
Vc 2

Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. Thim was the former. Lighting fast stabs flowed across the creature's body, in the briefest of moments the hopper had died. The thing's blue blood had coated his arms, chest and legs. Letting the dead weight fall, Thim stood wobbly to his feet. Pasha and Mirolat appeared beside him, he hadn't even thought it could have been them pulling him. The two men wear both painted in blue and red. A soft echo of rain had returned while the trio stood watching the last remaining violet cloak's trudge towards them. He hadn't noticed that they had already reached the garden gate, the hopper had been pretty eager to get them. Peaking over his shoulder a new mess of people were helping the Violet cloaks. Just to the side of the gate stood a tall woman, a large pale bow pointing towards the sky, five shorter women surrounded her.
  3. Each carrying a smaller version of the woman's, they were all firing towards the direction he had been pulled from. The pristine white arrows streaked towards the living storm. Numerous surviving cloaks trailed towards Thim and the new arrivals. "It's lucky the Ash eaters showed up when they did, we almost didn't make it eh?" pasha spoke between deep breaths, his accent slipping loose. Scanning the approaching face's Thim noted the absence of Tolnii and the oldman. "The Oldman? Tolnii?" The wind hushed as he spoke. "Look for yourself" Mirolat replied gesturing around . Scanning the mess of people Thim could make out the old man surrounded by pale cloaked figures. Sighing with relief at the sight of them, Thim tried to stand. His arm's ached and pulsed pain down him as Pasha and Mirolat helped him too his feet.
  5. A tender prayer of Fortchio was spoken to himself. He thought they were all going to die in the blasted storm. As he fought for his life, no thoughts of home had pestered him. Despite what many had said. Scattered lanterns glowed in the distance. Spots of light marked where men had fallen. He was sure many had died, he knew he could have. If pasha and mirolat hadn't saved him, be would have. The rain had stopped, it followed the swimmer's within the storm. How had the world turned so strange? Only a month ago he was down in Holnon, thoughts of spooks and swords had been so far away. People hunted Dushoca in the North and the Frontier. But the hundreds of years worth of hunting within the heartland had driven almost any spook to the brink. Even now what remained was hounded and hunted as sport by kings and lords.
  7. Cozy old Holnon had held a lumber camp and a bed. Thim earned himself a position in the planing mill. The owner was old and had already passed hands to his son. But the old man loved the trade and could use a pair of youthful hands to assist him. Apparently the louts of Holnon were unsatisfactory for the job. Thankfully they were or Thim would have found the trek north harder. He wouldn't have survived the winter on the road. Thim was barely conscious as he was hauled towards the sprawling mansion. The sweet honey like smell of freshly stripped cedar knots graced his memory. Praskovya would always pester him as the sun crawled below the horizon, her wide toothy grin and suggestive grey eyes plagued his last thought's before the darkness took him.
  9. Krimuna was high above, pregnant in the starless sky. The rocky bowl was lit grey by her light. Thimonel sat on the uneven ground, his eye's could not leave her. The snakes had been here. Beautiful and white she floated atop the night sea. Now she was know as Euluna but he knew her as Krimuna old and loving. He sung her name throughout his tired mind. Not since being a boy had he watched her so lovingly, a mystery bold and clear for him too admire every night. He watched the month's pass as her body grew and shrunk. It lay in front of him. A small ivory body. It's Pale remains pronounced against the shadowy floor. Long and thin the bone necklace before him was that of a snake. It had begun eating itself as it perished. A few inches of of it's tail were past it's tiny jaws. Just as he had done within his dream. It would have struck fear within him. But he was numb. The sight did nothing.
  11. "What are you?" He spoke out loud, shattering the huanting silence of the place. Even with the numbness coating him, the vividness of his dream caused a spark of worry. A spark that flashed into existence and was gone just as fast. "What are you?" He questioned the glutinous serpent. The little skeleton didn't respond. Inspecting it closer Thim noticed an oddity so bizzare he must have been blind to have not noticed it straight away. The serpent had another set of eye sockets, just above it's first. Smaller then the original sockets. More eye sockets lined it, along the body, every couple of ribs a pair would vanish and a sockets would sit in it's place. Blindly staring back at him. Such a strange discovery surprised him briefly. "We are know as Ouroboros, well we were. The world has changed greatly since my eye's laid upon it." She sounded just as he remembered. Forward but secretive, her southern accent hidden only to surface with anger.
  13. "Prask? What are you doing here!" Shock flared throughout him as he spun to face the girl sitting cross legged next to him. Praskovya was just as he had left her. Long ginger curls framed her face and shoulders. Her freckled nose and cheeks wrinkled with her broad cheeky smile. Those emerald eyes shone warmly while suggesting more. "What?" Thim stammered as he watch her, even her soft green riding dress was the same. Prask only chuckled, her green eyes eagerly watching his shocked face. "My mistake child, I chose the visage because of it's weight within your mind. I hadn't taken into account the fact that the mind belonged to such a young man. Praskovya Chuckled, the sultriness within her voice that only caressed him during their nights together.
  15. Prask shifted position and brought her hand to her chin, her eye's narrowed as she grinned at him. Whatever it was, it wasn't Praskovya. Her mannerisms were all wrong. She bad chosen her visage? They were know as Ouroboros? Questions raced through his mind. But tender memories of Prask had resurfaced mudding it all. "I'll change, the girl is clearly distracting you. You should really focus! This isn't the time to be day dreaming." The Ouroboros spoke using Prask's voice. "But you really need to focus!" Shifting forward it flicked him gentle on his forehead. With the tap everything plaguing his mind was gone. All his focus was on the girl in front of him. "What's happening here? Why is this happening? What are you?" Finally focusing he found the questions that were once hidden.
  17. Prask's eyebrow raised slightly at the out burst. The Ouroboros lent back and her skin cracked like porcelain. Tiny black snakes broke the surface of her spider's web of skin, squirming amongst each other. Prask was gone her body had sunk into the writhing mass of black eyed snakes. Thim felt nothing as he watched. The Ouroboros was stopping him some how. He should be running away. Fear would be driving him away from such a sight. But the numbness encased him. A new body climbed out of the Shifting pile. The body was generously endowed, sleek long black hair flowed down her desirable curves. She wore a soft layered gown like dress. As the last of the snakes retracted below her pale skin the Ouroboros spoke. "This is quite the body!" It mused with a unique accent, one hand slid down her generous body exploring the new form. "I like it! You'll have to get use to such a temptation within arm's reach."
  19. The oroborous grinned as she lay on her side allowing her gown to reveal her pale cleavage. Thim was speechless. He was confused. "I don't understand what's happening" he spoke to the reclining woman. She seemed preoccupied with admiring her new form. "I love the human form, not everything mind you! Hands, they're such an magnificent tool" the oroboros was feeling her new form, pushing her hands deep into her soft fleshly thighs. "But your leg's cannot compete with our tails! Don't begin to think we envy you so greatly! And a few extra eye's wouldn't hurt" she spoke nonchalantly. "What are you? Answer me!" The lack of anger in his voice added to the strangeness. "Me? Well boy as I said before I am an Ouroboros, you really should listen more!" The oroboros spoke annoyance painting her face. "What is an Ouroboros?" Thim asked
  21. She only sighed and looked him in the face. "You survived the trial, how could you not know" gesturing towards the small skeleton. "As you fought to earn dominance, so did I. If you or I had failed another would be here, a different you and a different me" she gestured towards herself and then him. "Another me? What do you mean?" Shifting onto her elbows and knees she lent over and gripped his hand. Her large cleavage hung barely restrained by her gown. "This right here!" She pointed to the onyx ring on his index finger. "You survived it's test. A trial to see if you were worthy of carrying it, you passed obviously. Or another would have eaten you and claimed your body as it's own." The Ouroboros tapped the ring. She grinned at him and ran a hand through his short hair. "Another would have taken my body?" Her touch was gentle and exploring, his whisper came out just as softly. "Yes, another who had once held the ring would live again within your body. You would take their place within the ring, but do not worry if another wore it, you could earn their body. The oroboros always hungers." She spoke while finally returning to her reclined seat. "For passing you can keep your body and after your death, you can take someone else's. What a twisted fate. Don't you think?" She eyed him stiffly.
