
Orange.Dream Chat logs

May 9th, 2018
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  1. [04.05.2018 07:11:03] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Ah... Thats not good at all...
  2. [04.05.2018 07:11:25] Orange.Dream: You're in luck, Gateway.
  3. [04.05.2018 07:11:38] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I sure hope so
  4. [04.05.2018 07:11:52] Orange.Dream: But I do wonder, what does the Gateway has with hauling ore?
  5. [04.05.2018 07:12:25] Orange.Dream: Switching focus to dealing with cancerous Liberty?
  6. [04.05.2018 07:12:34] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, that's simple enough- supplies and/or credits really
  7. [04.05.2018 07:12:58] Orange.Dream: Liberty failed you at every opportunity, yet you still feed their greed.
  8. [04.05.2018 07:13:02] Orange.Dream: Pathetic.
  9. [04.05.2018 07:13:25] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I dont exactly see how Liberty has failed us?
  10. [04.05.2018 07:13:40] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: The war is not yet over, is it now?
  11. [04.05.2018 07:13:50] Orange.Dream: I don't see how they are assisting Bretonia, at all.
  12. [04.05.2018 07:14:05] Orange.Dream: They're too busy dealing with petty threats such as Xenos and Outcasts.
  13. [04.05.2018 07:14:16] Orange.Dream: Yet - they're unable to deal with them, even.
  14. [04.05.2018 07:15:02] Orange.Dream: I am quite sure Gateway can do better.
  15. [04.05.2018 07:15:04] Orange.Dream: Much better.
  16. [04.05.2018 07:15:23] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: We do well enough, I'd say
  17. [04.05.2018 07:15:43] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Bowex discredits us for being small, but that just lets us slip through the cracks they leave in their wake
  18. [04.05.2018 07:16:00] Orange.Dream: Really? Bowex's pushing you out of the market. Gallics are pushing you out of Bretonia. Your base in Cortez...
  19. [04.05.2018 07:16:06] Orange.Dream: Is on a verge of destruction.
  20. [04.05.2018 07:16:18] Death: Grido_Korus was put out of action by Solomon_Hernandes (Gun).
  21. [04.05.2018 07:16:44] Orange.Dream: Good? I'd say you're soon to be extinct.
  22. [04.05.2018 07:16:48] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: You underestimate us, hacker. I think you'll find Gateway can put up more of a fight that Bowex, or the Gauls, will be expec
  23. [04.05.2018 07:16:56] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: ting
  24. [04.05.2018 07:17:22] Orange.Dream: Is that your ego talking? Because common sense surely doesn't.
  25. [04.05.2018 07:18:04] Orange.Dream: Who am I talking to, even? I'm quite interested.
  26. [04.05.2018 07:18:09] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: That would be my experience talking.
  27. [04.05.2018 07:18:21] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: How about a name for a name then?
  28. [04.05.2018 07:19:02] Orange.Dream: Very well. I'm known as Blackfriar.
  29. [04.05.2018 07:19:25] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well Blackfrair, I am Ryan Boreal, Vice-President of Gateway Shipping, Incorporated
  30. [04.05.2018 07:19:51] Orange.Dream: Experience? Do you have experience with foreign invasions?
  31. [04.05.2018 07:20:21] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: You mean apart from the war going on as we speak? No.
  32. [04.05.2018 07:20:27] Orange.Dream: I don't think so. I think you're in too deep, and soon enough you'l see that there's no escape.
  33. [04.05.2018 07:20:43] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: But I know business, and I think we'll be able to make it out of this
  34. [04.05.2018 07:20:58] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Even if some are too pessimestic to see the path
  35. [04.05.2018 07:21:14] Orange.Dream: Pessimistic? I'd say realistic.
  36. [04.05.2018 07:21:25] Orange.Dream: Nothing good will come out of this, not for you.
  37. [04.05.2018 07:21:54] Orange.Dream: Bretonia has failed. Liberty won't help you. Who will you turn to?
  38. [04.05.2018 07:22:21] Orange.Dream: What is the next "ally" Gateway will crawl to?
