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Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. Username: Slipknot
  3. In-game name: Slipknot
  5. Discord username and tag:Dismay #3966
  7. Steam id: STEAM_0:1:447389610
  9. Age [min 14Y]: 16
  11. Amount of warns [max 4]: 2
  13. Reasons for warns: ARDM (shot through my door and hit someone, accident) FailRP ( Raided as citizen, completley forgot so i gave back his money that i stole)
  15. How long have you been on our server [min 24h]: 24 hours and 1 minute ;)
  17. Do you have a mic: of course
  19. What’s your playtime on gmod [min 40h]: 194 hours
  21. Do you have any past experience as staff: Yes i was admin on a server called WolfRP which has shutdown due to lack of funds
  23. How active are you on gmod [1 to 10, 10 being the most active]: A strong 9
  25. How active will you be on the forums [1 to 10, 10 being the most active]: A fancy 8
  27. How well do you know the RP rules [1 to 10, 10 you know them ‘off by heart’]: A loveable 8
  29. How well do you know the community [1 to 10, 10 you know everyone]: I feel i have made a good reputation for my little playtime so a hench 9
  31. Why do you want to be staff/why should we pick you as staff [min 100 words]:Well i am very active and i want to become staff because i feel i can make a massive difference in enhancing the power of our community. Since i joined it has been a good community and i think i can make it even stronger by being a staff member that people trust and believe in to make the right choice and i believe that i am that staff member to be! I also enjoy playing on this server and if the server stays up then i will be on it for a very long time because of the amount i enjoy it and i think you should pick me because I can guarantee i will become most active weekly and i would guarantee most sits but i cannot because it is up to the rules broken on the server.
  33. What can you offer to the community as staff [min 100 words]: I can offer enjoyable but also serious role play when it needs to be. I will go with enjoying the role play but also when players do break the rules i will not hesitate to help them learn and change as a person and as a G-MOD player. I will endeavor to help those who are new so that they are enticed to play more on the server and i will also help those who need assistance in the learning of the rules. As a community we are already strong enough which will be hard to improve but my main goal for the server is to increase the community and widen it to every corner of England so that we will have a vast and different but caring community who all love quality Role Play on a great server
  35. Do you know what ULX is: Yep, it is an admins mod for gmod servers
  37. Define RDM: RDM (Random Deathmatch) is when a player kills another player without any valid reason to do so
  39. Give an example of FailRP: One example of Fail RP is when a Citizen raids a base, and it is not valid role play.
  41. What is Minge: Someone who is new to the game or the server and is being annoying and fairly idiotic in not following the rules stated
  43. Player A (citizen) is continuously killing player B (gun dealer) player A claims that he is raiding, what would you do: Firstly, Player A is a citizen so therefore he is not allowed to raid and would be shown !motd and i would give him a warn for failRP. Secondly the gundealer is breaking NLR so once again i would show him !motd and then give him a warn for breaking NLR.
  45. Player C (hobo) starts spamming props inside each other, he says ‘hobos can build in the street’: I would firstly verbally warning him, telling him that he cannot build directly on the stree but instead of the paths, such as a shelter. I will also tell him to stop spamming props because that can cause other players lag and lose frames.
  47. Player A (citizen) starts killing anyone on sight, what do you do: i would first freeze him and then take him somewhere he cannot do anything damaging. I will then ask why is he doing it. I would give him a warning for fail RP because he is a citizen and then also warn for MRDM which is very wrong to do in the community and i believe you only have 2 chances for MRDM until banned
  49. Player B (gun dealer) spawns in a weapon shipment and picks it up to use, what do you do: I would warn him for FailRP because he should not abuse the job he has for his own needs and wants. Gundealers are to sell to others and not themselves, so a warn for fail rp would be given and i would actually help him out and change to a gun dealer to fulfill his needs.
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