  23. He had accepted all she had said numbly. The ring had taken him, but he had fought and had earned his body back. Why would anyone wear the blasted thing? To live after death? The Questions crawled through his mind. Worry and doubt only briefly appearing. "I didn't put it on. Can't I just take it off?" Thin asked shifting to a more comfortable position. "You could. The finger would go with it. But once it was removed your body would slowly decay. Although the ring does offer much for such a risk." The oroboros answered offhandidly playing with her hair. "What can it give me?" Anger flared briefly. Thim never wanted this. He hadn't put on the ring. Now he could not remove it. "It all depends on your aptitude, the Ouroboros carries much power. But you must have the hunger to claim it. I've seen carriers who could shift and warp like our bodies, others held the strength of our tails. Some even awoke our great eyes and mighty hunger. They devoured the world. But that was an age ago, ages ago." She watched him expectantly.
  25. She seemed content with his apparent understanding. This was a lot to take on. But with his mind so clear he accepted the snake woman's explanation. This was a bit too vivid to be a exhaustion fuelled dream. He hadn't even notice the ring. All throughout the night he had somehow ignored it's presence. "Our time is almost up, we'll talk soon. Stay alive and you might just gain something." The oroboros spoke while sitting up. She dusted herself off and standing. "Where are you going?" Thim asked standing to match her. She was a head taller then him, delicate thin hands rested on her wide hips. "I'm not going anywhere. You are. Once you've grown use to the ring's presence, you might be able to harness it's power. Until then I'll be waiting here." She said as Thim's vision darkened. The canyon was fading as he felt his eye's closing. Soon all was gone.
  27. Pain throbbed up Thimonel's arms as hushed voices of distant convocation slipped into his sore ears. Sitting up, he found himself shirtless as a thick duvert slid off his shoulders. Pain's harsh grip pinched his back and legs. The room was dark except for a single sliver of light sneaking into the room through an ajar door. He was naked, they had put him in here after bandaging both of his arm's. Those bandages were already speckled red with fresh blood. The ring was on his hand. Weak fingers probed the slick band of snakes. It would not budge. Ignoring the ring, he slid out of bed. They had stripped him. Another couple bandages sat on wounds that went unnoticed. He noticed them all as he legs buckled under his weight, hitting the tiled floor with a soft clap. "Balls!" Thim winced to himself as he began crawling towards the door.
  29. He couldn't rest. The woman's answer's had left him with more questions. He doubted the violet cloaks had the answers but they might help. Or think he was crazy. But it was worth the risk, the men hunted monsters, he was sure they would know crazy. Crawling out the door, thim found a lantern lit hallway. Pasha and Mirolat where squatting around a silver platter, drinking from dark bottles.
  30. "Pu'la do'va! Boy! How are you awake?" Mirolat spluttered on his wine as Thim's torso jutted out of the doorway. "Want a drink? Eh?" Pasha asked offering his bottle towards him. "Let's start with some clothes please, I'm freezing down here!" Thim replied as the pair stood. "Of course brother! You should have called eh?" Mirolat spoke as he stood over him. "You will open your stitches if you crawl around on your elbows." Pasha grumbled as they each took a shoulder and lifted the naked man to his feet. The pair carried him back onto the bed. Mirolat disappeared through the door as pasha went to far end of the room. "Tolnii managed to find some clothes he though might fit. You were out, so you get what's left over. Eh?" Pasha said lifting a pile of clothes onto the bed as mirolat reappeared with a lantern. The large room was similarly furnished to the one he had found the ring in. "As you can see, we got the best! Eh?" Mirolat spoke gesturing to their new clothes. Mirolat wore some warm looking woolen britches and a silk patterned grey shirt. He had already spilled wine and food down it. Pasha was wearing similar garb, but also donned a trimmed riding coat. "Very nice" thim replied as he wormed his way to the pile of clothes. Whisper sat in her sheath atop the pile "Need us to change you eh?" Mirolat asked broadly grinning. He had earned a deep cut across his cheek to match his black eye. "I'll be fine" thim replied fanning his hand at them nochelantly. "Eh? Call if you need help little one" pasha chuckled as they left.
  32. Tolnii was a asshole. He had chosen quite the uniform for him. Quickly dressing his black woolen britches were trimmed with golden lace embroidery in the pattern of flowers it was held up by his own worn belt, Whisper rested gentle against his hip. His shirt was bold maroon and had sown yellow flowers blooming across it's back and shoulders. The over coat sat on the bed beside him. It was black, that was a plus, bright gold trim showed bird's dancing along the back shoulder and sleeves. Tolnii had taste. But he should stick to clothing himself. Slipping on the coat, thim took his time standing. His boots sat lopsided under the bed still wet, but he was warm enough. His leg's had finally woken up and he managed to limp outside. "Eh? Pasha! Kaiza Thimonel is here!" Mirolat laughed slapping his knee. Pasha turned and matched his friend's laughter. "Oh! Milord we was not expecting you!" Pasha roared in his best southern accent before laughing again. "Shut up" Thim moaned as he covered his ears from the loud noise. Pain bounced through his head as he closed the distance between them. Sliding down the wall thim sat beside them. "Eat eh?" Mirolat said as he slid the platter towards thim. The silver platter held sliced Olive bread and ash loaf. An assortment of dried and salted meat. "Drink eh?" Pasha asked offering him a glass bottle.
  34. Accepting Thim hurriedly began dranking and eating. His two squatting companion's watched silently at first before Mirolat asked "You're going to join the cloaks? eh?" Thim's eyes widened, he hadn't thought of it. The Ouroboros had taken precedence, followed by dry clothes. "I hadn't thought about it" he replied sliding salty meat covered bread into his mouth. Mirolat and Pasha nodded together in understanding. "You did good, a natural eh? Tolnii and the Volni like you!" Mirolat added after a swig from his bottle. "You followed us and lived! Fortchio bets on you and wins!" Pasha added clapping. Thim nodded along chewing. He had to have a god watching over him to have survived. "What did I miss?" Thim asked. "After you collapsed we got back inside, got you out of those soaked clothes and Pasha stitched you up. He did a good eh? He has had plenty of practice." Mirolat replied resting his empty bottle down. "Some brothers delivered this just before you crawled out, they said volni wanted to see us at day break" pasha said as he pointed down the hall.
