

Feb 20th, 2019
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  143. <a class="nav1" href="#info"> </a>
  144. <a class="nav2" href="#players"> </a>
  145. <a class="nav3" href="#schedule"> </a>
  146. <a class="nav4" href="/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4176524"> </a>
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  151. <div id="info" class="part">
  152. <img src="" style="float: left;"><h2>let's play some quidditch!</h2>
  153. Madam Hooch hurries over as you stride onto the pitch, broomstick over your shoulder. You were intending on playing some Quidditch, but it looks as though you have to deal with her first.<p>
  154. <i>〝No flying until you've learned how to play, you silly student!〞</i> she calls out. <i>〝No flying at all!〞</i></p><p>
  155. Now that you think about it, it didn't really make that much sense that you were going to play without actually knowing how Quidditch worked in the first place! It's a good thing Madam Hooch stopped you when she did. You drop your broom to the ground and wait for her to start explaining.</p><p>
  156. <i>〝Alright, that's more like it. Now, open your ears and pay attention. Quidditch might have changed since the last time you heard about it. Well first, we'll tell you a little about the current matches...〞</i></p>
  162. <br><h2>now onto the descriptions of each position:</h2>
  164. The way this works, no dexterity is needed at all. Our matches will be probability (and just a touch of luck) based. <i>Before each match begins, the team members of the playing teams must send in their "moves" for each day of the match!</i> Each position has a different kind of move that must be done each day. The positions and their moves are described below.<p><b>All team members must send their moves to <a href="">Jess</a> <i>before</i> the matches begin! If any member has not sent in their moves before the deadline, the match will go on without that player's contribution, and their position will pick back up once they do send in that neomail.</b> Your moves may be sent in at any time before the deadlines! Getting them in before the first match begins ensures that each match will run smoothly.
  165. </p><p>
  166. </p><center>
  167. <div style="width: 90%; text-align: justify;">
  169. <img src="" style="float: left;"><br><br><b>BEATERS:</b> Your job, of course, is to try to distract the other team from the game by hitting Bludgers at them with your bat! To do so, you may choose any of the four members of the other team per move <i>(but never the same player two moves in a row!)</i> to hit your Bludger at! There will be a 33% chance of it hitting them. If it does hit them, their move for the day does not get to be done.
  171. <br><br><p>
  174. <img src="" style="float: right;"><br><b>CHASERS:</b> You are going up against the other team's Keeper! There'll be a 66% chance of you scoring a goal. If you do, you will earn <b>15 Quidditch Points</b> for your team! For each move, you will choose one of the three goal posts to shoot the Quaffle into: 1, 2, or 3. The Keepers will be protecting one of them at all times. If you happened to choose one that the other team's Keeper did not protect for any of the moves (and you weren't hit by a Bludger), you have made that goal!
  176. </p><br><br><p>
  179. <img src="" style="float: left;"><br><b>KEEPERS:</b> You are going up against the other team's Chaser! For each move, you will protect one of the three goal posts for your team. Do that by sending in one number (1, 2, or 3) when you send in your neomail with all your moves. If the Chaser happens to shoot the Quaffle into a goal post that you weren't blocking during that move, they score for their team! For example, if you protect 1 and they shoot into 2, they score - but if they choose 1, nothing happens! If you are hit by a Bludger, all 3 goal posts are open for that move.
  181. </p><br><br><p>
  184. <img src="" style="float: right;"><b>SEEKERS:</b> This is probably the more complicated of the positions, but it's easy for you! Your job, if you haven't guessed it, is to catch the Golden Snitch! The Snitch will be flying all over the Quidditch Pitch, which is broken down into a scale of 1-16. For each move, you'll be searching one of the numbered areas for the Snitch. It will be in a completely random area for each move. You will be earning <b>Snitch Points</b> (0, 1, 2, or 3) for each move -- the closer you are, the higher you score! If you're hit by a Bludger, you do not get to search any cell for that move. The Seeker with the most Snitch Points at the end of the match will be the one who actually caught the Snitch and ended the game, earning <b>50 Quidditch Points</b> for their team!</p></div></center>
  186. <br><h1>how to send in the neomail with your moves:</h1><center>
  187. Copy and paste the text in the box under your position to <a href="">send in your moves</a>.<br>Make sure you change <b>everything in parentheses</b> before hitting submit! :)<p>
  188. </p><table><tr><td>
  189. <em>CHASER</em><br><i>example submission:</i><br>(drag & drop)<br><img width="90" height="70" src=""><br><br><i>send in this form:</i>
  191. <textarea>My position: (YOUR HOUSE) Chaser
  192. Match #1: (1, 2, OR 3 - FIVE TIMES)
  193. Match #2: (1, 2, OR 3 - FIVE TIMES)
  194. Match #3: (1, 2, OR 3 - FIVE TIMES)
  195. </textarea></td>
  201. <td>
  202. <em>KEEPER</em><br><i>example submission:</i><br>(drag & drop)<br><img width="90" height="70" src=""><br><br><i>send in this form:</i>
  204. <textarea>My position: (YOUR HOUSE) Keeper
  205. Match #1: (1, 2, OR 3 - FIVE TIMES)
  206. Match #2: (1, 2, OR 3 - FIVE TIMES)
  207. Match #3: (1, 2, OR 3 - FIVE TIMES)
  208. </textarea></td>
  215. <td>
  216. <em>SEEKER</em><br><i>example submission:</i><br>(drag & drop)<br><img width="90" height="70" src=""><br><br><i>send in this form:</i>
  218. <textarea>My position: (YOUR HOUSE) Seeker
  219. Match #1: (1-16 - FIVE TIMES)
  220. Match #2: (1-16 - FIVE TIMES)
  221. Match #3: (1-16 - FIVE TIMES)
  222. </textarea></td>
  228. <td>
  229. <em>BEATER</em><br><i>example submission:</i><br>(drag & drop)<br><img width="90" height="70" src=""><br><br><i>send in this form:</i>
  231. <textarea>My position: (YOUR HOUSE) Beater
  232. [please remember you may not choose the same position twice in a row!]
