

Mar 2nd, 2021
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  1. TXT2
  2. SinsArchiveVersion 194
  3. entityType "Buff"
  4. onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
  5. buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
  6. stackingLimit 1
  7. allowFirstSpawnerToStack FALSE
  8. buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
  9. isInterruptable FALSE
  10. isChannelling FALSE
  11. numInstantActions 0
  12. numPeriodicActions 2
  13. periodicAction
  14. actionCountType "Infinite"
  15. actionIntervalTime
  16. Level:0 15.000000
  17. Level:1 5.000000
  18. Level:2 5.000000
  19. Level:3 5.000000
  20. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadius"
  21. instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
  22. buffType "BuffGravWellShips"
  23. targetFilter
  24. numOwnerships 0
  25. numObjects 5
  26. object "CapitalShip"
  27. object "Frigate"
  28. object "StarBase"
  29. object "Titan"
  30. object "Corvette"
  31. numSpaces 1
  32. space "Normal"
  33. numConstraints 0
  34. range
  35. Level:0 100000.000000
  36. Level:1 80000.000000
  37. Level:2 80000.000000
  38. Level:3 80000.000000
  39. maxTargetCount
  40. Level:0 -1.000000
  41. Level:1 -1.000000
  42. Level:2 -1.000000
  43. Level:3 -1.000000
  44. effectInfo
  45. effectAttachInfo
  46. attachType "Invalid"
  47. smallEffectName ""
  48. mediumEffectName ""
  49. largeEffectName ""
  50. soundID ""
  51. periodicAction
  52. actionCountType "Infinite"
  53. actionIntervalTime
  54. Level:0 30.000000
  55. Level:1 30.000000
  56. Level:2 30.000000
  57. Level:3 30.000000
  58. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadius"
  59. instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
  60. buffType "BuffGravWellOrbitSelf"
  61. targetFilter
  62. numOwnerships 0
  63. numObjects 5
  64. object "CapitalShip"
  65. object "Frigate"
  66. object "StarBase"
  67. object "Titan"
  68. object "Corvette"
  69. numSpaces 1
  70. space "Normal"
  71. numConstraints 0
  72. range
  73. Level:0 200000.000000
  74. Level:1 120000.000000
  75. Level:2 120000.000000
  76. Level:3 120000.000000
  77. maxTargetCount
  78. Level:0 -1.000000
  79. Level:1 -1.000000
  80. Level:2 -1.000000
  81. Level:3 -1.000000
  82. effectInfo
  83. effectAttachInfo
  84. attachType "Invalid"
  85. smallEffectName ""
  86. mediumEffectName ""
  87. largeEffectName ""
  88. soundID ""
  89. numOverTimeActions 0
  90. numEntityModifiers 0
  91. numEntityBoolModifiers 0
  92. numFinishConditions 0
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