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Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. Potatti - Today at 6:53 AM
  2. I'm ready for the sub only mode and "my grand mother died of cancer, have a great event" donations
  3. fucking URGH
  4. Oh, and all the "pretty female runners""
  5. and all the chat bans cos someone asks if the runner is a guy or a girl
  6. Mama Soraka - Today at 6:55 AM
  7. wat?
  8. Potatti - Today at 6:55 AM
  9. and fucking ptotomagical girl being the cringiest person at the entire event
  10. I'm so ready.
  11. What "wat"?
  12. Half the runners are transgender people at this point
  13. Mama Soraka - Today at 6:56 AM
  14. I guess I don't really watch the chat, come think of it
  15. Potatti - Today at 7:01 AM
  16. I just wanna point out that I have nothing against trans people, but AGDQ went to shit trying to protect their precious "different" people from the audience.
  17. Mama Soraka - Today at 7:02 AM
  18. I think you've made your opinion plenty clear
  19. Potatti - Today at 7:02 AM
  20. I just think AGDQ is not the place to push your "we are trans" agenda :shrug:
  21. Mama Soraka - Today at 7:06 AM
  22. I feel like I must have missed out on some GDQ drama one year or something
  23. Elzam - Today at 7:06 AM
  24. You missed out on it for like 2-3
  25. Potatti - Today at 7:06 AM
  26. Just watch it this coming week and you'll have plenty of it dw
  27. Elzam - Today at 7:07 AM
  28. I wouldn't mind it so much if they didn't become Nazis in chat about it. But that's about all I'll say about it in this channel
  29. Mama Soraka - Today at 7:07 AM
  30. I mean I've watched every year since it stopped being hosted in some dude's mom's basement I just don't keep the chat open
  31. Elzam - Today at 7:08 AM
  32. But the chat is the best part of Twitch MingLee
  33. Mama Soraka - Today at 7:08 AM
  34. Not when there's 300,000 people in it
  35. lul
  36. Potatti - Today at 7:09 AM
  37. Well good thing it will only be like 1/5th of the viewer count
  38. if even that cos sub mode
  39. where you cant even say anything anyway.
  40. Mama Soraka - Today at 7:09 AM
  41. twitch chat is kinda a cesspool anyway
  42. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  43. Elzam - Today at 7:10 AM
  44. I mean, when I spend most of my day on 4chan, Twitch chat is mild
  45. I enjoy it for the cesspool quality
  46. Mama Soraka - Today at 7:12 AM
  47. it was difficult walking away from the fraternity and acceptance of chan culture. I feel like I improved a lot more as a person without that sort of influence on me, though
  48. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  49. It can be intoxicating, almost cult-like in appeal. You always have an other to blame for whatever ails you when you hang with that crowd. Smartest thing I ever did was get on my meds, give up the drink, and stop hating
  50. I ramble
  51. Chans were a bad influence on my younger self, is all I'm saying
  52. Retzioka - Today at 8:06 AM
  53. "Hello gdq, long time watcher, first time donater. Good luck to all the runners and kill those animals" - 50% of all donations 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 every year :rofl:
  54. As I see it, GDQ is not a professional event. They are still the group in someones basement, only bigger.
  55. So they face people trying to politizise the event, they try to fix it. They face people hating or judging on people, They try to fix it.(edited)
  56. What is there not to like about this event? :smile:
  57. DreamFox - Today at 9:30 AM
  58. I thought it was finally time for me to become a big boy streamer and learn the Edea quick kill for real, it is going not terribly
  59. Have had 3 succesfull QK in a row as my record
  60. SNeaky - Today at 9:38 AM
  61. I like the part where they play the games.
  62. And raise the moneys.
  63. Retzioka - Today at 9:39 AM
  64. I like the part where there were 3 QKs in a row :kahoPounce:
  65. not even 3 hours to go :tada:
  66. DreamFox - Today at 9:44 AM
  67. What is the opening run this year?
  68. Retzioka - Today at 9:45 AM
  69. "Pre-Show"
  70. Duckie2010 - Today at 10:24 AM
  71. My favourite thing about GDQ is when the transpobes out themselves :thumbsup:
  72. Heaven forbid that trans people have a hobby they enjoy and want to contribute to a charity event and happen to be a top runner in their game
  73. Also "I have nothing against trans people" is literally the same thing as saying "I'm not racist or anything"
  74. There is no "agenda"
  75. There are people trying to live their life and contribute to a community
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