
Smidget & Bit VIII

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. Bit & Smidget: Fuck the Pain Away
  2. >be Bit, the homicidal fluffy unicorn
  3. >you cannot explain it, but you are feeling very much on edge as of late
  4. >the spring air is somehow even more hot and cloying
  5. >your teeth are gritted all the time and you feel this irrepressible need to be held or to hold someone
  6. >despite yourself, you've been having a bestial urge to piss in your owner's home, and not in the litter box
  7. >fearful, you turn to you truest friend, your human
  8. >he explains that every year, fluffy ponies undergo a 'mating season'
  9. >the odd needs have started to make sense, and he even tells you how to relieve it with Smidget's help
  10. >then he tells you a terrible fact of your biology
  11. You'll probably die if you mate, and Smidget too if it takes
  12. >your fluffy veins pump ice water and the smothering heat of your animal lust subsides in the sea of terror
  13. >you have to stay away from Smidget for your safety and hers
  15. >be Smidget
  16. >you are also feeling the heat
  17. >at night you hug tightly the ratty old teddy bear that a stupid fluffy pony left when it wanted to play with the elusive "pond pony"
  18. >Bit also seems... more friendly somehow
  19. >he still never plays with you, but something is different
  20. >you might care about that if the aching in your rear would stop
  21. >the pale blue unicorn totters in, a determined look on his fluffy little face
  22. >"Hi Bit! Wan' hug?"
  23. >he casts a frankly withering look at you
  24. >"We have a pwobwem..."
  25. >in a cold, focused voice he explains the gravity of the situation
  26. >eyes wide with fear, you grab Bit's wad of bedding with your teeth and start dragging it out
  27. >"What you think you awe doing?" he asks, brow furrowed
  28. >spitting out the spar spangled microfiber blanket, "We bofe awe safe if we sweep in diffewent wooms!"
  29. >"I know dat, but I sweep in hewe. I can wock da gate."
  30. >"I was hewe fust!" you retort
  31. >"Den you twied to bwackmaiw fwiend for sketties! Bad fwuffy pony fow dat!" he snorts, lowering his head
  32. >"I'm sweeping hewe if I gotta beat you to a puwp!"
  33. >you charge at Bit, leaping over his blunt little horn
  35. >you tumble over him
  36. >you may be smarter than normal fluffy ponies, but you are still about as coordinated
  37. >Bit seizes the opportunity, charging at his top speed towards your soft belly
  38. >of course, the fluff and the pathetically dull point of his horn makes it so he's only pushing pointless into your tummy
  39. >you're trying your damnedest to bludgeon the unicorn with your hooves
  40. >just like your first encounter, you limbs are too snuggly-soft to do anything but a gentle face massage
  41. >still, he has the upper hand, you're on your back and Bit is trying to trample you with his forehooves
  42. >suddenly, you feel like an itch is being scratched
  43. >in your rear
  44. >Bit looks similarly confused
  45. >the realization hits you both like a shovel to the forehead
  46. >"Bit... weuh mating awen't we?"
  47. >like scared little babies you start crying
  48. >"I'm sowwy Smidget! M-m-my hips awe moving... on der own!"
  49. >you try batting at Bit's face to force him off, but he's clinging desperately
  50. >despite the fear and imminent death, the tension and the aching fades as the unicorn humps away
  51. >this could almost be fun
  52. >if it weren't for the whole agonizing explosion part
  53. >what if the babies were retarded like other fluffies?
  54. >the gallows humor of how much that would enrage Bit is not lost on you
  55. >"Why awe you gwinning?! I'm gonna DIE!"
  56. >you explain your joke
  57. >Bit starts crying, and actually breaks down into crying for his master
  58. >feel something wet in your fluff
  60. >you are now Bit
  61. >fatigue washes over you
  62. >it's the end
  63. >you can feel that, and you are afraid of whatever void awaits you
  64. >your eyes are heavy, and you have never felt this tired
  65. >killed by some dirty need to procreate
  66. >you had hoped for something better
  67. >not that you spent much thought on your own death; it was those you planned for others that really took up your attention
  68. >no, not like this
  69. >Smidget is actually looking a little sad
  70. >then again, it could just be a ploy
  71. >she covets your memory foam pillow
  72. >your eyes close
  73. >so this is death
  75. >be the owner
  76. >you heard pitiful crying from the safe room
  77. >one the floor is limp and sticky Bit next to Smidget
  78. >"Just kinda happened..."
  79. >Smidget's big eyes are watery as you check Bit for signs of life
  80. >niggayouserious.html
  81. >you lift Bit up by the scruff of and plop him onto his nest
  82. >"Smidget s-sowwy! Bit said what the hutting was, and I twied to move his bed..."
  83. Smidget, he's just asleep. Apparently I was wrong, and you aren't the kind that dies when you breed.
  84. >Smidget immediately brightens and starts capering around as only a supremely pleased fluffy pony
  85. >that is, very clumsily
  86. >Bit though, is obviously very tuckered and you carry Smidget to the kitchen to wash her off in the sink
  88. >you are Bit
  89. >your stir in your nest, feeling more comfortable than you have in weeks
  90. >you shake your head and look around
  91. >Smidget is snoozing in her bundle
  92. >you, however, are glued to yours by a crust of fluffy semen
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