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Nov 2nd, 2021
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  1. ['add', 'sshd', 'systemd']
  2. ['set', 'sshd', 'usedns', 'warn']
  3. ['set', 'sshd', 'prefregex', '^<F-MLFID>\\s*(?:\\S+\\s+)?(?:sshd(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?\\s+)?(?:kernel:\\s?\\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\]:?\\s+)?</F-MLFID>(?:(?:error|fatal): (?:PAM: )?)?<F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$']
  4. ['set', 'sshd', 'maxlines', 1]
  5. ['multi-set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', ['^[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error|failed) for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>( via \\S+)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User not known to the underlying authentication module for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^Failed publickey for invalid user <F-USER>(?P<cond_user>\\S+)|(?:(?! from ).)*?</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}(?: ssh\\d*)?(?(cond_user): |(?:(?:(?! from ).)*)$)', '^Failed (?:<F-NOFAIL>publickey</F-NOFAIL>|\\S+) for (?P<cond_inv>invalid user )?<F-USER>(?P<cond_user>\\S+)|(?(cond_inv)(?:(?! from ).)*?|[^:]+)</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}(?: ssh\\d*)?(?(cond_user): |(?:(?:(?! from ).)*)$)', '^<F-USER>ROOT</F-USER> LOGIN REFUSED FROM <HOST>', '^[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user <F-USER>.*?</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because listed in DenyUsers(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because not in any group(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^refused connect from \\S+ \\(<HOST>\\)', '^Received <F-MLFFORGET>disconnect</F-MLFFORGET> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}:\\s*3: .*: Auth fail(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', "^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> from <HOST> not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$", '^<F-NOFAIL>pam_[a-z]+\\(sshd:auth\\):\\s+authentication failure;</F-NOFAIL>(?:\\s+(?:(?:logname|e?uid|tty)=\\S*)){0,4}\\s+ruser=<F-ALT_USER>\\S*</F-ALT_USER>\\s+rhost=<HOST>(?:\\s+user=<F-USER>\\S*</F-USER>)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^maximum authentication attempts exceeded for <F-USER>.*</F-USER> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}(?: ssh\\d*)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^User <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER> not allowed because account is locked(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*', '^<F-MLFFORGET>Disconnecting</F-MLFFORGET>(?: from)?(?: (?:invalid|authenticating)) user <F-USER>\\S+</F-USER> <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}:\\s*Change of username or service not allowed:\\s*.*\\[preauth\\]\\s*$', '^Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures(?: for <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER>)?(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*$', '^<F-NOFAIL>Received <F-MLFFORGET>disconnect</F-MLFFORGET></F-NOFAIL> from <HOST>(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+)){0,2}:\\s*11:', '^<F-NOFAIL><F-MLFFORGET>(Connection closed|Disconnected)</F-MLFFORGET></F-NOFAIL> (?:by|from)(?: (?:invalid|authenticating) user <F-USER>\\S+|.*?</F-USER>)? <HOST>(?:(?: (?:port \\d+|on \\S+|\\[preauth\\])){0,3}\\s*|\\s*)$', '^<F-MLFFORGET><F-MLFGAINED>Accepted \\w+</F-MLFGAINED></F-MLFFORGET> for <F-USER>\\S+</F-USER> from <HOST>(?:\\s|$)', '^<F-NOFAIL>Connection from</F-NOFAIL> <HOST>']]
  6. ['set', 'sshd', 'datepattern', '{^LN-BEG}']
  7. ['set', 'sshd', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service', '+', '_COMM=sshd']
  8. ['set', 'sshd', 'maxretry', 3]
  9. ['set', 'sshd', 'maxmatches', 3]
  10. ['set', 'sshd', 'findtime', '10m']
  11. ['set', 'sshd', 'bantime', '10m']
  12. ['set', 'sshd', 'ignorecommand', '']
  13. ['set', 'sshd', 'logencoding', 'auto']
  14. ['set', 'sshd', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport']
  15. ['multi-set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', [['actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-sshd\n<iptables> -A f2b-sshd -j RETURN\n<iptables> -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -j f2b-sshd'], ['actionstop', '<iptables> -D INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ssh -j f2b-sshd\n<iptables> -F f2b-sshd\n<iptables> -X f2b-sshd'], ['actionflush', '<iptables> -F f2b-sshd'], ['actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L INPUT | grep -q 'f2b-sshd[ \\t]'"], ['actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-sshd 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-sshd -s <ip> -j <blocktype>'], ['port', 'ssh'], ['protocol', 'tcp'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'sshd'], ['actname', 'iptables-multiport'], ['blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable'], ['returntype', 'RETURN'], ['lockingopt', '-w'], ['iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>'], ['blocktype?family=inet6', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable'], ['iptables?family=inet6', 'ip6tables <lockingopt>']]]
  16. ['set', 'sshd', 'addaction', 'mail-whois-lines']
  17. ['multi-set', 'sshd', 'action', 'mail-whois-lines', [['actionstart', 'printf %b "Hi,\\n\nThe jail sshd has been started successfully.\\n\nRegards,\\n\nFail2Ban" | mail -E \'set escape\' -s "[Fail2Ban] sshd: started on <fq-hostname>"'], ['actionstop', 'printf %b "Hi,\\n\nThe jail sshd has been stopped.\\n\nRegards,\\n\nFail2Ban" | mail -E \'set escape\' -s "[Fail2Ban] sshd: stopped on <fq-hostname>"'], ['actioncheck', ''], ['actionban', '( printf %b "Hi,\\n\nThe IP <ip> has just been banned by Fail2Ban after\n<failures> attempts against sshd.\\n\\n\nHere is more information about <ip> :\\n"\nwhois <ip> || echo "missing whois program";\nprintf %b "\\nLines containing failures of <ip> (max 1000)\\n";\nlogpath="/var/log/auth.log"; grep -m 1000 -wF "<ip>" $logpath | tail -n 1000;\nprintf %b "\\n\nRegards,\\n\nFail2Ban" ) | mail -E \'set escape\' -s "[Fail2Ban] sshd: banned <ip> from <fq-hostname>"'], ['actionunban', ''], ['norestored', True], ['sender', ''], ['dest', ''], ['logpath', '/var/log/auth.log'], ['chain', '<known/chain>'], ['name', 'sshd'], ['actname', 'mail-whois-lines'], ['greplimit', 'tail -n <grepmax>'], ['grepmax', '1000'], ['grepopts', '-m <grepmax>'], ['mailcmd', "mail -E 'set escape' -s"]]]
  18. ['start', 'sshd']
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