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- Chapter 84 is done by an anon and can be found in the following link
- Hero of the Spear's companions
- After getting off the ship, and passing through a hot spring, we arrived at the demon's habitat
- Now then, let's hurry up and level with Motoyasu's women so we can go home......
- Naofumi:"I want you guys to understand that your non-cooperative attitude isn't going to work, you are forced to help because I am a hero."
- Bitch:"I don't need you tell me."
- Woman 1:"Are you an idiot?"
- Naofumi:"......You guys are the fools."
- Good grief, Why do I have to put with these goddamn women to go demon hunting?......
- We are currently in the middle of a Level grinding event.
- I saw several adventurers fighting demons here and there.
- This event feels very similar to ones in net games on Earth.
- Well, the problem is with my companions.
- Naofumi:"Hmm......"
- This area is inhabited by Violet Blobs, Magenta Frogs, Yellow Beetles, and Cactus worms.
- They don't seem very strong.
- As I was analysing the area, a Magenta Frog jumps out of a bush to attack us.
- Naofumi:"Yotto."
- I hit the Magenta Frog's stomach in mid-air with my shield.
- With a splat, the Magenta frog stuck to my shield.
- Naofumi:"Hey"
- I give instructions to Motoyasu's women.
- Bitch:"What do you want?"
- Naofumi:"Use your sword or magic to fight."
- Bitch:"I know!"
- Good grief, if you know then why are you making me explain.
- Bitch:"Fire Slash!"
- Bitch's sword erupts in flame as she recites her magic.
- The fire shoots out from the tip of the sword and tears the Magenta Frog apart.
- 95 Exp acquired.
- Hmm.....As expected, the strength to experience ratio is very good.
- Naofumi:"Now then,for the time being, let's hunt properly."
- Bitch:"......fine."
- Naofumi:"Good grief."
- There is a limit to being uncooperative. Irresponsible participating is fine to some extent, but......
- No matter how much I think about it, there is no way they can become strong like this.
- Naofumi:"Truthfully, I cannot attack on my own-"
- Bitch:"Right. So lame."
- Naofumi:"......Mu!"
- Who the hell is lame!?
- Naofumi:"That reminds me, isn't your hero just a fool who thinks with his lower half and chases any women?"
- Bitch:"What are you saying! Are you going to insult Motoyasu-sama!?"
- Naofumi:"Am I wrong? If I am wrong then tell me how you usually fight."
- Bitch:"Fine, I'll teach you."
- Bitch, Woman 1, and Woman 2. These are Motoyasu's companions.
- Woman 1 uses a sword and seems strong. I can see that her reflexes are good. She is the one who Raphtalia stabbed. Her hair is brown and medium length.
- Woman 2's facial expressions constantly change, and she has a rod. Is she in charge of magic?
- There hasn't been any magic support so far......How do they usually fight?
- When it was Bitch's turn she just disregards her explanation and says.
- Bitch:"Our job is to support Motoyasu-sama in an emergency."
- Naofumi:"What!?"
- I yelled unintentionally.
- What the hell is this bitch saying?
- Woman2:"Other than that, Mal......Whore-sama instructs us to cover Motoyasu-sama with magic."
- Naofumi:"......You don't fight?"
- Woman2:"I'll fight if there is a melee. But, Motoyasu-sama protects us so that won't happen."
- Protecting them......
- I have a headache.
- In other words, while Motoyasu fights, these women just sit back and cheer him on?
- Occasionally supporting with magic......All the fighting is done by Motoyasu?
- Woman1:"That's pretty much it. Sometimes I cut up weak demons with my sword, while she sometimes uses magic."
- Naofumi:"What about Whore?"
- Woman1:" Whore-sama burns them."
- Other than the small fries left for the women, Motoyasu mows down all the stronger enemies.
- That's like a Princess play in Net Games......
- Oh wait, Bitch used to be a princess.
- Bitch:"Motoyasu-sama would always say to us:"Levelling up through such dirty methods does not suit cuties like you."
