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a guest
May 17th, 2017
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  1. import psycopg2, datetime
  2. #from config import config
  4. def create_tables(conn):
  5. commands = (
  6. """
  7. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS taxi_services_T, tempo, stand, stand_geom, taxi, local, local_geom
  8. """,
  9. """
  10. CREATE TABLE stand (
  11. stand_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
  12. name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
  13. lotations INTEGER,
  14. PRIMARY KEY (stand_id)
  15. )
  16. """,
  17. """
  18. CREATE TABLE stand_geom (
  19. stand_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
  20. name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
  21. geom GEOMETRY,
  22. freguesia VARCHAR,
  23. concelho VARCHAR,
  24. lotations INTEGER,
  25. PRIMARY KEY (stand_id)
  26. )
  27. """
  28. )
  30. delete_duplicates_flag = False
  31. delete_duplicates = """
  32. DELETE FROM cont_freg_v5 AS t1
  34. SELECT 1 FROM cont_freg_v5 AS t2
  35. WHERE t2.freguesia = t1.freguesia and
  36. t2.concelho = t1.concelho and
  37. t2.geom = t1.geom and
  38. t2.gid > t1.gid
  39. ); """
  41. cur = conn.cursor()
  42. # create table one by one
  43. ind = 1
  44. for command in commands:
  45. print('Execute command %d' % ind)
  46. ind += 1
  47. cur.execute(command)
  48. if delete_duplicates_flag:
  49. cur.execute(delete_duplicates)
  50. # commit the changes
  51. cur.close()
  52. print('Added new table')
  53. conn.commit()
  54. # close communication with the PostgreSQL database server
  56. def fill_stands(conn):
  57. select_locals = """ SELECT name, location FROM taxi_stands """
  58. select_freguesia = """ SELECT freguesia, concelho FROM cont_freg_v5
  59. WHERE ST_Contains(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), '%s') LIMIT 1 """
  60. insert_stand = """ INSERT INTO stand(name, lotations) VALUES('%s', %d) RETURNING stand_id """
  61. insert_stand_geom = """ INSERT INTO stand_geom(name, lotations, concelho, freguesia, geom) VALUES('%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s') RETURNING stand_id """
  63. cur = conn.cursor()
  64. cur.execute(select_locals)
  65. local_rows = cur.fetchall()
  67. for row in local_rows:
  68. nome = row[0]
  69. cur.execute(insert_stand % (nome, 0))
  70. stand_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
  71. print(stand_id)
  72. cur.execute(select_freguesia % row[1])
  73. tup = cur.fetchone()
  74. print(tup)
  75. freg, concelho = tup
  76. cur.execute(insert_stand_geom % (nome, 0, concelho, freg, row[1]))
  77. #cur.execute(insert_local % (stand_id, freg, concelho))
  79. cur.close()
  80. # commit the changes
  81. print('Filled stand and location table')
  82. conn.commit()
  84. def insert_local(cur, pt):
  85. local_geom = """ INSERT INTO local_geom(stand_id, freguesia, concelho, geom) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s')"""
  86. local = """ INSERT INTO local(stand_id, freguesia, concelho) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s')"""
  87. select_stand = """
  88. SELECT stand_id, freguesia, concelho FROM stand_geom
  89. WHERE ST_Distance(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), '%s') = (
  90. SELECT MIN(ST_Distance(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), '%s')) FROM stand_geom
  91. ) """
  93. cur.execute(select_stand % (pt, pt))
  94. stand, freg, concelho = cur.fetchone()
  95. cur.execute(local_geom % (stand, freg, concelho, pt))
  96. cur.execute(local % (stand, freg, concelho))
  98. def insert_taxi(cur, tx):
  99. insert_query = """ INSERT INTO taxi(license) VALUES (%d) """
  101. cur.execute(insert_query % tx)
  103. def insert_tempo(cur, ts):
  104. insert_query = """ INSERT INTO tempo(hora, dia, mes) VALUES (%d, %d, %d) """
  106. m = int(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ts)).strftime('%m'))
  107. d = int(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ts)).strftime('%d'))
  108. h = int(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ts)).strftime('%H'))
  109. cur.execute(insert_query % (h, d, m))
  111. def fill_services(conn):
