
Just an random episode.

Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. Just an random episode.
  3. Today was the Official Rank D Cup as may people crowded in the arena to see the hot action...One pink haired girl in particular was here to watch her brother participate in the arena. His Jell Hound(Tiger/Jell), Winston, was his pride and joy with him never shutting up about him. He and Inigo, the girl's brother, was the clear favorites to win. The other monsters were a Manna(Mocchi/Pixie) named Sakura Art, a Grape Jell(Jell/Naga) named Capella, a pure Arrowhead named Hailfall, and lastly...a Horn(Suezo/Tiger) named Julius.
  5. As the girl sat down to watch the 1st match between Julius and Milliam, she spot her brother in the dugout and she roll his eyes as he isn't even watching the match, too busy flirting with the girls in the crowd. "For fuck's sake, attention to the matches..." She shakes her head as the match begins between the 2 monsters..
  7. Milliam started things off with a Ray, but Julius side roll out of the way and hopped his way towards the pixie with a determined look in his...eye. As soon as he got into distance...he hocked uup a wad of spit on the pixie's face with so much force that Milliam was sent flying to the wall and was KO'ed by it! The whole crowd, including the girl, gasped in shock as refs checked the pixie and declared her unable to continue, netting Julius the win.
  9. "Bu-But how?!? Spit isn't that strong!!"
  10. "Don't asked me, I'm not the Sueo expert!"
  11. "Maybe that Pixie's DEF isn't that high along with its LIF?"
  12. "Even still, that shouldn't be enough to OHKO the damned thing!"
  14. The girl listen in to all the conversations regarding the Horn around her as said monster hop back to his trainer and get petted on his head with a smile.
  16. "What a well-behaved Suezo..." She pondered in a curious tone as she take in the breeder, a black male with a calm look on his face with a hoodie on with matching jeans. "Usually, they are often foul-mannered and rude...but this one seems to be loyal to his breeder." She put that thought for later as she goes back to the rest of the matches for the 1st round. Inigo's Winston barely managed to win and KO Hailfall with a very well-aimed Ice Bomb at the lobster's face, freezing more than half of it in the process. Medical team rushed to go get it healed up as Inigo soaked in the applause of the crowd. She claps with a begrudging look, knowing this is only feeding his ego.
  18. The next match had Capella defeated Sakura Art in a time out as it dealt the most amount of damage to the Mocchi.
  20. Then, the 2nd round starts with Hailfall having to give up the next match due to still being frozen from the Ice Bomb, giving Julius the win. She looked over and see that both the breeder and the monster looks somewhat peeved by the news. "Must like fighting a lot, those 2..." She muses to herself as the round continues with Winston winning against the Capella with another Ice Bomb and Sakura Art beating Milliam just barely...
  22. So far, both Winston and Julius are tied with 2 wins, Hailfall and Milliam are 0-2 and Capella and Sakura Art are 1-1....
  23. The 3rd round before halftime will now begin with Julius vs Capella, the Grape Jell whipping the ground and taunting the Horn as the latter hop on the field, ignoring the taunt as it stare ahead towards the foe before it. His breeder behind him scowl as he too get ready for combat.
  25. The bell ring and just as soon as it does, Julius let loose a crimson laser from his eye and zap Capella so hard that it's body burst open, sending parts of it's jelly body to parts of the arena!!! Including between the girl's breasts!!
  26. "EW!"
  28. She reach between and throw the piece of Jell on the floor as does some of her fellow audience members as the pieces goes back to the big puddle of Capella's body. Luckily, it's core is fine cause if it was heavily damaged, then it could had died. Even still, by now a lot of the audience and some of the fellow breeders are in awe of how strong Julius is as he hop back and rest besides his breeder's feet who also sat back down on the bench in his dugout.
  30. "(Just how strong is that Horn of his that it can do that much dmg? I wish I could find out....Fuck, what can I do?)" She's too busy debating on this to notice her brother winning once again, this time against Sakura Art and then the next match being between the 2 losers, Hailfall and Milliam, with Milliam netting her 1st win of the day.
  31. Halftime begins as many people go and get some food, while the girl walk over to where her brother is at underneath the audience in his dugout to speak to him regarding the Horn
  33. "Hey Inigo!" She call out to him as he was about to go flirt with some girls, he groans as he walk towards her with a frown. "Damnit Soleil, you're cramping my style here....What is it?" Soleil stop herself from rubbing her face in shame at her brother's attitude. She point towards the napping duo of Julius and his breeder in their own dugout. "Who the hell are they and have you figured out a plan on beating them?" Inigo shrugs with a smug smile, not caring about the 2 over there "Who needs a plan with Winston's Ice Bomb? He have the word, 'WIN' in his name from yours truly!" "You're fucking hopeless..." Soleil scowls as halftime is almost over and she head back to her seat to watch the rest of the tourney, starting with Julius vs Sakura Art...
  35. The 2 Monsters step up on the field..And the bell rings as Julius shoots a Telepathy blast at Sakura Art who sidesteps it and then run in towards him answer it back with a Slap to the face for very minimal damage. However, Julius shoots a red electricity at the Manna and slams her to the wall with his Telekinesis attack over and over for the sheer fact he got hit., KOing the Manna with one last slam to the ground.
  37. "Jesus fuck..." Soleil gasps in worry as she don't think her brother can beat this Suezo... "Inigo, for once, give up please..." Nevertheless, Inigo don't look worry at all as he wins his next round against Milliam, setting up for the match to decide the outcome of the this tourney as Hailfall finally get a win in this tourney.
  39. Finally, the last match begins with Winston vs Julius..both monsters step up to the arena as Inigo smiles in his confidence basking out of him. Soleil meanwhile, looks worried.
  41. "SO!" Inigo call out to the stoic teen across from him.. "What makes you think you can beat me?"
  42. "...." The black male just stares at Inigo with a bored expression, something that goes over the pretty boy's head.
  44. "Heh, must be scared..." Inigo shakes his head with a smirk. "No matter, I won't show you any mercy!"
  45. the bell rings and just as soon as the match starts, Julius blast Winston to the wall with a Telepathy blast, KOing and shattering some bones in the Jell Hound....
  46. "!!!!!"
  48. "Holy...shit..." Soleil whispers as Medical team go and check on Winston who is in a lot of pain. Inigo is very upset as he walk up and grab the Suezo's breeder by his hoodie
  49. "YOU BASTARD!! HOW DARE YOU DO SUCH A THI-"Inigo get punched in the face by the breeder as both him and his monster take the prize money and walk off to the exit as they are crowned the winner...Soleil watches them walk off and she get the feeling that she will meet them again...
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