- Woman1:"Therefore, our fight is to support and restore his spirit."
- Woman2:"Right! So I put my efforts in cleaning equipment and learning support magic."
- Bitch:"It is our duty to heal Motoyasu-sama's spirits afterwards. Every minute and every second of our attention is focused on Motoyasu-sama."
- ......Feels disgusting.
- I just imagine them behind me.
- These women are strong enough to kick around the demons around here...... If they were to participate, would Motoyasu even need to fight?
- Woman1:" I hope that Motoyasu-sama would rely on us a little."
- Woman2:"Right. However, even without our power as support,he is cool."
- Bitch:"Yeah, completely different from the Shield who cannot do anything at all, and has to rely on his companions."
- Everytime Bitch opens her mouth she compares me to Motoyasu.
- Naofumi:"Is that right!? But, right now you are hunting demons with me. I don't know about Motoyasu, but you have to attack for me."
- Bitch:"......You suck."
- Naofumi:"You're the one who sucks!"
- Good greif, does Motoyasu actually enjoy accompanying these three parasites?
- Bitch:"Motoyasu-sama would help us attack theses demons."
- Woman1:"He really is wonderful!"
- All 3:"""I know right~"""
- Bitch:"How can the shield compare? Forcing us to stay and defeat demons for him."
- All 3:"""I know right~"""
- Annoying!
- I want to return already!
- What is wrong with these girls.
- Anyway, they are just putting on appearances for Motoyasu.
- Something like......
- Wonderful! Hold me! Like that?
- I can never understand the charm of such sluts.
- To me it's like, they become the background.
- Suddenly a strong demon appears and I take the lead to engage it!
- A figure fighting with wind and flying freely comes to mind.
- I mean, why am I being severely criticized here?
- It's probably just Bitch and her followers, that influenced Motoyasu in the first place.
- Feels disgusting.
- At least, Bitch, Woman 1, and Woman 2 are fighting with the demon as per my instructions.
- I cannot fight.
- However......Bitch keeps chanting magic and discontinuing it.
- Somehow......It's like she is waiting for something.
- I'm trying to think of a what, but......
- And so, with these feelings 30 minutes has passed. I wonder where shadow went.
- As I engage a demon with my shield, and wait for support magic to come.
- "I am the next queen who commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Target him and-"
- ""I am one who commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature--""
- As they chant an unusually strong spell is about to be activated, Shadow instantly appears behind Bitch and puts a knife to her throat.
- Bitch:"Hie!?"
- Shadow:"Whore-dono and companions, your magic is giving off too much blood-thirst dogojaruyo."
- Bitch:"W-We did not do anything. Just co-operating with the shield."
- Shadow:"That's not what it looks like degojaru."
- Naofumi:"What's wrong?"
- Bitch stops her magic as Shadow watches her closely.
- Shadow:"A while ago I heard her muttering to herself degojaru."
- Naofumi:"And? Did you understand it?"
- Shadow:"I did degojaru."
- Naofumi:"What was it?"
- Shadow:"Seems to be about investigating the limits of the slave crest degojaru."
- Naofumi:"Ah......I see."
- There were several conditions on the slave crest that prevent certain actions.
- I understand because I tried it with Raphtalia and Firo.
- Since Raphtalia is strong, it occasionally went off when she was overly familiar with me.
- Forgetting about the mark is easy since I don't use it.
- Shadow:"The queen does not use contract slaves deogjarukara. She seems to be searching for a loop-hole degojarou."
- The queen's conditions. Possibly......
- I recall the conditions the queen set up.
- βThe condition is attacking Iwatani-sama. Whether by direct attack with magic or indirect attack with poison, nothing is allowed!β
- An attack aimed at me......If there was one......
- Naofumi:"Were they targeting the demon with magic while I was in the way, so that the attack would hit me?"
- Shadow:"That is correct degojaru."
- Bitch:"Y-you're wrong!"
- Shadow:"Then why did you stop and move to cancel your spells earlier degojaru?"
