted to CC's can be less inviting as CC's usually have more than 1 weapon and they can just suicide after losing said weapon and get it back.
  68. Experienced Cop: cuffing someone who's running away is difficult, lets just force them still in a matter of miliseconds.
  69. Persuasive Fine: Seems like just a reason to minimal fine people for money.
  70. Basically I live here: Not sure where it teleports you but it can potentially get you stuck inside props if in the wrong spot.
  71. Free One: Good Now I can knock down doors, Not really useful as a talent.
  72. Slow Down: now people can minge around right after joining a cop gang and slow people for no reason.
  73. Instant Backup: seems like just a free reason to troll people and have them teleport into the wall and get stuck or teleport inside of a kidnappers home and have more victims to shoot at.
  74. Steel Grade Cuffs: Time to negate one of your perks you added.
  76. Morpher: The sizes can get people stuck inside of the person, seems more minge if anything, no real reason to have.
  77. Too weird 2 Hack: No reason to have a job become useless because of a gang talent.
  78. Wow: Wow, RDM.
  79. Launcher: Does the props damage players?
  80. Power Stomp: Shouldn't you not take fall damage with this?
  81. Reinforced Legs: Shouldn't you be able to jump off anything with this?
  82. Alter Gravity: Isnt this just the weed effect but lighter?
  83. Where is the bathroom: Not worth investing points into.
  85. // General Tree //
  86. Worth putting points into.
  88. // Thief Tree //
  89. Great and Powerful Tree Might need some nerfs.
  91. // Cop Tree //
  92. might be used to abuse, but cop gangs should filter who joins their gangs.
  94. // Weird Tree //
  95. Not Even Worth Investing into.
  97. General suggestions: Speed up the leveling progress and have it scale hard past 25. Talents Shouldn't be Game changers in a major impact such as instant health back for dropping below a certain level. perks should be minor changes that improve what is slow and repetitive such as money made doing x and speed of doing y. etc.
  98. Specific Suggestions: Make perks beyond rank 35 Are more rewarding for the work as it feels like they are a waste of time in the later levels only for minor rewards for working all that time.
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