
Videl post

Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. It would appear that Videl did trust Nyx now, at least to a certain extent. Nyx returned her smile, while also noting the look in her eyes that appeared when she told her that she expected her to hold her end. The message was very clear: betray my trust, and you will regret it. Nyx had no doubt that she would indeed regret that decision. Not only was Videl monstrously strong, but her husband was likely stronger then her. Nyx had no intention on betraying their trust even if she was up to something nefarious: she wouldn't last a week if she raised a hand against them.
  3. On the plus side, the conversation turned into a pleasant affair again fairly quickly after that. They discussed the matter of back when Gohan first saw potential in Videl. Nyx was sure she already knew this, but Videl was quite the fortunate woman to have someone like Gohan spot her potential and then make the best of it.
  5. "He certainly had an eye for talent. Although I doubt even he thought you would come this far. He's just as fortunate to have you in his life as you are to have him in your life. You two make a very formidable couple and have a strong sense of justice. If the majority of the universe was like you two, then we wouldn't have to constantly fight evil that crawls out of the darkness of the universe. It never seems to end. Still, at least the Earth has some capable fighters protecting it. Other worlds are much less fortunate. I'm sure that justice will prevail on Earth sooner or later."
  7. Then Videl dropped something she could not have fathom on her. Nyx had not been expecting an actual answer other then something along the lines of "give it your all with your training." Instead, Videl had proceeded to tell her about a place called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. From how she was describing it, the place seemed to be a pocket dimension where time flowed differently.
  9. Two things made it notable however. First of all, It seemed to be a stable dimension that had a significantly differently flow of time. Naturally occurring pocket dimensions didn't usually last long and were typically not stable, and there was only so much you can do to the environment of a naturally occurring one. So having a stable pocket dimension with a flow of time this vastly different from time on the outside was practically unheard of.
  11. The second unique aspect was the unique dangerous the time chamber seemed to possess. Nyx could not fathom what would cause what Videl was describing to her. There was a part of her that dreaded the prospect of facing that though. Death wasn't something that scared Nyx, although facing her own mind was an entirely different matter. Still, she was going to go for it despite the dangers. Nyx closed her eyes, and an spreading across her face. She seemed to be residing herself to all the strange things this planet had. Sometimes all you could do was accept the insanity in your life.
  13. "Of course you have your own inter-dimensional training room. Now. That you mention it, I remember that the Planet Trade Organization promises that all planets they sell. come standard with them. Despite my jesting, I have no reason to doubt your incredible claims. You've been nothing but truthful to me since the moment we first met. I'll certainly have to investigate that when I get the opportunity, and I already know who I'm bringing in there with me. I won't quit no matter what that room throws at me though. If I gave up to my own inner demons, then what chance do I have at saving others?"
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