  39. [04.05.2018 07:22:26] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Bretonia still has fight in her- why else would the Gauls be turning to cut her of from Liberty?
  40. [04.05.2018 07:23:35] Orange.Dream: Because they need slaves for work in their newly acquired factories. There's no use of Bretonia crushed to pieces.
  41. [04.05.2018 07:23:51] Orange.Dream: Fight in her? Bretonia's dead. Accept it.
  42. [04.05.2018 07:24:08] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Slaves? *he scoffs* I dont think thats going to happen
  43. [04.05.2018 07:24:46] Orange.Dream: Nothing would surprise me. The Gallics are known to be savage beasts.
  44. [04.05.2018 07:25:18] Orange.Dream: But I do sense Gateway has some potential.
  45. [04.05.2018 07:25:24] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: True, but they haven't conquered us yet, and we'll be fighting them to the last inch.
  46. [04.05.2018 07:26:04] Orange.Dream: That is honorable, indeed. I do hope the fight will not be a short one.
  47. [04.05.2018 07:26:30] Orange.Dream: How will you fight back, if I may ask?
  48. [04.05.2018 07:26:46] Orange.Dream: Does the Gateway has some reserves of warships I'm not aware of?
  49. [04.05.2018 07:27:00] Orange.Dream: Your escort wing seems rather... Low-numbered.
  50. [04.05.2018 07:27:23] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: They are... busy elsewhere
  51. [04.05.2018 07:27:52] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Personally, I see the best that I, and most of us traders can do is to keep the economy of Bretonia running...
  52. [04.05.2018 07:27:58] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: as long and strong as possible
  53. [04.05.2018 07:28:11] Orange.Dream: I see. What's more important than safekeeping of a Vice-President?
  54. [04.05.2018 07:28:27] Orange.Dream: I'd agree. Why are you exporting Liberty's products, then?
  55. [04.05.2018 07:28:37] Orange.Dream: Should you not be dealing with Bretonia products?
  56. [04.05.2018 07:28:57] Orange.Dream: That is the best way of boosting Bretonia's economy, no?
  57. [04.05.2018 07:29:18] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, this is an unfortuante case of Bowex keeping us out of the Copper market
  58. [04.05.2018 07:29:33] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: So the ore has to go elsewhere, and we need something else to bring back home
  59. [04.05.2018 07:29:59] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Kusari makes a lot of high-tech products, all of which will be in high demand back in Bretonia
  60. [04.05.2018 07:30:22] Orange.Dream: Do you think it is wise to continue your petty arguments with Bowex, now that Bretonia is on your knees?
  61. [04.05.2018 07:32:56] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: You;d think so, but they still wont let us in to the market
  62. [04.05.2018 07:33:40] Orange.Dream: It is time for desperate measures, wouldn't you agree?
  63. [04.05.2018 07:34:22] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, if you want to try convicing them to let us dock, be my guest
  64. [04.05.2018 07:34:49] Orange.Dream: I'd rather make a show of force if I was you.
  65. [04.05.2018 07:34:59] Orange.Dream: Talking has brought you nowhere.
  66. [04.05.2018 07:35:51] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I'm hoping your not insinuating we'd *attack* bowex, are you?
  67. [04.05.2018 07:36:12] Orange.Dream: You? No. Someone on your behalf? Perhaps. The Bowex would get the message.
  68. [04.05.2018 07:36:30] Orange.Dream: A corporate civil war is the last thing Bretonia needs.
  69. [04.05.2018 07:36:46] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: We may have our rivalries, but that would be crossing a line
  70. [04.05.2018 07:36:53] Orange.Dream: What it needs is show of domination, and putting a stop to this madness.
  71. [04.05.2018 07:37:26] Orange.Dream: Pushing you out of the market is not "crossing the line"?
  72. [04.05.2018 07:37:54] Orange.Dream: They see you as inferior.
  73. [04.05.2018 07:37:58] Orange.Dream: And you let them.
  74. [04.05.2018 07:38:20] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I'm not saying I like it, but its not physical violence, like you seem to be suggesting
  75. [04.05.2018 07:38:36] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Some of us try and stay civilised, you know
  76. [04.05.2018 07:38:55] Orange.Dream: Wouldn't you agree that time for being civilised is over?