  236. </textarea></td>
  237. </tr></table></center>
  239. <br><br><h1><a href="/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=icanhaskaila&subject=resurrect&message_body=inside+of+which+magical+object+was+the+resurrection+stone+given+to+harry+potter%3F"><img src="" style="float: right;" border="0"></a>good luck to all players! may the best team win!</h1><br></div>
  241. <br><br><br><br><br><div id="players" class="part">
  242. <center><br><h1>team rosters</h1>
  244. <table width="200"><tr><th><br><b class="g">GRYFFINDOR TEAM</b><p></p>
  245. <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 37px;">
  246. <b class="g">★</b> <a href="">VANA</a> - <b class="g">chaser<br>★</b> <a href="">KEIA</a> - <b class="g">keeper<br>★</b> <a href="">JENNIFER</a> - <b class="g">seeker<br>★</b> <a href="">ALEX</a> -<b class="g"> beater</b><br><br></div>
  247. </th>
  248. </tr><tr><th><br><b class="h">HUFFLEPUFF TEAM</b><p></p>
  249. <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 37px;">
  250. <b class="h">★</b> <a href="">PEMILY</a> - <b class="h">chaser<br>★</b> <a href="">PAIGE</a> - <b class="h">keeper<br>★</b> <a href="">JOSI</a> - <b class="h">seeker<br>★</b> <a href="">AMBER</a> - <b class="h"> beater</b><br><br></div>
  251. </th>
  253. </tr><tr><th><br><b class="r">RAVENCLAW TEAM</b><p></p>
  254. <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 35px;">
  255. <b class="r">★</b> <a href="">DANI</a> - <b class="r">chaser<br>★</b> <a href="">HEATHER</a> - <b class="r">keeper<br>★</b> <a href="">KATY</a> - <b class="r">seeker<br>★</b> <a href="">MICHE</a> - <b class="r"> beater</b><br><br></div>
  256. </th>
  258. </tr><tr><th><br><b class="s">SLYTHERIN TEAM</b><p></p>
  259. <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 35px;">
  260. <b class="s">★</b> <a href="">UNA</a> - <b class="s">chaser<br>★</b> <a href="">MEL</a> - <b class="s">keeper<br>★</b> <a href="">KIM</a> - <b class="s">seeker<br>★</b> <a href="">LANEY</a> - <b class="s"> beater</b><br><br></div>
  261. </th>
  262. </tr></table></center></div>
  271. <br><br><br><br><br><div id="schedule" class="part"><br><br><h1>quidditch matches - year 2, term 9</h1><br><br><center><h3 style="margin: 0px;"><a href="#pregame">September 13th and 14th: Pregame Coverage!</a></h3>
  272. Click on a match (or the above header) to read up on the match/pregame coverage!</center><br><br><table class="match" width="100%"><tr><td><a class="m" href="#matchone">
  273. <br><b>MATCH ONE:</b><br><i class="g">Gryffindor</i> <em>vs.</em> <i class="h">Hufflepuff</i><br><em>September 15th</em>
  274. <br><br><br></a></td>
  276. <td><a class="m" href="#matchtwo">
  277. <br><b>MATCH TWO:</b><br><i class="r">Ravenclaw</i> <em>vs.</em> <i class="s">Slytherin</i><br><em>September 16th</em>
  278. <br><br><br></a></td>
  280. </tr><tr><td><a class="m" href="#matchthree">
  281. <br><b>MATCH THREE:</b><br><i class="g">Gryffindor</i> <em>vs.</em> <i class="r">Ravenclaw</i><br><em>September 17th</em>
  282. <br><br><br></a></td>
  284. <td><a class="m" href="#matchfour">
  285. <br><b>MATCH FOUR:</b><br><i class="h">Hufflepuff</i> <em>vs.</em> <i class="S">Slytherin</i><br><em>September 18th</em>
  286. <br><br><br></a></td>
  288. </tr><tr><td><a class="m" href="#matchfive">
  289. <br><b>MATCH FIVE:</b><br><i class="g">Gryffindor</i> <em>vs.</em> <i class="s">Slytherin</i><br><em>September 19th</em>
  290. <br><br><br></a></td>
  292. <td><a class="m" href="#matchsix">
  293. <br><b>MATCH SIX:</b><br><i class="h">Hufflepuff</i> <em>vs.</em> <i class="r">Ravenclaw</i><br><em>September 20th</em>
  294. <br><br><br></a></td>
  296. </tr></table></div>
  297. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="pregame">
  298. <h3>September 13th and 14th: Pregame Coverage!</h3>
  299. <div class="matchin">
  301. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> Hello! Thanks for tuning in and welcome to your exclusive pregame coverage of our Term 9 Quidditch tournament! I am your host, your Slytherin HOH, and your annoying friend you seem to not be able to get rid of, Laney! And to the right of me we have our busy buzzing bee, and our number one flan boi of Kayla's dreams, P-P-P-Pieter!! <i>*air horn sounds*</i>
  302. <p>
  303. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Thanks for that incredible introduction, Laney! Most people already forgot that I existed, so I'm glad you could re-KIN-dle their memories! ...Get it? Anyway, over the last few terms, I forgot that Quidditch existed and that I was even a member of Patronus! Can you fill me in on what, if anything, happened last time?
  304. </p><p>
  305. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> Last cup was a brutal brawl that saw Gryffindor emerge victorious for the first time. The Lions are currently parading the streets sporting their scarlet and gold, each of them full of pride as they cheer and chant their way down to the Quidditch field lead by their MVP of last season, Alex. Our reigning champs seem confident they can dominate the field once more and be the first team to have two trophies to their name.
  306. </p><p>
  307. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> By Kayla's beard! Do you mean to tell me that every house is so terrible at Quidditch that they were completely unable to win more than once?
  308. </p><p>
  309. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> That's right! All teams are currently tied with one win each and no other team so far has had the honor of holding two Quidditch victories. The victors for this term's cup will not only walk away with the W but will also walk away knowing that they are the best Quidditch team we have seen thus far!
  310. </p><p>
  311. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Call me crazy, Laney, but that doesn't seem like a high bar to reach for.
  312. </p><p>
  313. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> Pieter, who are you hoping takes home the cup?
  314. </p><p>
  315. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Laney, I'd be doing my own house a disservice if I said anything other than Slytherin! … Sorry, I have just been informed that I'm not, in fact, in Slytherin. In that case, I'd be doing my own house a disservice if I said anything other than the Kitchens! … I have just been informed that that's not even a house. Pukwudgie? Azkaban? Flich???