- Bitch:"Th-That is because......It was not to involve the shield in anything!"
- What a desperate excuse.
- Woman1&2:"That's right! We just cast magic according to the Shield's instructions!""
- Shadow:"That spell I stopped earlier was at full power degojaruna."
- Bitch:"There was no other way to defeat the demon!"
- I wonder......
- In fact, not even 5 Cactus Worms can wound me a little.
- Frankly, they are all small fries.
- They would instantly become Firo's food.
- Shadow:"It doesn't hurt for Hero of the Shield-dono degojaru?"
- Naofumi:"Not at all."
- Shadow:"Quite sturdy deogjaruna......"
- Shadow just said something in a goofy voice.
- Shadow:"Anyway, it doesn't seem like you are reflecting degojaruna."
- Bitch:"I didn't know!"
- Bitch has been completely seen through.
- Shadow leaks a sigh.
- Shadow:"Can't be helped degojaruna."
- She extends her index finger and activates a status magic.
- Bitch's slave crest appears.
- Bitch:"Eh!? Why!?"
- Shadow:"The queen has entrusted former princess Bitch's slave control to me degojaru."
- Well, that's just how it is.
- Bitch:"Kyaaaaaaaaaa!"
- The pattern glows and Bitch rolls on the floor in pain.
- Seriously......To do something so stupid.
- Woman 1 and 2 are pale as they watch.
- Shadow:"I hope you understand degojaruka, treat Hero-dono with respect, or else I'll punish you until you understand degojaruyo. After, I'll notify the queen degojaru."
- Bitch:"Th-That's--"
- Shadow:"If you understand then obediently listen to Hero of the Shield-dono degojaruyo."
- The women held their breath.
- A minute of punishment is not enough. I am also reaching my limits.
- Naofumi:"Shadow."
- Shadow:" What degojaru?"
- Naofumi:"I am reaching the limits of my patience."
- Shdaow:"......"
- Shadow seems to think about my promise with the queen anxiously.
- Naofumi:"Shadow, please remove all prohibitions on Bitch temporarily."
- Shadow:"I have to report what you do to the former princess you know degojaru?"
- Naofumi:"Yeah, I know. Hey, Bitch. You really want to kill me? I'll keep you company. Let's not play with unnecessary strategies."
- Bitch:"Ku......"
- As the restraints from the slave crest are lifted, Bitch stares at me with intense hatred.
- Naofumi:"Hey, Bring it."
- If you attack in close proximity I'll burn you with Wrath Shield.
- Naofumi:"Ah, just Bitch. Hey guys,just watch."
- Woman 1:"Ah, sure......"
- Woman 2:"O-Okay."
- Woman 1 and 2 nod and withdraw.
- Bitch:"I'll absolutely kill you with this!"
- While glaring at me, Bitch doesn't even conceal her killing intent and activates her magic.
- "I am the next queen who commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a law of nature. Burn him to a crisp with the fires of hell!"
- That magic......Well, it's an appropriate selection. It's probably Bitch's strongest magic.
- Now then, I wonder what magic will shoot out.
- "Doraifa γ»Hellfire!"
- Bitch summons a gigantic fireball in front of her.
- Bitch:"Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
- I prepare my shield to catch the fireball speeding towards me.
- Naofumi:"Are you a retard? Your strongest magic is only this---What!?"
- Bitch:"Uuaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
- The ball of flame hits my shield and just like a baseball against a bat, it's shot back at Bitch.
- Until now, fighting in various ways and gaining experience, I have discovered that receiving magic at a specific angle deflects it.
- So I thought it might be possible to reflect it back at the opponent.
- That retard, shooting magic in a straight line, caused me to remember about it.
- Bitch:"St-Stay away------gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
- Bitch is swallowed by the flames and throws herself on the ground to roll.
- Naofumi:"Hahaha, you burn well!"
- This is refreshing. Watching Bitch struggle.
- Oh man. I wasn't content when the queen selfishly imposed penalties.