  77. [04.05.2018 07:39:14] Orange.Dream: You've tried. You've failed. It is time to consider other ways of approach.
  78. [04.05.2018 07:39:35] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Oh, against the Gauls? Well thats another matter. But I dont think Gateway will be stooping to attack fellow Bretonians
  79. [04.05.2018 07:39:38] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: anytime soon
  80. [04.05.2018 07:40:31] Orange.Dream: So, you'l simply let them continue with their attitude? Even if that means you'l be pushed out of the market quite...
  81. [04.05.2018 07:40:33] Orange.Dream: Soon?
  82. [04.05.2018 07:40:54] Orange.Dream: Such a shame. I had the impression you have more courage.
  83. [04.05.2018 07:41:14] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: You seem to be over-estimating their domination over the market
  84. [04.05.2018 07:41:35] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Their royal charter gets them deals with BMM, but littl more than that
  85. [04.05.2018 07:42:10] Orange.Dream: Perhaps. But that's one more threat Gateway is dealing. One friendly face less.
  86. [04.05.2018 07:42:20] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: We still hold contracts with just about every independant business in Bretonia, and most of the smaller corporations too
  87. [04.05.2018 07:42:38] Orange.Dream: Is there any left in Bretonia, really?
  88. [04.05.2018 07:42:48] Orange.Dream: I'd assume the war has driven them out of business already.
  89. [04.05.2018 07:43:10] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: The Miners Guild still operates the Hood and Cardif. Planetform still runs Canterbury, and Cryer in Cambridge
  90. [04.05.2018 07:43:30] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Not to mention the Guilds access to the resource-rich omegas
  91. [04.05.2018 07:43:59] Orange.Dream: Don't forget that Miner's Guild will turn their tails on the first sign of Bretonia's doom.
  92. [04.05.2018 07:44:25] Orange.Dream: Do they care about you? Do they care about Bretonia? They'l retreat to their "resource-rich Omegas" soon enough.
  93. [04.05.2018 07:45:27] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: For what purporse? If Bretonia falls, it wont take long for the Gauls to set their own sights on the Omegas
  94. [04.05.2018 07:46:03] Orange.Dream: Unless they choose to work with them, rather than fight them.
  95. [04.05.2018 07:46:23] Orange.Dream: There are other way of Guild's survival, but not any of them involve Bretonia.
  96. [04.05.2018 07:46:43] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I somehow doubt that will placate the conquest-hungry gauls
  97. [04.05.2018 07:47:22] Orange.Dream: They are dealing with numerous factions already. I doubt they care much.
  98. [04.05.2018 07:47:30] Orange.Dream: All they seek is profit.
  99. [04.05.2018 07:48:39] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: And yet all Gallia offers them would be oppression and loss
  100. [04.05.2018 07:50:05] Orange.Dream: I wouldn't assume that. I'd assume they have quite enough to offer. It is a matter of time when will someone decide...
  101. [04.05.2018 07:50:07] Orange.Dream: To side with them.
  102. [04.05.2018 07:51:45] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: And yet, a lot of people seem to disagree. The Imperials, the Council, Crayterians even
  103. [04.05.2018 07:51:58] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Just talking, their vessle isnt fit for piracy, I'd say, anyway
  104. [04.05.2018 07:52:28] Orange.Dream: There's always an exception. I can't wait to see who will it be.
  105. [04.05.2018 07:52:39] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: With the Civil war in Kusari over, in favor of the Imperials, I think we can see a resurgence in their help in the war
  106. [04.05.2018 07:53:23] Orange.Dream: Perhaps. But that is yet to see, as currently they are doing absolutely nothing.
  107. [04.05.2018 07:53:35] Orange.Dream: Even worse, I'd say. They are dealing with Gallia.
  108. [04.05.2018 07:53:49] Orange.Dream: A business partners of theirs.
