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The Education of Jesus VS Lucifer, and The Morning Star Venus, by Evan Krevenchuk

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Mar 7th, 2024
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  1. The Education of Jesus VS Lucifer, and The Morning Star.
  3. Jesus/Yeshua is the morning star, and this video will clear up the confusion about the morning star ever being Lucifer, and this video will explain things such as the roles of Jesus morning star, and will expose Lucifer, who had the morning star but fell into darkness. In this video, I use not only scripture from the 66 books of the Holy Bible, but I use outside scripture such as the Book of Adam and Eve, and the Book of Enoch.
  5. In the Holy Bible, the book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ given to Saint John the Baptist has this written:
  7. Revelation chapter 22 verse 16, King James Version;
  8. "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
  10. Now what star, is the morning star exactly? Venus.
  11. Here is scripture about the morning star being Venus.
  13. Kefa II chapter 1 verse 19, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  14. "And we have the Dvar HaNevu’ah (Word of Prophecy) made more sure, to which you do well in giving heed as to a menorah shining in a place of choshech until HaYom dawns and the Kochav (Star) haNogah (of Brightness, Venus) rises in your levavot (hearts).
  16. 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 19, King James Version;
  17. "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
  19. Hisgalus chapter 2 verse 28, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  20. "Even as I also have received from HaAv of me and I will give him the Kokhav (Star) haNogah (of Brightness, Venus, the Morning Star.)
  22. Revelation chapter 2 verse 28, King James Version;
  23. "And I will give him the morning star."
  25. Now when it comes to Jesus giving us the morning star, and having Venus rise in our hearts, what is that about? I'll show you.
  27. In the beginning when Adam was in the garden, he was in a bright nature, this brightness was none other, than the morning star Jesus, risen in his heart. All angels before the fall had the morning star risen in their hearts also. Here is scripture referring to the brightness they had.
  29. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 2 verse 4
  30. "And because, when they were in the garden they were filled with the grace of a bright nature, and they had not hearts turned toward earthly things."
  32. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 13 verses 1 to 7
  33. "Then when God, who is merciful and full of pity, heard Adam's voice, He said to him:— "O Adam, so long as the good angel was obedient to Me, a bright light rested on him and on his hosts. But when he transgressed My commandment, I deprived him of that bright nature, and he became dark. And when he was in the heavens, in the realms of light, he knew nothing of darkness. But he transgressed, and I made him fall from the heaven onto the earth; and it was this darkness that came over him. And on you, O Adam, while in My garden and obedient to Me, did that bright light rest also. But when I heard of your transgression, I deprived you of that bright light. Yet, of My mercy, I did not turn you into darkness, but I made you your body of flesh, over which I spread this skin, in order that it may bear cold and heat."
  35. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 72 verse 21
  36. "Then Adam rose up in prayer and said, "O God, you know that we transgressed against you, and from the moment we transgressed, we were stripped of our bright nature; and our body became brutish, requiring food and drink; and with animal desires."
  38. Now we can see from the scripture I'm about to provide, that the light that was inside Adam, and the brightness, is Jesus, the light within all who have Him.
  40. John chapter 1 verse 4, King James Version;
  41. "In him was life; and the life was the light of men."
  43. Yochanan chapter 1 verse 4, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  44. "In him was Chayyim (Life) and the Chayyim (Life) was the Ohr (Light) of Bnei Adam."
  46. John chapter 1 verses 9 to 12, King James Version;
  47. "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"
  49. Yochanan chapter 1 verses 9 to 12, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  50. "The Ohr, the Ohr HaAmitti (the True Light), which gives rational haskalah (enlightenment) to kol Bnei Adam (all mankind), was coming into the Olam Hazeh. He was in the Olam Hazeh, the Olam (world) came to be through him; yet the Olam Hazeh did not recognize him. He came to his own, and his own were not mekabel (accepting) the Kabbalus HaMalchus of him. But as many as him lekabel pnei Moshiach (receive him as Moshiach), to them he gave the tokef (authority) to become in fact yeladim haElohim."