- Finally I punished her with my own hands.
- Woman2:"Mal.....Bitch-sama!"
- Woman2 casts water magic to put out Bitch.
- Woman2:"Raising your hand against a girl, you are the worst!"
- Naofumi:"You reap what you sow right? She wasn't even thinking about her magic getting rebounded."
- Woman 2 applies healing magic on Bitch to heal her wounds.
- Well, there's no way that can be cured easily.
- Shadow:"Now then, I will impose the penalty degojaru."
- Bitch:"GyaaaGuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"
- Bitch rolls over from the double whammy slave crest and the burns.
- Woman2:"Wait a minute, this is too cruel!"
- Shadow:"Punishment is punishment degojaru. Furthermore, I will notify Hero of the Spear-dono to increase the penalties degojaru, Prepare yourself degojaruyo."
- Woman2:"Unbelievable!"
- Naofumi:"Well then, shall we continue hunting?"
- Woman2:"Who would follow you!?"
- Woman2 shoulders Bitch and leaves without permission.
- Naofumi:"Sure. Go away!"
- This was completely her fault. Shadow seems to understand and speaks in a delicate voice.
- Shadow:"The queen expected something like this degojaruga......At least this much."
- Naofumi:"By the way, since they are useless now, shall we kill some time together?'
- Shadow:"......Haah. I understand degojaru. I am a poor substitution, but I will co-operate with Hero of the Shield-dono degojaruyo."
- Naofumi:"Oh? You're going to help?"
- Shadow:"If such a situation was to happen, I was ordered to assist degojaru."
- Naofumi:"You are quite prepared."
- Could have prevented this from even happening......
- In the first place, was exchanging parties even necessary?
- Woman1:" Hey......"
- My shoulder was tapped as I was talking to shadow.
- Naofumi:"Hm?"
- When I turn around I see Woman 1 with her arms crossed unpleasantly.
- Naofumi:"What's wrong? You didn't return?"
- Woman1:"Return? Don't joke around. That would trouble Motoyasu-sama."
- Naofumi:"Ehh......"
- Somehow she seems to be strong-minded, I don't think she would return even if she hated it.
- Compared to Bitch and Woman 2, it looks like she has a sense of responsibility,.
- Woman1:" Haah......It was a lot to stand, trying to match up to those children."
- Woman1 declares unpleasantly while scratching her head.
- What's that?
- Woman1:"Don't misunderstand alright? I still hate the Hero of the Shield."
- Naofumi:"I was just wondering if you were like those foolish women, you seem to be a bit different."
- Woman1:"......That's rude. I am honest to myself. I don't want to fight, and if possible I would like to live luxuriously. The mission of Heroes or the World's fate doesn't matter to me."
- Naofumi:"I agree with that."
- If I could I would instantly throw out such a mission. In fact, I would rather not participate in the wave at all.
- Woman1:"Do you understand? If I return here, it would be impossible to live luxuriously."
- Naofumi:"You are very calculative."
- Woman1:"You're annoying. I love taking it easy in the shadow of someone strong. But that's it."
- Naofumi:"And what's the reason for not returning?"
- Woman1:" You are strong as well. Though I hate it, I will follow you."
- Knitting her eyebrows in seriousness Woman 1 answers unpleasantly.
- Woman1:" I do not discriminate against the strong."
- Naofumi:'What strange logic."
- Woman1:"Don't say that. So what now. I didn't cause any problems. So my stock with Motoyasu-sama should go up. I would rather not be in the same position as that parasitic princess."
- I see.
- They exist in my world as well. This fellow.
- The women getting involved in delinquent groups in school, following those who are strong. Probably.
- Following the leader around, receiving the overflow.
- Generally the types to think in the long-term and take it easy.
- Since I am Japanese, I can understand to some extent.
- Woman1:"I think that former princess would abandon Motoyasu-sama at a suitable time. I don't think Motoyasu-sama likes troublesome women, and there will be a limit to how much he can cherish women."