  109. [04.05.2018 07:54:14] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, thats the whole point. If they can bring the fleet to bear on Gallia, I'd like to see how they cope against 3 houses
  110. [04.05.2018 07:55:15] Orange.Dream: If. And what if they choose to side with Gallia fully?
  111. [04.05.2018 07:55:32] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I've seen how the Imperials talk about Gallia
  112. [04.05.2018 07:55:36] Orange.Dream: Bretonia does not stand their chances at the moment. With Imperial fleet on them, they'd be dust.
  113. [04.05.2018 07:55:39] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I doubt they'd do that
  114. [04.05.2018 07:55:47] Orange.Dream: Talk is talk. Action is action.
  115. [04.05.2018 07:55:59] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: And the Imperials have acted
  116. [04.05.2018 07:56:00] Orange.Dream: Until I see some action, I will not believe what they talk.
  117. [04.05.2018 07:56:05] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Against Gallia
  118. [04.05.2018 07:56:22] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: And now they are back in Kusari, so I think that will continue soon
  119. [04.05.2018 07:56:25] Orange.Dream: Have they? And what have they done?
  120. [04.05.2018 07:56:45] Orange.Dream: I am talking about during their reign of Kusari.
  121. [04.05.2018 07:57:04] Orange.Dream: While they were separated, they did anything to get some symphaties.
  122. [04.05.2018 07:57:16] Orange.Dream: But that was it. Politics. Nothing else.
  123. [04.05.2018 07:58:07] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Unlikely. Even were it an act, to have their pilots be some vehemently against Gallia, it would become self-fufilling over
  124. [04.05.2018 07:58:08] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: time
  125. [04.05.2018 07:59:02] Orange.Dream: As I said. Until I see them force Kusari out of this disease-ridden relations with Gallia, I will not believe they are
  126. [04.05.2018 07:59:21] Orange.Dream: Friendly to Bretonia, or will assist in any way.
  127. [04.05.2018 08:02:12] Orange.Dream: You know. Personally, I would not like to see Bretonia fall. I do hope you're not assuming I would.
  128. [04.05.2018 08:02:52] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: With all your cynical comments, how could I have thought otherwise?
  129. [04.05.2018 08:02:58] Orange.Dream: I see it as a... A wall that lets us keep our liberty. Our humanity.
  130. [04.05.2018 08:03:36] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Cynicism?
  131. [04.05.2018 08:03:44] Orange.Dream: It's a natural reflex I've got from too many years spent in Liberty.
  132. [04.05.2018 08:03:57] Orange.Dream: It's a disease-ridden environment.
  133. [04.05.2018 08:04:08] Orange.Dream: But no. I was being honest.
  134. [04.05.2018 08:04:31] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I honestly see it more as defeatism, really. It's our optimisim, our hopes and dreams, that keep us going through the dark
  135. [04.05.2018 08:04:31] Orange.Dream: Just like you, we also enjoy our freedom.
  136. [04.05.2018 08:05:11] Orange.Dream: And just like you, we do want to get rid of Gallic threat. It will affect all of us greatly.
  137. [04.05.2018 08:05:30] Orange.Dream: Not in a good way, that's for sure.
  138. [04.05.2018 08:05:42] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, the Gauls are just as likely to blast your for being pirates as Liberty is
  139. [04.05.2018 08:06:21] Orange.Dream: We're more than pirates, I can assure you. But you are right. The Gallia is as blind as Liberty, and they will surely...
  140. [04.05.2018 08:06:31] Orange.Dream: Try to annihilate us.
  141. [04.05.2018 08:07:25] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Ah, of course. Smugglers too *he winks*
  142. [04.05.2018 08:07:52] Orange.Dream: It's a part of the trade. But there's more to it. Far more you can even imagine.
  143. [04.05.2018 08:08:14] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I think I'd rather not imagine the depths of the Liberty underworld
  144. [04.05.2018 08:09:34] Orange.Dream: The Liberty underworld is not complex as you think. The Lane Hackers are the only that hold the power.
  145. [04.05.2018 08:10:07] Orange.Dream: And we're the only that care about it. That care about Bretonia.