  36. Out of the window thim could see the dim glow on the horizon. Pushing the last scrap of food into his mouth he spoke. "I'm coming" the words were blocked by the food resulting in a strange mumble. Pasha nodded as he stood, Mirolat grimaced briefly. "Don't talk with your mouth full! Eh?" Mirolat shook his head at thim as he stood and finished his bottle of sour red wine. "No one teach you manners so far south?" Mirolat quizzed as he set off down the hallway with pasha in tow. Following slowly Thim didn't reply. They passed through unfamiliar hallways and staircases. They must have secured a different wing. All the way they passed violet cloaks, some were unharmed but many wore bloodied bandages. Some even gave him acknowledging nods. He must look just as bad as the bloodied men around him. They walked in silence through the manor. They had passed a few of the Ash Eaters. Men and women wearing typical armor and garb, each wore an ashy white bandana tied around varying parts of their bodies.
  38. They all sat together watching the violet cloaks. Distaste painted their faces whenever a violet cloak crossed them. He was given the same treatment. "Ignore them, half baked children with no experience." Pasha added once they passed another group of bandanas. "If they had been in our place, all would be gone eh?" Mirolat responded as they descended another floor. "Who are they?" Thim asked. They all carried an attitude of superiority, thim wondered how skilled they were. "Disciples eh? More like cultists. They follow Aleksandrina, she rounded up any body worthy of challenging Kisevtse, The Astringent seed" Mirolat replied, shacking his head as if a bad taste was in his mouth. "High headed fools who follow her like puppies. They've existed only as long as Kisevtse has claimed Bopatora." Pasha said. "Kisevtse? You can't be serious! They're following her too fight a fairytale?" Thim laughed. What's next? Spokönig will descend and raise Vergessad and begin the sixth age.
  40. Madness thrived in the monster hunting business. Apparently the Ash Eaters planned to be god hunters. "It's true. Fresh Dushoca haven't been this far south in centuries eh? Even as northerner I know that." Mirolat said, pasha nodded along only sparing thim a quick glance before responding. "With Kisevtse in mortal form they've become emboldened. The north is a warzone, the only reason we are so far south is to hunt other Dushoca spreading word within the heartland and help Aleksandrina recruit." Madness. Word would have reached and armies would have been raised. Thim wasn't a king or noble, but they wouldn't be spared by Morose, The Sickly tree. All able bodies would be marching for the frontier. Not just in the south. "This can't be!" he stammered. "What of the Verdient throne? Haven't they begun levying? How could the cloak's make a difference? How could the South?" Thim panicked out loud. It was impossible, they must be lying. "That'll take time. Someone will have to reinforce the north. "The Ash Eaters think they'll storm the gates of Niedresad and be written about as great heroes. They be the ladder of corpses the throne will climb." Mirolat spoke harshly.
  42. The Volunteers would hold the north while the south rallies. Other countries would do the same, send a disposable untrained force to grind against the Dushoca mass. It would be the smart thing to do. Have just enough seasoned fighters to counter act the inexperienced. "This isn't possible... Isn't it?" Thim asked. Gods don't walk the world. They wouldn't in his life time. This wasn't an old tale. The cold hard truth of the world wouldn't allow it. Would it? The small grasp of understanding Thim held on the world slipped away. Monster and gods stood against man. "I can't say if it truly is Kisevtse... I havent stood at the throne of Morose and watched his child gather his subjects. But I have seen Schawel ablaze, a gem of the north nothing more then a shell amongst the ash." Mirolat added. The north was at war. Fighting to survive, until help would come. If it came. Thim was no diplomat but his father spoke as if he knew greatly of dukes and bishops. Even if he never devolge his source. "The south will suffer too... The north won't bleed alone. I'm sure of it." Pasha solemnly spoke "let's pray we live to see a day when Dushoca hide and scurry about the plains of Obolenen as they did only a year ago." He continued looking between Thim and Mirolat reassuringly.
  44. The Barren-one's seed my have sprouted, but that was not Thim's problem, Thim would never face such a thing. That was for Vrybal and the dead. Thim would live to see the day pasha spoke of. Despite the bold declaration of courage to himself, fear lingered in his mind, the sour stench of uncertainty. He would head north. A Violet cloak around his shoulders. "We'll see that day together" the stench left his mind with his words, but a layer of uncomfortableness remained in it's absence. He was sure the false bravado was clear in his voice. Less idealic suggestions flowered throughout his mind. Mirolat chuckled "See that pasha? We've got an optimist in the cloaks now! Eh? We all might just see that day" pasha nodded smiling slightly as he replied. "It's very refreshing. Don't you think?" Thim chuckled as the pair grinned at him. "Quite, Eh? We'll fix him! When he comes home all the girls will be shocked." They both nodded as they stopped by a set of sturdy looking double doors. Limping up behind the pair, Thim barely recognised the pain he was in. Thoughts of coming home to Praskovya had been planted by two reasonably drunk farmers.
  46. Entering behind his friends Thim took his time closing the door. It may have looked like he was examining the room's occupants, because he was. But the door was surprisingly heavy and his arms didn't apreaciate the sudden strain. Wincing he saw through watery eyes. A large study or small library had bookshelves dotting the walls, the earliest rays of the sun lit the desk and furniture. The tall woman was surrounded by a triangle of her pale entourage, none of their eye's even graced him with a glance. All watch the silent old man who watched them, tolnii shook his head at them, clearly noticing who was left to close the door. Johsem and Delinam stood beside him, Johsem seemed very amused to see him, the flash of a white grin as they locked eye's spoke volumes. He even gave him a subtle nod. Thim couldn't help returning it. The woman's mask was blank as usual but it gazed at him gently as he slinked up alongside pasha and Mirolat. "It is day break Volniceah. Now that your subordinates have arrived quickly disclose what you've learned. I'm tired of waiting." The woman spoke uninterestedly, her icy stare intensified almost into a glare. Volnii only nodded returning a nonchalant look.
  48. The woman's regalness fell away as he gazed on her. She was pouting at the old man, as if she was a child. The seconds passed as the old man only slowly nodded at the tall woman. She was very beautiful, Thim had found tall girls slightly intimidating. Unsurprisingly her fierce nature elbowed something within him. As Volnii sat in silence watching the woman, her pout became steadily more noticeable. What was only a slight crease of her cheeks and lips slipped further. His eyes couldn't leave her face, impatience twitched across it. Waves shifting the sand on her gorgeous beach. Maybe he was watching too intently, her eye's had danced across him briefly. Skillfully he had quickly shifted to the face of a follower of hers before their eyes met. A slim nosed girl with chestnut locks and grey eye's. Those grey eye's shifted into a frown as they locked onto his, firing back a cheeky grin only received a more intense frown. Bloody Ash Eaters.
  50. "Vol-" The tall woman had started as the old man interrupted her. "The Cequlos spoke the typical speil. Like an merchant they only peddle what they buy, if the thing carried any words from the north, it would have spoken them. But it just had the words of a torture victim" The tall woman's face along with the entirety of her entourage grimaced at the name. "From Elimhall too Drelinton dushoca carry the name Kisevtse to embolden the southern dushoca into revealing themselves." The violet cloak's listened silently as the old man continued. "You do not need us here. A few Rosperros and the occasional Willow can be delt with by your noble 'Ash Eaters' " the empathises was clear and caused their cute face's to harden. "I will take the Cloak's and what has been rallied and hold Lenivu. The word spreads, the war begins and my place is on the battlefield. Your Ashen ones can protect the south easily you've already rallied twice our numbers into your own ranks. Volnii spoke steadily and firmly, despite the clear anger amongst the Ash Eaters, none would dare interrupt. "There is nothing we can do to assist you further. The North will not fall, the Violet cloak's will be waiting there for the march on Niedresad." Volnii watched the tall woman.