  316. </p><p>
  317. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> Well, as for me, I do love seeing the underdog come out on top. Ravenclaw has not won the Quidditch cup since the first ever Quidditch season way back in Year 1, Term 4 and something tells me we need to keep an eye on Ravenclaw Seeker, Katy. This isn't her first go around and you can see the hunger in her eyes. Lets just hope her teammates, Miche, Heather and Dani are in it to win it as much as she is.
  318. </p><p>
  319. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Katy 'Turtle-fingers' Haverworthy. Now here's a gal who knows the meaning of supply-side economics. If you've ever seen her streaking towards the Snitch, her turtle fingers grasping at the wings, her eyes focused on something no one can even begin to can only imagine it.
  320. </p><p>
  321. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> However, it's hard to ignore the pure gold Hufflepuff has on their team. Have you seen their roster, Pieter? Paige, Josi, Amber, AND PEMILY?! Holy cow, how can you bet against the Puffs with that sort of dynamite? If I was the betting kind of gal all my galleons would be placed on yellow and black.
  322. </p><p>
  323. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Laney, it sounds like you've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. Aside from going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, the other most famous mistake is siding with dynamite. Just ask Keia 'No-More-Legs' Hillpecker. They say she used to be one of the best Chasers this school has ever seen until she mistook a long stick of dynamite for her beloved broom. Much like you, she decided to stick with the dynamite and now just look at her. Literally, everyone listening should go up to Keia's office right now and look at her and her no legs. Do it now.
  324. </p><p>
  325. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> This all isn't sounding so good for my team. Us poor Slytherins sure have been taking a beating this term. Currently in last place in terms of the house cup and boy do I mean last place. I don't know what is in the air in the Slytherin Common Rooms, but the spirit is down big time. Maybe Quidditch can reignite the flame that burns within!! The saving grace for the Slytherins may be the return of one of their star player, Mel. After a long hiatus, she is back in the game - and just might lead us to that victory! Who can be for certain? Kim is also another All Star and has been Slytherin's secret weapon for quite some time. Do you think Kim can…uh…Pieter? Pieter… piETer will you please put down the flan?! ….Please excuse my co-host…
  326. </p><p>
  327. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> I just wanted to take advantage of this natural lull in our broadcast to bring you a word from our sponsor: FLAN. Have you ever wanted to unlock the secrets of the universe? Does the thought of infinite power make you go weak at the knees? Is knowledge of all future timelines something that puts a skip in your step? Or maybe, do you just want to enjoy a creamy custard treat? If you answered yes, no, or maybe to any or all of these questions, then FLAN is the object for you! Created, FLAN is something you can put in your mouth, your hands, or anywhere in between! Some people have said that it's as close to paradise as you can get by just opening a package! Don't believe me? Just listen to what this lovely young lady has to say about FLAN.
  328. </p><p>
  329. <b class="s">LANEY:</b>
  330. </p><p>
  331. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Ha, the mouth on her! But if that's not enough convincing, call in now and you can get one FLAN for the price of one! That's right, FLAN for exactly the going market rate of FLAN. If that doesn't get the caramel sauce drizzling, I don't know what will. So go out there, fly your broom, wax your twigs, and don't forget: if you can, you FLAN!
  332. </p><p>
  333. <b class="s">LANEY:</b>
  334. </p><p>
  335. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> </p><p>
  336. <b class="s">LANEY:</b>
  337. </p><p>
  338. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> </p><p>
  339. <b class="s">LANEY:</b>
  340. </p><p>
  341. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> </p><p>
  342. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> ...ANYWAY, with the first match coming up between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, this gives Slytherin and Ravenclaw an extra day to get in the zone. Will this be an advantage? I've seen Slytherin newcomer Una at the Quidditch Pitch all week, mostly because I'm out there practicing myself, but there is some promise with her! I wouldn't be surprised if she snatches the MVP. It's those quiet ones that always seem to come out and bite ya!
  343. </p><p>
  344. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Very true, Laney. Just the other day, I was out wandering around the Great Lake when-
  345. </p><p>
  346. <b class="s">LANEY:</b> Well, that about wraps up our pregame coverage. We can't wait to see who takes home the cup this term! One thing is for certain though, this will be one for the books! As always, Laney out.
  347. </p><p>
  348. <b class="r">PIETER:</b> Wait, it's over? I was told this was going to be a 24/7 live broadcast until the end of the tournament! I still have 400 pages of material I wrote last night! What about my jokes? My autobiography? Who's going to bring in the dancing lobsters?? This is a racket, I tell you! You haven't heard of the last of Pieter! I will not be silenceddddd
  350. </p><p></p><center><img src="" width="370"></center>
  353. <p><br><br><br><br><br><br></p><center><img src="" height="50"><img src="" height="50"><img src="" height="50"><br><b class="r">KAYLA:</b> Hey guys! I brought the... where did everyone go??
  355. </center></div>
  356. </div>
  362. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="matchone">
  363. <h3>Match One: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff!</h3>
  364. <div class="matchin">
  365. Hello and welcome to the first segment of the commentator's booth being taken over by, yours truly… <b class="r">KATY</b>! Welcome to the first Quidditch match of the term! I hope you guys are ready to see some tremendous excitement between the Gallant Gryffindors and Heroic Hufflepuffs today, because I have a feeling that this will be a match to remember!! Oh lord, we are already getting started! The Snitch has been released, the Quaffle is in the air, and it is time to begin!
  366. <p>
  367. <b class="g">Vana</b>, our Gryffindor Chaser wastes no time rushing to the Quaffle. She rushes to the posts and…GOAALLL! Hoy moly, that was fast! Poor <b class="h">Paige</b>, Hufflepuff Keeper, manages to spin dramatically in the opposite direction, failing to block Gryffindor's first goal of the season. That has got to bruise the ego. The Quaffle is back in play with Chaser <b class="h">Pemily</b> soaring along toward the goal posts. Wow she is really flying. What a cool girl, I wish I could fly like…
  368. </p><p>
  369. MERLIN'S BEARD, THAT HAS GOT TO HURT. With tremendous precision, <b class="g">Alex</b> smacked that Bludger right into <b class="h">Pem</b>s face, causing the Quaffle to drop straight down and back into <b class="g">Vana</b>s arms. Don't cry <b class="h">Pem</b>, Madame Laney can fix up that nose in a jiffy… I hope…
  370. </p><p>
  371. ANYWAY, it doesn't look like <b class="g">Alex</b> is done with her rampage! She is flying after another Bludger and taking careful aim at <b class="h">Paige</b>, who is apparently too busy making googly eyes at a cat wandering across the field to care. Um <b class="h">Paige</b>?? Hello?? WHAM there goes the Bludger blasting into the tail of her broom, putting <b class="h">Paige</b> into a spin away from the goal posts and <b class="g">VANA</b> SCORES AGAIN! Gryffindor's in the lead, 0-30! Remember folks, no looking at cats while flying!
