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Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. 12[0404%1212] channels in common: 0415#antisec,15#OpOrlando
  2. 10.:142010:145210:140310:. 12<pr900012> you got the floor boy. you win. you get to attack me all you want... but i'm banned, so that means you win the one sided argument...
  3. 12[0404%1212] /whois list for: [04pr900012]
  4. 12[0404%1212] address: 04op9865@AN-eu2.u5v.laaoa4.IP
  5. 12[0404%1212] name: 04...
  6. 12[0404%1212] channels: 04#antisec #OpOrlando
  7. 12[0404%1212] server: 04AnonOps,04 AnonOps
  8. 12[0404%1212] end of /whois list for: [04pr900012]
  9. 10.:142010:145210:140510:. 12<pr900012> proud of yourself now.
  10. 10.:142010:145210:141810:. 12<pr900012> so much for free speech from you brave boys.
  11. 10.:142010:145210:142010:. 12<Sparky12> Yes
  12. 10.:142010:145210:142610:. 12<Sparky12> I am proud
  13. 10.:142010:145210:144510:. 12<Sparky12> come back when you understand free speech is
  14. 10.:142010:145210:145010:. 12<pr900012> i'm going to distribut this log by the way, so all the press can see your devotion to free speech rights... if i'm not unbanned...
  15. 10.:142010:145210:145410:. 12<pr900012> i'm waiting, but not long...
  16. 10.:142010:145210:145510:. 12<Sparky12> Then I will listen
  17. 10.:142010:145210:145910:. 12<pr900012> get me unbanned, you fucking asshole..
  18. 10.:142010:145310:140110:. 12<Sparky12> Sure
  19. 10.:142010:145310:140710:. 12<Sparky12> Fuck free speech
  20. 10.:142010:145310:141410:. 12<Sparky12> That came from a anon
  21. 10.:142010:145310:142810:. 12<pr900012> what was that? "Fuck free speech?"
  22. 10.:142010:145310:143010:. 12<Sparky12> Hey give me a sec and I will also pastebin
  23. 10.:142010:145310:143610:. 12<pr900012> i want to quote you correctly, okay?
  24. 10.:142010:145310:143610:. 12<Sparky12> 10.:142010:145310:140710:. 12<Sparky12> Fuck free speech
  25. 10.:142010:145310:143810:. 12<Sparky12> 10.:142010:145310:140710:. 12<Sparky12> Fuck free speech
  26. 10.:142010:145310:143810:. 12<Sparky12> 10.:142010:145310:140710:. 12<Sparky12> Fuck free speech
  27. 10.:142010:145310:143810:. 12<Sparky12> 10.:142010:145310:140710:. 12<Sparky12> Fuck free speech
  28. 10.:142010:145310:143910:. 12<Sparky12> 10.:142010:145310:140710:. 12<Sparky12> Fuck free speech
  29. 10.:142010:145310:144110:. 12<Sparky12> ^
  30. 10.:142010:145310:144310:. 12<Sparky12> ^Yes
  31. 10.:142010:145310:145510:. 12<Sparky12> Can't you read?
  32. 10.:142010:145410:140010:. 12<pr900012> "Anon says 'FUCK FREE SPEECH'... logs here....
  33. 10.:142010:145410:140410:. 12<Sparky12> Sure
  34. 10.:142010:145410:142010:. 12<Sparky12> I speek only for my self so you can't say anon
  35. 10.:142010:145410:142310:. 12<Sparky12> But sure
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