  52. She was making an effort to hide her anger, her entourage were not as considerate. The placid face was nestled in a forest of upset ones. Thim wasn't sure if Volnii was telling the truth. He could be lying. But if his homeland was threatened he would want to defend it. The north couldn't be too bad, wouldn't more Dushoca have already flooded the south if it was. After a moment of tense silence between the two groups, the tall woman spoke. "You wish to leave the south unprepared? And leave it to suffer the same fate as Schawel." Her placid face never changed but her eyes burned fiercely. Her entourage had slipped into smug grins with her retort. Volnii shook his head, a sharp sigh escaping his lips. Someone scoffed but thim couldn't tell who. "The South is prepared and the North burns. How much longer must I hold your hand? Do you children need me to put you to bed? The Kings and Nobles follow your commands and jump when told. But I'm not so southern I was born on the fringe child, as a boy I killed Dushoca for fun. While you were a glint in your father's eyes I was on the jagged path a boy against Morose's horrors. I came to train and give advice but your noble Ash Eaters know better and look down upon those who came to guide you. You have been led enough. I will follow my own path and you shall do the same." Volnii's voice was harsh and grated the woman. He had dropped his accent and spoke strangely formal.
  54. A practiced voice for the nobility. "When you reach Lenivu you will find it standing. Then we will see if your Ash Eaters are as strong as they are fanatic." The old man savagely addressed them, as if he was talking to a gaggle of unruly children. A few scoffed, most glared. The tall woman shook her head as she replied. "I see you are set down the path Voliicheah, I will not try and stop you. If there is nothing more to discuss then I shall leave to attend to my own plans." Saying a quick farewell the woman's entourage hustled out as she slowly walked passed the violet cloaks. Her placid face watched each in turn, blatantly examining them. When his turn came he couldn't help smiling up at the exquisite woman. She didn't return it, but did watch him slightly longer then the rest. Maybe she was imagining ways to remove the smile from his face. Maybe she was wondering if she could take him with her. Thim doubted she thought that, but he very much liked the idea. Without speaking she closed the door behind her. "I think she likes me!" Thim chimed cheerily turning to face his new companions.
  56. Pasha and Mirolat nodded in agreement, tolni rubbed his creased forehead while grinning. "Well, the Ash Eaters are always recruiting, I'm sure she would make a acception for you." Tolnii mused. The rest didn't share in the humor. "Joh, Deli. Go and ready the cloak's. I plan to leave this evening." Volnii told the unique pair. Johsem nodded in return before heading for the door with Delinam in tow. "It's good to see you up boy, you wounds aren't too bad I hope. You had quite the night, ten would have perished in you place, I'm sure of it." Volnii said from the broad writing desk he was sitting upon. Tolnii stood to the old man's side trying his hardest to keep a straight face. "Unfortunately you seem to have suffered your gravest wound just before dawn. No wonder Aleksandrina was so intrigued." Thim was confused, what did the old man mean? "No wonder Aleksandrina was tempted!" Tolnii replied as he finally broke in to a fit of laughing. Thim sighed. His current attire defiantly stood out amongst the greys and browns of the cloak's. The lace caught the light and shone against the dark fabric.
  58. Thinking about it he had caught a few implacable looks. "Pasha check the stables and see if we can find a white stallion for our lord!" Volni grinned while the others started laughing. Thim shook his head out of frustration. He should have left the coat. "Kaizar Thimonel will be breaking hearts from here to Niedresad if we let him eh?" Mirolat added. Thim couldn't help smiling a bit. The oppressive thoughts of war slipped his mind as he laughed with his friends. It had been less then a day. But he knew they were comrades. In less then half a day his life had been turned on it's head. How much had he changed? As the laughter died down he thought clearer. The Ring, the Cloaks and Kisevtse . He had left Holnon out of fear. Fear that he would only know the south and it's small towns. Weeks spent on the road, living how his father had taught him. Now the blood of dushoca rested on his hand's, a mark of change. No longer would he sit in the south. Although what lay ahead filled him with dread he would face it. Once all was done and he had seen enough he would return home, like his father had.
  60. But he tried not to focus on what might never happen. He did try. "So Kaizer Thimonel will you be accompanying us to Lenivu?" Volnii quizzed. Pasha and Mirolat turned to face him as Tolni pretended to not be interested in the question. Grinning he answered "I wouldn't have it any other way." Tolnii tried to hide his smile, apparently he had heard something in the corner behind him, that just had to be looked at. The other's didn't bother. "Very well boy! Pasha, mirolat and tolnii will make sure you settle in comfortably. I must see to our brothers, best get your thing's in order." Volni spoke as he slid off the desk and set off towards the door. "We are leaving at dusk, so all of you pack and rest up. Or I'll leave you behind to mind the wounded." And with that volni was gone. A short silence passed as the four looked between each other, until Tolnii clapped. "Now that our lord has finally joined he can be anointed!" Tolnii lent behind the writing desk and lifted up a deep violet cloak. With all that was happening Thim hadn't noticed the violet cloak tucked under Tolnii's arm. Tolnii closed the distance quickly with both cloaks in his hands. Handing one too Thim he quickly slipped his own over his shoulders.
  62. Mimicking his movement Thim had to johstle it until it sat comfortably. The hood resting between his shoulders felt weird but he paid it little more then a fleeting thought. Four violet cloaks stood facing one another. Tolnii had put his hood up. Pasha and mirolat looked bemused at the fresh pair. "Sorry we couldn't find an embroded one Thimonel, on the way we'll see if Pasha's hand is better at embroidery then it is at stitching. Eh?" Mirolat added. Thim only nodded as he shifted from side to side feeling the cloak follow. It wasn't as heavy as he thought it would be and the thick wooly material would keep any rain off. Unlatched the cloak spread open and reavealed his clothes. "As much as I would like to enjoy watching you two all day I believe we should get your things Thimonel." Pasha said impatiently stepping from foot to foot. "Do you even have a bag?" Tolnii asked without looking up from his cloak. "I hid it in Brensvul. I'll just go grab it and then be right back" thim said as he finally stopped examining his cloak. Mirolat had found a large arm chair and was reclining in it. Tolnii had also finished playing with his cloak. "Why?" Tolnii asked his face puzzled. Pasha didn't add anything. "Well. I didn't know what to expect up here, my pack would be safer hidden in town. Bandits would get nothing." Thim replied surprised by Tolnii's confusion. "Wouldn't they have just slit your throat for being a waste of time? Your pack might buy your life." Tolnii said.
  64. Thim understood why Tolnii might have that idea, although he didn't agree with it "Why wouldn't they just slit my throat and take my pack?" Thim asked in response. Mirolat nodded as if he agreed with Thim's assumption. A surity that worried thim slightly. "Eh? I never thought of it like that. Voll fucking bandits! I hate them." Tolnii said nodding deep within thought. Pasha just watched, impatience becoming more noticeable. "Want to come with me?" Thim slipped out. He was thinking about asking but quickly that thought had escaped his mind and mouth. Pasha tilted his head in thought for a second. Tolnii's unfocused eyes suggested he might still be thinking about the bandit conundrum. "Might as well eh? See what Brensvul has to offer." Mirolat added as he stood up and stretched. Pasha nodded in agreement. "Eh? Do I have to go?" Tolnii asked looking annoyed about the sudden expedition. "There'll be girls and you'll get to show off your cloak." Pasha added as mirolat walked towards the door.
