
Erics (Father) Character Sheet

Oct 9th, 2014
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  1. Character Sheet
  2. Name: Erics (Father)
  3. Age: ~117 Years (Young)
  4. Species: Elf
  5. Elves display all the variation humans do, with occasional dips into more extreme colourations, and pointed ears. Erics is tall, even for an elf, with sharp features and inquisitive eyes.
  7. Family:
  8. Wife: Nialla
  9. Daughters: Sara, Elle, Aria, Lyra
  10. Sons: Ephram, Zach
  12. Level 10 Historian: Hindsight is 20/20, but it doesn't mean anything if you don't look up from your book.
  13. Level 31 Archeologist: Turns out history is even better in person!
  14. Level 66 Mage: Sometimes to find history, you have to make it first. Or at least survive it.
  15. Level 23 Enchanter: As a mage, you want things to explode. As an enchanter, not so much.
  16. Level 42 Explorer: Level 3 Absentee father included as bonus levels!
  17. Level 27 Spider Comforter: Expert at not being hugged to death, and reassuring distraught wives.
  19. Abilities:
  20. Staff Combat: Rank 6
  21. A last resort, and not something Erics is overly experienced with.
  23. Enchanting: Rank 5
  24. Blowing things up is easy. Not blowing things up is hard, and painstakingly time consuming.
  26. Fire Magic: Rank 16
  27. Erics first element. And, if you ask his wife, the one he's most like. He can cast up to third rank spells, meaning he could flatten buildings, or blow apart sizable groups of monsters.
  29. Lightning Magic: Rank 14
  30. Element number two- Far easier to use than fire.
  32. Exploring: Rank 13
  33. Maybe it's the giant ears, but Erics has a sixth sense for finding things. Usually trouble.
  35. Sneaking: Rank 17
  36. Not being a giant spider, or someone who can easily deal with direct combat, Erics is adept at not being found in the first place. This skill sees extensive use against his wife when he's done something wrong.
  38. Teamwork: Rank 15
  39. Extensive experience working with adventuring parties. Working next to his wife allows him to use his magic to its fullest potential.
  40. Back with their old party, Erics is falling into old habits. The good kind, though. Like caution, and paying attention to everything.
  42. Strong Silk: Rank N/A
  43. Elves don't have silk.
  45. Dungeoneering: Rank 17
  46. Traps, lockpicking, decrypting ancient languages- Erics can do it all.
  48. Calm Demeanor: Rank 7
  49. Actually pretty tense about the whole children situation. While understanding that arachne grow much faster than elven children, still feels nervous about allowing daughters to wander continent. Currently playing calm husband to help his wife.
  51. Specials:
  53. Elf Language
  54. Enhanced Hearing
  55. Enhanced Reflexes
  56. Friendship of Nature
  57. Internal/External Mana Control
  58. Lowlight vision
  59. Forest Language: Mom taught him.
  60. Plainspeech
  61. Literate
  63. Property:
  64. An enchanted bag, Nearly bottomless. Which is good, because he's got a lot of loot.
  65. Hand-Woven Clothing: Made with love. Also, Nialla gets jealous when he wears things she didn't make.
  66. Wedding Robe: Traditional Elf wear- Its been passed through the family.
  67. Staff: Magical, but not named. Carved from his home tree and blessed by the spirits of the town, it makes for much easier and faster casting.
  68. Armour: A fire blessed set of robes- He can't be burned while wearing them, and they empower his fire spells with a bit of extra kick.
  69. Currency: Most of the bag is full of money, at this point.
  70. More Loot: All sorts of junk from older civilizations- He lets Nialla take most of the actual loot, filling his bag with books, statues, small pieces of cultural work. If he didn't have an enchanted bag, the nest would be overrun. He's worse than a dragon when it comes to hoarding.
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