

Mar 16th, 2018
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  1. variables:
  2. {G2} = 100
  3. on rightclick holding a cyan shulker box:
  4. chance of 1/{G2}:
  5. execute console command "/menu grab %player% a-bow"
  6. set {G2} to 100
  7. send "&9&8[&cGatya&8] &c当選しました!おめでとうございます!"
  8. execute console command "summon fireworks_rocket ~ ~3 ~ {FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:0,Colors:[I;16753490],FadeColors:[I;15007580]}]}}}}"
  9. set {_location} to location of player
  10. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 1 with pitch 1 at {_location}
  11. else:
  12. broadcast "&8[&cGatya&8] &e%player%が&9&lX-Bowガチャを引きました、只今の当選確率は 1/%{G2}% です。"
  13. send "&9>>> &e残念、ハズレです..."
  14. subtract 1 from {G2}
  15. remove 1 of player's held item from the player's inventory
  16. set {_location} to location of player
  17. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 1 with pitch 1 at {_location}
  19. variables:
  20. {G3} = 200
  21. on rightclick holding a lime shulker box:
  22. chance of 1/{G3}:
  23. execute console command "/menu grab %player% suisyou"
  24. set {G3} to 200
  25. broadcast "&e &e%player%&cが&a&l翠水晶&cに当選しました!"
  26. send "&8[&cGatya&8] &c当選しました!おめでとうございます!"
  27. execute console command "summon fireworks_rocket ~ ~3 ~ {FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:0,Colors:[I;16753490],FadeColors:[I;15007580]}]}}}}"
  28. set {_location} to location of player
  29. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 1 with pitch 1 at {_location}
  30. else:
  31. broadcast "&8[&cGatya&8] &e%player%が翠水晶ガチャを引きました、只今の当選確率は 1/%{G3}% です。"
  32. send "&8[&cGatya&8] &e残念、ハズレです..."
  33. subtract 1 from {G3}
  34. remove 1 of player's held item from the player's inventory
  35. set {_location} to location of player
  36. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 1 with pitch 1 at {_location}
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