
IWUAaDNW: Initiative 6.2

Jun 23rd, 2022
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  1. Raffaa paused.
  3. Ulfric paused.
  5. At the same time, the two of them flicked their fingers to see if they were being faked out by my illusion pixies. I’d learned how to avoid that, though; instead of layering their entire vision with an illusion, the ‘visor’ I was putting over their eyes only contained the things I wanted to add to the scene. Anything I wanted to hide, I could hide by layering it with an illusion, which worked great if they were alone, or in small groups so long as the point of view didn't differ too much. This meant that when Raffaa and Ulfric checked their own hands and tried to outspeed my pixies, I didn’t have to worry about them spotting the delay in my reaction.
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