  372. </p><p>
  373. <b class="h">Pemily</b> is back in possession of the Quaffle with a look of vengeance on her face. Ooo, I would not want to be on her bad side right now. She is weaving in and out, avoiding players, and Bludgers whizzing fiercely past her. GOOOAAALLLL!!!!!! <b class="h">Pemily</b> has successfully made the first goal for Hufflepuff, barely sneaking that Quaffle right past Keeper <b class="g">Keia</b>.
  374. </p><p>
  375. <b class="g">Vana</b> is speeding away with the Quaffle again but...
  376. </p><p>
  377. WAIT. OW.
  378. </p><p>
  379. <b class="h">Amber</b> (the lovely Beater) HAS ABSOLUTELY PUMMELED <b class="g">VANA</b> WITH THE BLUDGER, NEARLY KNOCKING HER OFF HER BROOM. Smirking, <b class="h">Pemily</b> snatches the Quaffle back, zooms over to give <b class="h">Amber</b> the biggest of high fives, and makes another rush at the goal posts. <b class="g">Keia</b> seems to be ready for her, and with a dramatic fake out, THE PUFFS SCORE!! The game is now tied 30 all!!!
  380. </p><p>
  381. Now, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about our spectacular Seekers. It appears that <b class="g">Jennifer</b> and <b class="h">Josi</b> have been keeping their eyes peeled above all of the action, but have not yet had a sighting of the Snitch! Although, now that you mention it, what is that hovering right above <b class="h">Josi</b>s head? Oh darn, she looked up just in time to see it flit out of sight.
  382. </p><p>
  383. But wait, what's this? It appears that <b class="h">Pemily</b> has scored again, making the score 45-30! Hufflepuff takes the lead, but <b class="g">Vana</b> steals the Quaffle back... only to have <b class="h">Amber</b> lug a Bludger at her throwing arm! Looks like Madame Laney will be busy if the Beaters keep this up! But <b class="g">Vana</b> isn't done! She switches arms like pro, aims and… misses. Womp. <b class="h">Pemily</b> takes possession of the Quaffle again and locks eyes with <b class="g">Keia</b>. One of them is about to go down if <b class="h">Pem</b> can make it to the goal posts! She is almost there and…
  384. </p><p>
  385. <b class="g">KEIA</b> IS KNOCKED OFF OF HER BROOM BY <b class="h">AMBER</b>S BLUDGER AND IS HOLDING ON FOR DEAR LIFE! Sweet Jiminy Cricket, look at that upper body strength as she pulls herself back up and into place! But not in time to keep <b class="h">Pem</b> from scoring again!!!! Hufflepuff continues to have the lead at 60-30!
  386. </p><p>
  387. HOLY GUACAMOLE, take a look at both of our Seekers! <b class="g">Jennifer</b> and <b class="h">Josi</b> have suddenly flown into a neck and neck race, with the Snitch only a few feet ahead! I have never heard a crowd cheer so hard in my life! <b class="h">Josi</b> appears to be taking a small lead and is reaching for the Snitch and-
  388. </p><p>
  389. WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT!? Two Bludgers, hit by <b class="h">Amber</b> and <b class="g">Alex</b> collide into both of the Seekers! The Snitch seems to have disappeared again- no wait!! <b class="h">Josi</b> is holding it up!! <b class="h">JOSI CAUGHT THE SNITCH!!</b>
  390. </p><p>
  391. <b class="h">HUFFLEPUFF WINS, 110 TO 30!</b>
  392. </p><p>
  393. It was a hard trip, that will require many trips to the Hospital Wing, but both teams played remarkably today. Congratulations to the 'Puffs and don't forget to come back tomorrow to here all about the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin game for more excitement! This is <b class="r">Katy</b>, signing off. Stay classy, Patronus.
  397. </p></div>
  398. </div>
  405. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="matchtwo">
  406. <h3>Match Two: Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin!</h3>
  407. <div class="matchin">
  408. Ahem.
  409. <p>
  410. <i>Headmistress <b class="h">Paige</b> taps the mic and it lets out an ear-shattering whine.</i>
  411. </p><p>
  412. Why are we using this thing, Minister Keia? I understand your need to appease Kayla, as she <i>is</i> our Muggle Studies professor… and as a Muggleborn myself I can definitely appreciate your attempt at inclusivity. But microphones are barbaric and I've never gotten along with them.
  413. </p><p>
  414. <i>There is a loud crashing sound. You get the feeling that the Headmistress threw the microphone.</i>
  415. </p><p>
  416. Sonorus!
  417. </p><p>
  418. Now, that's better. I expect everyone can hear me. Oh no I've wasted so much time! Here come the players now.
  419. </p><p>
  420. On their way in from the East, we have the cunning, the sly, the fabulous, the <b class="s">SLYTHERINS</b>. These beautiful Snakes are decked out in their Quidditch uniforms and they are raring to go! Striding out onto the field proudly and ready to strike is the Beater <b class="s">Laney</b>, followed by Chaser <b class="s">Una</b>, Seeker <b class="s">Kim</b>, and our mean-green-flying-machine Keeper, <b class="s">Mel</b>! And wow, would you look at that? <b class="s">Mel</b> has a BEAUTIFUL Firebolt Supreme in tow.
  421. </p><p>
  422. And coming in from the opposite side of the pitch, we have the knowledgeable, the swift, the untouchable <b class="r">RAVENCLAWS</b>. My, my, does the blue on their uniforms look beautiful in the sunlight! These Eagles are swooping onto the field led by their Beater, <b class="r">Miche</b>, followed by Chaser <b class="r">Dani</b>, Seeker <b class="r">Katy</b>, and Keeper <b class="r">Heather</b>! In our last Quidditch season, <b class="r">Heather</b> was the MVP on her team! Let's see if she can keep the ball rolling in Term Nine and help her fellow Ravenclaws out.
