

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. [b]4-on-4: Trailblazers(Taz, Rocky, Jericho, Goldust) vs Power Trip[/b]
  3. Goldust and Joanna started off, Joanna got the upper hand through power moves. Goldust reversed the Fallaway Slam into a Curtain Call attempt, but HHH grabbed him from the outside and tagged himself in. HHH and Joanna worked over Goldust until he dodged a corner lariat and got the hot tag to Rocky. HHH immediately tagged out to Pillman, and Pillman and Rocky went into a sequence. Pillman was able to hit a few high flying moves, including a screw high kick, but Rocky was able to dodge a running knee strike and take Pillman to the mat with a Powerslam on the rebound.
  5. 1... 2, Pillman kicked out, got back to his feet, and tried to hit a quick superkick, but Rocky ducked before pummelling him with a few hard jabs, stunning him with a big right hand, and hooking him in for the Rock Bottom before getting reversed into a backslide.
  7. 1... 2, Pillman kicked out and immediately made his way to Austin, tagging the champ in. Austin went right for Rocky, rocking him with Texas style jabs, hitting the ropes, and taking him to the mat with a hard shoulderblock. Austin goaded Rocky into getting back up, kicked him in the stomach, set up the Stunner, but got spun around and picked up for the Uranage, before stopping Rocky with a hard knee to the gut, hoisting him up in a suplex, and dropping him down with a BRAINBUSTER! Austin got cocky and pinned him with one foot.
  9. 1...2...2.9, Rocky got his foot on the rope. Austin smirked, obviously irritated but trying to play it off, and went to hook the leg, but got reversed into a rollup!
  10. 1...2...2.9, Austin reversed the pressure into a rollup of his own!
  11. 1...2...2.9, Rocky rolled both men to the Trailblazer corner, where Taz tagged himself in!
  13. Taz came in like an Abrams tank, whupping Austin like a disobedient dog with lariats and hard elbows, pushing him back. However, he didn't notice Austin was bringing him into the Power Trip's corner, and ate a hard right hand from HHH as he tagged himself in. HHH got Taz into the corner, peppered him with chops, and from there, all the members of the Power Trip took turns working on him, even going through a train of running corner attacks: a lariat from Joanna, a step-up knee from Pillman, an elbow smash from HHH, and a spear from Austin that took Taz to the mat, where Austin stomped a mudhole into him and walked it dry. Austin then dragged Taz out of the corner and scaled the ropes for an elbow drop, but Taz rolled out of the way and tagged in Jericho.
  15. Jericho and Austin made their way to the middle of the ring and stared each other down. Neither man was going to move first, and the crowd was baying for a brawl. They got one, as Joanna, Pillman, and HHH rushed the ring, and the Power Trip started ganging up on Jericho. The rest of the Trailblazers weren't far behind, and before long the ref was calling for a [b]no contest[/b].
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