  146. [04.05.2018 08:10:26] Orange.Dream: And we even feel symphatetic for you. You're fighting a worthy cause, after all.
  147. [04.05.2018 08:10:48] Orange.Dream: Why do you think we choose not to target your transports? Do you think it's a coincidence?
  148. [04.05.2018 08:11:37] Orange.Dream: Like Bretonia, the Gateway is the last line of defense in Cortez.
  149. [04.05.2018 08:11:58] Orange.Dream: You think Liberty will do anything about it? Their battlegroup will retreat quite soon, I assure you.
  150. [04.05.2018 08:12:10] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: We have fortified Oceana as much as we can, in the face of the oncoming assault
  151. [04.05.2018 08:12:14] Orange.Dream: Orbital Spa and Cruise? There's a reason they haven't been targets to Gallics.
  152. [04.05.2018 08:12:49] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: You seem to proclaim a lot of knowledge about Liberties Fleet movements
  153. [04.05.2018 08:13:03] Orange.Dream: Our scouts have reported about its defenses. They are indeed magnificent, but they won't be able to hold against Gallics.
  154. [04.05.2018 08:13:18] Orange.Dream: As you said before; I speak from experience.
  155. [04.05.2018 08:13:39] Orange.Dream: I am well aware of Liberty Navy's "strategies".
  156. [04.05.2018 08:14:14] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Been on the receiving end too often?
  157. [04.05.2018 08:14:56] Orange.Dream: Observed their incompetence far too often.
  158. [04.05.2018 08:15:15] Orange.Dream: And I can clearly assume what's next.
  159. [04.05.2018 08:16:01] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Surely Liberty knows that it would be temporary peace, to retreat
  160. [04.05.2018 08:16:18] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Gallia wont stop at just Bretonia- they have their sights set on all of Sirius
  161. [04.05.2018 08:17:05] Orange.Dream: Im talking about Cortez in particular. The Navy will not rest until the threat is removed, but I can clearly see they'l...
  162. [04.05.2018 08:17:25] Orange.Dream: Soon enough make a "tactical retreat" or "re-grouping" of their forces.
  163. [04.05.2018 08:18:01] Orange.Dream: You'l be the one to pay the price.
  164. [04.05.2018 08:18:28] Orange.Dream: They aren't smart enough to see you're the one they should support. Strengthen up Oceana.
  165. [04.05.2018 08:19:23] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Thats been on the agenda for a long time now
  166. [04.05.2018 08:19:55] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Only kengsignton has taken up more expenditure, and both were worth every credit
  167. [04.05.2018 08:22:10] Orange.Dream: Putting effort and credits into a worthy cause, that I can respect. Not the Imperials, not the Guild, not Liberty.
  168. [04.05.2018 08:22:31] Orange.Dream: I do separate empty talk from proper actions. And I do applaud you for it.
  169. [04.05.2018 08:22:43] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: The respect of a pirate? Not something I ever expected to receive
  170. [04.05.2018 08:23:00] Orange.Dream: As I said, there is a great potential in Gateway people do not see.
  171. [04.05.2018 08:23:20] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Perhaps you should have joined us then, rather than...
  172. [04.05.2018 08:23:24] Orange.Dream: A pirate? I'd say an intellectual. A person with proper connections and knowledge. A person that has no limits.
  173. [04.05.2018 08:23:46] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Surely thats a bit of an overstatement.
  174. [04.05.2018 08:24:02] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: For example, would not the police limit your access to Manhattan?
  175. [04.05.2018 08:24:10] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Perhaps to only be seen through iron bars?
  176. [04.05.2018 08:24:55] Orange.Dream: They have tried. They failed. We do have access to Manhattan, one way or another.
  177. [04.05.2018 08:25:13] Orange.Dream: Overstatement? No. Perhaps you haven't been able to witness our capabilities.
  178. [04.05.2018 08:25:26] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, you're certainly confident of yourself
  179. [04.05.2018 08:25:33] Orange.Dream: I cannot say it's your fault. We keep to shadows, after all.
  180. [04.05.2018 08:25:57] Orange.Dream: Am I? And what do you think?
