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Mar 2nd, 2012
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  1. To The People of the World,
  3. For the last 4 years we have sat by as the banksters and politicians rape, pillage, and plunder our countries. We lose our houses, our jobs, our respect, and our dignity, while the gluttonous pigmen feast on our carcasses. They are taking in billions in salary and bonuses, paid for by us through bailouts and taxation.
  5. The price of necessities has been on a relentless march higher as the leaders of countries use Central Banks to print more of their confetti, I mean currency. Yet, these people, who would never lower themselves to the level of a commoner and actually do their own shopping and feel the pain as you do, get on TV and tell us there is no inflation, that there is a recovery.
  7. Their intentions are pure evil and their means sinister. These people tell us the cure to our ills is to sell our children and our children's children into debt slavery, to surrender our natural rights to unelected committees of those deemed smarter than us. It need not be said that these are the same people who got us into this mess.
  9. This ends now. No longer will they piss on our backs and tell us it's raining. This May Day, May 1st 2012, is the day we unite across the globe and rise up against them. Americans will stand hand in hand with our brothers and sisters in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. We will remember the lesson taught to us by Mohammed Bouazizi. By Thomas Jefferson. By Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. That lesson so passionately expressed by Mario Savio and so eloquently displayed in the Declaration of Independence.
  11. Take to the streets and make your voice heard. Find an Apple store and protest wage-slavery. Find a branch of an international bank and protest the enslavement of generations to a system controlled by the few. Find a political office and protest the strip-mining of liberty. Find the homes of the people who own and operate these same places and let them know you will NOT be herded like a cattle to the slaughterhouse.
  13. Make your voice heard in the digital world as well. Take their websites offline. Dump their tables and databases. They should have expected you in their critical infrastructure systems, show them why. Magnets, how do they work?! Who cares. Bring them into the server rooms and have at it. Set off the fire suppression systems.
  15. There are those who will say this will play into the hands of those who wish to control us in this neo-feudal system. To those slaves, I say, fuck you. What have you done to bring an end to the tyranny? Have you voted in rigged elections? Have you called your representative and whined? What has it gotten you? It is time to stand up and show that not 7, not 700, not even 70,000 people at the top can control 7 billion united in the quest for liberty and dignity.
  17. To my brothers and sisters in Egypt, Tunisia, Russia, Greece, Afghanistan, Spain, Italy, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Chile, Portugal, Colombia, Brasil, and everywhere else Great Justice is needed, I hereby pledge my life and my honor to any and all who choose to take part. Two months to prepare, plan, and spread the word.
  19. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
  21. Feel free to translate, print, reprint, distribute by any means, use as a fire starter, mock, ridicule, or ignore, this.
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