  423. </p><p>
  424. Wow that happened fast! The Quaffle is released, the Snitch is nowhere to be found! My, commentating is hard, I can barely see ANYTHING! Oh, right, thank you, Kayla. Now that my glasses are on - Ope! I almost missed both of the Chasers scoring for their teams! <b class="s">Mel</b> was almost able to block <b class="r">Dani</b>s attempt to score, but <b class="r">Dani</b> feinted left at the last second, scoring into the first goal post! Slytherin was equally sneaky, <i>*giggle*</i> sneaky sneks. <b class="r">Heather</b> just barely missed blocking <b class="s">Una</b>s shot.
  425. </p><p>
  426. <b class="r">Miche</b> tried to send a Bludger at <b class="s">Mel</b> in an attempt to help <b class="r">Dani</b>, but her effort was thwarted by <b class="s">Laney</b>! Our Hospital Matron sent a nasty shot that almost knocked <b class="r">Miche</b> off of her broom. You don't work on commission, Madam Laney!! Man, I've never seen <b class="r">Miche</b> look that angry! She sends a Bludger flying at <b class="s">Una</b> just in time to keep her from scoring on Ravenclaw. There was quite a bit of force behind it, I think a lot of students may be visiting the Hospital Wing soon. <b class="s">Kim</b> seems to have spotted the Snitch and <b class="r">Katy</b> is hot on her trail. Oh.. Wait! <b class="r">Katy</b> must have thought she saw the Snitch dart away, or she's secretly playing for Slytherin, because she just jolted off to the south!
  427. </p><p>
  428. It looks like <b class="r">Dani</b>s goal-making streak finally comes to an end with a magnificent employment of the starfish-and-stick by <b class="s">Mel</b>. I guess she was getting desperate to finally keep <b class="r">Dani</b> from scoring! And <b class="r">Heather</b> was so upset by seeing <b class="s">Mel</b>s block that <b class="s">Una</b> was able to instantly score! Come on, <b class="r">Heather</b>, you weren't even trying that time! The Seekers seem to be circling each other high above the center of the field. They are looking for the Snitch, no doubt. <i>*WHACK*</i> Ahh! Sorry. That was the loudest sound I've ever heard a Bludger make! That was malicious <b class="s">Laney</b> hitting poor <b class="r">Miche</b> once again.
  429. </p><p>
  430. <b class="r">Dani</b> seems officially determined to not allow <b class="s">Mel</b> to fool her anymore, and shoots two Quaffles through the goalposts extremely quickly. That's almost professional-status, right there, <b class="r">Dani</b>! Have you ever considered… nevermind, nevermind. Time and place. <b class="r">Miche</b> tried to get revenge on <b class="s">Laney</b>, but <b class="s">Laney</b> was too quick! She's smirking, too, you better watch out, <b class="r">Miche</b>…
  431. </p><p>
  432. <b class="s">Laney</b>s Bludger aimed at <b class="r">Katy</b> also missed, and then her attempt to send <b class="r">Miche</b> to the hospital for the rest of the school year was thwarted as well when her Bludger narrowly missed <b class="r">Miche</b>s face. Unfortunately, this has left <b class="r">Miche</b> wide open to hit a Bludger at <b class="s">Kim</b>! OH NO! <b class="s">Kim</b> has been knocked off her broom! Thankfully she was close enough to the ground that she wasn't hurt. However, she's having a bit of a tough time getting her broom back…
  433. </p><p>
  434. <b class="s">Una</b>s previous attempt at a goal was blocked, but she's back with a vengeance and just in time to send a Bludger through the Ravenclaw goal at lightspeed. What's this? It seems <b class="s">Kim</b>s little trip-to-the-ground was beneficial! She has summoned her broom and laid her eyes on the Snitch! <b class="r">Katy</b> tries to beat her to it, but it is too late!
  435. </p><p>
  436. <b class="s">SLYTHERIN WINS 95-60!</b>
  440. </p></div>
  441. </div>
  447. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="matchthree">
  448. <div class="matchin">
  449. <h3>Match Three: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw!</h3>
  451. Welcome to the third match of the Term! This is <b class="r">Lydia</b> and I'm excited to be commentating for the first time ever!!
  452. <p>
  453. In comes flying our two teams: <b class="h">Hufflepuff</b> and <b class="s">Slytherin</b>! The Keepers, that's <b class="h">Paige</b> from Hufflepuff and <b class="s">Mel</b> of Slytherin, shake hands before the teams mount their brooms and we are off!
  454. </p><p>
  455. At the whistle, Chaser <b class="h">Pemily</b> takes possession of the Quaffle. As the Beaters head off to chase the Bludgers, Keeper <b class="s">Mel</b> gets in position, guarding the 3rd hoop and OH! <b class="h">Pemily</b> fakes a shot at the third hoop, then shoots into the middle for a goal! Hufflepuff leads 15-0. <b class="s">Una</b>, Chaser from Slytherin picks up the Quaffle and zips off to the other end of the pitch. Her speed seems to have taken Keeper <b class="h">Paige</b> off guard, because she takes a quick turn from the middle hoop and scores in the first! That's one goal a piece right off the bat for both teams! 15 - 15 and the match continues.
  456. </p><p>
  457. The Beaters seem to have their Bludgers on track, and as <b class="h">Pemily</b> comes in for a score, teammate <b class="h">Amber</b> sends a Bludger towards <b class="s">Mel</b> and yes, she has a direct hit, leaving <b class="h">Pemily</b> free to score again! That's 30-15 Hufflepuff! Not to be outdone, <b class="s">Una</b> retaliates and uses her speed again to zip to the other side of the pitch. Another goal for Slytherin, and we are tied again! Seeker <b class="h">Josi</b> seems to have spotted something at the far end of the pitch, but in comes a well-timed Bludger from Slytherin's Beater <b class="s">Laney</b> to knock her off track. <b class="s">Kim</b> shows no sign of noticing what's going on. In the confusion, <b class="h">Pemily's</b> attempt is blocked by <b class="s">Mel</b>, the Quaffle is snatched up by <b class="s">Una</b>, and she's off to score yet again! Her Cleansweep 6, a gift from Kayla, is really doing her proud today! In her glee, <b class="s">Una</b> takes the Quaffle again, but oh this time Keeper <b class="h">Paige</b> can't be fooled - she's blocked the goal! She catches the Quaffle and sends a pass to teammate <b class="h">Pemily</b>, who does a beautiful flip into a figure 8, confusing everyone including Keeper <b class="s">Mel</b>, to score again! We again have a tied game - what a nail biter! Score stands 45 - 45.
