

Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "I really don't want a gun. I want the gold thingy Identifying. Take it and give me the ident. I can work something to pay off the debt while you are away.": (Tempest)
  2. --[X] 1 A couple of hundreds later plus the gun for an identification now? That sounds a bit more agreeable. How much is a couple hundreds exactly?: (Grosstoad)
  3. [X] 1 Check jobboards and the Bestiary job: (Grosstoad)
  4. [X] 1 Grit your teeth and swallow your pride, then thank Garnet for the impromptu lesson in auctioneery: (Grosstoad)
  5. -[X] 1 Head over toΒ  Professor Hazelnut's Bestiary after swinging home to grab the money to pay her for this week (50 from the reserve). Time to see about that job opportunity.: (Tempest)
  6. --[X] 1 Maybe you should just wait for his return... Here, have the gun for safekeeping anyway: (Grosstoad)
  7. [X] 1 Plan Xale: (a2znut)
  8. --[X] 1 Ponder a bit, and mention that with that kind of knowledge, you can put her into alot of good use: (Grosstoad)
  9. [X] 1 Scritch Amber's ears and chin for keeping the lid on: (Grosstoad)
  10. [X] 1 Toss a commentary to Kristal that she had been having a good streak of common sense for a while now, any comments now?: (Grosstoad)
  11. [X] 1 Trade the Maxwell for the magnum: (rcnr)
  12. [X] 1 Ugh. That sounds more expensive to take care of than getting your tongue turned into live scorpion.: (Grosstoad)
  13. --[X] 1 Wait, how significant is significantly reduced anyway? Less lavamentals kind of reduced? Magic is funky.: (Grosstoad)
  14. [X] 2 We can trade goods, then. What about a service?: (dalmedya, Xicree)
  15. [X] 2 What the hell, you'll take the magnum firing revolver.: (CrossyCross, Hymn of Ragnarok)
  16. -[X] 1 Yes, <em>that</em> kind of service.: (dalmedya)
  17. -[X] 1 Yes, that kind of service.: (Xicree)
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