
movie nite movies

Jan 27th, 2017
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  1. prisoners
  2. enemy
  3. unbreakable
  4. sicario
  5. goodfellas
  6. oldboy
  7. psycho
  8. die hard series
  9. layer cake
  10. gangs of new york
  11. donnie brasco
  12. chipote
  13. the ides of march
  14. the master
  15. blue velvet
  16. ghost busters
  17. lost in translation
  18. her
  19. master-commander
  20. das boot
  21. stand by me
  22. the outsiders
  23. aguirre, wrath of god
  24. the good bad & the ugly
  25. the deer hunter
  26. apocalypse now
  27. gattaca
  28. the last samurai
  29. the 400 blows
  30. drive
  31. dead poets society
  32. whiplash
  33. there will be blood
  34. the bridge on the river kwai
  35. the godfather
  36. falling down
  37. pumping iron
  38. man of fire
  39. lawrence of arabia
  40. paths of glory
  41. johnny got his gun
  42. the shawshank redemption
  43. 2001: a space odyssey
  44. blade runner
  45. the grey
  46. seven samurai
  47. of mice & men
  48. zulu
  49. kingdom of heaven
  50. point break
  51. godfather 1 & 2 (in order)
  52. LOTR series (including FOTR, TTT, TROTK; AUJ, TDOS, & TBOTFA. selection in proper order)
  53. fury
  54. birdman
  55. the prestige
  56. the hateful eight
  57. pulp fiction
  58. the lobster
  59. green room
  60. ex machina
  61. the revenant
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