  458. </p><p>
  459. We have <b class="s">Una</b> off again with the Quaffle, but what's this? Has <b class="h">Josi</b> spotted the Snitch again? <b class="h">Paige</b> gets excited to see <b class="h">Josi</b> dive, and in the moment misses the goal <b class="s">Una</b> just made. But Beater <b class="s">Laney</b> isn't distracted - she has just walloped <b class="h">Josi</b> with the Bludger yet again. <b class="h">Pemily</b> yells something at <b class="s">Laney</b> as she speeds past with the Quaffle and I think she has put all her fury into this shot - which whizzes past <b class="s">Mel</b> to score... and the teams are tied again! …wait, what's this? Seems that <b class="s">Kim's</b> masked indifference has paid off, and she really had spotted the Snitch when her opponent had, and in all the hullabaloo, she's caught the Snitch! And just like that, the match is over! After being neck and neck the entire match, <b class="s">Kim</b> comes up with the Snitch to with the game, <b class="s">Slytherin 110 to Hufflepuff 60!</b>
  463. </p></div>
  464. </div>
  470. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="matchfour">
  471. <h3>Match Four: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin!</h3>
  472. <div class="matchin">
  474. Welcome Hogwarts Students and Alumni! I'm your Hufflepuff Head of House <b class="h">Josi</b> and I'm thrilled to be this match's commentator. Both <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> and <b class="r">Ravenclaw</b> have put up admirable showings in their previous matches, and now it's time for the teams to come head-to-head. What will prevail: brains or bravery? Muscles or mental prowess? Courage or cleverness? It's time to find out! <p>
  476. On the Gryffindor end of the pitch, we have <b class="g">Vana</b> as the Chaser, followed by lithe <b class="g">Jennifer</b> as Seeker, vicious <b class="g">Alex</b> as Beater, and <b class="g">Keia</b> circling the hoops as Keeper. Across the pitch, <b class="r">Miche</b> is giving the team a last minute pep-talk, swinging her Beater's bat precariously close to <b class="r">Katy</b>, who is already peering around for the Golden Snitch. <b class="r">Heather</b> is by the goal posts, and seems to be tuning her out, but Chaser <b class="r">Dani</b> is giving Miche her full attention.</p><p>
  478. As each ball is released, both teams shoot off, doing their best to ignore the rapidly declining weather. <b class="g">Vana</b> takes quick possession of the Quaffle, weaving her way through the rain drops towards the Ravenclaw goal posts. <b class="r">Heather</b> does her best to guard all three hoops, but <b class="g">Vana</b> is simply too quick to stop! While <b class="r">Heather</b> is wiping rain from her face, <b class="g">Vana</b> is scoring in quick succession. Just as <b class="r">Heather</b> is able to see again, she is slammed by one of <b class="g">Alex</b>s Bludgers. That has to hurt! </p><p>
  480. <b class="r">Dani</b> isn't fairing nearly as well on the other end of the pitch. <b class="g">Keia</b> is showing the same speed as <b class="g">Vana</b>, only managing to let one goal past her swinging arms and legs. While the Chasers battle for points, the Seekers do their best to see through the rapidly worsening weather for the glint of gold that can end the game. Throughout the game, students in the stands hold their breath: the <b class="g">Jennifer</b> and <b class="r">Katy</b> are <b>so close</b> to the Snitch, but due to the rain, neither can see the small ball!</p><p>
  482. Finally, they both spot the Snitch. The Seekers pull into a dive, side by side. Their arms reach out, and the spectators scream, rising to their feet. Department Head <b class="s">Kim</b> rushes onto the pitch as the players land, <b class="g">Gryffindors</b> and <b class="r">Ravenclaws</b> alike eager to see who had won the game for their team. Since the result was too close to call visually, she declares that the Snitch's sense memory will be used to declare the winner!</p><p>
  484. <b class="g">Jennifer</b> and <b class="r">Katy</b> both reach out and touch the Snitch. Its wings flutter madly for a moment, then disconnect and fall from its body. The girls stare at each other, shocked. </p><p>
  486. <i>A true tie!</i> declares Kim. <i>Both Seekers caught the Snitch at the same time! 25 points to both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, which brings the final score to <b class="g">85 to 40 in favor of Gryffindor!</b></i></p>
  487. </div>
  488. </div>
  494. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="matchfive">
  495. <div class="matchin">
  496. <h3>Match Five: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin</h3>
  498. Goooood Morning, Hogwarts! I'm in the commentators booth, so I guess I'll commentate! I'm <b class="g">Jen</b> and will be here to tell you everything I can before they come shut me down! Today's match is <b class="h">Hufflepuff</b> versus <b class="r">Ravenclaw</b>! We have a great lineup on both teams today! Representing <b class="h">Hufflepuff</b> is <b class="h">Pemily</b> as Chaser, <b class="h">Paige</b> as Keeper, <b class="h">Amber</b> as Beater and <b class="h">Josi</b> as Seeker! Representing <b class="r">Ravenclaw</b>, we have <b class="r">Heather</b> as Keeper, <b class="r">Dani</b> as Chaser, <b class="r">Miche</b> as Beater and <b class="r">Katy</b> as Seeker! I just know we're in for a great game! Down in the pitch, <b class="g">Keia</b> is ready!<p>
  499. <i>I want a nice clean game for everybody! On my whistle! Three! Two! One!</i> <b class="g">Keia</b> blows her whistle and off we go!
  500. There's <b class="h">Pemily</b>! Down the pitch she goes! She shoots! BLOCKED by Keeper <b class="r">Heather</b>! Wow Heather, way to go! Meanwhile, <b class="r">Dani</b> is on a roll here, she goes for the goal and, WOW! GOAL BY <b class="r">DANI</b> FOR <b class="r">RAVENCLAW</b>! You're gonna have to block better than that, <b class="h">Paige</b>!
  501. </p><p>
  502. <b class="h">Amber</b> has her eye on the target! She aims to hit Seeker <b class="r">Katy</b> and... MISSES! Way to swerve, <b class="r">Katy</b>! That could have hurt! <b class="h">Pemily</b> goes for the goal again, here comes the throw and... GOAL! GOAL FOR <b class="h">HUFFLEPUFF</b> BY <b class="h">PEMILY</b>!