  112. drop_table = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS taxi_services_T, local, local_geom, taxi, tempo """
  113. create_tables = ("""
  114. CREATE TABLE local_geom (
  115. local_id SERIAL,
  116. stand_id INTEGER REFERENCES stand(stand_id),
  117. freguesia VARCHAR,
  118. concelho VARCHAR,
  119. geom GEOMETRY,
  120. PRIMARY KEY (local_id)
  121. )
  122. """,
  123. """
  124. CREATE TABLE local (
  125. local_id SERIAL,
  126. stand_id integer REFERENCES stand(stand_id),
  127. freguesia VARCHAR,
  128. concelho VARCHAR,
  129. PRIMARY KEY (local_id)
  130. )
  131. """,
  132. """
  133. CREATE TABLE taxi (
  134. taxi_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
  135. license INTEGER,
  136. PRIMARY KEY (taxi_id)
  137. )
  138. """,
  139. """
  140. CREATE TABLE tempo (
  141. tempo_id SERIAL NOT NULL,
  142. hora INTEGER,
  143. dia INTEGER,
  144. mes INTEGER,
  145. PRIMARY KEY (tempo_id)
  146. )
  147. """,
  148. """
  149. CREATE TABLE taxi_services_T (
  150. taxi_id INTEGER references taxi(taxi_id),
  151. tempo_ini_id INTEGER references tempo(tempo_id),
  152. tempo_fin_id INTEGER references tempo(tempo_id),
  153. local_id_in INTEGER references local(local_id),
  154. local_id_fim INTEGER references local(local_id),
  155. num_viagens INTEGER,
  156. tempo_total REAL,
  157. CONSTRAINT taxi_key PRIMARY KEY(taxi_id,tempo_ini_id,tempo_fin_id,local_id_in,local_id_fim)
  158. )
  159. """
  160. )
  161. select_services = """ SELECT initial_ts, final_ts, taxi_id, initial_point, final_point FROM taxi_services """
  162. select_local = """ SELECT * FROM local_geom WHERE geom = '%s' """
  163. select_taxi = """ SELECT * FROM taxi WHERE license = %d """
  164. select_tempo = """ SELECT * FROM tempo WHERE hora = %d and dia = %d and mes = %d """
  165. insert_service = """ INSERT INTO taxi_services_T(taxi_id, tempo_ini_id, tempo_fin_id, local_id_in, local_id_fim, num_viagens, tempo_total) VALUES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) """
  167. cur = conn.cursor()
  168. cur.execute(drop_table)
  169. for table in create_tables:
  170. cur.execute(table)
  171. cur.execute(select_services)
  172. local_rows = cur.fetchall()
  173. print("Created table and selected services")
  175. for row in local_rows:
  176. i_ts, f_ts, t_id, i_pt, f_pt = row
  177. tm = f_ts - i_ts
  179. cur.execute(select_local % i_pt)
  180. ires = cur.fetchone()
  181. if ires == None:
  182. insert_local(cur, i_pt)
  183. cur.execute(select_local % i_pt)
  184. ires = cur.fetchone()
  186. cur.execute(select_local % f_pt)
  187. fres = cur.fetchone()
  188. if fres == None:
  189. insert_local(cur, f_pt)
  190. cur.execute(select_local % f_pt)
  191. fres = cur.fetchone()
  193. cur.execute(select_taxi % t_id)
  194. tres = cur.fetchone()
  195. if tres == None:
  196. insert_taxi(cur, t_id)
  197. cur.execute(select_taxi % t_id)
  198. tres = cur.fetchone()
  200. itm_tup = tuple([int(x) for x in datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(i_ts)).strftime('%H %d %m').split()])
  201. cur.execute(select_tempo % itm_tup)
  202. itmres = cur.fetchone()
  203. if itmres == None:
  204. insert_tempo(cur, i_ts)
  205. cur.execute(select_tempo % itm_tup)
  206. itmres = cur.fetchone()
  208. ftm_tup = tuple([int(x) for x in datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(f_ts)).strftime('%H %d %m').split()])
  209. cur.execute(select_tempo % ftm_tup)
  210. ftmres = cur.fetchone()
  211. if ftmres == None:
  212. insert_tempo(cur, f_ts)
  213. cur.execute(select_tempo % ftm_tup)
  214. ftmres = cur.fetchone()
  216. print("Inserting %d %d" % (ires[0], fres[0]))
  217. cur.execute(insert_service % (tres[0], itmres[0], ftmres[0], ires[0], fres[0], 1, tm))
  219. cur.close()
  220. conn.commit()
  222. if __name__ == '__main__':
  223. conn = None
  224. try:
  225. # connect to the PostgreSQL server
  226. conn = psycopg2.connect(host="",database="guest", user="guest", password="")
  228. #create_tables(conn)
  229. #fill_stands(conn)
  230. fill_services(conn)
  231. except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
  232. print(error)
  233. finally:
  234. if conn is not None:
  235. conn.close()
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