

Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Cay's boobs rest on the table like mine do.))
  2. Covet: [HAHAHAHA]
  3. Covet: [Short people/ big boob problems?]
  4. Tsaaq: ((Yes.))
  5. Covet: Cadence was sitting in the back corner booth, because that's how you tell people you just want your own space. She was looking down at the half eaten cheeseburger in front of her, playing with her fries as she gave a sigh. She was thinking about the conversation she'd had with Steph, in regards to Thad, as well as what Remy said last night before bed.
  6. Tsaaq: Remy was beside her with way too much food. He was digging into his chicken fingers at the moment. "What?" He asked with his mouth full. He put his free hand around her and patted her back. "You've been really quiet."
  7. Covet: She looked over at him and gave him a soft smile, "Sorry, caught up in my own thoughts. Trying not to let my anger get the better of me today." She told him then took a bite of the fry in her hands. She paused for a second, "What are we going to do about Thad?" She finally asked looking over at him.
  8. Tsaaq: "You mean Thad and those other fucking assholes? They're not exempt." Remy said sternly as he dipped his french fry into some ketchup. "I don't know. I want to fuck them up but I also don't want to look like I'm just fucking guys up or whatever. Why? Are you getting dangerous ideas. Because that's out of the question. I can't put you or Hayley in the line of fire..." He trailed off. "I wonder if I have any mob connections. Who do we know who's Italian?"
  9. Covet: "Yeah, all of them. Especially considering they're all part of your team." She asked, then listened to him. "Define dangerous..."Cadence said as she looked at him then gave a soft laugh, "Steph. But.. if you thought I had Dangerous ideas, Her's are probably murderous."
  10. Tsaaq: He shook his head slowly at Cadence. "Okay, Steph is also somebody who isn't allowed to make any moves. Not without at least talking it over." He waved his free hand at her. "We're not going to jail and losing our own lives because of this shit head, okay?"
  11. Covet: "I.. just want him, them to fucking pay for all of this. Like he should have from the beginning." She said looking back down at her food, "I hate feeling like this because of it. Hayley was in such a good mood when we got there, so was I.. then to have it all shatter like that? It's bullshit."
  12. Tsaaq: Remy inhaled deeply and put his elbows on the table. "We can get some guy to do some shit. I don't know. I don't know a lot of criminals anymore." He suggested. "But even then it doesn't seem too safe. That type of shit can come back to us."
  13. Covet: "Me either... Sorry if I'm stressing you out." She said looking over at him, feeling a little guilty. "I'd say maybe post to Craig's list.. but that's how people get caught. I'm also worried about Hayley, living at the OCH with him, what if she decides to confront him and something else happens?"
  14. Tsaaq: He shook his head. "Don't. You're not stressing me out." He said with a raise of his hand. "If he touches her he's fucking dead. That's it." Remy said firmly. "We'll figure it out. I will anyways. I'm not going to sit here and let her suffer."
  15. Covet: "If I can't do anything stupid, that puts me in the line of fire, you can't either." She told him looking at him seriously. "I don't want her to suffer anymore than he's already made her, but I'm not risking losing you either."
  16. Tsaaq: "So what are our options?" Remy asked with a shrug of his shoulders. "Getting payback without putting ourselves at risk of going to jail either...?" He asked. "How would we go about doing that?"
  17. Covet: "Feel like talking to Jade at all? She seems to be pretty good at fucking up people's cars to put them in danger." Cadence said, "I don't know if we could pay someone off without that coming back. All these hollywood stars are slowly coming under investigation , for rape and sexual assault and harassment, years after the fact. Maybe...hiring a lawyer? Given Hayley's current situation...We'd be taking on Portland PD, and Thad, but if it meant he couldn't hurt anyone else...It'd be worth it."
  18. Tsaaq: "I wouldn't fart in Jade's face even if you paid me." Remy paused before shrugging. "I'm guessing it's an option." He said. "And it's better than just straight up kicking his ass. And if we do it that way we can get the basketball team involved and shit..." Remy exhaled angrily. "I wanna enjoy my tenders."
  19. Covet: "Mhhm. I can talk to Ty, he probably knows someone decent. Or... Maybe Bliss would have an idea too? We'd have to talk to Hayley about it, make sure she'd be okay testifying." Cadence said then looked over at him. She pursed her lips and looked back at her food going quiet.
  20. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "That sounds good. Like I said. We'll figure it out. And nobody will do anything stupid." He said as he dipped his tender into his ketchup. He looked over to Cadence and sighed. "Don't do that. This is a good plan."
  21. Covet: "I'm sorry, It is...I know. I'll message Bliss tomorrow." She said quickly swallowing the lump in her throat. "I didn't tell you, what I did at the clinic yesterday, but now I kind of feel guilty about it. I shouldn't but I do." Cadence said trying to change the subject, slightly.
  22. Tsaaq: Remy furrowed his eyebrows at Cadence and turned to face her. "What happened?" He asked with a concerned expression. "You didn't like, punch the doctor or something right?"
  23. Covet: "No, no nothing like that." She said with a soft laugh. "I made an appointment in January for my check up and to get my IUD taken out. If you're okay with that. We can default on other bc methods until graduation." Cadence looked over at him, "I just feel guilty...because...well..Hayley."
  24. Tsaaq: He inhaled deeply and put his hand on he rback again. "Oh babe, don't feel so bad. We can just wait until all this shit is sorted out... Or hopefully by then it will be." He shrugged.
  25. Covet: Cadence leaned over and rested her head against him, "Okay. Think positive. Good thoughts make good things happen." She said swallowing then looked up at him. "You're okay with that though? I can hold off if we need to."
  26. Tsaaq: "I am okay with it. I just want to make sure we're not gonna upset anybody of course." Remy said. "I doubt Hayley would be mad at us if we had a baby to be honest. She'd be happy for us."
  27. Covet: She nodded her head, "That's how I feel too. I still really want her to have that matter the cost. If she wants it." Cadence said giving him a soft smile.
  28. Tsaaq: Remy stared down at Cadence and moved her hair from her face before kissing her forehead. "We'll get through this." He told her. "And we'll do something that will help her and she will have a baby. You guys can have babies together or something!" Remy attempted to cheer her up.
  29. Covet: Cadence closed her eyes and smiled, " Okay, but.. are you sure you want to do that... pregnant women are emotional and moody, and you'd have to deal with both of us together from time to time. There'd be lots of craving demands too."
  30. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders again. "You know, I wouldn't even care. It'd be worth it. Every minute of it." Remy chuckled. "And both of you will become aunties around the same time and shit and our kids can play." He said, squeezing Cadence's shoulder.
  31. Covet: "I like the sound of that." She said softly with a smile as she thought about how that would be. "I feel.. better about all of this...sort of. We have a plan. And that's better than nothing."
  32. Tsaaq: "And we'll always try to have a plan from now on. I told you already. I'm not going to let anybody hurt you." Remy told her with a very stern voice. "I swear on my own life." He nodded. "You ready to head home so I can make hot sweet love to my wife?"
  33. Covet: "It better never come down to your life." She told him, seriously, looking up as she gave him a kiss, "Yes, all the yesses in the world."
  34. Tsaaq: He reached into his jacket and took out monies to pay for the food. He slid out of the booth and stood up, holding his hand out to her. "Well, come on then baby.
  35. Covet: Cadence got out of the booth and took his hand, holding it tightly as she walked out with him, heading home.
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