  503. </p><p>
  504. <b class="h">Pemily</b> is so excited about her first goal of the game that she gets blocked by <b class="r">Heather</b> for her next shot! Wow, <b class="r">Dani</b> is going for yet another goal SO soon! Here comes the Quaffle… she shoots... GOAL! ANOTHER GOAL FOR <b class="r">RAVENCLAW</b>! Determined to make things right, <b class="h">Pemily</b> shoots TWO MORE GOALS FOR <b class="h">HUFFLEPUFF</b>! Way to go, Pem!!
  505. </p><p>
  506. <b class="h">Amber</b> has a new target – she's got her eye set out for <b class="r">Dani</b>! Here comes the Bludger…MISS! Thank goodness, because <b class="r">Dani</b> has had a fantastic game so far! Unphased, <b class="r">Dani</b> flies down the pitch, missing Bludgers as she goes. Here comes the shot and WOW! ANOTHER GOAL FOR <b class="r">RAVENCLAW</b>!
  507. </p><p>
  508. There is NO stopping <b class="r">Dani</b> at this point. She goes down the pitch and shoots TWO MORE GOALS FOR <b class="r">RAVENCLAW</b>! WOW! What a great player! <b class="r">Ravenclaw</b> surely has an asset on their team!
  509. </p><p>
  510. <b class="h">Amber</b> is now going after <b class="r">Heather</b>! GO HEATHER, GO! KEEP YOUR EYE OUT FOR THAT BLUDGER! <b class="h">Amber</b> misses <b class="r">Heather</b> by a landslide, and decides to go after Beater, <b class="r">Miche</b> instead! <b class="r">Miche</b> keep your eye out! Oof! That's gotta hurt!
  511. </p><p>
  512. <b class="r">Miche</b> has strong determination to go after <b class="h">Hufflepuff</b> Keeper, <b class="h">Paige</b>! <b class="h">Paige</b>! Look out for that! The Bludger misses her, but that was a little too close for comfort! <b class="r">Miche</b> goes after the other team's Seeker but OOOOH! That's got to hurt! <b class="r">Miche</b> gets hit by <b class="h">Amber</b>s Bludger. <b class="h">Amber</b> heads off for <b class="r">Katy</b>, again and OOF, that's also gotta hurt! Hopefully that doesn't impede her game!
  513. </p><p>
  514. <b class="r">Miche</b> doesn't let that miss dampen her game! She gets up again and goes after <b class="h">Amber</b> instead! <b class="h">Amber</b> sees what <b class="r">Miche</b> is about to play and swerves out of the way at the last second! Wow, that was a close one. <b class="r">Miche</b> goes after <b class="h">Paige</b> AGAIN! Wow! Watch out <b class="h">Paige</b>!
  515. </p><p>
  516. <b class="h">Paige</b> looks up and sees the Bludger barrelling towards her and moves out of the way just in time! <b class="r">Miche</b> keeps up the determination and goes after Seeker <b class="h">Josi</b>. Luckily for <b class="h">Josi</b>, she sees the conviction in her eyes and comes up with some sort of ...awkward barrel roll... to miss that Bludger!
  517. </p><p>
  518. Both Seekers are determined to catch the Snitch! Look at the spark in their eyes! Both <b class="r">Katy</b> and <b class="h">Josi</b> are searching the pitch for the Snitch, dodging Bludgers and Quaffles on the way! <b class="r">Katy</b> has already been hit once -- can she keep up after that?! Oh wow! <b class="h">Josi</b> is after something…I can't see it from here by she's going after it..what's that?! <b class="h">JOSI</b>S CAUGHT THE SNITCH! With a score of 95 to 75, <b class="h">Hufflepuff</b> wins!!
  519. </p><p>
  520. Now I better get out of here and hide before the actual scheduled commentator gets untied -- I mean... finds me in here! Ta-ta for now! Congratulations, <b class="h">Hufflepuff</b>! Great game for all!!
  524. </p></div>
  525. </div>
  531. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="part" id="matchsix">
  532. <h3>Match Six: Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw!</h3>
  533. <div class="matchin">
  535. Welcome to <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> vs. <b class="s">Slytherin</b>! I'm <b class="r">Heather</b>, and I can't believe they let me into the commentator's booth! Let me tell you a little about myself. I was born in a city many moons ago. I was the most beautiful baby that anybody had ever seen.
  536. <p>
  537. <i>In the background, you can hear the players being told to mount their brooms, you see the Quaffle tossed in the air, and the match has begun.</i>
  538. </p><p>
  539. Everybody knew I would be the most fantastic person in the history of everything.
  540. </p><p>
  541. <i>Spectators begin to stare up at the commentator's booth.</i>
  542. </p><p>
  543. They had no idea how right they were. I was an incredible toddler, so very smart.
  544. </p><p>
  545. <i>Butterbeer and Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans fly towards the booth, tossed by some angry spectators. The butterbeer narrowly misses the booth, but the beans hit their mark.</i>
  546. </p><p>
  547. *picks a bean out of hair and pops it in mouth* Vomit! Oh the horror! My goodness, this is horrible! Why oh why me?
  548. </p><p>
  549. <i>Spectators begin to boo in the direction of the commentator.</i>
  550. </p><p>
  551. Oh right, the match! Umm...I may have missed a thing or two. Sorry about that. Let's get to it then, shall we?
  552. </p><p>
  553. On the <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> side, we have <b class="g">Vana</b> as Chaser, <b class="g">Keia</b> as Keeper, <b class="g">Alex</b> as Beater, and <b class="g">Jennifer</b> as Seeker. On the <b class="s">Slytherin</b> side, we have <b class="s">Una</b> as Chaser, <b class="s">Mel</b> as Keeper, <b class="s">Laney</b> as Beater, and <b class="s">Kim</b> as Seeker. Let's see what they can do!