  66. Thim turned and followed, enjoying the sway of his cloak. "Fine, but I want a sword. I lost my pike." Tolnii moaned. "I lost mine too." Thim added as they set off down the hallway. This part of the mansion was still unfamiliar. "Pu'la du'va" mirolat mumbled as they worked their way through the manor. The walk was uneventful besides a few nods of approval from his new brothers in violet. Mirolat led them through into an bustling atrium full of violet cloaks preparing for departure. "Don't expect anything special. And try not to stab yourselves eh? Or each other." Mirolat said without turning. Slipping through the violet crowd the group pushed their way through and into an empty hall way. Blood dotted the place, not just human blood, red and yellow stains on the carpet and walls told stories of the night. At the far end a single door stood open. As they walked closer thim saw through into the atrium. The Willow's blossomed frame had grown roots. The thing was a spread knarled tree, cracked marble lay around it. As they entered he spotted a few violet cloaks watching the area. The floor was covered in flakey yellow stains.
  68. One of the violet cloaks began to approach the instant they arrived. "Mirolat you shouldn't be here, Volni wants us gone by dusk. Stop wasting time!" The tall man complained as he approached the small group. "I need two swords and I'm ready to go Silivi, can't have my boys unarmed can I?" Silivi just looked between Tolni and Thim. "I'm guessing this is your handy work then?" Silivi asked looking at Tolnii slightly annoyed. "No! Buldave was in charge and managed to screw it up. I'm not sure if you've noticed but his bald ass isn't around any more eh? We just got left with the clean up." Tolnii replied obviously upset by the suggestion that he was responsible for the dandelion men. Silivi's face didn't change. "Dimev grab two swords, somthing from the manor, something worthy of our new members. Volni wouldn't want his nephew using a cracked blade." Silivi called to Dimev. A short round man shuffled to a sack beside the willow stump and rustled about within. Quickly he produced two sheathed long weapons. The round man closed the distance quickly and drew up along side the annoyed man. He swiftly offered one towards tolnii, it had a white angular hilt. Taking it from the man tolnii spoke "Many thanks" quickly he slid the blade free and examined it. The silver steel blade shone in the early morning light.
  70. The sharp angles stood out boldly, a hollow ground blade was rare, it was even a bit longer then some of the others Thim had seen. The hilt was big enough for two hands. The brutally jagged folding cross guard and it's pale oval pommel stood out. Dimev passed the remaining sword to Thim. It had a similar lengthened black hilt to Tolnii's. Slipping it free the dark blade caught no light, except for three peculiar runes sitting just above the black cross guard. "Terror, Hate and Sorrow" Thim mumbled as they watched the ancient marks. The cross guard was the same black metal as the blade, each end curled back towards the hilt before branching back towards the blade. The brown leather grip sat comfortably in his hand, the sword felt lighter then he had expected. "Terror, Hate and Sorrow?" The round man asked as thim slid his sword into it's sheath. "It's what the runes mean." he replied sheathing it just short of the runes and showed them. "You understand those?" Silivi asked annoyance replace be intrigue.
  72. Thim nodded. He had never seen anything like them before, each was unique but their meaning resounded within his mind. "Terror, it just means the word. But the small crosses along the triangle suggests greatness. Maybe purity? A very basic and core Terror. The dot within the triangle stands for the frivolity of terror. And the small circles outside mean that it's a terror we all know but don't know. The rune is a mess. No one would use such a rune, it can be interpreted differently. The dot within could resemble man facing the great triangle of fear. But knowing or not knowing if he is it or if he is not it. It could apply to many thing's. Who every made it left it vague." Thim sighed. he was sure the meaning could be derived with some more time. It was one of three small mysteries on his sword. The others just watches him intrigued. Slipping the sword further in he came to the Hate rune. "The square with four dots inside means a great hatred, but the smaller squares linked on the corners represent an ununderstable hatred while the seven legged crosses means a hatred deeply understood or close. It's also a mess, it could mean a handful of things. But Hate is the defining meaning." The violet cloaks nodded clearly entrapped by his explanation. An explanation he had no understanding of.
  74. He just knew. He hadn't known until he had seen them and with a glimpse it existed. "The last is the same as the first two, a great sorrow but it contradicts itself. The circle had too many crosses along it six would suggest a great sorrow. One that had scared the world, eight was an exaderation. Who ever made them thought themselves up quite the twisting riddle of understanding and not understanding. The runes barely resemble what they should." Thim spoke finally covering the blade. The looks from the other's were sceptical but no one said anything as thim looked between them. "What is it?" Thim asked annoyed by the silent looks. "Volni sure knows how to pick the weird ones." Dimev answered staring at the young man. "You've got your swords, now piss off!" Silivi spoke thrusting his thumb over his shoulder. "We've wasted enough time let's go" mirolat replied as he strode towards the broken main doors, two middle fingers stuck up defiantly as he waggled them at silivi. Pasha and tolni were right on his tail, Thim had to jog to keep up. The land around the mansion was surprisingly clear, a few small collections of bushes dotted the hillside.
  76. Smoke from Brensvul climbed into the sky above, Thim could see a cart being hauled along the dirt road towards the town. Breathing deeply he stopped to admire his surroundings, nothing looked out of place. No sign of any monster or living storm. The other's had already set off descending the gentle hill. The sky was clear but the morning fog still lingered in a patch of mora. He hadn't used the road on his approach. They could save a good ten minutes going through it, but four cloaked men with swords appearing out of some shrubbery might cause a scene. Quickly he stumbled down the muddy hill towards his friends, and caught the end of Tolnii speaking. "- won't fit." Tolnii had undone his belt and was have trouble slipping his sheath on. "Giggle it, if it wasn't tight it would shift too much." Pasha pestered. Tolnii began to limply jiggle his belt, pasha scoffed at the display. Pushing his cloak back swiftly undoing his belt he slipped it out until the sheath would sit on his left hip. Untucking the sword from his arm Thim set about slipping it along his belt. Following pasha's advice for Tolnii he managed to slip it all the way through with some vigorous jiggling and twisting.
  78. Tolnii had managed to get it halfway, as they reached the bottom of the hill pasha stopped him to help. Walking passed them Thim shifted his cloak to reveal his neatly sitting sword. Mirolat grinned while pasha sighed while jiggling the sheath into place. "It's harder then it looks!" Tolnii moaned glaring at Thim and Mirolat. With everything in place the journey began again. Striding through a field towards the road, the grass had already reached their thighs. Thim couldn't help commenting as he dragged his hand across the long blades. "It'll be a good spring, the harvest this year will be fruitful." Pasha nodded while listening. He replied "It's a shame really, come summer how many will be working the fields?" No one answered. They marched down the road towards Brensvul the song of the birds driving their pace. About a mile away from the town Thim drew his sword. Even in direct sunlight the blade ate the light greedily while the runes glinted, the sound only turned Tolnii's head. Dropping back a few paces Thim took a few swings, imitating slashes and blocking invisible blades. Swinging it felt comfortable as he danced about the road poking and slashing invisible assailants. He had swung heavier hoes and axes, the sword shifted swiftly, handling it felt easy.