  181. [04.05.2018 08:26:44] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: The shadows are certianly good at hiding their contents
  182. [04.05.2018 08:27:11] Orange.Dream: Indeed. And the shadows sometimes offer exactly what you require.
  183. [04.05.2018 08:27:55] Orange.Dream: Tell me. What kept you here, with me, for so long?
  184. [04.05.2018 08:28:05] Orange.Dream: You could have left many times already. You chose not to.
  185. [04.05.2018 08:28:40] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, at first I was worred about getting pirated, but I realised the Freeport should be close enough to keep me safe
  186. [04.05.2018 08:28:59] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: After that, well, can't a man enjoy a bit of tounge-waggling?
  187. [04.05.2018 08:29:19] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Being excutive has its perks- timetables can be very loose when need be
  188. [04.05.2018 08:30:21] Orange.Dream: Why would I pirate someone that's doing the right thing? One credit less for Bretonia is one step forward for Gallia.
  189. [04.05.2018 08:30:34] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: That is... appreciated, I guess
  190. [04.05.2018 08:30:54] Orange.Dream: I assure you, pirating is the exact opposite of what I have in mind.
  191. [04.05.2018 08:31:42] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Then what exactly do you have in mind, Mr "Blackfriar"
  192. [04.05.2018 08:31:52] Orange.Dream: To be more precise - I'd like to offer assistance to Gateway. You know - gazing into shadows can sometimes be...
  193. [04.05.2018 08:31:55] Orange.Dream: Quite rewarding.
  194. [04.05.2018 08:32:19] Orange.Dream: Perhaps a show of our abilities. To prove you we are a strong link in a fight against the Gallics.
  195. [04.05.2018 08:32:43] Orange.Dream: And as you surely heard. Hacker's word is as solid as a rock.
  196. [04.05.2018 08:33:42] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, I cant actually say I've heard that. But neither can I say that actions against the Gauls aren't... interesting
  197. [04.05.2018 08:34:23] Orange.Dream: Intruguing, isn't it? We do share a common foe. One that's far above us.
  198. [04.05.2018 08:34:42] Orange.Dream: But like you, the Lane Hackers know their way through cracks and openings.
  199. [04.05.2018 08:34:50] Orange.Dream: And we are certainly able to hurt it.
  200. [04.05.2018 08:35:43] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I can certainly beleive that. But how much can you actually do?
  201. [04.05.2018 08:36:36] Orange.Dream: I can only repeat myself; Actions worth more than empty words.
  202. [04.05.2018 08:37:34] Orange.Dream: An offer remains. And I do think I have the right idea on where should the offer be focused.
  203. [04.05.2018 08:37:54] Orange.Dream: After all - we do not waste our resource on empty causes.
  204. [04.05.2018 08:38:45] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Well, we can certainly think on it.
  205. [04.05.2018 08:39:39] Orange.Dream: What I'm talking about is Oceana. Until it stands, the path to Liberty is closed. Until it stands, Gallia will not focus on us.
  206. [04.05.2018 08:40:20] Orange.Dream: The Hacker technology is quite a masterpiece. And we do have excess of supplies, one that could 'somehow' end up...
  207. [04.05.2018 08:40:32] Orange.Dream: Aboard Oceana.
  208. [04.05.2018 08:40:41] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I see... And what would be asking in return for these supplies?
  209. [04.05.2018 08:40:47] Orange.Dream: Of course, full anonymity guaraneed. The shadows are thick around us.
  210. [04.05.2018 08:41:32] Orange.Dream: Holding off Gallic invasion is the biggest payment we can recieve.
  211. [04.05.2018 08:41:40] Orange.Dream: Apart from it, I would ask nothing in return.
  212. [04.05.2018 08:42:01] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: That certainly sounds like all-gain for us
  213. [04.05.2018 08:42:41] Orange.Dream: I'd say the gains are divided. And mutually beneficial.
  214. [04.05.2018 08:42:58] Orange.Dream: We do have interests in Magellan and Cortez. We simply don't want it to fall.