  52. Now the Ohr, this light, is Jesus in His brightness, going back to John describing Jesus as The Word who was in the beginning with God who also was God, and going back, in Genesis, Jesus being the light when God said, "Let there be light", and there was light.
  54. John chapter 1 verses 1 to 5, King James Version;
  55. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
  57. Yochanan chapter 1 verses 1 to 5, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  58. "Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem, and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with, etzel,) Hashem, and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! Bereshis (in the Beginning) this Dvar Hashem was with Hashem. All things through him came to be, and without him came to be not one thing which came into being. In him was Chayyim (Life) and the Chayyim (Life) was the Ohr (Light) of Bnei Adam. And the Ohr shines in the choshech, and the choshech did not grasp it."
  60. Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 to 5, King James Version;
  61. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."
  63. Bereshis chapter 1 verses 1 to 5, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  64. "In the beginning Elohim created hashomayim (the heavens, Himel) and haaretz (the earth). And the earth was tohu vavohu (without form, and void); and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Ruach Elohim was hovering upon the face of the waters. And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light. And Elohim saw the light, that it was tov (good); and Elohim divided the ohr (light) from the choshech (darkness). And Elohim called the light Yom (Day), and the darkness He called Lailah (Night). And the erev (evening) and the boker (morning) were Yom Echad (Day One, the First Day.)"
  66. Now, there is a problem under the sun, a deception from Satan. You see, he wants people to think he is the morning star, when really he just had the morning star, but isn't actually Venus, he is just the son of the morning, Lucifer/Heilel Ben (son of/associated with) Shachar, and Shachar is also Kokhav HaShachar (the bright and morning star, Jesus). When scripture says Heilel Ben Shachar, this isn't referring to a last name, just like Jesus/Yeshua Ben (son of/associated with) Yosef. This is where people get confused about Jesus the morning star, and Lucifer being the morning star, which isn't true.
  68. Revelation chapter 22 verse 16, King James Version;
  69. "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
  71. Hisgalus chapter 22 verse 16, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  72. “I, Yehoshua sent My malach (angel) to give solemn eidus (testimony) to you of these things, for the Kehillot. I am the Shoresh (root) and the offspring of Dovid, the Kokhav HaShachar."
  74. Now see how scripture says, HaShachar, now behold these scriptures.
  76. Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12, King James Version;
  77. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
  79. Yeshayah chapter 14 verse 12, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  80. "How art thou fallen from Shomayim, O Heilel Ben Shachar (Bright One of the Dawn, Day Star, Lucifer)! How art thou cast down to the earth, thou, which hast laid low the nations!"
  82. People have thought, that this means he is, the bright one of the dawn, the day star, when really he was just an anointed cherub who had the morning star. The New International Version of the Holy Bible makes the mistake of giving Lucifer the literal title of morning star.
  84. Isaiah 14 verse 12, New International Version;
  85. "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!"
  87. Now, how can the morning star, fall from heaven? It was not the morning star, he was just a, morning star, for there are many angels who have the morning star, and are referred to as stars, even to say, the morning stars who sang together.
  89. Job 38:7, King James Version;
  90. "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"
  92. It is even obvious in the comparison of the nature of Jesus when reading the gospel, compared to Lucifer, that Jesus is not Lucifer, who is Satan and the ancient serpent of old, that when you behold the two roles and natures of Jesus verses Lucifer the devil, you can see they are obviously different, and Jesus even said, he has nothing in Satan.
  94. Lucifer/Satan is referred to as the prince, or god of this world.
  96. John chapter 14 verse 30, King James Version:
  97. "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."
  99. 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4, King James Version;
  100. "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
  102. Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12, King James Version;
  103. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
  105. Luke chapter 10 verse 18, King James Version;
  106. "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."
  108. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 13 verse 5;
  109. "But he transgressed, and I made him fall from the heaven onto the earth; and it was this darkness that came over him."