- There is a possibility that Motoyasu would trust those that didn't cause problems over the ones that do.
- As for Motoyasu's part, Bitch seems to be at the top of the pecking order.
- Is she aiming for an usurpation?
- Woman1:" My father is a noble who earned his rank by distinguishing himself in the military, and my mother is the daughter of a merchant who made a fortune in business. When you haggled to buy that accessory I was amazed. Though it is the worse to haggle using blackmail when buying something for a girl."
- Naofumi:"Yeah yeah."
- Let's just disregard it, because I'm getting angry just remembering.
- Woman1:"I also understand the point of this. I will analyse how the Hero of the Shield fights and report to Motoyasu-sama everything."
- Naofumi:"......You really are aiming for being the best."
- Woman1:"Let's leave it at that. Let's resume hunting quickly."
- I have no choice but to change my evaluation of Woman 1.
- She is calculating, but unlike Bitch she doesn't seem to gain pleasure from looking down on others.
- I'm thinking about Bitch again.
- I feel she can be trusted in business. I don't want to trust as a friend though.
- Naofumi:"Well the headcount is the same as before. Shadow, do you accept?"
- Shadow:"I understand degojaruyo......"
- I send a party invitation to Shadow and remove Woman 2 and Bitch. Thus we resume our demon extermination.
- Woman 1 was a magic warrior so she could fight up close or far away.
- Shadow is a very swift attacker. As expected of this country's assassination corps, quite strong.
- By the way, they are not slaves so I cannot see their status or levels, so I can't tell what level they are.
- Woman1:" You really are sturdy. I am surprised at how different you fight compared to Motoyasu-sama."
- Woman 1 says while defeating a demon.
- From the conversation a while ago, I know that they only cheer on Motoyasu from the rear.
- Woman1:" However...... That Raccoon woman is reliable."
- Raccoon woman......Raphtalia?
- If she hears that then she would probably make a delicate expression.
- By the way, Woman 1 is good at using me as a shield.
- She observes the demons well, and uses adjusts in battle, she is accustomed to fighting.
- The way she is pushing everything on me while fighting is pretty efficient, compared to Raphtalia and Firo who try to do everything themselves.
- It's not a good feeling when pressed against a demon though.
- However, she is not as good at ranged, she is distracted while chanting magic. Shadow had to defend her several times.
- Demons are defeated, dismantled, and absorbed into the shield.
- Woman1:"Hooh...... You can absorb the dismantled demons into your weapon?"
- Naofumi:"Motoyasu doesn't know about it?"
- Woman1:"He doesn't do it usually. Only on big game, like a Chimera or a strong demon."
- Motoyasu should have absorbed some demon parts into his spear.......Does he not bother with meat and bone?
- But, that doesn't really make sense.
- I have unsealed most of the basic shields. Therefore, my ability has risen considerably.
- The Meat system is inferior to the Bone system if released.
- That must be why I cannot beat Motoyasu unless I use the Wrath Shield.
- Of course, it could also be due to the fact that I started leveling late, but I can feel the difference between Motoyasu and my basic specs.
- The same could be said for Ren and Itsuki.
- It is funny that I thought the shield was weak a while ago.
- At least in present conditions, the shield isn't inferior to any of the other weapons.
- Or is it because in-game terms, we are still in the early stages?
- ......I don't know.
- Naofumi:"Oh right, there was something I wanted to ask."
- Woman1:"What is it?"
- Naofumi:"Were you Motoyasu's first party member?"
- For some reason that memory is very vague.
- But if I remember correctly, then it wasn't her.
- Woman1:"No I'm not."
- Naofumi:"Ah, is that so?"
- Woman1:"I joined Motoyasu-sama one week after I started adventuring. When I entered the only other man in the party left."
- Naofumi:" I see."
- Woman1:"The former princess and her lackey tormented him until he left. Anyone who joined after me was antagonized."
- I see, if you don't pretend to be stupid then Bitch would torment you until you disappear.
- What an unpleasant party managed by women.
- Are real harems like that?
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