  215. [04.05.2018 08:43:28] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I think I'm quite aware of what some of those interests... used.. to be
  216. [04.05.2018 08:43:48] Orange.Dream: What are you refering to, if I may ask?
  217. [04.05.2018 08:44:19] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Getting transports through to Liberty has never been truely easy.
  218. [04.05.2018 08:44:40] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Before the Gauls, it was the Rogues and Hackers that plagued us
  219. [04.05.2018 08:44:56] Orange.Dream: Yet - we are smart enough to understand when it's time to stop.
  220. [04.05.2018 08:45:37] Orange.Dream: It's past. Present is something what we're talking about
  221. [04.05.2018 08:45:38] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Intellectual indeed
  222. [04.05.2018 08:46:05] Orange.Dream: There was no Gallic threat in the past. Nor the efforts to stop an invasion.
  223. [04.05.2018 08:47:05] Death: Sephiran suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  224. [04.05.2018 08:47:14] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Only transports to plunder?
  225. [04.05.2018 08:48:52] Orange.Dream: We have our ways of acquiring items we require. You have yours.
  226. [04.05.2018 08:49:32] Orange.Dream: Our way of dealing with things is something well known, and it is not something that needs discussion
  227. [04.05.2018 08:52:46] Orange.Dream: The long silence is a sign of considering my proposal?
  228. [04.05.2018 08:54:21] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: That, and considering my next pit-stop *yawns* I dont know if I'll have the energy to make it to Kusari in one go now
  229. [04.05.2018 08:55:44] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I'll pass on your proposal to the relavant persons, and we'll be in contact with you over it
  230. [04.05.2018 08:56:34] Orange.Dream: Your trip to Kusari will be a short one, I am assured. You're a few lanes away from destination.
  231. [04.05.2018 08:56:58] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Ah, but I still have customs to go through.
  232. [04.05.2018 08:57:11] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: I cannot just.. slip through the cracks, so to speak, as you do
  233. [04.05.2018 08:57:26] Orange.Dream: I'm glad to hear it. The deal would be as simple as it can get. Give few of our undercover transports docking rights, and...
  234. [04.05.2018 08:57:34] Orange.Dream: A list of required commodities.
  235. [04.05.2018 08:57:51] Orange.Dream: Then simply sit and enjoy the Lane Hacker efficiency.
  236. [04.05.2018 08:58:26] Orange.Dream: Rest assured - The Gallics will stand no chance to Oceana once we reinforce its defenses and offense abilities.
  237. [04.05.2018 08:59:01] Orange.Dream: The Kusari won't bother with a petty ore hauler, that's for sure. They are blind enough to let a Hacker transport through.
  238. [04.05.2018 08:59:27] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Impenetrable defenses sound like a blessing in these times of war
  239. [04.05.2018 08:59:34] Death: Grido_Korus was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  240. [04.05.2018 09:00:20] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: And I suppose it won't hurt to try. A night on Deshima can't be any worse than a night here, surround by the dark clouds
  241. [04.05.2018 09:00:34] Orange.Dream: Indeed. Something that is mandatory in a time of war.
  242. [04.05.2018 09:01:07] Orange.Dream: Zoner are known for their hospitality, indeed. But it is your choice to proceed. I will not stop you.
  243. [04.05.2018 09:01:08] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: An effort must always be made, for profit to follow
  244. [04.05.2018 09:01:18] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: be it credits or other margins of success
  245. [04.05.2018 09:01:39] Orange.Dream: Indeed.
  246. [04.05.2018 09:01:56] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: This has certainly been an,.... intetresting chat. So long, Mr Blackfriar
  247. [04.05.2018 09:02:08] Orange.Dream: I will not hold you any longer, the trip can be quite exhausting.
  248. [04.05.2018 09:02:21] Gateway|-GSX-Neptune: R: Till next time then
  249. [04.05.2018 09:02:23] Orange.Dream: You know how to reach me. I will await your response on the matter.
  250. [04.05.2018 09:02:26] Orange.Dream: Until next time.
  251. [04.05.2018 09:07:39] 2018-05-04 09:07:42 SMT Traffic control alert: Gateway|-GSX-Neptune has requested to dock
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