  111. Here's scripture verifying that Satan was the serpent who deceived Adam and Eve in the garden, who, although he is fallen, can still transform himself into the appearance of an angel of light.
  113. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 27 verse 12
  114. "No sooner had Adam said this, than an angel from God appeared to him in the cave, who said to him, "O Adam, fear not. This is Satan and his hosts; he wishes to deceive you as he deceived you at first. For the first time, he was hidden in the serpent; but this time he is come to you in the likeness of an angel of light; in order that, when you worshipped him, he might enslave you, in the very presence of God."
  116. 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14, King James Version;
  117. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
  119. Now, I will go over the fall of Lucifer, and how he had the brightness of the morning star, then got deprived of his bright nature into darkness.
  121. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 13 verse 2 to 3;
  122. "O Adam, so long as the good angel was obedient to Me, a bright light rested on him and on his hosts. But when he transgressed My commandment, I deprived him of that bright nature, and he became dark."
  124. Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 14 to 19;
  125. "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.”
  127. Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 23, King James Version;
  128. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned. Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord. I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of hosts."
  130. Now Lucifer is the angel of the air, who has deceived the builders of the nations, who from this, rejected the corner stone who is Jesus. The spirit of Lucifer, to say, the spirit of Satan, and his nature of sin, works in the children of disobedience.
  132. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 2, King James Version;
  133. "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:"
  135. Kehillah in Ephesus 2:2, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  136. "In which you amol (formerly) fier zich (comported oneself), according to the course of the Olam Hazeh, according to the Sar of the authority of the air [the Samekh Mem, Hasatan, teivel, the devil], the ruach now working in the bnei haMeri (sons of Rebellion)."
  138. Colossians chapter 3 verses 6 to 7, King James Version;
  139. "For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them."
  141. Here is scripture about Jesus the corner stone which the builders of the nations who were deceived by Lucifer through the crafts rejected.
  143. Mark chapter 12 verse 10, King James Version;
  144. "And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:"
  146. Matthew chapter 21 verse 42, King James Version;
  147. "Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?"
  149. Acts chapter 4 verse 11, King James Version;
  150. "This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner."
  152. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20, King James Version;
  153. "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;"
  155. 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 6, King James Version;
  156. "Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded."
  158. Psalm chapter 118 verse 22, King James Version;
  159. "The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner."
  161. 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 7, King James Version;
  162. "Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,"
  164. Now, some people wonder, if the sun and moon were created along with the stars on the 4th day, how could Jesus who is The Word who always was, who was even before the first day, be also the bright and morning star, Venus, a day star of the 4th day?
  166. Genesis chapter 1 verses 14 to 18, King James Version;
  167. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good."
  169. Jesus is the light of Venus, that when Venus was created, referred to as a star, its light, along with the light of all the morning stars who sang together, the angels, is Jesus. Jesus is the Ohr HaAmitti (the true light) that shines in the angels, who are also referred to as stars, or hosts, and Jesus the Kochav haNogah (of brightness, Venus) shines in the born again believer's heart who are in Christ Jesus. Even though Jesus is Venus, before Venus was, Jesus is. He both was before Venus, and associates Himself with Venus.
  171. Job chapter 38 verse 7, King James Version;
  172. "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"
  174. Yochanan chapter 1 verse 9, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  175. "The Ohr, the Ohr HaAmitti (the True Light), which gives rational haskalah (enlightenment) to kol Bnei Adam (all mankind), was coming into the Olam Hazeh."
  177. Kefa II chapter 1 verse 19, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  178. "And we have the Dvar HaNevu’ah (Word of Prophecy) made more sure, to which you do well in giving heed as to a menorah shining in a place of choshech until HaYom dawns and the Kochav (Star) haNogah (of Brightness, Venus) rises in your levavot (hearts).
  180. This morning star Kochav haNogah, was already risen in the angels and in Adam and Eve before the fall. When Adam fell, God put him in flesh, and since the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and the kingdom is within, we can gain our brightness back through Jesus Christ rising in our hearts.
