
The World Hereafter. [Ch4] Yelling is the best therapy.

Oct 25th, 2013
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  1. >The hours passed by, one by one.
  2. >The sun was setting outside, casting a few last rays through the curtains.
  3. >The crying has stopped and you are now sitting in the couch again.
  4. >Arms laid out, lifeless against the cushion and your eyes staring into the ceiling.
  5. >They're red, bloodshot and your stare is catatonic.
  6. >You woke up a bit after the realization and after feeling a hoof gently touching your shoulder it sparked a second cascade of panicked crying.
  7. >The two mares had looked at each other and embraced you in a hug as you continued to let out your bottled up emotions.
  8. "I-it's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair."
  9. >You had repeated it, again and again, hoping whatever brought you here would give in and put you back where you belonged.
  10. >But nothing happened.
  11. >After a while, you simply stood up and sauntered over to the couch and sat down with two worried sets of eyes observing you.
  12. >This is where you are now.
  13. >Not knowing what to do.
  14. >Just staring.
  15. >Not thinking about much.
  16. >Too tired, too confused.
  17. >They try to talk to you but their voices were muffled murmurs in the white noise that wash over your mind.
  19. >Rarity says something to Twilight and they begin talking back and forth.
  20. >Twilight calls for Spike and the little guy runs back into the room.
  21. >You gaze down drearily at the commotion in the room.
  22. >He had left when you began bawling, not seemingly good with these kinds of things.
  23. >You don't blame him. After all, you aren't good with these kinds of things either, as evidenced by your current state.
  24. >Twilight says something to him and he rushes over to a pile of empty parchments and grabs one along with a quill.
  25. >She begins speaking and he writes. Maybe she's prescribing crazy pills for you.
  26. >You could use a few right now.
  27. >After a bit she finishes and he rolls the parchment up, seals it with wax and then burns it with his green fire.
  28. >That's neat. You wish you could burn shit with fire breath.
  29. >Would certainly be a good way to lash out.
  30. >Your eyes returned to that spot in the ceiling.
  31. >It was a nice spot. Could be anything once you zoned out the world around you.
  32. >Could be that little stain on your ceiling from when you slipped and sent a milk dud flying and it left a stain up there.
  33. >You never bothered to remove it.
  34. >You don't know why.
  35. >You end up lost in your thoughts about your home for a bit, thinking of all the little things you never usually thought about. Small details that had become mundane quirks of the place.
  36. >They seem so much more important now.
  38. >There's a knock on the door after a long time of silence and Twilight rushes to open it.
  39. >You turn your eyes from the spot, to the door where a large pony stands.
  40. >She is kinda pretty, for a pony.
  41. >Dark blue coat, eyes in shifting blue and turquoise colors.
  42. >Her mane is long and flows like water from her head and she sports both wings and a long horn.
  43. >A white crescent moon can be clearly seen on her flank.
  44. >She also wears a black crown.
  45. >Royal ponies?
  46. >Sure, just keep it coming.
  47. >You lazily watch as Twilight as the new pony and Twilight exchange a few words before she walks into the abode.
  48. >She gives Rarity a nod and small smile before she stops right in front of you.
  49. >"mumblemumblemumble"
  50. >That is all you hear. You're not really here.
  51. >Your eyes look back up to the ceiling, blinking a few times.
  52. >"WE SAID, GET UP!"
  53. >You are thrown backwards over the couch from the sheer volume and force of her voice.
  54. >Suddenly you are completely aware of everything.
  55. >What in the seven hells just happened?
  56. >You stumble to your knees, supporting yourself with you arm on a bookshelf.
  57. >You stare in shock at the dark figure that looks down at you with something in between pity and a frown on her face.
  58. >Her wings are spread wide, giving her an imposing look.
  59. >"You may mope as much as you please at a later date, but for now we require that you follow us."
  60. >Her voice returns to a normal tone, but the power in it is still there. You know instantly that she isn't someone you say no to.
  61. >Your legs are shaking furiously as you stand up.
  63. "W-why is this happening to me?"
  64. >You can't even bother to act cool now. Maybe it's the fact that you just broke down or the commanding voice, but something won't let you pretend like it's all fine.
  65. >You can't seal the bottle.
  66. >Her azure eyes lock onto yours and with a quick tap of her hoof to the floor she replies.
  67. >"We do not know. But what we DO know is that you must come with us."
  68. >With that, she folds her wings back onto her body and begins to walk back towards the door.
  69. >Rarity is staring in awe at the scene, but Twilight seems to keep her composure.
  70. >"Wait, princess Luna! What's going on here?"
  71. >The purple pony takes a few steps towards the princess.
  72. >"I don't understand."
  73. >Luna turns her head, troubled eyes look at Twilight before she speaks.
  74. >"I'm sure our sister will tell you. It was she who asked us to escort him to the castle. We cannot tell you. It must be her decision to tell you anything else."