  80. Finishing the last of his imaginary enemies he slid the blade quickly into it's sheath. Grinning to himself he watch the bounce of his sword with his steps. "Want to have a little practice?" Tolnii mused from besides him, a hand already resting on the pommel on his blade. Looking the curly haired boy in his face Thim nodded, spreading apart Thim slowly walked down the road matching Tolnii's own pace. "Try not to kill each other, or cut anything valuable off eh?" Pasha shouted from ahead. Pushing his cloak aside Thim drew /night's tear/ in a smooth motion, the ring of free blades echoed across the fields surrounding them. Rushing forward they charged, fainting with a wide swing Thim drew her back before he shifteted his feet and thrusted at tolnii. Tolnii had noticed the obvious faint and matched the bold move. Swing just in time to move thim's blade he escaped skewering himself. Continuing forward The pair clashed pushing against each others guard. "Tricky" tolnii huffted as he jammed his handle forward trying to push Thim back. Tolnii had the height advantage and left Thim over extending his arms, but Thim was stronger. Pushing back Thim managed to throw Tolnii off balance. Tripping on his misplace feet tolnii landed on his knees.
  82. The clatter of sword on to hard packed earth was followed by a loud clap as Thim swung the flat of his blade against Tolnii's ass. Pasha and mirolat cheered further down the road as Thim hopped away from his fallen friend. Tolnii was red with embarrassment as he stood grasping his slightly less shiny sword. "Round two!" He shouted as he charged Thim. Leveling his sword Thim waited for any sign of an attack. Even while hopping away, Tolnii covered the distance between them in a moment. Short swings and good form. Thim stepped forward into the deadly slash and exchanged a blow to match. Clashing the two let loose a series of fast exchanges, circling each other their blades only stopped briefly touching before slamming into another. The stead rhythm of slashes was punctuates by their bassey breaths, they sung back and forth testing each one another. Only the sword song rung between their ears. Time was gone to Thim, his eyes and body followed the blades as lighting struck around them. Dust was raised by their clamorous dance, the wind blew about thim's sweaty body cooling the fire inside him. Water or wind could not extinguish his might, Tolnii's strikes barely shook him, the end was soon and he would be victorious. Tolnii's quick counter to one of thim's own strikes wifted as thim step out of it's path. Tolnii made no attempt to correct it's course as Thim step back into range and thrust at Tolnii.
  84. Stopping just short of his throat Thim's blade didn't waver. "I submit" Tolnii said breathlessly. "About damn time!" Pasha shouted at the pair. Straighten slowly, Thim almost collapsed, pain blossomed across him. Stumbling on to a knee he quickly sheathed /night's tear/. "You are damn good, I barely kept up." Tolnii said leaning back and taking deep breaths. The pain was everywhere. He may have over done it. "I think I fucked up!" Thim moaned from his kneeling position. "I fucked up!" Thim shouted as pain rolled through him. Pasha and mirolat were laughing. A pair of arms gripped Thim and lifted him to his aching legs. "Let's go" Tolnii said through gritted teeth as they set off. The sound of their heavy breaths had drowned out the creak and rattle of a horse drawn wagon. "You young men sure let loose!" A deep southern accent spoke from behind them. Thim couldn't manage to look but he felt tolnii turn. "We might have over done it." Tolnii replied. The voice chuckled bassily "We were watching! Your friend put it very eloquently." The voice spoke, thim could hear the horse snort occasionally. It sounded close. "He might not have been in the best position to exert himself." Tolnii replied. "Well it was very entertaining, I can give you a drop into town if you can manage to get up here." The voice said. "Got enough room for our friends?" Tolnii asked and gestures down the road to the waiting pair. "Of course your little display can get the four of you that far." The southern voice Merrily replied.
  86. Tolnii shifted thim towards the voice. Thim watched the ground, trying his hardest not to move, soon a set of horse hooves came into view. Suddenly tolnii had propped him against a wagon. Swiftly his dusty violet cloak vanished up the side, soon a arm gripped his shoulder. "Time to hustle brother" Tolnii said as he reached down. Gripping tightly in to the wagon and tolnii thim forced his way up. Only grunting as the pain returned. Soon he was sitting with his back against the short wooden wall of the wagon. "He doesn't look too well." The southern voice added. Then began the bumpy shifting of a moving wagon. "Did you tear the stitches?" Tolnii asked from thim's right. "Yep" mumbled thim as he sat in his searing pain. "Brensvul has a good surgeon, I'm sure she'll sow you up for a reasonable price." The wagon driver spoke. "Our friend will sow him up as soon as he can." Tolnii said. The bumpy ride sent pain lacing through thim, but it was not as bad as walking. Signing loudly thim spoke "something tells me it won't be as fun conscious" the driver only chuckled. "It really won't" spoke pasha over the sounds of people scrambled over the side of wagon wall. "You lads like to match or something?" The driver asked from in front.
  88. Thim just focused on the golden birds on his sleeves. "We are part of a mercenary company, from the north. I doubt you've ever heard of us" Pasha replied. "The purple cloaks?" The driver quizzed. "Something like that..." Pasha replied. Closing his eyes Thim slipped free. Opening them quickly a full moon gazed down at him. The pain had been replaced by the numbness. "Back so soon? Just as I started to miss you. You sure know how to treat a lady." The Ouroboros spoke in her unique accent. Thim was lying against the bowl's floor, turning to look at her, he was face to face with her. Deep green eyes drank him in. "What are you doing?" She was lying on her belly, face only a few inches away from his own. "I was watching you sleep" she replied her cool breath cursessing his face. "When you are awake your body here sleeps. But you were busy in your sleep!" She grinned full inviting lips spread to reveal white teeth. "Terror, Hate and Sorrow! I hadn't expected you to be able to manifest for a while. But the first day? I'm impressed human." Thim couldn't look away from her slanted eye's. The words settled within him as he focused on them. Terror, Hate and Sorrow. The true names of those runes. His slowed mind took it's time processing the idea "Are you ignoring me?" The oroborus asked pouting. Thim smiled at her, she only pouted more.
  90. They lay in silence, until his eye's slipped shut. "Wake up!" Tolnii shouted prodding thim in the ribs with his boot. "You didn't die did you?" Tolnii asked prodding again. "Only for a second" thim replied as the aches returned. Slowly standing he stumbled to the back of the wagon before dropping off. The impact on the wet mud sent pain though his thighs. "Good too have you back with us eh?" Mirolat said as he patted thim's shoulder. Brensvul was bustling with people. Tolnii was talking to the driver. The violet bunch had already gained a few watchers. "Follow me" thim mumbled as he limped towards his stash. The town looked the exact same as the day before, muddy and grey. The slog past watchful eyes weighed heavily on thim as he walked towards the town's small chapel. Townsfolk whispered as the cloaked men entered the chapel yard. Crossing the yard Thim found the small fuanic berry bush he had hidden his pack within. "You hid it in a Bush?" Tolnii asked sceptically. Gritting his teeth, Thim pulled the bag free. "No one saw me hide it. It was safe as could be." Thim said quietly while slipping the bag onto his back. Wincing he let the pain subside before speaking. "Want to check the market? I can walk. You don't have to worry." Mirolat simply shook his head. "You and Tolnii can head back. Me and pasha will grab anything of worth and meet you back there." Tolnii nodded in agreement.
  92. Exhaustion on his face clear as the blue sky. "Tolnii get Lin to fix up Thimonel, all of us will be setting out tonight." Pasha added as they walked out of the chapel yard. "Will do" Tolnii yawned. Saying their farewells the group split. The journey back was spent in silence, both were too tired to speak. The road passed by uneventfully but climbing the muddy hill caused them no end of grief. Only grunting for communication the pair finally reached the manor's main doors. Silivi and Dimev made no effort to notice the worn men slink past, within the manor they were unnoticeable against their injured brothers. Leaning against each other they worked their way back to the room thim had woken up in. "I'll be right back with Lin. Find what needs to get fixed." Tolnii said before slowly walking down the hallway. Undressing his sore body had gone surprisingly fast, he was so eager to not irritate his wounds. They had suffered enough for one day. Free of his clothes thim could examine his handy work. His arms had bled through the bandages, but the one's on his legs were almost spotless. Half dressing himself he lay back on the bed.