  182. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19, King James Version;
  183. "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"
  185. Luke chapter 17 verse 21, King James Version;
  186. "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."
  188. Now, Lucifer/Satan the serpent from Eden, who deceived the builders and governments of the nations who rejected the corner stone, is also, the red dragon!
  190. Hisgalus chapter 12 verse 9, Orthodox Jewish Bible;
  191. "And the great Dragon, that NACHASH HaKadmoni (Ancient Serpent) was thrown down, the one being called the Malshin (Informer, Accuser) and Hasatan, the one deceiving the whole inhabited world. He was thrown to ha’aretz (the earth) and the malachim of him were thrown down with him."
  193. Revelation chapter 12 verse 9, King James Version;
  194. "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
  196. Now Satan has his fallen angel followers, who are called his hosts, the demons. Satan has many names, for he desires to be like the most high, and so he is also known, as Azazel. Azazel/Lucifer/Satan/Baphomet/Beelzebub, his many names with his many transformations and characteristic traits, taught mankind the knowledge in which he used to deceive people into worshipping him instead of the one true God with His Son Jesus Christ.
  198. 1 Book of Enoch Chapter 54 verses 4 to 6;
  199. "And I asked the Angel of Peace, who went with me, saying: “These chain instruments – for whom are they being prepared?” And he said to me: “These are being prepared for the hosts of Azazel, so that they may take them, and throw them into the lowest part of hell; and they will cover their jaws with rough stones, as the Lord of Spirits commanded. And Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel – these will take hold of them on that great day. And throw them, on that day, into the furnace of burning fire, so that the Lord of Spirits may take vengeance on them for their iniquity, in that they became servants of Satan, and led astray those who dwell upon the dry ground."
  201. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 27 verses 1 to 4;
  202. "When Satan, the hater of all good, saw how they continued in prayer, and how God communed with them, and comforted them, and how He had accepted their offering—Satan made an apparition. He began with transforming his hosts; in his hands was a flashing fire, and they were in a great light. He then placed his throne near the mouth of the cave because he could not enter into it by reason of their prayers. And he shed light into the cave, until the cave glistened over Adam and Eve; while his hosts began to sing praises. And Satan did this, in order that when Adam saw the light, he should think within himself that it was a heavenly light, and that Satan's hosts were angels; and that God had sent them to watch at the cave, and to give him light in the darkness."
  204. 1 Adam and Eve 27:13-15
  205. Then the angel went from Adam and seized Satan at the opening of the cave, and stripped him of the pretense he had assumed, and brought him in his own hideous form to Adam and Eve; who were afraid of him when they saw him. And the angel said to Adam, "This hideous form has been his ever since God made him fall from heaven. He could not have come near you in it; he therefore transformed himself into an angel of light." Then the angel drove away Satan and his hosts from Adam and Eve, and said to them, "Fear not; God who created you, will strengthen you."
  207. 1 Adam and Eve chapter 48 verses 1 to 4;
  208. "After this Satan called to his hosts, all of which came to him, and said to him:— "O, our lord, what will you do?" He then said to them, "You know that this Adam, whom God created out of the dust, is the one who has taken our kingdom, come, let us gather together and kill him; or hurl a rock at him and at Eve, and crush them under it." When Satan's hosts heard these words, they came to the part of the mountain where Adam and Eve were asleep."
  210. 1 Book of Enoch chapter 8 verses 1 to 2;
  211. "And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals〈of the earth〉 and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. 2. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armarôs the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal, (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds,〈Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun〉, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven."
  213. Luke chapter 11 verse 15, King James Version;
  214. "But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils."
  216. Luke chapter 11 verse 18, King James Version;
  217. "If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub."
  219. Now you are educated on Jesus, the day star Venus, and Satan.
  220. I hope this has helped clear up any confusion about Lucifer, and the morning star. Thanks for watching and listening.
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