  554. </p><p>
  555. Where is that pesky Quaffle? *squints* Ah, there it is! <b class="g">Vana</b> of <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> is heading directly towards the goals, Quaffle tucked under her arm. <b class="g">Alex</b> spots <b class="s">Laney</b> attempting to hit a Bludger towards <b class="s">Kim</b>. Not on her watch! <b class="g">Alex</b> protects <b class="s">Kim</b> and hits the Bludger right back at <b class="s">Laney</b> with some unnecessary force. <b class="s">Kim</b> is quick on her Comet 290 and performs a beautiful Sloth Grip Roll to avoid being hit. Both Seekers are carefully searching the pitch for that shiny gold Snitch. <b class="g">Jennifer</b> seems to have caught a glimpse as she suddenly flies upwards, but it's gone when she gets there. Listen to that crowd cheer as <b class="g">Vana</b> succeeds in scoring the first goal of the game! 15 points to <b class="g">Gryffindor</b>! The Quaffle is caught by <b class="s">Una</b> who rushes it down the pitch with incredible speed. Unfort<b class="s">Una</b>tely for <b class="s">Slytherin</b>, <b class="g">Keia</b> was ready and the goal is blocked.
  556. </p><p>
  557. Out of no where, <b class="g">Jennifer</b> sharply descends towards the ground in a Spiral Dive. It seems she has spotted the Snitch! <b class="s">Kim</b> is quick to catch this and follows on her tail. The pair of them aren't slowing down, and it looks like they're going to crash! <b class="g">Jennifer</b> tries to pull up on her broom, but she's too late and smashes into the ground. <b class="s">Kim</b> somehow avoided a collision. It was a nice attempt at a Wronski Feint, but perhaps more practice is needed? What's this? <b class="s">Laney</b> of <b class="s">Slytherin</b> has just landed on the ground to tend to <b class="g">Jennifer</b>s injured arm. <b class="s">Kim</b> seems to be trying to persuade her to get back to the game, but it looks like our Hospital Matron is a caregiver first, Beater second. While we were distracted by all of this, <b class="g">Vana</b> scored another 15 points for <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> while <b class="g">Keia</b> defended against <b class="s">Una</b> again.
  558. </p><p>
  559. <b class="s">Laney</b>, satisified that her patient will live, is back in the air. She immediately smashes a Bludger at <b class="g">Jennifer</b>, smacking her square in her good arm. Now that's just rude! The Snitch crosses the pitch in clear view, and <b class="s">Kim</b> is on the chase! She narrowly misses it, but she's continuing to track it. <b class="s">Slytherin</b> still isn't on the board, but <b class="s">Una</b> is ready to change that. She zig-zags in spectacular fashion right past <b class="g">Keia</b>. 15 points for <b class="s">Slytherin</b>! <b class="g">Alex</b> sends a Bludger towards <b class="s">Mel</b>, but she misses again. <b class="s">Mel</b> dives out of the way and blocks <b class="g">Vana</b> from scoring.
  560. </p><p>
  561. Incredibly, a silverly dragon dances across the pitch. While <b class="s">Mel</b> is distracted watching it, <b class="g">Vana</b> successfully scores another 15 points for <b class="g">Gryffindor</b>. Hey now! The dragon was just discovered to be coming from <b class="g">Vana</b>s wand. You're not supposed to use a Patronus during Quidditch! The <b class="s">Slytherin</b> spectators begin to cry out Foul! Foul! The <b class="s">Slytherin</b> players seem affected by this injustice. <b class="s">Laney</b> aims a Bludger at <b class="g">Keia</b> as she tries to block <b class="s">Una</b>. The Bludger connects right with <b class="g">Keia</b>s face. Ouch! 15 points for <b class="s">Slytherin</b>. The match is heating up with <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> in the lead with 45 points and <b class="s">Slytherin</b> close behind with 30 points. Let's check in on the Seekers again. <b class="s">Kim</b> is still chasing the Snitch. Eyes are on <b class="g">Alex</b> to hit her with a Bludger, but <b class="g">Alex</b> seems distracted. What's that in her hand? Is that...? It's a Remembrall, glowing red. This isn't the time for that! She half-heartedly hits a Bludger as it goes by, but it doesn't come close to <b class="s">Kim</b>. Poor <b class="g">Jennifer</b> seems out of sorts after her injuries and is now flying in circles above the stands. Someone should really check on her.
  562. </p><p>
  563. <b class="g">Vana</b> is off towards the goals once again, but she stops just short of them, a look of bewilderment on her face. Oh dear! <b class="s">Mel</b> is hovering on her broomstick in front of the hoops in her Fluffy White Cat Animagus form. As adorable as she is, I don't think <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> will be thrown off much. Sure enough, <b class="g">Vana</b> shakes it off and scores to put <b class="g">Gryffindor</b> at 60 points. <b class="g">Alex</b> seems to have put her Remembrall away to re-join us, and she's aiming a Bludger right at <b class="s">Una</b>. She barely misses, and <b class="s">Laney</b> is quick to retaliate with a Bludger at <b class="g">Alex</b> that also misses. <b class="g">Keia</b> tries to block the Quaffle, but <b class="s">Una</b> is faster and scores for <b class="s">Slytherin</b>, putting them at 45 points.
  564. </p><p>
  565. It's such a close game, and we're all on the edge of our seats to see what will happen next! *pops another Bertie Botts Every Flavored Bean in mouth* Yum! Apple. Now why can't every bean taste this good? The depth of flavor is fantastic. (Another Butterbeer comes flying at the booth, hitting the commentator.) Oh gross! C'mon now! Fine!
  566. </p><p>
  567. <b class="s">Kim</b> is still hot on the trail of the Snitch. <b class="g">Jennifer</b> seems to have collected herself, and she's beginning to follow behind. The pair soar and then dive until finally, <b class="s">Kim</b> lifts her hand in the air to show that she's caught the Golden Snitch! <b class="s">Slytherin</b> wins the match with 95 points! It was a valiant effort by <b class="g">Gryffindor</b>, close behind with 60 points.
  568. </p><p>
  569. Now can we talk about me some more? If I was smart as a toddler, I was brilliant as a pre-teen. You should have seen....
  570. </p><p>
  571. <i>Kayla walks up and takes the microphone as Heather continues to go on</i>
  572. </p><p>And that's it! With their 95 points from this match, <b class="s">Slytherin</b> has won the Quidditch cup!</p><p>
  573. <i>The stands erupt in applause as Kayla seems to be dragging Heather (who is still talking) out of the commentator booth. The Gryffindor and Slytherin teammates all take turns shaking hands, while Headmistress Paige hands Slytherin MVP Laney the Quidditch Cup.</i>
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