  94. It was shifting into late morning as tolnii returned. A tall, well tanned man followed behind. The man's face was covered in thin white scars, he held a wide leather satchel under his left arm, he had the same slanted eyes as the Ouroboros. "How bad is it?" The man asked, he spoke with a strange accent thin had heard only a few times before. Tolnii gestured to thim's stained bandages without speaking. "I tore some stitches." Thim replied, raising his arms slightly before the pain became to much. The tanned man nodded as he placed his bag on the bed and began rooting through. "Make it quick Lin our asses are getting dragged north." Tolnii said slipping into a generously padded armchair. Swallowed by the hungry chair tolnii added. "Keep it down eh? I need some sleep." The tanned man full focused on retrieving objects from his bag didn't even look up. "If you need assistance I have a-" Lin began before, Tolnii interrupted. "I'm fine, Thimonel is your patient today." Looking up from his bag Lin smiled happily at thim, crumpling his thin white scars. A couple of round bottom viles varying from green to blue sat beside the bag, an empty metal cup was in his hand. "Thimonel? That's a old name, when I was a boy the Lesistelion told me the story of Thimonel the Stolen." Lin began shaking one of the green viles the colour twisted and warped into a deep blue. "A Lesisteli? The great forest Lesistelion?" Thimonel asked. The more time he spent around the violet cloaks the more strangeness he learned.
  96. The tale of Thimonel the Stolen was an obscure story rarely spoken. His father had thought it was compelling enough to name his son after the protagonist. Luckly many had forgotten the story and Thimonel shifted into obscurity. "That's correct! You southerners have such funny names for the tree born." Lin said pouring the dark blue liquid into the metal cup, a soft smell reached thim's nose. It reminded him of pollen but was different, almost sweeter. Picking a pink liquid next Lin shook it, Thim watched as it shifted into a deep red. Lin added the sour smelling thing to the mixture. "You can remove the bandages while I mix this" Lin said pulling a shiny metal stick from his bag and began stirring the contents of the cup. Slipping Whisper free thim delicately slit his bandages along his arm. Easily pulling them free thim came to face his arms. Removing his bandages had caused them to bleed slightly, beads of blood rolled down his arms onto the bed below. The gashes were savage and torn, both of his forearms were open from elbow to wrist. He was surprised he hadn't passed out from blood loss or exhaustion already. "That's not too bad, you'll have some great scars to show off. Girls love scars!" Lin said oddly in his deep ascent while gesturing to his lined face.
  98. Lin had finished mixing the drink, a strong aroma like coriander wafted towards him. Heavy and musty the smell turned his stomach and made him sneeze. Lin chuckled at the dismay on Thim's face. "Next time don't get injured." Lin said offering the metal cup. "Be sure to drink it all, and quickly." Taking the cup within his pale hand Thim forgot the pain nipping at him as the thick armoa over took him. Wanting to rid himself of the sudden cloud of sickening coriander he put the cup to his lips and drunk. The bubbling liquid was only two mouthfuls and tasted faintly metallic. Nothing happened, the smell of coriander was lessening, thim looked up at Lin. He watched back apprehension on his face. "Huh... Tolnii said to make it extra strength. Maybe I got the mixture wrong" Lin asked himself out loud. Thim stared at the tanned man confusion and shock fighting for a place on his face. Extra strength mixture? What had he given him? Thim tried to speak but no words came out. His throat was incredible dry, swallowing only a raised awareness of how dry his mouth had suddenly become. Panicking thim tried to sit up.
  100. Fire flowed through him. Contorting in pain he tried to scream but only produced barely audible chokes. Knots grew within his muscles pulling desperately trying the snap free. Forcing his eyes open against the pain thim saw the bloody gashes on his arms beginning to painfully stretch closed. He could feel the other wounds across him similarly tearing themselves apart and healing before repeating. Sweat covered his body before evaporating from the heat he pushed against the room. His vein pulsed and glowed, while his mind spoke to him. "Kreicher's blood, You keep impressing me boy." Her voice drowned out all else. Lin had backed out of sight as the light within him shifted from bright white to deep dark orange. "Don't keep me waiting" like delicate hands her voice led him into sleep. Again he stood within the Odinokeit. The once mighty Odinokeit, the gate of Tyurfäng, the lone boundary within. Ouro sat atop a pile of rocks a short distance away. She gazed up into the sky watching Krimuna dance within the Midnight shore. "I can not see through your eyes yet, but I can sense change within you. From when you first wore the Ourilenis the world within you has changed greatly." Ouro spoke. Her strange accent was oddly cold, even within the numbness of Odinokeit he could tell.
  102. The reason for her sudden change slipped by his meandering mind. Walking over to her felt as if he was walking against a strong breeze, with each step he fought to place his feet. Until he reached her. Looking up she sat ignoring his presence. Thim thought she was pouting but couldn't tell from below. Gripping the corse rock's he began to climb. With numb fingers the climb was difficult but the numbness stole away any anger or annoyance. Fumbling up the crest thim sat on the edge next to the oroborus. The woman sat crossed legged each deep breath raising her generous chest. "You are progressing so quickly, even without my intervention. My time spent here readying myself and you've already drank from our knowledge." She grinned a bit before scowling. "I was so focused on myself I hadn't noticed him" she ground her teeth, a soft series of noises slipping free from her mouth. Thim only watched the strange girl, she looked like a human but her eyes moved strangely. "I never noticed him" Ouro pointed her slim pale hand across the wide bowl. Standing on the far side was a new figure. Tall and slim, thim could see it was covered in what appeared to be armor.
  104. Eyes looked back, countless opened and closed blinking unphased by it's new watchers. "What is that?" Thim asked. The brief fear was washed away and replaced by curiosity until all gave way to the numbness. "I don't know everything, it's old. Older then me." The Ouroborus said anger spiking in her annoyance. "Is it an Ouroborus?" Thim asked confused by the many eyed thing. What was it doing here. Ouro had barely explained why she was here. "Of course it's an Ouroborus if it's here then it has to be." Ouro snapped, her eye's never moving from the thing. "Why is it here then? Why are you here!" The confusion in his head never reached his monotone voice. The Ouroborus sighed, exasperation flaring across her face. Turning she stared at Thim, being so close to the beauty he felt his face flush, before the numbness crept in. "When some one wears the Ourilenis and survived the trails they gain a Lehavnik an mentor of sorts. When I first wore it my Lehavnik was Ouroboros from the east, a blade born ?/salandian/. I am your Lehavnik. I never heard of someone gaining two, so it must be something else." Ouro said returning to watch the thing, it hadn't moved. "Why not ask what it wants? There is two of us, and this place is my place right?." Thim asked. The prospect of Ouro being a mentor to him didn't supply much hope.
