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a guest
Apr 23rd, 2017
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  1. It was just before midnight when I saw you
  2. Dark, dark, so very dark
  3. The light of the street lamp reflecting off of your golden hair
  4. And those eyes
  5. Those piercing, captivating green eyes of yours
  6. I knew I couldn't look away
  7. And that minute to midnight seemed to last an eternity
  8. As you walked closer and closer to me
  9. Your heels clicking like a metronome
  10. Your face was inches from mine
  11. And your perfume was flooding me
  12. When, finally, the Westminster Chimes started
  13. And I thought I could break free until you started singing along
  14. I didn't know there were lyrics
  15. And I still don't remember them
  16. All I remember is you counting down with the bells
  17. Twelve
  18. Eleven
  19. Ten
  20. Nine
  21. Eight
  22. Seven
  23. Six
  24. Five
  25. Four
  26. Three
  27. Two
  28. One
  29. And it all went dark
  30. So very, very dark
  31. The next thing I remember
  32. A strange, sweet scent of a foreign fruit
  33. The sound of a harp and the voice of your court musician
  34. The daylight, so harsh to my still-groggy eyes
  35. And the grass against my skin
  36. I was naked
  37. Save for a leash around my neck
  38. Which I could feel you starting to tug on
  39. A grin spreading across your face, wine spilling from your cup
  40. Your legs crossed, sitting on your wooden throne
  41. Roses and lilies the least among its adornments
  42. Some part of me still knew I was in trouble
  43. But it wasn't in my head, it wasn't in my heart
  44. And it definitely wasn't between my legs
  45. "Human," you called me
  46. I wanted to protest at that, wanted to say "I have a name!"
  47. But I realized that I could not remember it
  48. You tugged harder at my leash, beckoning me with one finger of the hand that held it
  49. And I crawled to your throne and sat on my knees at your feet
  50. And you ordered me to please you
  51. As you lifted up your dress, I could feel the smell of sex wash over me
  52. Stronger as you pulled me in closer with your legs
  53. Intoxicating
  54. What little resistance I had left melted away
  55. As I licked
  56. and licked
  57. The musician kept playing, business as usual
  58. And I could hear you still swallowing wine
  59. Letting out a sigh of satisfaction, then giggling with pleasure and hedonistic glee
  60. This was all you ever wanted, all at once
  61. And you still wanted more
  62. You ordered your cupbearer to bring you more wine
  63. Your musician to play louder
  64. And me to lick faster, tugging harder on my leash
  65. And we all obeyed
  66. Faster and faster, more and more
  67. Your body spasming with pleasure
  68. Wine from your cup spilling down my neck
  69. Wine from my cup spilling down my chin
  70. Your legs squeezing and pulling me tighter and tighter
  71. Hearing you moan louder and louder
  72. As you came
  73. As the harp fell silent, you began to relax
  74. You put down your cup and tugged on my leash again
  75. I climbed into your lap
  76. And you asked me if I knew why you were so happy
  77. And I shook my head
  78. You asked if I thought it was because you had such a talented musician, such sweet wine, and such a cute human
  79. And I nodded
  80. And you told me that I was wrong
  81. It was because you had the most talented musician, the sweetest wine, and the cutest little human you'd ever seen
  82. And as you stroked my hair, I fell asleep in your lap
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