  75. >Twilight seems confused and uncomfortable, but she nods.
  76. >"A-alright. I'll come along then."
  77. >She turns to Rarity and speaks with confidence.
  78. >"Rarity. Tell the others what's going on. If something has happened then we might need the elements."
  79. >Rarity seems taken aback, but Twilight's words seem to inject some life back into her.
  80. >"R-right!"
  81. >Twilight nods and as Rarity gallops out the door, Twilight walks up to you.
  82. >"Don't worry, Anonymous. I'm sure the princesses can help you!"
  84. >You don't know if it's the fact that you can't really formulate any coherent thoughts, but something tells you she might be onto something.
  85. >Perhaps there's still a chance.
  86. >God damnit. Stop lying to yourse-
  87. >"Anonymous! Cease those thoughts immediately!"
  88. >An angry Luna turns her head and gives you the most "serious business" stare you have ever seen.
  89. >A hickup is all you can manage before you nod in defeat.
  90. >If she can read your mind and throw you around with her voice alone, then who the fuck are you to question what she can and cannot do.
  91. >All you can do now, is to give in.
  92. >You sigh and drop your shoulders in defeat.
  93. "Alright, you win. I'll come with you."
  94. >A smile spreads upon her lips and a chirpy tone replaces the stern one from before.
  95. >"We knew you'd come around."
  96. >Ok, you have to admit, that was pretty cute.
  97. >With heavy steps you follow the princess and Twilight out the door.
  98. >On the street in front of the tree house a carriage stands parked.
  99. >In front of it, four large male ponies brandishing bat wings stand in attention.
  100. >Luna and Twilight climb into it and you follow suit.
  101. >It takes off into the air, carrying you three with relative ease into the night.
  103. >The wind feels nice. Cold and refreshing.
  104. >The autumn was your favorite season. Everything turned red and gold, winter was a whispering promise on the horizon.
  105. >People took out their scarves and coats.
  106. >It was the season of change. Not as subtle as spring which seemed to creep up slowly.
  107. >Fall seemed like a grand season, announcing it's coming with color and cold.
  108. >You like it. One of the few things that make you happy in thi.. your world.
  109. >You sigh and lean against the side of the carriage, looking down at the darkness below.
  110. >It's kind of soothing, in all the wrong ways. No streetlights, no smog and buzzing. No cars breaking the silence.
  111. >It feels distant now.
  112. >What if you never hear another car toot it's horn, another neighbor shout at it?
  113. >Why didn't you miss it more?
  114. >You had broken down at the thought of never returning to your old life.
  115. >So why aren't you crying now?
  116. >The carriage suddenly bucks as it sets down on a platform.
  117. >You hadn't even noticed the tiled floor beneath you even as you look over the side.
  118. >Luna and Twilight step out onto the platform and with a deep breath of cold air, you do the same.
  119. "Hey..."
  120. >Your voice shudders and they turn to you.
  121. "I.. damnit. I don't know what to do!"
  122. >You hate to admit it to yourself, even more admitting it to them but you're lost right now.
  123. >Fuck the wall, you need something!
  125. >Luna replies, looking back towards the castle that towers before you.
  126. >"Neither do I, Anonymous."
  127. >She lowers her head a bit.
  128. >"All I can tell you is that we'll help you in any way we can."
  129. >Twilight doesn't say anything. She seems as lost in all of this as you.
  130. >Luna begins to walk once more and you remain for a few seconds, looking up at the castle's spires and towers.
  131. >It doesn't help you one bit, but if anything, you feel like she's really telling the truth.
  132. >No, it actually DOES help a bit. You don't feel like complete shit anymore.
  133. >Is it hope?
  134. >Or just more self-deceit?
  135. >Whatever it is, it feels better than before and you begin to walk after her with Twilight in tow.
  136. >She seems to pick up on your mood a bit.
  137. >"Hey... Anonymous."
  138. >You turn to look at her. She gives you a small smile.
  139. >"I know it's hard for you right now. So if you want to talk, I'm here for you."
  140. >That does make you feel better. You try your best and you manage to give her a weak smile.
  141. "Thank you. It.. it means a lot, really."
  142. >She smiles a bit wider and nods.
  143. >"Well, I'd like to think of you as a friend. You've been very nice while you've been here even with all that on your mind. I'd like to be there for you, because that's what friends do."
  144. >A friend, huh. It's been long since you had those.
  145. >You haven't called anyone a friend since your days at university.
  146. >You barely remember their names and faces.
  147. "..."
  148. >Yeah. A friend would be nice right now.
  149. "Thanks, Twilight. I'd like that."
  150. >You gives another smile as best as you can before looking forwards once more.
  151. >You can see Luna turning her head away from you two, a faint smile flashing on her lips before the shadowy hallways obscure her from the moonlight.
  152. >You follow the clicks of her hooves into the shadows, into the castle.
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