  106. Ouro just looked at him as if he had suggested eating the fruit of a Vendu tree. The numbness carried away his fear and aprihension. "This is our place, it is not welcome here. It should have approtched us already!" She said grind her teeth again. "I'm going to see what it wants." Thim said the numbness indifferent about his deceleration. Beginning his descent she replied. "That isn't a good idea. But I won't stop you." The prickle of fear meant nothing while he strode towards the thing. The rocky canyon was relatively flat, both stared at each other as Thim continued his approach. The thing was humanoid, it was covered in thick layered plate like scales. Along it's body wherever a scale did not sit, sat an eye. The armored thing just stood as Thim crossed the bowl. He could feel it's eyes on him. Within a few feet and the armor shifted slightly. Thim froze. All of it's eyes focused on him, red to black to green eyes gazed at him. Unblinking they watched. Thinking he was close enough thim spoke "What are you? Why are you here?" The thing tilted it's head at the noise. Moments dragged by. It had three toed feet but five fingered hands, if not covered by large scales, numerous smaller ones sat in it's place.
  108. It might not know his words, or be able to make them, it didn't seem to have a mouth. Crouching down thim had an idea. If Ouro hadn't given him any aid maybe this thing had. It could have known what the rune's meant and given him the understanding of them. Crouching he focused on the three he had seen. Think of what he would say, he imagined the runes in front of him, all sharp angles and symbols dotting them. Closing his eye's he mimicked the idea of their appearance from his head onto the floor below. After completing each intricate rune he opened his eyes, before him on the rough ground sat the runes. Etched in blood they lay. "What are you?" Thim said reading the runes aloud. The thing was crouching besides him now, eyes focused on the runes. He could only hear a soft rasping noise from it, almost a steady hum. Looking at his hand he found it dry and dusty, no blood was insight. The thing had produced it's own series of runes. The shapes formed and twisted in his numb mind. The First, the rune was covered in symbols and shapes focusing on the lone singularity of being first. Bold and sure. The rune spoke of it's existence and place within all things. It was the first, not within the world but within the ring. The first bearer, the chosen to live for ever.
  110. The Ravenous Ouroborus. The First Ouroborus just sat watching him intently. Nodding his understanding, thim began focusing on another question. Eyes closed his hand moved without any hesitation. With all the sudden questions swarming his mind thim etched multiple questions on the ground. What is your name? Why are you here? Are you an ally? The First seemed a bit taken aback. The First watched him briefly before nodding it's many eyed head. Swiftly it scrawled it's answers. "I am the First" it liked too insist it was the first. It had put effort into adding as many symbols onto the rune, to emphasise the fact. Quickly the Fist etched the next answer. "Lehavnik" Ouro had said their could only be one mentor could be chosen. The worrying idea of sharing his mind and body with another Ouroboros vanished into the numbness quickly. For the last question it just tapped on the rune representing mentor. Thim was confused Ouro had approached him to converse. The First hadn't done anything. Thim watched the first, it's scaley body shifted ever so slight. Standing Thim turned to face Ouro she was watching them fainting disinterest. The First stood beside him, watching him clearly inquisitive.
  112. The bowl shimmered and flickered as Thim woke. Waking from his dream thim found the room lit by the late evening sun. His body ached, his arms lay across his sweat covered chest, his forearms were covered in thick dark crimson scales. The scales had worked their way out of his soft pale flesh like a scab, the scales rested on top his wounds. Sitting up Thim scanned the room, he was worried by who might have seen the scales. The room was empty and the door had been closed. Quickly Thim set about pulling on his fancy clothes, dried blood flaked off as his scales brushed against the fabric. Shivers crawled down his spine at the sensation of his scales moving and feeling differently to his skin. The pain in his body was gone, but he could feel the scales covering a few other injured spots across his body. Slipping from the bed made the oddity immensely more noticeable, the soft sound of talking could be heard for outside. Dressing quickly Thim hesitated at the door. He didn't know how the violet cloak's would react too his ring. He had never heard of such things, maybe they were hated amongst dushoca hunters.
  114. He would run if he had too. But he didn't want too, they were his friends albeit for a short time. Pushing the thoughts aside Thim focused on the numbness within. With it came a rune etched in white against the dark void of his mind. Might. A great might laid upon something. Thim knew the first had sent it, somehow it could communicate with him even while he was outside of Odinokeit. Pulling the door open Thim peaked out into the corridor. The Old man and Tolnii sat in the corridor facing Delinam. All three turned to watch him as he opened the door, even Deli, her blind mask hiding what she saw. "Get enough rest Thimonel? You look well! We must talk" The Old man said as he patted the ground besides him. Hesitant Thim slow sat next too them without speaking. Resting sent shivers along his scales, they other's just watched expextantly. "I'm sure you know what we want to talk about. We know you have an item of sorts that may have caused some changes." Deli said slowly her eastern accent thick with the Lerian word's. "You can talk to us boy. We are just trying too help." The Old man chimmed in. Tolnii couldn't help staring at his hand, Thim could sense his eye's. The first could sense them too, Thim didn't know how, he just did.
  116. Thim watched between the three staring faces. Delinam's blank mask gave nothing away but her lips were pursed slightly, most likely from apprehension. The old man seemed unpuzzled maybe even smug? Tolnii was wided eyed and sweating, his curly hair clung too his head. "Thimonel are you OK?" The huskiness slid into his voice as his accent crept out, coated in worry. Thim smiled at the boy's sudden display of emotion. Volni shook his head at the younger mans question. "He's fine! Look at him eh?" The Old man chastised the other. "I'm fine, really" Thim insisted at the two sceptical faces before him, even the mask looked a bit sceptical. "It isn't evil or anything! I swear it" Thim pleaded holding his hand out, to give them a better look at the ring. The three leant in eager for a closer look. Deli took the reigns by gripping his hand tightly, her rough leather gloves proded harshly, she examined the ring extensively. Fist she tried to move it but finding it unbudging she twisted his hand to get a clear look. "It's not Morose" she declared releasing his hand. "But it's a Skovana, it's just old. I doubt it has any real worth." She added while her eyes lingered on Thim. "So is he good?" Tolnii asked again relief flooding his face briefly before he shifted into his typical arrogant face.
  118. The old man shook his head, his liver spotted hand combed through his scruffy beard. Volni stared at Thim, like he was a mother duck examining it's duckling. "We are leaving soon, get your thing's eh?" Volnii said standing up. Delinam stood too, her thin scarred lips showing the slightest of smiles. Tolni sat nodding thoughtfully. "Well hurry boy! I will you leave you here" the old man said as he turned and began striding down the corridor, Deli in toe. "Be quick, he will leave you" Tolnii said hurrying after the oldman. Thim hustled back into the room, fumbling through the sensitivity of his scales. He managed to dress quickly. Thim was almost done adjusting his sword as Pasha and Mirolat appeared in the door frame. "Eh! Still not ready Thimonel?" Mirolat said loudly tapping the aged wooden frame. "Hurry brother the Cloak's are on the march!" Pasha added, tapping his foot impatiently. Grabbing his bag Thim spoke "There is no time too waste, let's go!" Pasha nodded as Mirolat chuckled. The trio rushed their way through the halls of the damned mansion. Violet cloak's waved and shouted their farewells and wishes of luck. The Ash Eaters only glared and fainted disinterest. But Thim could see the jealousy within their eye's. "This is for you Brother" Pasha said, handing Thim an extravagant lantern. The lantern was a silvery metal covered in golden vines, even the wick holder resembled a blooming flower. It weighed heavily in his hand. The intricate craftsmanship spoke of sturdiness. "Eh? Kaizar thimonel and his pretty lantern. How could you Pasha? Hearts will break!" Mirolat laughed as they joined the last of their violet cloaked brothers.
  120. That night the people of Brensvul saw a sea of violet flood the hills. Lit by countless floating lights, the waves flowed north. Cleansing every Dushoca in their path.
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